All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 283: A thought blossoms, planetary level nine

If he didn't know the true origin of the Earthlings, Luo Feng would not have any thoughts when Babata said that the Earthlings were poor in talent, because this was indeed the truth. The genetic strength of the Earthlings was at the bottom of the universe.

But in fact, Luo Feng knew that the reason why the Earthlings were weak in genetic strength was because they put all their talents on willpower and spiritual realm.

From the perspective of comprehensive quality, the talent strength of the Earthlings was absolutely superior to the entire universe, and the probability of the birth of geniuses was terrifyingly high. Few races could be compared with them.

After all, the Earthlings were a race created by the God King of Jin, Zuo Shanke. How could this race created by the Supreme Power that surpassed the entire original universe be simple?

So when Luo Feng heard Babata belittle the Earthlings, he felt a little unhappy in his heart, so he retorted.

Babata was a little anxious when he heard Luo Feng's words. He had been observing the Earthlings for 50,000 years on Earth. Could he not know what the Earthlings' talent was?

But when he thought of Luo Feng's performance as if he had just been born, Babata could only give up belittling the Earthlings' talent.

After all, the facts are in front of him. Luo Feng's animal-like training speed makes him feel a little abnormal.

"Luo Feng, you are just an exception after all, but to be able to cultivate a genius like you, maybe the qualifications of the earthlings are indeed higher than I thought.

But Luo Feng, you have to remember that although you have now broken through to the second level of the planetary level, it is far from the time for you to be proud.

If I want, I also have the means to allow you to absorb energy quickly, and even use the cramming method. It only takes three years for me to have the confidence to cultivate an ordinary warrior to the star level.

But this is meaningless.

If you want to break through to the level of domain master, realm master or even immortal god, in addition to energy, your physical fitness, artistic conception, will, law perception and so on must keep up. Any shortcoming may affect your future achievements."

Luo Feng nodded. Of course, he knew that what Babata said was indeed right. If the speed of absorbing energy was fast enough, you could break through continuously, then the Human Alliance would not hold any genius battles.

Before the cosmic level, you only need enough energy to break through, but after breaking through to the cosmic level, if you want to break through to the higher level, there are requirements for a person's aptitude, talent, law perception, etc.

If you don't lay a good foundation in the early stage, you will just blindly break through. It seems that it is very refreshing to practice, but in fact it will only affect your future foundation.

"I know this in my heart. I will not rush to break through to the star level. I will definitely polish the foundation of the planetary level to perfection before breaking through.

However, there are not so many sayings about breaking through between the small realms of the planetary level. Babata, provide me with enough Mu Ya crystals. I want to break through to the ninth level of the planetary level in one go!"

Luo Feng agreed with Babata's words, but he did not fully agree. Luo Feng, who had read the group owner's information, knew that staying between small realms was completely meaningless. It was only necessary to build a good foundation before breaking through the big realm.

The virtual universe company that he later joined would provide a service for its geniuses. As long as they broke through to a new big realm, they could apply for resources to directly raise the current realm to the top.

With sufficient energy infusion, one only needs to break through to the universe level to immediately raise the realm to the ninth level of the universe level, and the same is true for the domain master level and the realm master level. In this case, there should be no difference between the planetary level.

Babata nodded when he heard the first half of Luo Feng's words. Although Luo Feng is a little arrogant sometimes, he is actually a good person. He knows how to listen to advice and is indeed a promising talent.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, Babata felt a little bad. What kind of animal-level speech is this? Breaking through to the ninth level of the planetary level in one breath?

Are you really a human? Could it be that some star beast or special life secretly disguised as a human to deceive me!

However, Babata still took out all the wood crystals obediently and placed them in front of Luo Feng.

He also wanted to see where Luo Feng's limit was!

Soon, Babata saw Luo Feng's limit.

Every ten hours or so, the energy fluctuations of Luo Feng, who was sitting in front of him, would fluctuate, like beans pouring out of a bamboo tube, and then Luo Feng would be able to break through a small realm.

Luo Feng sat for five days, and with the blessing of the chat group's time acceleration, Luo Feng practiced for fifty days.

In fact, Luo Feng only spent one month of these fifty days to absorb the energy of the Mu Ya crystal.

The remaining twenty days were used by Luo Feng to study the various secrets of the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star.

In addition to his own efforts to comprehend, he also discussed the details of various secrets with his group members from time to time.

The group members in the group are all very insightful. Zhang Junbao, Shi Hao, Xiao Nannan, Hong Yi, Xu Chenzhou and others have their own insights into the secrets created by the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star, and also provided Luo Feng with many insights that made him shine.

With the help of these practices, Luo Feng gradually understood the tricks of using the arc knife disk and successfully mastered the first form of the arc knife disk.

After five days of acceleration, Luo Feng's group points had hit rock bottom.

Of course, Luo Feng also left 500 group points as a trump card. He would never use these 500 points, because at a critical moment, he could use these 500 group points to travel through the world. This is the last means of life-saving and must not be used indiscriminately.

Standing up, Luo Feng had directly broken through to the ninth level of the planetary level, standing at the top of the planetary level.

However, Luo Feng also knew that this was nothing to praise. Although he broke through to the ninth level of the planetary level, except for physical fitness, he was too weak in other aspects.

Whether it was the increase in physical strength or the various moves and law comprehension of the spiritualist, they were far from worthy of his ninth level of the planetary level.

Even the spiritual will that the earthlings are best at, he did not keep up, and he was still at the stage of entering the planetary level.

This was also a matter of course. Although he also set aside twenty days to practice various moves, these times were still too short and far from enough for him to master those complicated combat skills.

After five days, watching Luo Feng break through step by step, Babata's mood had gradually calmed down.

He even felt a little proud. He was able to choose Luo Feng, a pervert, from among billions of people on Earth. He was indeed worthy of being the great intelligent life Babata. His vision was simply too good.

Luo Feng felt the power of his body now and couldn't help but feel extremely satisfied. After breaking through to the ninth level of the planetary level, his combat power should not be the lowest in the group. At least among the three little ones who joined the group, he should be far ahead.

"Babata, with my current combat power, if I face a planetary-level 6th-order warrior who has comprehended the realm, can I defeat him?"

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Babata was speechless: "Of course you can't beat him! At most, we can tie with him.

You should know that the realm is divided into four levels: foundation-artistic realm-realm-law.

The realm is the third level of the four levels. Even many cosmic-level warriors have not mastered the realm, let alone the planetary level.

It is already very lucky and very good for one among billions of planetary-level warriors to master the realm.

Your cultivation progress is so fast, and you don't spend much time on the realm, so you The current realm is still at the basic stage, and even at the basic stage it is considered to be relatively ordinary.

The strong who have reached the domain level can condense all the genetic energy, physical strength, spiritual will, etc., and even resonate with the universe.

It can be said that as long as he comprehends the domain, even if he is only at the sixth level of the planetary level, he can already be invincible at the planetary level.

But don't worry, you will never meet a master who has mastered the domain on Earth, so with your current cultivation, you are already able to walk sideways on Earth. "

Hearing Babata's words, Luo Feng couldn't help but smile. Babata still looked down on the humans on Earth as always.

But how could he know that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers on Earth in this era. In addition to him, Luo Feng, there are two peerless geniuses on Earth in this era, that is, Hong and Lei Shen.

Although the talents of these two people are not as good as Luo Feng, they are unique in the entire universe. In the later period, Hong became a strong man in the universe, and Lei Shen also became the master of the universe.

Although these achievements are blessed by Luo Feng's inheritance of Duan Dongliu, it is enough to prove how high their talents are.

In the Earth era, Hong had already comprehended the domain, and at this time, Lei Shen was only one step away from leaving the domain.

And this is far from the manifestation of the two people's talents. The talents of Earth humans in comprehending the laws are not outstanding. Their real abnormality lies in willpower and spiritual realm.

Luo Feng turned his head and looked at Babata and smiled softly: "I told you, don't underestimate Earth humans, let's go!

I will take you to see Earth humans who can comprehend the domain at the planetary level."

Luo Feng's words shocked Babata: "Really, there are still humans on Earth who have comprehended the domain!"

Luo Feng nodded: "Help me contact Hong, the owner of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, I know you have a way to directly access his intelligent life."

Luo Feng did not forget that he still had a large amount of wealth in the hands of major forces. Although these things are nothing to him now, the debt still needs to be collected.

Since the debt is to be collected, it is natural to start from the strongest.

Babata naturally would not refuse Luo Feng's order, and he quickly connected to Hong's portable intelligence.

Although Babata is now only a shadow, he is a noble intelligent life after all. All programs on Earth, including the intelligence excavated from the ruins, are like three-year-old children in front of him, and they can't resist Babata's connection at all.

Hong sensed that the portable intelligence popped up a virtual screen uncontrollably, and a trace of surprise appeared on his face.

"Light Wheel, what's wrong? Why did you answer the call directly? I remember I didn't authorize you to have such a right."

"Master, I didn't want to, but I couldn't control it. A higher-level intelligence was forcibly connected to my system and called me."

The answer of the portable intelligence made Hong's face show a playful smile. It was interesting, really interesting.

He has been the strongest man on Earth for so many years, and no one has ever dared to provoke him like this.

Hong raised his head to look at the virtual screen, and saw a shadow gradually appearing on the other end. He was wearing a black robe and holding a gold-plated iron mask in his hand. It looked extremely familiar.

"I was still wondering who could have the ability to have a conversation with me without my consent. It turns out it's you. I was very interested in you before, and now I'm even more interested in you!

But why don't you hide your identity this time? Aren't you afraid that I will find out your identity? "

He looked at Luo Feng's appearance curiously, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He didn't expect that the mysterious Iron Mask would be so young. He looked like he had just grown up, with a hint of childishness on his face.

Luo Feng also smiled slightly: "I used to cover up because it was necessary to cover up, but now I don't cover up because there is no need to cover up.

As for my identity, it's not a big secret. Master Hong, you should be able to find out who I am by checking the Extreme Martial Arts database.

I see that Master Hong's aura is stronger than before, and he should have successfully obtained the Moyun Vine.

In this case, when will Master Hong be free to hand over the Sky Escape Shuttle to me that he promised me. "

Hong nodded: "Thanks to your information, I was able to obtain the Moyun Vine on Kirishima. As for the Duntian Shuttle, I can give it to you at any time as long as you have time."

"In that case, without further ado, let's trade on Tianfeng Mountain outside Jiangnan Base City in three hours!"

Hong's eyes narrowed. He didn't expect that the man in black robes in front of him was so brave and dared to propose a deal with him face to face. He looked confident.

Hong Ziran didn't have the slightest fear. He nodded: "Okay, then it's settled."

After shutting down the communication, Hong immediately asked the portable smart phone to investigate Luo Feng's identity. He was now becoming more and more interested in this mysterious man in black robes.

Soon a piece of information was presented in front of Hong. Looking at the information, Hong raised his brows, and a trace of fluctuation appeared on Gu Jing Wubo's face.

"Are you eighteen years old? It's interesting. It's really interesting. I thought I just looked young, but I didn't expect that he is really a little guy. There is such a person hidden in the advanced school of my ultimate martial arts school. Then I really have to go and see him. experience"

Hong didn't expect that Luo Feng was actually from the Extreme Martial Arts School, and he was just a senior apprentice. This made Hong more and more interested in Luo Feng.

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