All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 276 The plan begins, heading to Kirishima

Time is like a wheel, flying forward all the time.

The chat group has been extremely peaceful these days, and the group members are all working hard to practice. Although everyone in the group is still chatting very enthusiastically, nothing major has happened.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was practicing seriously, the chat group panel suddenly kept beating, and countless messages scrolled down the screen.

Luo Feng (Martial Arts Apprentice): "Looking at my outfit, can you recognize my true appearance?"

Along with this news, Luo Feng also sent a picture.

In the picture, there is a man in black robes, wearing a gold-plated iron mask in the shape of an evil spirit. He looks very mysterious.

This man in black robe is naturally Luo Feng. This black robe completely covers his body.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "Of course I can't recognize you. Once you put on your black robe and mask, who can recognize who you are."

Yang Chan was currently listening to Taoist Duobao's lecture at Sanqing Academy. The content of his lecture was to explain the basic knowledge of practicing the Perfect Method.

In fact, Taoist Duobao's course should have taught his disciples how to practice the "Yuqing Dao Song" that Master Tongtian understood.

However, Yang Chan's group of disciples have just entered school, so Taoist Duobao must lay a solid foundation for them first.

Yang Chan was a little sleepy after listening to this class. If she compared her understanding of the Perfect Dharma, Taoist Duobao couldn't catch up with her even if he tried to flatter her.

Half of Taoist Duobao's understanding of the Perfect Dharma came from the teachings of Master Tongtian, and the other half was gained through his own efforts. At this point in time in the prehistoric world, the knowledge he gained can indeed be regarded as top-notch.

But compared to the original true explanations in Yang Chan's hands, the grass-character sword tactics and other perfect methods that are rooted in Miaohong, those things understood by Taoist Duobao are full of mistakes.

This is normal. After all, cultivators in the prehistoric world are still in the groping stage for the perfect method, and what Yang Chan has learned is the essence accumulated over countless years in the perfect world.

Yang Chan felt a little sleepy after hearing this, and sat on the futon with eyes blankly in the water.

Han Li also saw this news, and he was a little proud, because he was the one who made this black robe.

Han Li (Qixuanmen Divine Doctor): "Don't worry, the black robe I made not only has the effect of concealing your aura, but it is also extremely tough and will not be easily damaged. It will definitely be able to protect your identity."

Luo Feng (Martial Arts Apprentice): "Of course I'm relieved. I've tried it just now. Han Li, your skills are really good. I couldn't tear this black robe apart even with the power of the High God of War. With it, I Then I can implement my plan with confidence.”

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "So, are you ready to take action?

It's been a bit boring these days. Come on, madman, and make some big noise! "

Little Girl (Echoed Star Killer God): "Brother Mingfei is right. I have been on the road these days and I am almost bored to death. I want to watch the live broadcast!"

The little girl is still on her way to the Big Dipper. Traveling across stars in the world of Zhetian is a very time-consuming task. She needs to continuously travel through the stars, and then find the five-color altar to teleport.

The little girl has no intention of exploring these passing planets. She must rush to the Big Dipper. Her brother is still waiting for her to save him. Only the foundation of the Big Dipper can give her the strength to compete with the Yuhua Dynasty.

Continuously rushing on the road is very boring, so the little girl wants to watch the live broadcast to kill the boring time.

Xiao Nannan said so, so Xiao Shi Hao naturally followed suit.

His life has been very peaceful recently. The Virtual God Realm has been destroyed by him, and with the protection of Maoqiu and Liushen in the wilderness, no one dares to mess with him.

Although he also likes such a peaceful life, if there is excitement to watch, he will naturally not miss it.

Shi Hao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "Okay, I want to see a river of blood! (Monkey claps.jpg)"

Luo Feng looked at the messages in the group and shook his head with a smile. The group members in the chat group are really a group of excellent people, but they have one shortcoming: they like to watch the fun too much.

Luo Feng (Martial Arts Apprentice): "Come on, come on, I have another subject to take a test later. After the test is over, I will set off to Australia to find Kirishima."

After finishing speaking, Luo Feng put away his black robe and iron mask, picked up paper and pen and went out.

Today is June 9th, which is also the exam time for mathematics, the last subject of the college entrance examination.

In another timeline, today he had a headache due to the awakening of his spiritual power and was unable to complete the math test. In the end, he ended up with a score that was a few points away from the first line.

Luo Feng didn't care about the college entrance examination scores at all. With his current strength, there was no need to go to any university. However, Luo Feng still planned to complete this exam well and bring an end to his life of more than ten years.

Sitting in the examination room, Luo Feng's writing was flying. The questions on the test paper were really too simple for him now.

This is because he has practiced Yangshen Taoism. Although he has not yet transcended the tribulation and become a ghost immortal, his powerful soul allows his thinking to run much faster than ordinary people. The answers to once obscure questions can now be answered with just a thought.

In fact, it was not only today's math test, but also other subject tests in the past few days. Especially the memory-related subjects, Luo Feng did it even more easily.

You should know that Luo Feng's original grades were enough to get into the top science schools, not to mention that he now has the blessing of Yangshen Taoism, and his ability to answer questions has improved by leaps and bounds. Luo Feng has a hunch that his grades will be amazing.

Soon, Luo Feng finished the math test paper. He waited for a while, and when the time for early submission of the test paper came, he directly handed in the test paper and left the test room without looking back.

For his cool style, other candidates in the test room are no longer surprised.

In the past few days, Luo Feng handed in his test paper directly when the time for early submission came.

Many candidates secretly muttered in their hearts that this person must be a poor student, and he only came to the exam to show off, so that he could hand in the test paper early in every exam.

However, because Luo Feng's behavior was too cool, many candidates in the same test room also remembered his name.

After leaving the examination room, Luo Feng felt relaxed. The past ten years of hard study ended today. Everything that happened yesterday has become the past. From today on, he will embark on a magnificent adventure.

This feeling of sweeping away the dust in his heart made Luo Feng's thoughts clear, and the soul in his mind became stronger.

Then Luo Feng quietly left Jiangnan Base City and came to a secluded place outside the wilderness. Then he waved his hand and the black robe iron mask appeared on him.

Going to Australia to find the fog island is the first step of his plan.

Since the Australian continent has become a paradise for ferocious beasts, the only way to go to the Australian continent is to take a private aircraft.

With Luo Feng's current status, he naturally can't get this kind of private aircraft, but he has a versatile group of friends.

He flipped his hand, and a black maglev car appeared beside him.

At this time, the maglev car was Xu Chenzhou's favorite limited edition maglev car Tianchi. Lei Jue.

The control of weapons on the Blue Water Planet is quite strict. Ordinary civilians can't even buy guns, so Xu Chenzhou naturally can't buy a fighter plane that can fly on the planet.

But fortunately, his maglev car is enough to meet Luo Feng's needs. This maglev car uses the most advanced technology on the Blue Water Planet. The body is made of dragon blood alloy. It has extremely strong defense and can resist the full-strength attack of a third-level extraordinary warrior. The energy generator in the car can also open a defensive stance.

This defensive force field can not only resist physical attacks, but also has a special effect on energy attacks, which can deflect the trajectory of energy attacks. However, if Li Yao's laser cannon that was used to bombard Luo Feng encounters this car, it will instantly misfire.

Because the laser cannon will be deflected by the defensive force field before attacking the maglev car, and it is impossible to attack the body of Tianchi Leijue.

It can be said that if Luo Feng takes out this car on Earth, it will definitely make the congressman-level strong men dumbfounded. What kind of thing is this? It can't be hit at all.

In addition to its defensive performance, Tianchi Leijue's other performance is also very strong. Its maximum suspension height can be 5,000 meters above the ground. Under normal conditions, its speed can reach 330 meters per second, almost reaching the speed of sound.

Of course, this speed is not the limit of Tianchi Leijue, but the passengers in the car who maintain this speed range have the most comfortable riding experience.

Xu Chenzhou has tested a coin standing on the handle of the seat at the normal limit speed. No matter how it accelerates or decelerates or makes a sharp turn, the coin will not shake at all.

If the restrictions are unlocked, the speed of Tianchi Leijue will be terrible. Under extreme conditions, it can reach six times the speed of sound, that is, 7,344 kilometers per hour.

This is why the price of Xu Chenzhou's magnetic levitation car can reach tens of millions. You get what you pay for. It is expensive for a reason.

Of course, if it reaches six times the speed of sound, the physical load on the passengers in the car will be extremely terrifying, because at six times the speed of sound, Tianchi Leijue will put all his energy into the power system, and all the energy such as shock absorption and balance force field will be turned off. Even the physical fitness of many first- and second-level extraordinary warriors cannot support the compound of six times the speed of sound.

And Luo Feng's physical fitness at this time is also unable to withstand the maximum speed of Tianchi Leijue. He tried a little and kept the speed of Tianchi Leijue constant at three times the speed of sound. In fact, this speed is fast enough, with a speed of 3,672 kilometers per hour.

At this speed, it only takes him two or three hours to fly from Jiangnan Base City to Australia, which is much more efficient than flying over by himself.

With the blessing of Tianchi Leijue, Luo Feng soon arrived in Australia, which has become a paradise for ferocious beasts. Looking at the ferocious beasts below, Luo Feng is a little itchy.

He has been keeping a low profile for a while and has not killed any beasts in reality. However, there are more important things to do now, so Luo Feng temporarily gave up the trouble of finding these beasts. There is plenty of time, so there is no need to rush.

It is a bit troublesome to find the fog island because there are no targets around the fog island.

In another timeline, he was directly thrown into the Australian continent, surrounded by wilderness. He fled around under the pursuit of vulture Li Yao, and finally entered the fog island by mistake.

Now Luo Feng naturally cannot reproduce the experience at that time. If he wants to find a small island on the vast continent of Australia, he can only rely on luck and slowly check.

However, Luo Feng didn't care about this. He had plenty of patience, and with Tianchi Leijue's help, it was not difficult to search the Mist Island from beginning to end.

Luo Feng lowered the cruising altitude of Tianchi Leijue to 500 meters. Within this altitude range, his soul could fully detect the environment below, and then Luo Feng drove Tianchi Leijue to start a carpet search.

During this process, many beasts tried to attack Tianchi Leijue, but Tianchi Leijue was sprinting at three times the speed of sound. Such a powerful and domineering impact was not something that the bodies of these monsters could withstand.

Under the sprint of Tianchi Leijue, these beasts who dared to challenge turned into a pool of blood mud at the first sight.

Luo Feng was very lucky. It took only more than three hours to find the Mist Island.

However, this was also because the Mist Island was more conspicuous. It was a lake shrouded in fog. Luo Feng would not miss it as long as he passed by.

He waved his hand to put away Tianchi Leijue, and then stepped on a flying sword to escape into it.

This flying sword is the psychic weapon given to Luo Feng by Xu Chenzhou. It is the Plus upgraded version of the Thunder Suspense Sword, and the Nine Sky Cloud Thunder Sword made by the Nine Sky Cloud Thunder.

Using the power of thought, it can send out thousands of Nine Sky Cloud Thunders, and the sea of ​​thunder will fill the sky and destroy everything.

Although the Nine Sky Cloud Thunder Sword cannot have various forms like the spiritualist weapons of the Devouring World, it is simple and easy to use, and it can be used immediately. Moreover, its power is not weak. It is Luo Feng's main weapon now.

The fog island is very strange. The whole lake is covered with thick fog. These thick fogs can not only block the detection of the soul and thoughts, but also block Luo Feng's sight. Even with his war god-level eyesight, he can only barely see things within a hundred meters.

Luo Feng carefully flew over the fog island with the flying sword. He knew that the fog island was full of dangers and there were countless ferocious monsters hidden in the water. Even with his current strength, he needed to be cautious.

As expected, during the flight, monsters kept appearing to attack Luo Feng. These monsters had different methods. Some formed an electric net to capture Luo Feng from below, while others spewed out flames. The temperature of the white flames was so terrifying that it could melt gold and break rocks.

These attacks were often launched secretly, but Luo Feng was always very alert, so he dodged them in time. However, he did not fight back, after all, he did not have time to tangle with these beasts.

Soon Luo Feng found his target, which was the spirit of the plants and trees on the fog island.

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