All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 280 I, Luo Feng, am a peerless genius?

Luo Feng looked at Li Yao's body calmly, then walked forward and picked up the Black God suit that fell on the ground.

This was his first time to kill someone, and the one he killed was a peak War God-level warrior, but he didn't feel anything, just like slaughtering a pig or sheep.

Before taking over the body of the golden-horned beast, Luo Feng was not as bloodthirsty as he was later, but he was still very decisive, otherwise he would not have taken advantage of the opportunity when Li Yao and his wife were alone to kill them.

After killing these two people, Luo Feng's next step was to wait, waiting for Babata to choose a successor he was satisfied with from the warriors. If nothing unexpected happened, this person would definitely be himself.

Under his plan, at least more than 300 War God-level warriors gathered in the Mist Island this time, and there were also many councilor-level warriors. It can be said that almost all the strong men on Earth gathered on the Mist Island, which would definitely satisfy Babata.

And Luo Feng was also very confident in the width of his brain. The width of twenty-one brains was nothing in the universe, but it was definitely superior to others on Earth.

Luo Feng did not intend to continue to participate in the fight for the spirits of plants and trees, because no matter how many plants and trees he obtained, it would not make any sense for him who was about to inherit the legacy of the master of Yunmo Star.

Moreover, many of the strong men who fought for the spirits of plants and trees were councillors. With his current strength, he could only barely deal with an ordinary councillor-level strong man. If he met a speaker-level figure, he would not be his opponent. There was no need to take such a risk for the worthless spirits of plants and trees.

Thinking of this, Luo Feng went directly underground. The underground was the world of spiritualists and the safest place.

After about half a day, warriors left the Mist Island one after another.

The target of the spirits of plants and trees was very obvious, and there were many warriors on the Mist Island. Half a day was enough for everyone to find almost all the spirits of plants and trees.

After this group of warriors left, some warriors who did not give up continued to stay on the island to search, and Luo Feng also stayed patiently underground.

At this moment, Luo Feng suddenly felt a pain in his knee, and the black robe refined by Han Li was actually cut open.

Luo Feng was not surprised at all. He separated the soil near his knees and saw a blood-red fragment around the soil. Although the fragment was only the size of a palm, it weighed more than a ton.

Seeing this blood-colored fragment, Luo Feng smiled. No matter how hard he worked to make such a big noise, he finally got Babata's recognition and got the inheritance of the owner of the Meteorite Star in advance.

Holding the blood-colored fragment in his hand, Luo Feng continued to move underground and kept going deeper.

He knew that Babata should have sent telekinetic waves to affect his subconscious at this time. He only needed to move forward according to his feelings to reach the vicinity of the Meteorite Star.

Sure enough, after going 15,000 meters underground, he saw a silver-white portal. Luo Feng walked in calmly. He already knew what he would see in it.

After entering the spaceship, Luo Feng first curiously observed the seven bodies at the door. Six of them were well preserved, and one was left with only dark golden bones.

These six well-preserved bodies were the soul servants of Hu Yanbo, the owner of the Meteorite Star, and they were also six immortal gods.

After Huyanbo died, the six immortal gods fell here with his soul annihilated.

The six immortal gods exuded an extremely terrifying aura, like a prehistoric beast that could devour the heavens and the earth. Luo Feng picked up the bloody fragments he had just picked up and tried to cut the bodies of the immortal gods. As a result, the extremely sharp bloody fragments cut the bodies of the immortal gods without leaving even a trace of white lines, and could not break the defense at all.

After satisfying his curiosity a little, Luo Feng walked into the spaceship again. He knew that there was an intelligent life Babata waiting for him in the spaceship.

"Luo Feng, you are finally here."

A child with blood-red eyes, double horns on his head, and a height of only 1.45 meters appeared in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng looked at Babata in front of him curiously. He knew that Babata was an intelligent life. It was obviously a program composed of cold numbers, but it evolved by chance over a long period of time. It had human joys, anger, sorrows, and joys, and it could also practice and evolve like life. It was a very magical existence.

What Luo Feng didn't expect was that Babata stared at him with a very curious look as soon as he saw him, his eyes full of disbelief.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! A small earth, such a desert and remote planet, actually gave birth to a genius like you. This is the magic of the universe and the mystery of life."

Luo Feng was stunned by what Babata said. This plot was different from the plot mentioned in the information given by the group owner.

Luo Feng pointed at his nose with his finger and said in surprise: "Ah, peerless genius, are you talking about me?"

Babata's eyes were fanatical, and he rushed to Luo Feng with small steps, staring at his face: "Of course I'm talking about you.

I have been on Earth for a full 50,000 years. During these 50,000 years, I have been paying attention to you Earth humans. To be honest, the qualifications of Earth humans are extremely poor, and they are at the bottom of the universe.

It is difficult for ordinary Earth humans to have a brain width of more than 10. Even the peerless geniuses among Earth humans have a brain width of only about 16 or 17.

And you, Luo Feng, a human who has not even broken through the apprentice level, your brain width has reached 45!!!

What a terrifying number. Even on the core planets of some cosmic countries, he can be called a peerless genius. "

Luo Feng's mind was spinning. He knew that according to the group leader's information, his brain width should only be 21, and it would advance to 22 after breaking through to the planetary level.

This was inconsistent with Babata's statement. According to Babata, his brain width had reached 45.

Luo Feng believed that Babata would not joke about such things, which meant that his current brain width had really reached 45, which was twice the group leader's information.

And there was only one existence that could cause such a change, and that was the chat group.

He gained a lot of benefits from the chat group, and the one that might have an impact on his brain width should be Yangshen Taoism.

Luo Feng was in Yangshen Taoism Luo Feng is quite talented in cultivation. In just one month, he cultivated the Yangshen Dao to the realm of possession.

The main reason why he can cultivate so fast is that he has been using the time acceleration function of the chat group for a long time, and there are sufficient incense resources in the group for him to devour and digest.

But even so, Luo Feng's cultivation speed is the best in the chat group.

The Earth humans who devour the world are very special. The entire Earth is the experimental field of the strongest man in the universe, the hermit. Humans born on Earth are particularly talented in will cultivation and are more likely to perceive various artistic conceptions. Almost everyone is a good seedling for practicing Yangshen Dao.

And Luo Feng is the most outstanding existence among the Earth humans. In the past, his talent was unrivaled, so it was not surprising that he had such a speed of cultivation.

After cultivating to the realm of possession, Luo Feng felt that his thinking speed was getting faster and faster. No matter what problem he was thinking about, he could get the answer in a very short time. This should be a manifestation of the expansion of the width of the brain.

Luo Feng remembered that many Taoist books he had read mentioned this situation, but there was no spiritual power in the Yangshen world, so the width of the brain was meaningless to the practitioners in the Yangshen world.

But it was different in the Devouring World. The width of the brain directly affected the speed of the spiritualist's cultivation. The higher the width of the brain, the faster the cultivation and advancement.

This is also why Ba The reason why Bata's expression was so fanatical.

Originally, Babata had completely given up revenge. The qualifications of the people on Earth were too poor. It was difficult to cultivate to the level of a world master, let alone an immortal god. The reason why he selected a successor on Earth was mainly to fulfill Hu Yanbo's last wish and leave a legacy for Yunmo Star.

But now everything is different. Luo Feng's brain width can reach 45, which means that Luo Feng has full potential to become an immortal god.

If Luo Feng can really become an immortal god, he will have the hope of avenging Hu Yanbo, the master of Yunmo Star.

Babata stretched out his hand and said, "Luo Feng, come with me. I will take you to meet my master! "

Luo Feng nodded. He was indeed a little curious about the legendary master of Meteorite Star.

He followed Babata into a silver-white metal passage, and then a crystal coffin rose from the ground. In the coffin lay a three-meter-tall humanoid creature with two tentacles on his head, a handsome face, and a strange charm.

Babata's face was even a little flattering, "Luo Feng, let me introduce my identity to you. I am the demon Babata, an intelligent life.

My master is an extremely great existence, the master of Meteorite Star.

His strength is extremely strong!

The Silver-Blue Empire, which can rule the Milky Way Galaxy, Beta Galaxy and other eight galaxies, is like an ant in front of my master.

It can be said that in the entire universe, my master is an amazing big man.

Would you like to consider joining our Meteorite Star and become my master's disciple!

If you become the master's disciple, you can immediately obtain his inheritance. Not only can you have countless wealth, but I will also guide you on the way forward, so that you have the opportunity to become as great as my master. "

This time, Babata did not ask Luo Feng to kneel down first. Instead, he gently persuaded Luo Feng to join Yunmo Star.

This made Luo Feng want to laugh. As expected, strength is the hard truth. If he only had a brain width of 22 and was an ordinary human on Earth, Babata should have lost his temper and asked him to kneel down to worship the owner of Yunmo Star.

Now that he has a brain width of 45, Babata's attitude has taken a 180-degree turn from Xu Chenzhou's information. Not only did he not lose his temper, but he also proposed various benefits to let him join Yunmo Star.

However, Luo Feng did not reject joining Yunmo Star, so he naturally would not offend Babata's face.

He nodded: "Senior Hu Yanbo is so powerful, and I admire him very much. I promise you to join Yunmo Star and worship Senior Hu Yanbo as my teacher. "

After saying that, he walked straight to the front of Hu Yanbo's coffin, knelt down and kowtowed eight times in a row.

This is the ceremony of becoming a disciple of the master of Yunmo Star.

Seeing this scene, Babata, who wanted to instruct Luo Feng on how to become a disciple, was stunned.

Isn't it that you are so skilled? I haven't even told you how to do it, but you kowtowed on your own?

But Babata had no choice, because Luo Feng was indeed performing the standard Yunmo Star apprenticeship ceremony, and even he couldn't find any mistakes.

Luo Feng did not want to hide the existence of the chat group in front of Babata, because it was unnecessary. Intelligent life was absolutely loyal and there was no possibility of betrayal.

In Xu Chenzhou's information, Babata's performance has always been very good. Although Luo Feng knew that Babata was actually closer to Hu Yanbo, the problem was that Hu Yanbo was already dead now, so he was Babata's only loyal object. He is also the last disciple of Hu Yanbo, so he naturally does not need to guard against Babata.

In the future, he and Babata will get along for a long time. If Babata has to hide everything, not only will the life be very tiring, but it will also slow down Luo Feng's development.

Babata said excitedly: "Very good! From today on, you are the heir of the master.

Don't worry, with my guidance, with your qualifications, you can cultivate to the star level in just five years, and to the cosmic level in fifty years. I am confident that you can become a domain lord within a thousand years. I can make you the world master within ten thousand years. As for the immortal god, I cannot guarantee it, because it is too difficult for a living being to achieve immortality. Countless galaxies may not be able to produce an immortal god.

But I believe in your qualifications, you can definitely do it! "

Luo Feng smiled softly: "This speed is too slow, Babata, you are looking down on me a little too much."

Babata was shocked by Luo Feng's words: "Luo Feng, I know you have good talent, so you are very confident in yourself, but sometimes blind confidence is not a good thing.

The reason why I dare to make this promise is because the master has left you many treasures, which will be of great help to you as long as you practice step by step.

To be honest, my estimated cultivation speed is already very fast. Without the treasure left by the master, your cultivation speed will be at least five or six times slower. "

Luo Feng did not defend himself and turned to look at Babata: "My current state is still at the apprentice level. Falling Ink Star should have a secret method that can help the apprentice level break through to the planet level!"

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Babata immediately patted his chest and said: "Our Fallen Ink Star doesn't have much left behind, but the secret method can definitely meet your needs. You can have everything you want!"

As Babata waved his hand, a silver-white book appeared in front of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng stretched out his hand to take it and saw that it was indeed the Nine-Nine Divine Forging Technique that could also be obtained in the Falling Ink Star Supervision Base.

There are a total of eighty-one steps in this secret method. Each step takes one and a half hours, which adds up to more than five days. Only by completing these eighty-one steps can one successfully break through the bottleneck and break through from the apprentice level to the planet level.

In addition, there is a thin booklet underneath the silver-white book, which contains nine types of guidance techniques. This is the method for apprentice-level warriors to break through to planet-level warriors.

Babata: "This book is for you. After you get out, you can find a quiet place to practice. It will happen that you can only accept the inheritance of your teacher after you advance to the planetary level."

Luo Feng showed a smile: "Why wait until we get out? I can just practice here."

Babata frowned: "That's okay, anyway, it's extremely safe inside the Falling Ink Star and there won't be any interference.

But are you sure you don’t need to go home and say hello to your family?

According to the news I found on the earth network, your family is already worried about why you haven't returned home so late. "

With Babata's ability, the Earth's network is simply undefended to him.

This is also the reason why Babata can know Luo Feng's identity as soon as they meet him.

Although Luo Feng used other people's accounts and used various methods to hide his identity, all his disguises were useless in front of Babata, the God of the Internet.

When it was decided to choose Luo Feng as his successor, Babata collected all the information about Luo Feng and deduced Luo Feng's true identity through various clues.

At this time, Babata also monitored the communication devices of Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan, and knew that they were worried about why Luo Feng still didn't go home.

"Send them a message for me, telling my family that I went out to play with my friends tonight and won't be home until tomorrow morning, so they don't worry."

Babata was a little stunned: "One night? But this Nine-Nine Divine Forging Technique requires five days to complete. If there is the slightest mistake in the process, you have to start all over again. How can it be done in one night?"

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry so much, just send me a message."

After finishing speaking, Luo Feng sat cross-legged on the ground and began to practice the Nine-Nine Divine Forging Technique.

Seeing Luo Feng starting to practice, Babata also had no choice but to carry out Luo Feng's orders. It is an intelligent life with absolute obedience to its master.

Anyway, at worst, I can just help Luo Feng send messages to his family. It is an intelligent life, not a stupid intelligent program. It naturally understands what it means to adapt to changes.

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