All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 282 Muya Crystal? Just a snack

The chat group naturally would not reject Xu Chenzhou's request. After paying 1,000 group points, the [Soul Seal] in front of Xu Chenzhou emitted a bright golden light, and the text on it kept changing with the surge of light.

After a while, the light dissipated, and a completely different [Soul Seal] appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

He took the secret book in his hand and looked through it carefully.

After the localization adaptation of the chat group, this [Soul Seal] and the [Soul Seal] uploaded by Luo Feng to the chat group have become two completely different secret books.

The original [Soul Seal]'s operating principle is to plant a soul seal in the enemy's mind, and then use it to change the enemy's soul, turning it into its most loyal soul servant, and even establish a connection with the master. The master wants him to live or die, and the most perverted thing is that this [Soul Seal] will not affect the slave's talent after planting. The enemy who becomes a slave can also continue to advance through practice, and even become a more powerful existence than the master.

The new version of [Soul Seal] is not as perverted as the original version, but it also has its own magical uses.

The effect of the localized [Soul Seal] is somewhat similar to the thought seal. Using this secret method, Xu Chenzhou can send all kinds of thoughts and beliefs into the enemy's mind and solidify them directly in the enemy's mind.

For example, Xu Chenzhou can plant a thought seal with a brave and fearless emotion into the mind of a coward, and he will immediately become a real warrior and will not fear life and death from then on.

For example, Xu Chenzhou can plant the thought seal of loving the Star Domain Alliance into the mind of an alien race, so that no matter how loyal and brave he was, he will immediately become a traitor and betray his own race.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou can also plant the thought seal of worshipping him as the master into the enemy's mind, so that the enemy will regard him as the master, serve him wholeheartedly, and obey all of Xu Chenzhou's orders.

It seems that the new version of [Soul Seal] has more functions than the [Soul Seal] of the Devouring World, and it seems that it has not been weakened. However, in fact, the new version of [Soul Seal] lacks the most important function compared to the original [Soul Seal], which is absoluteness.

The thought stamp planted by Xu Chenzhou using the new version of [Soul Seal] can be removed.

As long as the opponent's soul power is strong enough and much stronger than Xu Chenzhou, he can erase the thought stamp planted by Xu Chenzhou.

Even such a master can help others remove the thought stamp planted by Xu Chenzhou.

From this perspective, the localized [Soul Seal] has been greatly weakened. Without this absoluteness, the new thought stamp version of [Soul Seal] has thousands of changes, but it is too easy to crack.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the new version of [Soul Seal] in his hand and fell into thinking. He had never seen such a situation before.

This is a very strange thing, because according to reason, although the secret book after localization adaptation will have some changes, it generally follows the thread of the original method, but it will add or reduce some details.

However, the new version of [Soul Seal] and the old version of [Soul Seal] are not like this. Strictly speaking, the two secret books are almost two different existences except for some similarities.

Xu Chenzhou logged into the chat group and found that the group members were also discussing this matter.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "This [Soul Seal] is really interesting. The difference between the localization and the localization is a bit too big!

However, this wave is not a loss. The localized [Soul Seal] has many similarities with the method of salvation in the Future Immortal Sutra. If they can be integrated together, I am afraid that my Future Immortal Sutra will be greatly increased in power."

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Sect Divine Doctor): "I also tried to learn [Soul Seal]. It also needs to be localized in the mortal world, and the chat group also prompts that once it is localized, its power will be greatly reduced. However, I don’t need the method of enslavement for the time being, so I didn’t localize it."

In addition to the two of them, other group members also raised similar situations.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "It seems that the reason why the effect of this [Soul Seal] is so overbearing is actually not related to the content recorded in the secret book. The real reason why it can completely enslave a person should be the law of the Devouring World.

I remember that the group leader mentioned in the information that there is a supreme law in the Devouring World. This supreme law has a powerful power that can suppress the founder of the Virtual Universe Company, the original ancestor, in the law of the original universe, and even make the sitting mountain guest who was originally the God King of Jin dare not use his true power in the original universe.

I am afraid that the reason why this slavery method is so overbearing is because this slavery rule itself is Part of the Supreme Law, there are rules for the Supreme Law to maintain slavery, so the enslaved people will lose themselves forever, and no matter what method is used, their will cannot be awakened. "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Indeed, when I watched Devouring the Stars, I felt that this slavery method was a bit too buggy. It can easily change a person's body and mind, and it can also retain all the talents of the enslaved person.

Even such a high-level existence as the world beast will directly lose itself once it is enslaved. It is really incredible.

If all this is the rules set by the Supreme Law, then it can be explained. "

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "But if you ask me to say that those strong men who devour the world still have a strong demeanor, if there is a rule like the law of slavery in a darker world, then I can't even imagine this. How dark the world would be.

The upper-level people in power control the method of enslavement. Once a particularly outstanding genius appears, they can enslave him before he grows up. In this case, the power of the entire group will be in the hands of one person. You can lie down and develop, quietly waiting for a peerless genius to appear in the group to take it flying. "

What Hong Yi said made Luo Feng shudder. Fortunately, he was born in the human race. There are founders of giant axes and original ancestors, so no one dares to mess around like this. Otherwise, no matter how talented he is, I am afraid that There is no way to develop it.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): “If this is the case, the world-devouring slavery rule should also be able to be used by us.

If we encounter a being who particularly wants to be enslaved in the future, we can completely subdue him and then take him through the Devouring World, and then use the Supreme Law to plant a enslavement mark on him.

In this way, the opponent can be completely enslaved with the power of swallowing the world's supreme law. "

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "This idea from the group leader is good. I think it can be tested if it is feasible.

However, we still have to leave the Devouring World after enslavement, so even if the enslavement is successful, the effect should not be as abnormal as the original version. "

Han Li also expressed some interest in this topic, and then started a detailed discussion with Hong Yi in the chat group.

However, Xiaoshi Hao, Misaka Mikoto and others showed little interest in enslaving others. They chatted with everyone for a few words and then went offline.

In the Devouring World, Luo Feng also began his own journey of cultivation.

He was studying various techniques and secrets left by the master of Falling Ink Star, when Babata, who had a double horn on his head, suddenly walked up to him.

Then Babata waved his hand, and more than a thousand white crystals appeared in front of him. Then he stretched out his hand and pushed the thousand wooden crystals in front of Luo Feng, looking like he was wealthy.

"This thing is called Muya Crystal, you will use it to practice from now on.

The essence of a warrior's cultivation is to absorb the original energy of the universe and turn it into the practitioner's own genetic energy.

However, absorbing cosmic source energy is a very difficult thing, and the progress is very slow. If you only rely on your own slow absorption of cosmic source energy, you will never be able to break through to the cosmic level in your life.

A single Muya Crystal is enough for a ninth-level apprentice to break through to the planetary level. Just placing one on the earth can cause countless forces to compete for it.

Even in the universe, wood crystals are very precious. There are enough wood crystals in front of you to buy half of the earth.

But don’t worry, your teacher left you a lot of wood crystals, here is just a part of them, after you take them all out, it will be enough for you to cultivate to the star level, which will be enough for you to use for a long time. "

After finishing speaking, Babata stared at the expression on Luo Feng's face, trying to see the surprise on his face.

Ever since he met Luo Feng, he was always surprised by this kid. Babata felt that his status as a noble intelligent being was constantly being lowered.

Hehe, half the world's worth of wealth is placed in front of Luo Feng. This kid must be frightened now.

But what Babata didn't expect was that Luo Feng still looked calm, picked up a wood crystal from the ground, and stuffed it into his mouth like chewing a jelly bean.

His teeth were like millstones, extremely sharp. The strong wooden tooth crystal turned into powder after a few chews, and was then swallowed by Luo Feng.

Watching this scene, Babata jumped up in fright: "No Luo Feng, I know this thing smells good, but it really doesn't taste good. You are not a ferocious beast, you can definitely hold it in your hand." If you want to absorb the energy inside, why should you swallow the wood crystal?"

Luo Feng turned to look at Babata, and then a smile appeared on his face: "It's so slow to absorb when you hold it in your hand. It's easier to digest if you eat it directly."

While speaking, Luo Feng's hands didn't stop, he picked up a few more wood crystals and threw them into his mouth, as if he were eating snacks.

Babata was a little confused by Luo Feng's words. What is this and what? The process of a warrior's cultivation is to absorb the energy in the universe. This absorption method is to use the body to resonate with the energy.

The key to absorbing energy depends on the physique of the practitioner and has nothing to do with whether the energy is in the stomach or outside the body.

The reason why ferocious beasts swallow Muya Crystal is because of the instinct of ferocious beasts. Their wisdom is limited, so when they see this treasure containing abundant energy, they will instinctively swallow it.

For warriors, this kind of behavior is completely unnecessary. Although with the digestion ability of planet-level warriors, swallowing Muya Crystal raw will only cause constipation for a period of time at most. However, this behavior is too ungraceful, so almost all The warriors all chose to hold the wood crystal in their hands to absorb it.

Even with Babata's knowledge, he had never seen a warrior as cruel as Luo Feng, who actually ate Muya Crystal like a snack.

"Enough, enough! Luo Fengqian, stop now. If you continue to eat, your body will not be able to consume so much energy."

Especially since you are an Earthling, although your brain is indeed exceptionally wide, the physical aptitude of Earthlings is really not good.

With your genetic strength, you can only absorb Mu Ya crystals one by one. If you are too impatient, it will only cause harm to your body.

Remember that you can't get fat with one bite, and don't be too hasty in the way of cultivation. "

But as soon as Babata finished speaking, he felt that the energy fluctuations on Luo Feng's body continued to rise. The speed of this rise was so fast that it was a bit scary. Even Babata began to doubt whether his detection equipment was wrong.

"How is it possible? Why did this kid's cultivation level improve so fast? This absorption speed is so fast that it is about to take off. If this continues, it won't take long for this kid to cultivate to the ninth level of the planetary level.

Is it possible that eating Mu Ya crystals into the stomach really helps absorb and digest the energy in the Mu Ya crystals?

If so, are the other warriors in the universe fools who can't even find such a convenient way? "

Several huge question marks appeared on Babata's head. He paced around Luo Feng's body and began to doubt his life.

Why did he feel like he had become a mentally retarded person since he was with Luo Feng?

After almost half a day, Luo Feng stood up, and the energy fluctuations on his body continued to rise. He had actually broken through to the second level of the planetary level.

"Great! Great! Sure enough, with sufficient energy, this kind of breakthrough between small classes is so simple!"

Luo Feng felt that he had infinite power in his body, which was several times stronger than himself who had just broken through to the planetary level.

He was able to absorb the energy of the Mu Ya crystal so fiercely, naturally because of the effect of the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance. This origin-level skill seemed to be inconspicuous, but in fact it had been silently paying.

If there was no such skill, the cultivation speed of the group members would never be as fast as it is now.

Luo Feng glanced at Babata with his eyes slanted: "How about it, do you still dare to look down on us earthlings now!

Our physical qualities are a little poor, but not as bad as you think. Just a few wood crystals are just a little snack."

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