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Chapter 279 Vulture Li Yao Dies

Li Yao and his wife were speeding on the fog island, carefully searching the surrounding environment, while Luo Feng was lurking underground and quietly following Li Yao and his wife.

Because Luo Feng had the ability to burrow underground, Li Yao and his wife could not sense his presence.

Soon Li Yao found the plant spirit that Luo Feng had marked before.

This plant spirit is a flower type, similar in appearance to a rose, but more gorgeous than a rose.

From the appearance, the size of this plant spirit is medium, the flower part is three or four meters long, and the rhizome part is more than five meters. Although it is not as large as other types of plant spirits, such a huge flower is still extremely visually impactful.

There are no other plants around it, and it grows alone in the muddy swamp.

A bright red color blooms in a pool of mud, which looks a different kind of beauty.

Li Yao did not dare to take it lightly, because he recognized at a glance that the prototype of the plant spirit in front of him was the famous man-eating flower July Wind Letter.

This flower was born after the catastrophe. It will only grow in the most dangerous hell. It is very aggressive. During the growth process, this flower will cause the death of all the plants around it due to robbing nutrients.

The predatory nature of the July Wind Letter is extremely overbearing. Even many equally tenacious plants cannot defeat it. After plundering all the nutrients around it, it still cannot satisfy the greed of the July Wind Letter. It will change its prey from plants to animals, trap animals with beautiful flowers, and then kill them and eat them to meet its own growth needs.

Even if it has not become a plant spirit, the July Wind Letter is an extremely dangerous plant, not to mention that it has now transformed into a plant spirit, and has extremely strong lethality.

Li Yao narrowed his eyes, and a pool of black material emerged from his body and instantly wrapped him up, leaving only two pairs of eyes.

Luo Feng, who was hiding in the dark, saw this scene and his eyes moved slightly. Li Yao's armor is the legendary Black God suit.

This thing comes from the monitoring base of Yunmo Star. Everyone who can pass the test of the monitoring base can get a set of Black God suit.

The Black God suit has extraordinary toughness. Even the attack of the peak level of the God of War can be completely offset when it hits the Black God suit. Moreover, it can change its shape freely, leaving almost no defensive blind spots. It is a set of extremely strong defensive equipment.

After summoning the Black God suit, Li Yao was full of confidence: "Venina, you stay here, I'll go meet this plant spirit."

Venina was a little worried: "This plant spirit is July Wind Letter, with extremely strong attack power. Otherwise, we should call for family reinforcements, which is safer."

Li Yao shook his head: "If we call for family support, this plant spirit will have to be handed over to the family. If we want to exchange it again at that time, I'm afraid we will have to pay a huge price.

I'll try it first. Anyway, with the Black God suit in hand, even July Wind Letter can't hurt me.

There's no way. If you want to get a plant spirit for your son, you have to fight."

Venina thought of her son and could only nod helplessly.

July Wind Letter is very fierce. After transforming into a plant spirit, its offensiveness has become stronger. After Li Yao stepped into its hunting range, a ball of pink smoke immediately emerged from July Wind Letter's body, and it filled a thousand-meter range in an instant.

This cloud of poisonous smoke is the strongest hunting method of July Wind Letter. Even a strong man at the level of God of War will fall into a coma if he inhales a little bit.

Unfortunately, Li Yao has the Black God suit to protect him. Except for a pair of eyes, there is no other part of his body exposed. Although this poisonous smoke is powerful, it has no effect in front of the Black God suit.

However, in addition to the poisonous smoke, July Wind Letter has other means. Its rhizome stretches out like a python and swims forward. The flower opens instantly, and rows of fine wood thorns are hidden under the beautiful petals.

The wood thorns are crisscrossed, just like the teeth of snakes. From time to time, a drop of transparent mucus drips on it. The mucus drips on the mud of the swamp and instantly corrodes a three or four meter deep pit.

The wisdom of the spirit of grass and trees is not inferior to that of ordinary humans, so July Wind Letter immediately judged that Li Yao’s weakness was the pair of exposed eyes. Its petals pounced on Li Yao’s head.

As long as it covers Li Yao, its corrosive mucus can flow into Li Yao’s body through the eyes and turn him into delicious food.

But how could Li Yao, a war god-level warrior, be so easily attacked? He dodged the attack of July Wind Letter with a flash, leaving the bloody mouth in the air.

Then Li Yao rushed to the flower stem of July Wind Letter, because he knew that the weakness of July Wind Letter was at the root.

The vitality of the spirit of grass and trees is very strong. Even if the branches and petals are destroyed, they can be regenerated quickly. The best way to kill the spirit of grass and trees is to destroy their roots.

But July Wind Letter would not let him have his way. There were also vines emerging from its flower stems, whipping Li Yao's body like a whip.

Although the Black God Suit can resist attacks, it cannot offset the impact.

The power of these vines is very terrifying. It hits Li Yao like a drum, shaking his internal organs.

But this level of attack could not defeat Li Yao. With the protection of the Black God Suit, the attack of these vines could only cause him some minor injuries.

He gritted his teeth and rushed forward, taking out his sword and slashing at the flower stem of July Wind Letter. There was a sound of metal clashing between the sword and the flower stem.

Li Yao's slash only left a shallow white mark on the flower stem of July Wind Letter, which surprised and delighted Li Yao.

What surprised him was that the defense of the grass spirit was so strong. It seemed that he had to fight hard to take it down.

And what surprised him was that with such a strong defense, the quality of the grass spirit crystal of this July Wind Letter should be very high, comparable to the highest quality grass spirit discovered by humans.

That grass spirit once helped a warrior at the peak of the God of War successfully advance to the level of a councilor.

It seems that this grass spirit cannot be left to his son. He plans to leave it to himself. If he can advance to the level of a councilor, it will be the most profitable choice.

After all, as long as he becomes a councilor, he will become the largest privileged class on earth, and naturally no one dares to offend his family again.

Thinking of this, Li Yao went crazy. He completely ignored the crazy beating of the July Wind Letter vine and attacked the flower stem desperately. Every slash of the sword could leave a trace of scar.

July Wind Letter also went crazy. It could feel that its vitality began to disappear with the attack of the man in front of it.

July Wind Letter's body twisted violently, and petals burst one after another, shooting out groups of transparent mucus, sticking to Li Yao's body, and its roots buried in the ground also suddenly pulled out of the soil. The huge roots, four or five meters thick, kept hitting Li Yao like a giant tree that destroyed the city.

July Wind Letter's attack strength increased by another level. Even with the Black God suit, Li Yao was a little overwhelmed. The continuous impact made his internal organs begin to shift. Blood gushed out of his throat, and he swallowed it hard.

Vinina saw this scene and yelled frantically: "Yao, give up!

You will be seriously injured if you continue like this, let's call for support from the family!"

Li Yao ignored his wife's shout.

He yelled: "Vinina, you can't call the family.

Listen to me, this plant spirit is comparable to the ten thousand year old willow heart that Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts School once harvested. As long as I can get it, I have the hope of becoming a councilor-level existence. It must not fall into the hands of others!"

The flower stem of the July Wind Letter in front of him has been cut off by him. As long as he holds on for another three minutes, he can get this precious plant spirit.

He is also a ruthless man who survived the era of the Great Cataclysm. The title of Vulture was passed down from that year. In that era, he encountered more dangerous situations than the current situation countless times.

Li Yao is ruthless to others and even more ruthless to himself. He knows that at this time, he should fight hard and there will be no second choice.

He seemed to be crazy, completely giving up the defense against the attack of July Wind Letter, desperately chopping the flower stem of July Wind Letter with his sword.

The huge impact made him a little confused, but his hand holding the sword was extremely firm, without even a trace of trembling.

Finally, before his willpower reached its limit, Li Yao successfully cut off the flower stem of July Wind Letter.

Seeing this scene, Venina rushed up and hugged her husband: "Yao, you did it!"

Li Yao put away the Black God suit, and his face showed an excited expression: "Compared with the dangers I experienced during the Great Cataclysm, today's is nothing.

Go and put away the crystal of the spirit of grass and trees, and then we will leave here quickly.

Let's find a safe place to take this spirit of grass and trees. As long as we can become a councilor-level existence, we will be the most noble existence, and even the HR Alliance will be in our hands."

Venina's eyes also showed excitement. She dug open the flower stem of the July Flower Realm and took out a rose-red spirit of grass and trees from it.

The couple looked at the plant spirit with enthusiasm.

For every warrior of the God of War level, breaking through to the level of a councillor is a crazy thing. No one can stay calm in the face of such an opportunity.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out from the ground, and this hand took the plant spirit from Venina's hand at a lightning speed.

Then a figure slowly emerged from the ground.

This figure was wearing a black robe and a gilded iron mask on his face. He looked extremely mysterious. It was Luo Feng who was hiding underground and witnessed the whole show.

"Wow, wow, wow, what good luck, I can get a precious plant spirit that can make people break through to the level of a councillor just by going out for a walk. I am really lucky today."

As he said this, Luo Feng slowly stuffed the plant spirit into his pocket.

Seeing this scene, Li Yao was furious: "You are looking for death. Give me back my spirit of plants and trees."

Li Yao, who had collapsed on the ground, jumped up, the sword in his hand shone brightly, and cut towards Luo Feng in a bloody arc.

This attack fully exerted his strength as a god of war. The long sword cut through the void, and the terrifying air wave was like thunder, which was bound to destroy everything in front of him.

But Luo Feng just stepped back slightly and dodged Li Yao's full-strength sword.

"So fierce and strong, he can still cut such a fierce sword even though he is exhausted.

Vulture Li Yao is worthy of being a peak god of war. He is indeed powerful. He was also very brave when dealing with July Fengxin just now.

If it weren't for your blessing, how could I have obtained this precious spirit of vegetation. "

The vulture Li Yao slashed into the air with one strike, and was suddenly unable to follow up. He exhausted all his strength in the battle with Qiyue Fengxin. The ability to strike out with this strike was already the result of the explosion of his small universe under Luo Feng's stimulation. .

"Come on, come and chop me down and see if you can take the Spirit of Plants and Plants back from my hand." As he spoke, Luo Feng took out the rose-red Spirit of Plants and Plants and waved it in front of Li Yao's face.

Li Yao's eyes were extremely vicious, and the darkness seemed to be connected to a bottomless abyss.

This spirit of grass and trees was his hope to become a member of parliament. He paid such a high price to finally get it, but it was snatched away by this person. It was strange that he was not ruthless.

He stared at Luo Feng's face and tried to remember the person in front of him, but Luo Feng was wearing a mask at this time, and Li Yao couldn't see through, which made him even more atmospheric.

"Who are you? You have the ability to steal things, but you don't have the ability to show your true colors?

The hidden rat! "

Venina on the side was also very angry, her beautiful face was twisted together and looked a little weird: "Our family has no enmity with you, why do you want to suddenly rob us of the spirit of plants and trees? Aren't you afraid of offending me, Leonardo?" Family, aren’t you afraid of offending my hr alliance?”

Luo Feng smiled coldly: "Why should I tell you who I am.

As for whether we have any grudges, Li Yao, don't you know how many evil things you have done in your life? I'm afraid you have too many enemies to count! "

After saying this, Luo Feng lost interest in continuing to entangle with them.

Although the two people in front of him have not yet attacked his family, they have done countless evil things. Many people have died because of their families, so Luo Feng's killing of them can definitely be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

He swung his sword fiercely, and the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword was controlled by his mind and flew towards Venina.

Luo Feng's combat power at this time has reached the level of the God of War. In addition, he took action suddenly, and Venina had no time to react. Within half a second, the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword sliced ​​Venina's head into pieces. From the two halves, countless brains sprayed out, directly splashing on Li Yao's body.

"No! Venina! Venina!!!"

Li Yao's red eyes stared at Luo Feng, as if he was going crazy.

"Who are you? Who are you? As long as I don't die today, I will kill you, not only you but also your whole family, so that you can live in pain forever!"

But now he was indeed exhausted. Even though he was so angry, he still did not take action. Instead, he ran away directly. The Black God Suit also extended in an instant to wrap Li Yao's entire body in it, a perfect defense. got up.

Luo Feng continued to drive the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword to stab Li Yao. The light of the sword pierced the air, like thunder chasing lightning. It broke through the air in an instant, carrying extremely terrifying power.

Then he said slowly: "Want to take revenge? Then I'm afraid you have no chance. You will definitely die here today.

Not only you, after killing you, your son will also die with you.

Anyway, you should know what kind of thing your son is, and his death is not an injustice."

Hearing these words, Li Yao was shocked. He did not expect that the murderer in front of him wanted to kill his son after killing his wife. For him, family is the most important existence.

This made Li Yao feel infinite anger in his heart. He felt so hateful. He could feel that the combat power of the man in black robe in front of him should be at the peak of God of War level. If he could be given a little more time, he would be able to break through to the parliamentary level with the spirit of grass and trees. If the man in black robe dared to jump out, he would be dead.

He struggled hard and ran into the distance, but no matter how fast he was, he could not be faster than Luo Feng's flying sword, and the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword pierced his back fiercely.

Feeling the impact from his back, Li Yao turned around and yelled at Luo Feng: "It's useless. With the Black God Suit here, even if you are a spiritual master at the peak of the God of War, you can't kill me. As long as today If I don’t die, I guarantee that you will never have peace in the future.”

But what Li Yao didn't expect was that a sea of ​​thunder would appear on the Nine Heavens Thunder Sword controlled by Luo Feng, and this sea of ​​thunder would drown Li Yao's body in an instant.

Although the Black God suit is good, it also has a disadvantage, that is, in order to maintain vision, the eyes cannot be sealed, and some small holes must be left for breathing air.

These gaps are enough for Jiuxiao Yunlei to break through the defense of the Black God suit. After all, lightning does not require a large contact area to be transmitted to the inside of an object.

The power of the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder is very terrifying. Even steel will be dissolved into liquid under its high temperature. Li Yao's body cannot withstand such a terrifying attack. Li Yao, who is shrouded by the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder, can only One ending is death.

Feeling that he was going to die, Li Yao was very desperate. He used his last strength to shout to Luo Feng: "Please, let my son go, he is innocent."

But the response he got was a cold no. Luo Feng knew clearly that Li Wei was not a good guy, so how could he agree to Li Yao.

This answer made Li Yao completely despair. He could no longer resist the extremely hot Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder, let out a scream, and lost his breath.

After a burst of thunder and lightning, only a skeleton and a black god suit were left on the ground.

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