All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 277: Transaction, Sky-Escape Shuttle Obtained

There are many plant spirits on the Mist Island, more than a hundred of them, which is definitely a treasure that can make all forces on the earth crazy.

This time, Luo Feng found a red vine. The branches and leaves of this vine spread on the ground, covering hundreds of meters of ground with his body. Each branch of the vine is as thick as Luo Feng's thigh, twisting on the ground constantly, looking very scary.

But Luo Feng was not afraid at all. He controlled the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword to cut the purple vine.

With a sizzling sound, sparks flew everywhere. The purple sword body of the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword chopped on the red vine. Countless lightning rose up and turned into a sea of ​​thunder, eroding along the branches of the vine, covering the entire vine in the sea of ​​thunder.

However, although it was twitching from the electricity, and even several vines were directly turned into charred wood, the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder did not cause fatal damage to the vine itself, because its body was too huge.

In addition, the tenacity of the vines was also amazing. Even though they were chopped by the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword with all its strength, they only left a shallow scar several meters long. Even if Luo Feng used his spiritual power at the peak of the high-level war god to push them with all his strength, he could not go deeper into them.

However, Luo Feng had been mentally prepared for this. The attack of the grass spirit was not strong, but its defense was extremely strong.

Moreover, the size of the grass spirit in front of him looked so huge that it should be no less than the existence of the ten thousand year old willow king. The body of the grass spirit of this level was so tough that ordinary high-level peak war gods could not break their defense even if they chopped with all their strength.

If it were not for the special material of the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword, it would be difficult for Luo Feng to break its defense with his current strength.

Luo Feng caught a big fish with a casual pick, and his eyes were filled with excitement.

The vines soared into the sky like crazy, and the thick branches danced wildly in the air, fiercely hitting Luo Feng's body.

At this time, the benefits of being a spiritualist came to the fore. Luo Feng controlled another flying sword in the air and kept dodging the attacks of the vines. With his speed, the blood-colored vines could not attack him at all.

On the other side, the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword kept releasing a sea of ​​thunder, eroding the body of the blood-colored vine.

This was Luo Feng's tactic. Although his attack was a scraping attack, it at least scraped the blood-colored vine. No matter how huge the blood-colored vine was, the erosion of the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder was real.

In addition, the spirit of the grass and trees would not ask for help. As long as he was patient enough, he would definitely be able to take it down.

The fact was just as Luo Feng thought. It took him two hours to finally kill this blood-colored vine.

After killing the blood-colored vine, Luo Feng stepped forward and took away the crystal of the spirit of the grass and trees.

After casually looking at the red crystal of the spirit of the grass and trees in his hand, Luo Feng stuffed it into the space ring.

The methods of using plant spirits are different. He needs to check before he knows how to use them. If they are used incorrectly, they may be highly toxic and have a negative impact on the body.

Then Luo Feng continued to explore on the Mist Island. Soon he found several more plant spirits. The strength of these plant spirits was not as strong as that of the vine plant spirit. Luo Feng soon killed them.

Luo Feng counted the plant spirits in the space ring. The number had reached seven, including a familiar thousand-year-old willow heart. Then Luo Feng stopped.

Although these plant spirits were precious, Luo Feng did not take them seriously. His real goal was the inheritance of the Meteorite Ink Star.

These plant spirits were enough, and there was no need to collect too many.

You should know that these plant spirits were cultivated by Babata with a few Muya crystals. Compared with Muya crystals, plant spirits are simply garbage. The number of Muya crystals in Babata is in the tens of thousands, which is enough for Luo Feng to cultivate to the star level.

Luo Feng was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he walked around Kirishima completely and took many photos of the spirits of plants and trees.

Luo Feng even dropped a drop of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew into the lake, which also attracted the Moyun vine hidden under the water, and then hid in the dark to take videos and photos.

After everything was done, Luo Feng left Kirishima and took the maglev car back to Jiangnan Base City.

With these videos and photos and the spirits of plants and trees as his right ear, he didn't believe that there was any force on Earth that could sit still.

Outside the wilderness of Jiangnan Base City, Luo Feng randomly selected a warrior and exchanged a corpse of a fierce beast with him for an account on the warrior forum.

This fierce beast was killed by Luo Feng casually on the Australian continent. The corpse of this fierce beast alone could easily sell for 30 million yuan, which was more than enough to exchange for a forum account.

Moreover, with the god of war strength shown by Luo Feng, this warrior who was not even at the level of a general naturally did not have the courage to refuse Luo Feng's request.

After getting the account, Luo Feng knocked the warrior unconscious with a palm, then stretched out his hand and crushed the communication watch on his hand into pieces.

He did not kill the warrior, but just wanted to let him sleep for a few days.

Then Luo Feng logged into the warrior's forum account.

He sent a post through the forum. There was not much content in the post, only five or six pictures of plant spirits.

In the post, Luo Feng pretended to be a newbie and curiously asked how to use these plant spirits.

Once the post was sent, it instantly caused a sensation in the entire warrior forum.

The spirit of vegetation is a rare treasure for earth warriors. After taking it, the life of a God of War warrior will jump directly to the realm of breakthrough. Even for planet-level warriors, the spirit of vegetation is also very precious and can be exchanged for many resources.

Soon Luo Feng's mailbox was flooded with private messages like snowflakes.

Almost all the God of War level warriors who saw this post sent private messages to Luo Feng. Some asked Luo Feng whether the Spirit of Plants and Plants was for sale, and some made insinuations about where Luo Feng got so many Spirits of Plants and Plants from. Some of those who came were inviting Luo Feng to join their forces.

Everyone is very interested in Luo Feng's spirit of vegetation.

And this was Luo Feng's purpose. He selected in the mailbox for a while, and then selected a God of War who looked more pleasing to the eye from the Thunder Martial Arts School, the Extreme Martial Arts School, the HR Alliance, and the five major powers to contact him. .

After getting in touch with these gods of war, Luo Feng sent them many videos and photos he took in Kirishima.

In an instant, all the gods of war who received the videos and photos fell silent.

Luo Feng waited for three minutes before they began to reply to Luo Feng's messages one after another.

Everyone was extremely eager to ask Luo Feng where this place was.

Luo Feng was naturally not in a hurry, he had the initiative at this time.

He first made a request. If he wanted to know where this place was, he had to tell him how to use the few grass and tree spirits he posted in the post. Secondly, he had to satisfy his various requests.

Naturally, Luo Feng's request was for the relic information and relic items mastered by the major forces. He asked the God of War with whom he was trading to provide a list of the relic items belonging to their respective forces, and then he would select the ones he needed to trade with them.

Without Babata by his side, Luo Feng had no way to judge the value of these relic items, so he could only choose them at will, but he didn't care, because these things were just a cover.

Almost all of this information and relic items are in the hands of the leaders of the major forces. The ordinary God of War does not have the authority to obtain a large list of relic items, so if you want to trade with him to obtain information, you can only notify the leaders of the major forces of this information. This This is Luo Feng's real purpose.

However, for the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, Luo Feng's request was rather special. He specified that the Extreme Martial Arts Hall needed to provide the Sky Escape Shuttle before he was willing to tell the Extreme Martial Arts Hall Kirishima's information.

At the beginning, the God of War at the Extreme Martial Arts Hall was very resistant to this request, because after consulting Hong, he received a clear order, which was to reject Luo Feng's request.

Although dozens of grass and tree spirits were precious, Hong did not take them seriously. To him, the value of Duntiansuo was not inferior to these grass and tree spirits.

If Luo Feng were to exchange these plant and tree spirits for the Escape Sky Shuttle, he would still consider it, but exchanging them for a piece of news would be a bit of a luxury.

Luo Feng didn't panic at all about Hong's rejection. He sent a photo and a video again, and then asked the God of War to hold the photo and video and ask Hong's opinion again.

The creature in the photos and videos Luo Feng sent to the God of War was naturally Moyundeng.

Sure enough, the attitude of the Extreme Martial Arts School changed drastically after a moment, and they even asked for a video call with Luo Feng.

Naturally, Luo Feng would not refuse this. He knew that it would be impossible to obtain the Escape Sky Shuttle from Hong with just a few photos and videos. He had to produce evidence that was enough to make Hong trust him.

After the video was connected, a black-haired man wearing black clothes and a calm face appeared at the other end of the video. He simply stood there but seemed to be integrated with the world and everything around him was under his control. , Luo Feng could feel the pressure of the man's aura even through the screen.

With just one glance, Luo Feng confirmed that the man appearing on the other side of the screen was Hong, the founder of the Extreme Martial Arts Gym and the current strongest man on earth.

"I'm Hong, tell me where you took this video. If it's true, I can agree to your request!"

Hong didn't say what he would do if Luo Feng's video was fake, because it didn't need to be said at all, everyone understood it.

Luo Feng was now wearing a black robe and an iron mask, covering his figure.

Before reaching the planetary level, he did not have the ability to walk sideways on the earth, so naturally he remained very low-key.

Luo Feng stretched out his hand and patted it. Seven grass and tree spirits were lined up in front of him. Then Luo Feng picked them up one by one and demonstrated them in front of Hong.

"As expected of Hong, the most powerful man on earth, his momentum is truly astonishing.

Of course my news is true. With your eyesight, you should be able to tell that these seven grass and tree spirits are genuine. Plus those video photos are enough to illustrate my information.

Especially this Moyun Vine, it took me a lot of effort to capture the video. "

Hong Zai carefully examined the few grass and tree spirits in Luo Feng's hand, and when he heard the three words Moyunteng, Hong's eyes paused.

"Who are you? Not only do you know the information about Moyundeng, but you also know that I have Moyundeng in my hand. I'm starting to become a little curious about you."

Luo Feng laughed loudly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is our transaction. To tell you the truth, besides you, I also conducted transactions with many other forces, and the content of the transaction was Kirishima's address.

You don’t have to worry about me lying to you. You can keep the Dunmo Yunteng in your hands first, and I will get it from you after you conquer the Moyundeng.

And don't worry, the photos and videos of Mo Yun Teng were only sent to you, and no one else has this treatment. "

Luo Feng believes in Hong's character. A mere Mo Yun Teng can't make him break his promise.

Hong narrowed his eyes slightly: "In this case, I can wait for you to trade with other forces and then get the address of Wudao from them. There is no need to exchange the shield Mo Yun Teng with you."

Hong was also calculating in his heart. He just watched the video and knew that the strength of that Mo Yun Teng should have reached the fourth level of the planetary level. With this level of strength, there are only two people on the whole earth who can subdue it. In this way, he can wait until other forces get the coordinates of Wudao before going to subdue Mo Yun Teng. After all, Duntian Shuttle is also a precious treasure for him.

Luo Feng smiled: "You can do this, of course, but if you don't trade with me, I will choose to send the photos and videos of Mo Yun Teng to Lei Shen.

Other forces do not have the strength to subdue Mo Yun Teng, but Lei Shen's strength is only slightly worse than yours. If he takes action, Mo Yun Teng will not be his opponent.

I know you and Lei Shen have a good relationship, but brothers should settle accounts. I believe that Lei Shen will not give up such an opportunity as Mo Yun Teng.

One step slower, one step slower. As long as Lei Shen arrives at Wu Island before you, Mo Yun Teng will not be yours. "

Hong hesitated for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I agree to your request. As long as I subdue Mo Yun Teng, then Dun Tian Shuttle will be yours.

As for the use of the spirit of grass and trees, I can send it to you now. "

Luo Feng nodded: "I believe in Hong's character. In this case, after I have negotiated the conditions with other forces, I will send the address to your mailbox. At that time, the ownership of the spirit of grass and trees will depend on your ability. "

After saying this, Luo Feng closed the video with Hong.

In addition to Hong, other forces also communicated with Luo Feng.

Luo Feng selected some items from their list that were more useful to him, and the value was basically between 30 billion and 50 billion. Naturally, the conditions he offered for his own country were the lowest, and for other major countries, the value of the items he selected was higher.

Some people also suspected that Luo Feng's information was false, but after Luo Feng showed the seven spirits of plants, these people temporarily dispelled their doubts.

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