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Chapter 275: Fighting Shaolin, gaining fame in vain

In addition to this place, there were dozens of places in Xiangyang where quarrels broke out. Some people chose to continue to serve the Song Dynasty, while others chose to completely side with Zhang Junbao.

The news naturally spread to Lin'an City. Jia Sidao was sitting on the armchair at this time, reading the intelligence sent by the spy with a serious face.

As he read, he couldn't help but reach out and slap the Huanghuali tea table beside him, making a loud noise. The maids serving beside him couldn't help but show horror in their eyes. One of the maids couldn't help but gently touch the criss-crossed hideous scars on her back, clenched her silver teeth, and forced herself not to make any sound.

Recently, Prime Minister Jia has become more and more manic. Not only does he lose his temper suddenly, but he also begins to abuse the servants in the mansion. Even when the Mongols invaded the Song Dynasty, they had never seen Prime Minister like this.

The violent shock caused the tea table to shake, and a teacup fell to the ground with the shaking, breaking into countless porcelain fragments, splashing water and soaking Jia Sidao's boots.

If someone in the future saw this scene, they would definitely be heartbroken, because the teacup used by Jia Sidao was the best official Ru kiln porcelain, and it was the best one among them, which could definitely be called a priceless treasure.

But Jia Sidao didn't even look at the teacup, and didn't even notice that the warm tea was seeping through his boots onto his feet.

His mind was completely attracted by the intelligence in front of him.

"How dare they, how dare they!

A bunch of beasts, taking the court's salary, actually dared to betray the court.

These people should be executed, leaving no one alive, all dead!"

The online report recorded the information that made Jia Sidao's blood pressure rise. There were twelve groups of spies who were clearly going to sever ties with the court and officially become warriors under Zhang Junbao.

You know, he sent out countless people in the past few months, and finally 38 groups of spies successfully joined the forces of Xiangyang City. And it has only been a short time, and one-third of the spies were directly instigated by Zhang Junbao to sever ties with the court.

This is undoubtedly a serious matter for Jia Sidao.

During this period, there has been a constant stream of information about Zhang Junbao, each one more exaggerated and terrifying than the last, which makes Jia Sidao's nerves tense all day long.

And his several plans all failed in front of Zhang Junbao. The first was to discredit Zhang Junbao's reputation. He did this very hard, but it didn't work at all.

He had mobilized all the resources of the Southern Song Dynasty and all the intelligence systems, and used various methods to discredit Zhang Junbao throughout the world, and was bound to pull him down from the altar.

But the problem was that there were too many people who liked Zhang Junbao. The storytellers, the soldiers who retired from Xiangyang City, and the people he had saved, all of these people spared no effort to publicize Zhang Junbao's deeds. The defeat of the Mongolian soldiers was a real thing. As long as the interested people understood it, they would immediately become Zhang Junbao's loyal fans.

He sent one person to discredit Zhang Junbao, and immediately ten people stood up to say good things about Zhang Junbao.

Public opinion propaganda is about traffic, even in ancient times. The traffic of discrediting Zhang Junbao is far less powerful than Junbao's blowing, so his plan to discredit Zhang Junbao naturally ended in failure.

The second plan was to use the power of the country to directly send the masters of the imperial palace to infiltrate the interior of Xiangyang City and obtain the inheritance of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

This was very smooth. Zhang Junbao opened the door widely. In addition to the descendants of Shaolin Temple, everyone who could gain a foothold in Xiangyang City could learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

But the problem was that although those masters of the imperial palace could learn the knowledge of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, they only brought back a copy of the Golden Elixir Peiyuan Jue.

As for the Golden Elixir Martial Arts created by these masters of the imperial palace, there were some, but unfortunately, they were useless when practiced, and their power was not as good as the Golden Elixir Peiyuan Jue.

He sent so many masters of the imperial palace just to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts and then rely on the power of the court to promote it and cultivate his own army of masters as his own strength.

Jia Sidao knew very well that the advantage he had was the resources of the court. In his mind, as long as he cultivated enough martial arts masters, he would have the confidence to fight Zhang Junbao even if he met him.

After all, ants can bite to death. As long as the number is in place, even gods can be destroyed!

But a book of Jindan Peiyuan Jue is useless. This thing is used to build the foundation. The internal force trained is very tepid. Without twenty years of practice, even a set of iron armor cannot be broken. It is not enough to train a master who can satisfy Jia Sidao.

Jia Sidao is almost crazy. Zhang Junbao is simply unyielding. He only teaches the great way, not martial arts. He is so cautious. Who is he guarding against? Who is he guarding against?

It can't be guarding against me!

Jia Sidao stood up and walked back and forth in the room, extremely irritated.

He knew in his heart that there was only one way to deal with it now, that is, to use the imperial power to oppress Zhang Junbao.

He admitted that there was an element of gambling, but Jia Sidao had no other choice.

As long as the emperor issued an imperial decree to ask for the martial arts secrets, he didn't believe that Zhang Junbao would dare not give it.

All under heaven is the king's land, and all the people are the king's subjects. He, Zhang Junbao, did have great achievements, but as long as he didn't want to tear his face with the court and become a rebel who would be infamous for thousands of years, he had to complete the emperor's order.

"Come here, prepare the sedan chair, I want to go to the palace to see the emperor!"

The nobles in Lin'an were very anxious, but there was another place in the world where people were more anxious than them.

That was Shaolin Temple.

Shaolin Temple was filled with a pessimistic atmosphere. The faces of the monks walking around were blank and lifeless. Everyone was in a daze, as if possessed by evil spirits.

This time was the evening class for the monks. Usually, countless monks would gather in the martial arts training ground at this time to practice boxing and stance under the leadership of Wuxiang Zen Master, the head of Luohan Hall.

But today the martial arts training ground was empty, with no one.

Wuxiang Zen Master stood alone in the square, with anger in his eyes, but soon changed into a sigh.

"Forget it!

If you don't want to come, then don't come.

What's the use of learning anyway?

No one can beat you in the world."

As Wuxiang Zen Master sighed, another bald head rose from behind him.

"Brother, please accept my condolences. It is understandable that the disciples are unwilling to come to class. Their confidence has been hit so hard that they need some time to adjust their mood. Don't blame them too much."

The visitor was the Colorless Zen Master. He was holding a diamond ring knife that was broken into two pieces in his hand, and his expression was a little lonely.

The huge blow he mentioned was an incident that happened a few days ago.

A few days ago, a sallow-faced man suddenly knocked on the door of Shaolin Temple. The identity of this man was very familiar to all the people in Shaolin Temple. He was a third-rate master in the world, Juechendao Li Huan.

This person had come to Shaolin and wanted to become a Shaolin disciple, but was rejected by Shaolin because of his poor qualifications.

If it was to accept ordinary monks, Shaolin Temple would not have any qualification requirements,

but if you want to become a Shaolin martial monk, then there are rigid requirements for qualifications.

Li Huan's talent was very ordinary, and he did not meet the Shaolin Temple's standard for accepting disciples.

Because he did not give any gifts and kept pestering, he was humiliated by the Shaolin Temple monk who was responsible for accepting disciples: "With your talent, you are not suitable for martial arts at all. Go home and farm. Why come to my Shaolin Temple to join in the fun..."

Li Huan regarded this matter as a great shame and swore in front of everyone that he must make Shaolin Temple feel such shame and repay today's shame.

Li Huan's roots were indeed ordinary, and he could only be considered a little stronger than ordinary people.

However, Li Huan was very perseverant. Since Shaolin would not accept him, he relied on his own efforts to learn swordsmanship everywhere. What he learned were the most crude swordsmanship in the world. He first learned one sword, and after practicing one sword to perfection, he learned another sword, until he practiced ten swordsmanship.

Although the sword techniques he learned were very superficial, they also had their own mysteries. Under his comprehension, ten swords turned into one sword, and he comprehended a unique martial art, the Dust-free Sword.

However, even so, Li Huan was still only a third-rate master, and he would retreat when he saw Shaolin masters in the martial arts world.

Because except for some special cases, any Shaolin monk who could walk in the martial arts world was at least a second-rate master, and he, Li Huan, could not beat him at all.

This made Li Huan a joke in Shaolin Temple, and often became a funny topic among Shaolin monks.

But just a few days ago, this joke finally changed. Although it was still a joke, the subject of the joke changed, from Dust-free Sword Li Huan to Shaolin monks.

That day, Li Huan relied on a narrow Dust-free Sword to fight all the way from the gate of Shaolin Temple to the Great Hall, and no one was his opponent.

A sword was enough for a monk to stop him, a sword was enough for the head monk to stop him, a sword was enough for the abbot to stop him, and even the three masters of the Hui generation could not stop Li Huan's steps, and were beaten by Li Huan until they vomited blood.

Fighting all the way to the golden statue of the Buddha, Li Huan directly inserted the sword into the altar, and then smashed the hoe on his back onto the altar.

"I once said that I would repay the shame of that day one day and make your Shaolin Temple lose face.

Today I am here to fulfill my promise.

You said in the past that my qualifications were not suitable for martial arts, so it would be better for me to go home and farm.

Now that you can't even beat me, why don't you disband Shaolin Temple?

It's quite suitable for you monks to farm together, at least there will be some output. Otherwise, it would be a waste of social resources for a bunch of waste to live."

How could the Shaolin monks bear this grievance? They all used their best skills to fight Li Huan. Countless people rushed forward, and their true energy condensed into a net, determined to capture this arrogant little thief.

But Li Huan was not afraid at all. He stretched out his hand and waved it. The Juechen Knife in his hand had a lot of knife shadows. In an instant, thousands of knife shadows were transformed, directly splitting the true energy net.

The khaki knife aura chopped out along the Juechen Knife, leaving hideous scars on the bodies of the Shaolin monks.

Even Abbot Tianming did not escape this disaster. He was stabbed in the chest and abdomen, and blood flowed out.

Li Huan laughed again: "Shaolin Temple is known as the martial arts Zen sect and the leader of the righteous way. Now it is just a false reputation.

If it weren't for the fact that Master Zhang didn't like killing and forbade us to kill people other than foreign races, I would have to massacre Shaolin today."

After saying this, Li Huan turned around and left, but no one in Shaolin Temple dared to stop him.

The reason why Li Huan was able to make such a huge progress was, of course, because he went to Xiangyang City and learned the golden elixir martial arts taught by Zhang Junbao.

He was able to comprehend a third-rate martial arts with ten basic sword techniques. His talent was not weak. In just over a month, his martial arts had changed drastically. His Juechen sword even transformed into Jindan martial arts.

After that day, the backbone of Shaolin Temple was broken. Everyone knew that if they could not learn Jindan martial arts, then no matter how much they practiced martial arts, it would be in vain. A lifetime of hard practice would not even be as good as one or two months of hard work by others.

After that day, the monks became listless in practicing martial arts, and even Master Wuxiang could not stand it. Such practice would not only have no effect, but also make others laugh at it.

So he directly ordered that morning and evening classes would no longer be mandatory. Those who were willing to come would come, and those who were unwilling to come would not come.

Unexpectedly, the next day after he gave the order, there was not even a monk willing to attend the evening class.

Master Wuxiang looked into the distance. Through the mottled courtyard wall, there was a small house in that direction. It was where Master Jueyuan and his disciples once lived.

His eyes were filled with complicated emotions: "Brother, do you think we really did something wrong? If we were just a little gentler at the beginning, would everything be different now?"

The abbot Tianming standing aside also touched his head: "What's the point of saying these things? We have already done it. Can we still regret it?"

Although he said so, the abbot Tianming couldn't help thinking how good it would be if Zhang Junbao had not been forced away at the beginning.

Originally, everything that Xiangyang City has now should belong to Shaolin.

The Golden Elixir Martial Arts belongs to Shaolin, the martial arts legend of flying swords also belongs to Shaolin, the credit for defeating the Mongols belongs to Shaolin, the young hero who saved the world also belongs to Shaolin, the reputation of the world's first divine sect belongs to Shaolin, and the eternal martial arts ancestor also belongs to Shaolin.

Originally, all the honors should belong to Shaolin, but now not only has everything become empty, but Shaolin has also become the biggest victim.

No matter whether they are righteous or evil, as long as they are not the evildoers who have done so many bad things and are recorded on the black list of Xiangyang City, they can go to Xiangyang City to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

Only his Shaolin Sect, all the thousands of people in the sect are forbidden to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, so that this once the world's largest sect can now be bullied by any cat or dog.

Under Zhang Junbao's ban, none of the major sects that were once friendly dared to send masters to help Shaolin Temple.

Even those major sects secretly laughed at Shaolin Temple for not knowing the value of gold and jade, and that such a unicorn child appeared in the sect, not only could not be controlled, but also offended him so badly.

Especially after knowing that the reason why Shaolin Temple forced Zhang Junbao away was just because of a book of Shaolin Luohan Fist, he laughed his teeth off.

What the hell is Luohan Fist? It's a common thing on the street. It's really picking up sesame seeds and losing watermelons.

Abbot Tianming turned to look at Master Wu Se who was standing aside and still staring at the broken knife in his hand: "Brother, this will not work. The thousand-year foundation of Shaolin Temple must not be destroyed in our hands.

I remember that Zhang Junbao's attitude towards you was quite good at the beginning. He even said hello to you when he left Shaolin Temple.

The whole Shaolin Temple looks at you and Master Jueyuan differently, which is quite rare.

Brother, I have an idea. Otherwise, you can take Master Jueyuan with you to Xiangyang City to visit Zhang Junbao, and by the way, see if you can obtain the inheritance of Jindan martial arts from Zhang Junbao in the name of Master Jueyuan."

Master Wu Se's face changed: "Brother Abbot, I can't take on such a big responsibility. When Zhang Junbao was wronged, I thought about helping him, but I didn't do it after all. In this way, I am the same as the other people who did it at that time. What's the difference between him and other monks?

How can he go to Xiangyang City to visit Zhang Junbao?

Besides, Zhang Junbao spread the great Dao in the world, although everyone kept it a secret from my Shaolin Temple. Even if my Shaolin tried its best, it could only get a few words of inheritance.

But this is not a problem. With the connections and strength of my Shaolin Temple in the world, it only takes time to get the complete inheritance of Jindan martial arts. Why rush for a moment?

Besides, Abbot, do you think Master Jueyuan will stand on our side and help us to calculate his precious disciple? "

Master Wu Se refused Abbot Tianming without thinking. He could really feel that Zhang Junbao treated him differently from other Shaolin monks and would be closer to him. Before leaving Shaolin Temple, Zhang Junbao said a few words to him in addition to Master Jueyuan.

He speculated that this should be because when Zhang Junbao was besieged by the monks of Shaolin Temple, he never took action, and he still had the idea of ​​secretly helping Zhang Junbao in his heart.

After all, with the supernatural powers shown by Zhang Junbao, such a small supernatural power as detecting other people's emotions is simply not worth mentioning to him.

However, Master Wu Se did not want to take advantage of this closeness. In his opinion, Shaolin Temple owed Zhang Junbao, so what qualifications did he have to ask Zhang Junbao to pass on the inheritance to Shaolin.

Abbot Tianming sighed and said, "Brother, you are wrong. You must know that in the world of martial arts, if you are slow, you will be slow all the way.

Once my Shaolin Temple falls behind others, it will be too difficult to catch up later.

Not to mention that even if my Shaolin Temple can obtain the complete inheritance of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, will those cunning and cunning people in the world pass on the real essence to my Shaolin? Even if I try my best to get it, it will only be the foot washing water they don't want.

In this way, how can my Shaolin Temple maintain its position as the leader of the martial arts world?

As for Master Jueyuan, you don't have to worry about it. It doesn't matter whether he is willing to help our Shaolin Temple or not. You used to take him to Xiangyang City in the name of visiting Zhang Junbao. After arriving in Xiangyang, you only need to use his name. You know that Jueyuan is very soft-hearted and stupid. He won't expose you.

And with the relationship between my Shaolin Temple and Zhang Junbao, even if Zhang Junbao finds out the truth, what does it matter? Anyway, the relationship is so bad that it can't be any worse. What do we have to fear?

Besides, Junior Brother Wu Se, you have been looking at your broken knife these days. I believe you still care about losing to Jue Chen Dao Li Huan. If you don't go to Zhang Junbao, I'm afraid you will be suppressed by Li Huan for the rest of your life. And not only Li Huan, but any famous person in the world can ride on your head and you will never be able to turn over! "

After saying this, Abbot Tianming put his hand on Master Wu Se's shoulder and stared at him with a pleading look on his face.

Master Wu Se was stunned. He looked up at Abbot Tianming, then at Master Wu Xiang who was also expecting, and didn't speak for seven or eight seconds.

After a long time, he nodded: "In that case, I'll go to Xiangyang this time."

After saying this, he put his hand on his chest and sang Namo Amitabha, without even looking at Abbot Tianming and Master Wu Xiang, and at the same time closed his mouth without saying a word.

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