All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 281 Babata was shocked. What kind of monster is this?

But what Babata didn't know was that the Luo Feng sitting on the ground was just a phantom clone simulated by the chat group. The real Luo Feng had already entered the chat group's practice space and practiced the Nine-Nine Divine Forging Method in a ten-fold accelerated environment.

This secret method is indeed worthy of being the secret of the Meteorite Ink Star. As soon as Luo Feng started practicing, he felt that his mental power was constantly transforming, like a piece of waste stone being constantly carved into a fine jade. As the process of expansion and contraction continued, Luo Feng's mental power became clearer and clearer. With the arrival of the last step, the huge fog ball in Luo Feng's mind exploded, and then shrank into a light ball composed of many pyramid-shaped transparent crystals.

Feeling the terrifying power in his mind, Luo Feng stood up with great satisfaction.

After the successful breakthrough of mental power, Luo Feng began to practice the martial arts breakthrough guidance technique that Babata gave him. His physical fitness had long been advanced to the peak level of the God of War under the influence of the two plant spirits. In addition, with the help of planetary mental power, Luo Feng's breakthrough was very smooth and he advanced to a planetary martial artist in an instant.

After breaking through to the planetary level, Luo Feng sensed that he had an extra ability, the Vajra Body, which could enhance the strength of the body's bones and muscles.

Luo Feng didn't care much about this ability. The Vajra Body was only useful at the planetary level. The most important thing was the life transition.

This planetary level was indeed worthy of being the planetary level. It was a world of difference from the apprentice level. He felt that his life level had crossed to a higher level. The strength that had already advanced to the limit now had almost unlimited expansion space.

Since he had successfully broken through to the planetary level, Luo Feng didn't plan to stay in the cultivation space for long. After all, every minute spent here would cost points.

Earth coins were meaningless to Luo Feng now, but group points were very precious and could not be wasted at all.

As Luo Feng returned, Babata, who had been watching Luo Feng from the side, couldn't help but frown.

He actually gave up cultivation after only persisting for one night.

He couldn't help but wonder if it was the right choice for him to choose Luo Feng as the successor of the master of the Meteorite Star.

Although Luo Feng's talent can be called a peerless genius, it is difficult for such a person with poor willpower to achieve anything even if his talent is strong.

Babata decided to give Luo Feng a warning, and his face became extremely serious: "Luo Feng, how can you treat cultivation as a joke!

The precautions in the Nine-Nine Divine Forging Method have long been written. There can be no pause in the middle of practicing this secret method. Once you stop, all your previous hard work will be in vain.

If you continue like this, let alone cultivating to become an immortal god, I'm afraid you won't even be able to enter the planetary level."

Luo Feng shook his arm casually, then turned his head and looked at Babata in confusion: "Planetary level? Haven't I already entered it?"

As he said this, he waved his hand, and the spiritual power that had advanced to the planetary level roared out, controlling the Nine Heavens Cloud Thunder Sword to fly continuously in the cabin of the spacecraft, bringing thunderous sounds.

Luo Feng's words made Babata stunned. Since his physical body was destroyed, he was only a shadow now. If he didn't use the instrument, he really couldn't detect Luo Feng's cultivation.

He couldn't wait to turn on the detection instrument. What shocked him was that Luo Feng's cultivation had actually reached the first level of the planetary level.

This shocked Babata: "How is this possible! You only practiced for one night, how could you succeed in practicing the Nine-Nine Forging Divine Method!

What kind of monster are you? How can the human beings on Earth be so terrifying!"

Luo Feng's performance made Babata's intelligent program freeze a little. He followed the master of the Meteorite Star to venture into the starry sky, and he had never seen such a thing in the long years.

The Nine-Nine Forging Divine Method is a widely circulated breakthrough secret book. Many people in the universe practice it. Babata has also witnessed many peerless geniuses breaking through, but even among that group of peerless geniuses, no one can break the time limit and complete the breakthrough within five days.

Luo Feng sensed Babata's shock, he walked up and touched Babata's head: "Okay Babata, I told you not to underestimate me, there will be many things that will shock you in the future if you follow me."

After hearing Luo Feng's words, Babata, who still couldn't figure out what happened, shook his head, forget it, forget it, if you can't figure it out, then don't think about it!

Anyway, Luo Feng is the descendant of his master, the stronger his talent is, the happier Babata is!

Then Luo Feng successfully obtained the planetary gift package left to him by the master of Meteorite Star from Babata.

They are a space ring, a set of Black God suits, a spiritualist weapon arc knife disk, a terrifying number of Mu Ya crystals, and of course the most important one is the plant life partner Mo Yunteng.

It is worth mentioning that before meeting Babata, Luo Feng received the Black God suit seized from Li Yao into the space ring, otherwise Luo Feng already had the Black God suit, then there would be no way to get another set of Black God suits from Babata.

After Luo Feng put away the Moyun vine, Babata took out a fruit and was about to feed it to the Moyun vine.

The Moyun vine was a plant life partner left by Hu Yanbo for Luo Feng. It was a very precious treasure. After recognizing its master, the Moyun vine would become the host's portable baby. It could not only assist in combat, but also had many convenient functions. If it was cultivated well, the Moyun vine could also exert combat power beyond the host itself.

Before, Luo Feng used a Moyun vine to lure Hong to Wudao, but Hong's Moyun vine was far inferior to Luo Feng's. Hong's Moyun vine was just a bait that Babata took out to attract warriors, while Luo Feng's was a treasure left by Hu Yanbo for his disciples. The quality difference was huge.

There are many formulas for cultivating Moyun vines, and the qualifications and potential of Moyun vines cultivated with different formulas are also different. Under the premise of perfect cultivation, Moyun vine can cultivate 360 ​​main vines when it breaks through to the realm master level. Once this level of Moyun vine breaks through to the immortal god, it can instantly become an existence comparable to the immortal king.

Of course, the stronger the qualifications of the Moyun vine, the more treasures it consumes, and the stronger the qualifications of the Moyun vine, the lower the possibility of breaking through to the immortal god. The Moyun vine with 360 main vines has only a 40% chance of breaking through to the immortal god, and it also consumes treasures that are worth a sky-high price.

The solution provided by Babata is enough to cultivate the Moyun vine into a very powerful existence. Although it is not as outrageous as 360 main vines, it can already provide great help to Luo Feng.

Just when Babata was about to feed, Luo Feng reached out to stop Babata's behavior.

"As far as I know, there are many kinds of cultivation formulas for Moyun vines, and the qualifications of the cultivated Moyun vines are also different. It should be impossible to cultivate Moyun vines to a perfect form with only this fruit."

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Babata was a little surprised. He didn't expect Luo Feng to even be involved in the cultivation of Moyun vines.

"Indeed, if you want to cultivate the Moyun vine to perfection, this fruit alone is not enough.

But Luo Feng, you must know that even your teacher couldn't cultivate the perfect Moyun vine back then. Cultivating this kind of plant life partner is extremely expensive. At that time, your teacher almost invested more than half of his fortune to cultivate an immortal-level Moyun vine.

And the funds consumed to cultivate the perfect Moyun vine and make it break through to the stage of immortal gods are dozens of times the resources consumed by your teacher at the time. This is definitely a price you can't afford.

Even if you don't expect to cultivate the Moyun vine to the level of an immortal god, the perfectly cultivated Moyun vine costs a huge amount of money in each realm. resources, even the treasures left to you by your teacher cannot supply this horrible consumption.

So sometimes it is not advisable to demand perfection. "

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head: "Babata, you are right, but there is one thing you overlooked. It does cost a lot of money to cultivate a perfect Moyun vine, but if it is not perfectly cultivated at the beginning, the resources needed to make up for it after the Moyun vine breaks through to the immortal stage will need to be increased several times.

So the early perfect cultivation seems to be very consuming, but it is definitely the most cost-effective choice. "

Babata was completely stunned by what Luo Feng said. In fact, Babata also knew the knowledge he said.

But how many people in this world would have the confidence to cultivate an immortal Moyun vine with 360 main vines?

At least in Babata's cognition, there are very few such people. Even the king of Qianwu Universe may not be able to cultivate an immortal Moyun vine with 360 vines.

In Babata's eyes, Luo Feng was very sure of this, as if he would definitely be able to cultivate the Moyun vine to the immortal level, and it was a perfectly cultivated Moyun vine.

This incomparable confidence made Babata feel that Luo Feng had become extremely mysterious, as if the person in front of him was not a native from Earth, but a peerless genius with a mysterious origin.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. I actually have a perfect cultivation formula here, but there is a problem. I don't have many of the treasures on this formula in stock. If we want to get these treasures, we must get a spaceship to go to other galaxies. In addition, the funds left by your teacher are not enough to buy so many treasures.

If these two problems are not solved, you may only be able to cultivate Moyun vines using the method prepared by your teacher."

Luo Feng showed a confident smile on his face: "Don't worry, these two problems are not a big deal. There is a crashed mechanical spaceship on Earth. It can be used after a little repair.

As for the funding problem, it is even simpler. See if this can be exchanged for money."

As he said, Luo Feng casually took out a large jade jar from the space ring. The jar was filled with emerald green liquid, which was Qianyuan Huichunlu.

The moment Babata saw the liquid, he turned on the detection instrument, and then he screamed.

"Oh my god, these liquids can actually work on the existence of the realm master level. They contain extremely abundant life energy, which can quickly recover all injuries, as long as they are not dead.

This is too precious. If it is auctioned, every drop can be sold at a sky-high price.

But it's a pity that the life energy contained in these liquids is very peculiar and cannot be absorbed by plant life. Otherwise, this jar of green liquid is enough for you to cultivate the Moyun vine to the realm master level!"

Hearing that the life energy contained in the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew cannot be used by plant life, Luo Feng frowned.

But it doesn't matter. Speaking of life energy, Luo Feng has another treasure in his hand that is thousands of times more powerful than the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, which is the Cantian Creation Dew produced in the small green bottle.

It's just that the medicinal effect of that thing is too strong, and Luo Feng is a little doubtful whether the Moyun vine can withstand it.

Moreover, if you want to experiment with the effect of Towering Fortune Dew on Moyun Vine, you must first let Moyun Vine complete its first cultivation. This is something that cannot be rushed. You can instill life energy at will before using treasures to determine the direction of evolution. It will only cause problems with the evolution of Moyundeng.

After collecting all the gift packages given by Hu Yanbo, Luo Feng took Babata and left the Fallen Ink Star.

This spaceship was so severely damaged that it could only be used as a shelter. Most of the treasures on it had been taken away by Babata, so there was no need to stay here anymore.

After leaving the Fallen Ink Star, Luo Feng summoned Tianchi and Lei Jue from the space ring, and took the maglev vehicle back to Jiangnan Base City.

Babata is also very curious about this maglev car, because the technology used in this maglev car is very different from that of humans on earth and the machine race, as if it comes from a different system.

He became more and more curious about the hidden identity of his new little master, and why he was always able to bring out treasures beyond his knowledge.

After returning home, Luo Feng had no intention of going out again.

Although all major forces still owe him a treasure, for example Hong owes him a Sky Escape Shuttle, Luo Feng has no intention of coming to ask for it now.

Compared with those treasures, he was more curious about the inheritance of the master of the Falling Ink Star, and couldn't wait to start learning.

Regarding Luo Feng's eagerness to obtain the master's inheritance, Babata also showed a proud expression.

Even the little master with such a mysterious identity recognized the old master's inheritance so much, which made Babata feel a little proud.

Babata took Luo Feng to log in to the virtual local area network he established. This is an excellent place for practice.

Of course, if you can access the virtual universe, it will definitely be much better than this training ground.

However, it is a pity that since the barrier set up by Hu Yanbo cannot be entered by outsiders, this part of the solar system is not within the jurisdiction of the Human Alliance, and humans on Earth do not have identity information in the Human Alliance.

Therefore, before he officially became a citizen of a certain space country, Luo Feng was a blackmailer in the Human Alliance and could not use the virtual universe.

Luo Feng didn't particularly mind this. Anyway, it would be nice to be able to read the cheats. The virtual universe was not as rich in functions as the training space of the chat group.

Soon Luo Feng got the inheritance of the master of the Fallen Ink Star from Babata, which was three volumes of control, illusion, and miscellaneous volumes.

These three volumes of classics are the essence of the inheritance of the master of Fallen Ink Star.

Of course, Luo Feng knew that among the three inheritances in the entire universe, the Control Chapter and the Illusion Chapter were actually commercial products and not very precious.

And there are still two brushes in the miscellaneous chapters. The Tower of the Void, Seizing the Body, Six Rays, etc. are all rare secret techniques.

In particular, the two secret techniques of the Tower of the Void and Seizing the Body can change the trajectory of Luo Feng's future life, so they must be studied carefully.

Of course, Babata also set a rule before teaching Luo Feng's secret method. The inheritance of the Master of Falling Ink Star can only be learned by the disciples of Falling Ink Star, and these secret methods cannot be taught to others.

Luo Feng naturally agreed directly to this, and he made a straightforward promise: "Unless the other party is a disciple of the Fallen Ink Star, I, Luo Feng, will never pass on the secret method of the Fallen Ink Star."

However, Luo Feng immediately uploaded all three of Hu Yanbo's secret manuals to the chat group's practice space.

Luo Feng (successor of Fallen Ink Star): "Brothers, remember to join Fallen Ink Star before you learn new secrets. Only Fallen Ink Star disciples can learn it. A 1 will be deducted for those who are willing to join the Fallen Ink Star."

Following what Luo Feng said, a row of 1 floated up in the group. They were neatly arranged, no one broke the formation, and they looked very comfortable.

Hu Yanbo's rules are well followed by Luo Feng in Swallowing the Universe, but the other group members in the chat group are not within the radiation range of Swallowing the Universe. They come from all over the world and have no conflicts of interest. In addition, all the group members If you join the Fallen Ink Star, you won't be breaking your promise.

As Luo Feng uploaded his skills, the originally deserted chat group instantly became lively.

Diving monsters came online one after another, and the news rolled out like a waterfall.

Lu Mingfei (school beauty killer): "Mr. Luo is so generous, thank you to Mr. Luo for the great treasure!"

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): “I have been looking forward to the world-devouring cultivation method for a long time.

Once you reach the realm of immortal gods, you can live as long as heaven and easily live for infinite years, until the universe is destroyed and then comes to an end.

Not to mention anything else, this kind of cultivation method is already very enviable for its longevity. "

The lifespan of cultivators in the Yangshen World is generally not long. Even if they cultivate into Yangshen or exist in shattering vacuums, their lifespan will be exhausted one day. Even the Immortal Emperor and Taoist Creation on the ceiling of the Yangshen World only live for tens of thousands of years. It’s really not a longevity.

So when he saw the world-devouring cultivation method, Hong Yi was a little bit embarrassed. The lifespan of the top experts in the Yangshen world was not even as long as the world-devouring minions. The gap between worlds is sometimes greater than imagined. big.

Xiao Nannan (The Feathered Killing God): "Indeed, in terms of lifespan alone, both the Devouring Cultivation Method and the Ancient Cultivation Method are far ahead.

Compared with the increase in lifespan of the Heaven Covering Technique, it seems a bit outrageous. Even if you become an emperor, you can only live for ten thousand years. If you want to live longer, you have to live a second life. This is really cruel. "

In fact, if she had never seen the lives of practitioners in other worlds, little Nannan would not be so emotional.

After all, compared to the lifespan of other cultivators of more than a thousand years, the emperor who can live for tens of thousands of years is already very long-lived. However, compared with other worlds whose life spans are often tens of millions of years, the emperor of the Zhetian World is a bit too long. Short-lived.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Actually, I am more interested in the two secret techniques of soul seal and body seizing than the issue of lifespan.

If you ask me to say that the most buggy existence in Devouring the World is probably the method of slavery, this thing is really terrifying.

No matter who is once enslaved, they will lose themselves and will love and respect their master from the bottom of their hearts.

And this slavery is permanent and there is no way to reverse it.

Even the most powerful person in the universe is helpless against slavery and law enforcement. Once someone is enslaved, even reversing time and space and resurrecting cannot erase the traces.

Even the world beasts with the same personality as the original universe were unable to break free from Luo Feng's enslavement method in the end and became his slaves.

This is simply the most terrifying evil method that can make any strong person feel fear from the bottom of his heart. "

As he spoke, he extracted the [Soul Seal] from the chat group's skill library, and then casually selected localization.

This technique is indeed a world-devouring enslavement method, and is incompatible even with the star world.

Following Xu Chenzhou's operation, red lights suddenly appeared on the chat group panel.

"Warning, warning, this technique has serious flaws and is extremely dependent on the rules of the universe. If it is forcibly localized, its power will be greatly reduced. May I ask the respected group owner if you still choose to localize it."

Seeing this paragraph, Xu Chenzhou frowned first, and then smiled in relief.

Sure enough, it was similar to what he had guessed. If such a buggy technique could still be used in other worlds, it would be too abnormal.

But even so, Xu Chenzhou still signaled to the chat group to continue localizing the technique. The price of [Soul Seal] was not high anyway, and he wanted to see how much effect the Soul Seal could still have after being significantly weakened.

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