All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 278 The vulture targeted by Luo Feng

After all, the price proposed by Luo Feng is not very high. 30 to 50 billion is indeed expensive for an individual, but it is just drizzle for an entire large force. Even if Luo Feng deceives him, it will not hurt him. bone.

And if Luo Feng's information is true, so many grass and tree spirits are enough to create many masters. If they don't participate in this feast, they will fall behind other forces.

Except for information-related trading items, Luo Feng was not in a hurry to get the physical items traded from these forces. Instead, he chose the same trading model as Hong.

These things are just a cover to begin with, and are not important to Luo Feng. What is really important is to gather many God of War level warriors on Kirishima so that he can successfully pass the selection of Babata.

After learning about Luo Feng's trading model, many major forces trusted Luo Feng even more and finalized the details of the transaction with Luo Feng.

Among them, the HR Alliance, Third Brother and other forces secretly sneered. There are such fools. Who the hell will care about you once you get Kirishima's information? If you don't hack the trading items, wouldn't they have been living in vain for so many years? .

After getting the instructions for using these grass and tree spirits, Luo Feng informed the major forces that they would deliver them to Kirishima's address at eight o'clock tomorrow morning.

Luo Feng then carefully compared the methods of using the spirit of plants and trees given to him by these major powers, and then Luo Feng discovered that among the five major nations, except for China, all were dishonest.

Among them, the Lighthouse Country is the most disgusting. The ways to use five of the seven Plant Spirits are different from other countries. The HR Alliance is better than the Lighthouse Country. There are four ways to use the Plant Spirits that are different from other countries. The forces are different.

The most honest ones are Extreme Martial Arts School, Thunder Martial Arts School and Huaguo. The information provided by these three companies is all exactly the same on how to use the Spirit of Plants and Plants. It is obvious that what these three companies provide is the correct way to use the Spirit of Plants and Plants.

Luo Feng casually took out the bloody vine and the thousand-year-old willow heart from the forest of vegetation, and then put the other vegetation spirits back into the space ring.

He started to use these two grass and tree spirits according to the method given to him by the Extreme Martial Arts Gym.

His current physical fitness is still at the level of a medium god of war. With the increase of the powerful talisman, he can barely reach the level of a high god of war. It is really not enough for the next Kirishima.

The five major forces gathered in Kirishima, with more than a dozen council-level experts, and war-god-level experts walking all over the streets.

Although his mental power is comparable to that of a peak war god, his physical strength is too weak. He needs to strengthen his strength before going to Kirishima.

The spirit of plants and trees in the heart of the thousand-year-old willow tree can only take the liquid inside the crystal. As for the outer shell, it is highly toxic and cannot be taken.

As for the plant spirit of the bloody vine, only the vine skin can be taken.

Luo Feng followed the instructions and swallowed the two kinds of grass and tree spirits. Immediately Luo Feng knew why earth warriors were so eager for the grass and tree spirits.

He felt that all the muscles in his body were trembling. During the squirming process, strands of gray-black substance were evaporated from his pores. As this powerful power flowed throughout his body, his genes seemed to Everyone was cheering, useless genes were eliminated, and the genetic structure of the whole person began to be continuously optimized. Even the life form underwent a leap, and the genes of the thousand-year-old willow and blood-red vines were also integrated into his body.

Its cell activity increased rapidly, and its physical strength became stronger and stronger, constantly breaking through the limits. The natural chasm that could not be broken through hard training was now passed as quickly as the Avenue to the Sky. The peak of the medium God of War, High God of War, until he stays at the peak of High God of War!

Feeling the surging power in his body, Luo Feng felt that he could kill a king-level ferocious beast with one punch now. His physical strength was no less powerful than the piercing force he used to push his mental power with all his strength.

This power was so strong, fierce and overbearing that it seemed to be able to destroy everything. Luo Feng even felt that he was invincible.

However, he also understood that this feeling was just an illusion caused by his rapid progress in strength. With his nature, he quickly suppressed his restless thoughts.

Luo Feng then opened a group training space, where he continued to display his sword skills and master his increased power.

Time passed quickly. Although it was only one night, Luo Feng had been training for five days in the ten-fold acceleration of the training space, and had perfectly mastered his suddenly increased strength.

Coming out of the training space, Luo Feng sighed: "Although the function of this chat group is good, the group points are consumed too quickly, and there is no way to steadily obtain group points.

Except for the period of the newcomer's welfare period, this group of points is not enough. Sometimes I'm unlucky and it takes four or five days to sign in before I can speed up my time for one day, which is really frustrating. "

It's no wonder Luo Feng sighed like this. Apart from several public achievements such as joining the group and the unstable way of signing in, there are almost no ways to obtain group points in chat groups.

When he first joined the group, he could still activate the acceleration space practice every day, but after the points for joining the group were almost consumed, he became more frugal and often only accelerated once for several days.

After all, there are too many places where group points need to be consumed. Group points must be used for localization of exercises, time acceleration, group travel, etc.

Fortunately, as there are more and more skills in the group, the localization of skills can be avoided by choosing skills that do not need to be localized, otherwise everyone's group points will be even more stretched.

However, even so, there are still some important skills that cannot be avoided, and it is also worth consuming group points for localization, so this part will still consume a lot of group points.

But Luo Feng shook his head again immediately. The 50 group points consumed last night are still valuable. He has now fully mastered the combat power of the peak of the high-level war god, and under the blessing of the great power talisman, his strength can be increased by five times. Coupled with the spiritual power of the peak war god level, Luo Feng is fully confident that he can fight with ordinary councilor-level strongmen.

Of course, facing Hong and Lei Shen, two cheating-level characters, Luo Feng certainly has no way.

Although Hong's current cultivation is only the sixth level of the planetary level, he has mastered the domain. With the blessing of the domain, there are not many people who can beat him among the planetary-level strongmen.

Luo Feng came to Wudao in Tianchi Leijue, and chose a hidden place to hide himself, and then logged into his account and sent the address of Wudao to all the forces that had traded with him.

Soon, these forces took action. Under the temptation of hundreds of plant spirits, the war gods of these forces had already gathered at the headquarters. As Luo Feng sent the coordinates, one aircraft after another broke through the air and flew towards Wudao at a high speed.

The first force to arrive at Wudao was the Extreme Martial Arts Hall. Hong drove his prehistoric fighter directly to Wudao.

This fighter is the most advanced aircraft on the entire earth, with the highest speed in the world, so it can naturally be far ahead.

In fact, if it was just the spirit of plants, it would never make Hong so anxious, but there are not only spirits of plants on Wudao, but also Moyun vines. This kind of plant life is very precious in the universe, and it is even more priceless for earth warriors.

After the prehistoric fighter plane landed, the strong men of the Extreme Martial Arts School filed out. Hong waved his hand, and these warriors scattered around to collect the spirits of plants and trees, while he himself flew towards the address provided by Luo Feng.

A moment later, the fighter plane of the Thunder God Martial Arts School also landed, and a bald man walked out first. This bald man was naturally the Thunder God.

Seeing the fighter plane of the Extreme Martial Arts School, a trace of surprise appeared in the eyes of the Thunder God, and then a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes.

Big brother has actually arrived. How could a few spirits of plants make Big brother so anxious? Is there a good treasure on the Mist Island that he doesn't know about?

Thinking of this, how could the Thunder God hold himself back? He waved his hand to let the strong men of the Thunder God Martial Arts School disperse together, and then he followed Hong's breath and moved forward quickly.

In addition to the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, various major forces also came here one after another. After seeing the achievements of Hong and Lei Shen, these people were extremely anxious. They knew the strength of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall. If they delayed for a while, even if there were more plant spirits on the island, they would not be able to get much soup to drink.

"Everyone, spread out and look for traces of plant spirits. Once you find a target worth attacking, send a message in the chat channel, and then the people nearby will immediately support you and try to get more plant spirits back."

Someone gave an order, and as he gave the order, the strong men under his command also dispersed immediately.

And Luo Feng also stood up, because he had found his target, the Bolenas family, and there was a target he must kill here, and the Mist Island was the best place to attack.

There are many forces on Earth in the Devouring Star. The top ones are naturally the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall. In addition to these two martial arts halls, the most powerful ones are the HR Alliance and the Five Powers. The HR Alliance is composed of more than a dozen top families, among which the Polenas family is one of the families with the greatest power in the HR Alliance.

Winnie and his husband Vulture Li Yao are both members of the Polenas family, and the two of them are Luo Feng's targets this time.

In the original timeline, because Li Wei wanted to indulge his men to help his personal bodyguard kill Luo Feng, Luo Feng killed Vulture Li Yao's son Li Wei.

And Li Wei is Li Yao's only son. Li Yao, who came from the Great Destruction Era, lost all his family members, so he valued this only son very much.

After knowing that Luo Feng was his enemy who killed his son, in order to avenge Luo Feng, Li Yao used all means to deal with Luo Feng. In that timeline, the reason why Luo Feng found Kirishima was because he was forced to flee everywhere by Li Yao's laser cannon.

Moreover, in that timeline, Luo Feng had been missing for more than a year because he had to take the test of inheritance of the disciples of Yunmo Star. Li Yao, who thought Luo Feng was dead, used various means to deal with Luo Feng's family, trying to force Luo Feng's family to death. 11.

It can be said that he was Luo Feng's most powerful enemy in the early stage.

Finally, after Luo Feng broke through to the planetary level, he successfully used the laws of the earth to judge and kill Li Yao and his wife Vinina.

In the current timeline, Li Yao has not had time to become Luo Feng's enemy, and of course Li Yao is not qualified to be Luo Feng's enemy now.

However, when reading the information given by Xu Chenzhou, Luo Feng had already made up his mind to kill Li Yao.

In the information, Luo's father and mother were tortured by Li Yao, and Luo's father even had a car accident and almost died.

With Luo Feng's feelings for his family, he would not allow Vulture Li Yao to continue living, even if it was just an act of another world line.

The masters of HR's alliance also dispersed under the order of the leader.

For this operation, HR alliance can be said to be out in full force.

The spirit of plants and trees is extremely precious to the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, not to mention the HR alliance, which is far inferior to these two forces.

Li Yao left the main force with his wife and headed towards an unexplored area.

His expression was very relaxed, as if he was on an outing. After all, he had the Black God suit on him, and no one could kill him unless he was a councilor-level strongman. Although Kirishima was dangerous, the danger was within the controllable range for him.

Li Yao walked forward, chatting with his wife as he walked: "Xiao Wei said he would come back for dinner on the weekend, you should prepare it by then, our family hasn't been together for a long time."

Venina nodded, she was very beautiful with blonde hair and blue eyes: "You don't need me to tell you, I've been ready for a long time, I don't know if we can grab a plant spirit this time.

If we can get it, Xiao Wei will have the hope of entering the God of War level like us.

You should work harder and fight hard."

Li Yao also nodded: "I will definitely try my best, Xiao Wei is also my son, I will definitely try my best.

Besides, Xiao Wei's current strength is indeed too weak, his personality is just like mine, it's easy to offend people.

He tortured and killed a pair of warrior lovers some time ago. If I hadn't covered his ass, he might have been retaliated by the warrior's brother.

We have to quickly improve Xiao Wei's strength, so that I can feel more at ease."

After the couple finished chatting, they began to look for it seriously again.

What they didn't know was that about 30 meters underground, there was a person following them and listening to their conversation.

The person underground was naturally Luo Feng. A spiritualist could use telekinesis to control external objects, and naturally he could also separate soil and rocks to travel underground. With Luo Feng's strength at the peak of the God of War, moving underground was as easy as going home.

Listening to the words of the two people, Luo Feng couldn't help but sneer. With these two good parents who indulged their son so much, it was no wonder that Li Wei's character was so bad.

He remembered that there seemed to be a plant spirit on the way that Li Yao and his wife were walking.

If Li Yao and his wife had the intention of taking the plant spirit back for their son to use, then they would definitely not call for rescue to deal with the plant spirit together, because in this case the plant spirit belonged to the HR Alliance, and they could only get a small share of it.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng's eyes flashed with coldness. It would be better to let them get the plant spirit first, and then send it to hell when they were most excited. Only in this way could he calm down the murderous intent that surged when he saw the information.

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