All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 284 I want to improve so much

There are countless peaks on the plain outside Jiangnan Base City, and these peaks are occupied by terrifying beasts. The golden roc with wingspans reaching the sky, the two-headed lion as tall as a building, and the terrifying giant dog that spews flames have turned these peaks into a purgatory on earth. Even powerful warriors dare not set foot here.

The most terrifying mountain is Tianfeng Mountain located in the northwest corner of Jiangnan Base City. On this mountain lives a king-level beast named Crystal Crocodile Dragon Turtle. It has crystal-like spikes all over its body, an oval shell, and a head like a Tyrannosaurus Rex on its long neck.

The spikes on the body of the Crystal Crocodile Dragon Turtle are extremely sharp, and even an SSS-level war knife cannot leave any scratches. A random roll can pierce the solid rocks into bottomless pits.

The entire Tianfeng Mountain is its territory. Under the shroud of a terrifying aura, no beast dares to set foot here.

But today, a black maglev car slowly landed from the sky.

Seeing this scene, the crystal crocodile dragon turtle with a strong sense of territory was extremely angry. It rushed forward and kept biting the black maglev car.

But its sharp teeth and fangs that had always been indestructible did not play any role in front of the maglev car, and even did not leave a scratch.

This made the crystal crocodile dragon turtle completely crazy. It rolled its body into a circle and kept hitting the maglev car with the crystal thorns on its body.

The rocky ground beside the car had been dug into a huge deep pit by its thorns, but even so, the crystal crocodile dragon turtle still did not cause any damage to the maglev car.

At this moment, the door of the maglev car slowly opened, and a strong and powerful palm stretched out and grabbed the crystal thorns on the crystal crocodile dragon turtle.

I saw this palm gently clenched, and the terrifying power burst out, and the crystal thorns that even the SSS-level sword could not do anything about were crushed into a handful of powder under his hand.

Then, a young man with a stern face came down. He reached out and grabbed the ferocious dragon head of the crystal crocodile dragon turtle, and threw the crystal crocodile dragon turtle, which was dozens of meters high, out with a wave of his hand.

This king of beasts kept rolling on the ground like a toy, falling from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. Along the way, the solid crystal thorns on its body scratched a huge crack seven or eight meters wide on the mountain wall, rolling countless broken stones together and rolling down.

After rolling to the bottom of the mountain, the ferocious crystal crocodile dragon turtle lay motionless on the ground.

It was not until the greedy blood-thirsty beasts around carefully went to test it that they found that its dragon head had been crushed and died just like that.

Killing this king-level beast, which was a great demon king in the eyes of countless warriors, Luo Feng seemed to be indifferent as if he had just slapped a fly.

He looked at the horizon, quietly waiting for Hong's arrival.

Luo Feng's journey was not only a debt collection journey, but also to announce his existence to the major forces on Earth.

Before, he was concerned about the safety of his family, so he had been hiding his combat power.

Now his combat power has reached the ninth level of the planetary level, and he is no longer afraid of exposing his cultivation.

There should be no blind people on the earth who dare to deal with his family. If there is such a person, it doesn’t matter, because this person is just looking for death.

Only after standing in front of the stage can Luo Feng get the treatment that matches his current cultivation level. Not only can he improve the lives of his family, but more importantly, he can also take advantage of the situation to integrate the major forces on the earth to search for resources for him.

You must know that there is a treasure on the earth that he must not miss, the Nine Tribulations Secret Book.

The Nine Tribulations Secret Book is a cultivation secret technique that Luo Feng obtained in the original timeline. It is a piece of black metal slate excavated by the earth's human beings during the exploration of the earth.

Luo Feng is not sure where it is, so he needs to let the entire earth's forces help him search together.

The Nine Tribulations Secret Book can allow Luo Feng to break the rules of the original universe and let his gene level break through the limitations of human genes.

The first tribulation alone can triple Luo Feng's body genes, and the ninth tribulation can increase Luo Feng's genes by 769 times.

You should know that every time the genes are doubled, the strength of the cultivator will also double. What a terrifying secret method it is to increase the strength by 769 times.

In addition, the Nine Tribulations Secret Book is also an important prop to obtain the inheritance of the Mountain Master and is bound to the Star Tower, a treasure of the God King level, so it cannot be lost.

In the original timeline, Luo Feng also took off completely after getting the Ninth Level Secret Book and had the strength to confront the Immortal King with the realm of the Realm Master.

If the Nine Tribulations Secret Book can be obtained in advance, it will undoubtedly be a great help to Luo Feng's growth.

However, Luo Feng is not sure whether the Nine Tribulations Secret Book is on Earth now.

After all, the Mountain Master has been secretly operating behind the Nine Tribulations Secret Book. Maybe the Mountain Master has not put the Nine Tribulations Secret Book into the earth at all.

But no matter what, it depends on human effort.

Luo Feng always has to give it a try. If he can find it, the benefits will be too great.

Not long after, Hong's prehistoric fighter plane appeared in the sky and soon landed on Tianfeng Mountain.

Then a figure walked out of the fighter plane.

This figure was dressed in black, giving Luo Feng an extremely strong sense of oppression.

He could feel that Hong's body seemed to have an invisible aura, bringing everything around him under Hong's control.

Luo Feng's eyes showed a searching expression.

Is this the realm Babata is talking about?

It's amazing!

A strong person with a domain can completely control his own power, and can even resonate with the original energy of the universe between heaven and earth.

The cultivation of the realm is divided into nine levels. After reaching the ninth level, you can even come into contact with the laws of the universe. However, Hong has only comprehended two realms now. It can only be regarded as just getting started.

The field he had just entered was so oppressive, which gave Luo Feng an intuitive understanding of the power of the field.

The moment he saw Hong, Babata also exclaimed: "Wow! Luo Feng, you really didn't lie to me. There are actually geniuses who have mastered the field on earth!

This is simply unbelievable, your planet has really hit the jackpot.

Not only do you have a peerless genius with 45% brain width, but you can also cultivate a genius who understands the field at a planetary level. The chance is simply one in a quadrillion. You can win the jackpot ten times in a row by buying lottery tickets. None of them can match the luck of your planet. "

Luo Feng ignored Babata's surprise. Instead, he looked at Hong carefully. He was really curious about Hong, who was known as the first man on earth.

Luo Feng was sizing up Hong, and Hong was also sizing up Luo Feng.

"Luo Feng, eighteen years old, lives in Yangzhou City, Jiangnan Base City. In addition to being an apprentice at my Extreme Martial Arts School, he is also a student. He just took the college entrance examination a few days ago.

I'm very curious. According to the records in this document, your behavior has always been normal, and there are no abnormalities in your various actions. How can you know so many secrets? "

Luo Feng chuckled: "If you can't figure it out, don't think about it. How about a comparison? I've been curious about the number one warrior on earth for a long time."

A fight with Hong was also one of Luo Feng's main reasons for coming here today.

Just relying on the various secrets left by the master of the Fallen Ink Star to practice will make progress too slow. Working behind closed doors is always the last resort.

If you want to progress quickly, you still have to fight with people.

Especially Hong is still a strong man who has understood the field, and fighting him will be of huge benefit to the current Luo Feng.

Hong's expression changed and he nodded: "That's exactly what I wanted to do. I also want to test the abilities of the senior martial arts apprentices in our Extreme Martial Arts School. How dare they hack into my smart device."

He was also curious about Luo Feng's hidden secrets and couldn't wait to test Luo Feng's true level.

After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately moved their hands. Hong casually pulled out a spear and stabbed Luo Feng.

The spear broke through the air, causing waves of roars, and the field around Hong seemed to be condensed in darkness on top of the spear.

Under the influence of the domain, all the power in Hong's body was condensed on this spear, making the attack of this spear unimaginably powerful.

Luo Feng was not to be outdone. During this period of practice, he had completely mastered the first form of the arc knife disk. He stretched out his hand and countless small blades like willow leaves turned into a huge long knife in the air. The speed that cannot be seen by the naked eye collides with Hong's spear.

In an instant, the entire mountain peak could no longer withstand the aftermath of this horrific battle, and began to slowly disintegrate, with pieces of falling rocks rolling down.

Spears and sabers crisscrossed in the air, and the strength between the two was actually evenly divided.

Seeing this scene, Hong didn't bother to think about Luo Feng's identity. After all, he was a warrior who was killed in the catastrophe. He was very enthusiastic about fighting. To meet such a well-matched opponent, his eyes were ablaze. Feeling a trace of fighting spirit, he fiercely attacked Luo Feng as if he were crazy.

Luo Feng also became excited. Hong's domain really opened his eyes. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have thought that there were such wonderful ways to use power.

The realm of swallowing the world is completely different from the moves and techniques of other worlds. Its essence is to use various methods of exerting force, spiritual will, original energy, etc. to increase the power of moves, which can easily reach ten times, or even An increase of dozens of times.

This is completely different from the moves of Jindan Martial Arts that focus on harnessing the energy of heaven and earth, and the boxing techniques of Yangshen Martial Arts that focus on developing the potential of the human body. It is a new path of moves.

Of course, Luo Feng has also studied various martial arts techniques and moves uploaded by his friends, and he is quite proficient in some of them.

But at this time, Luo Feng completely abandoned these techniques and just relied on the power of the spiritual master to fight Hong, feeling and learning the secrets of the field.

Luo Feng knew that if he wanted to achieve a high enough level of achievement in the Devouring Cultivation Method, he must master the power. Using the power of the domain to touch the law was the only way to achieve the Devouring Cultivation Method.

During the fierce battle, Luo Feng felt that his originally slow progress in the realm of moves was rapidly progressing, a hundred times a thousand times faster than when he practiced silently.

Luo Feng was excited, but Hong became more and more depressed the more they fought, because he found that Luo Feng's moves were extremely rough but surprisingly powerful.

No matter how sophisticated his moves were, he was never able to truly break through Luo Feng's defensive circle, and the two fell into a stalemate.

Hong, who has understood the realm, does have planet-level invincible combat power, but Luo Feng is not a simple person.

If Luo Feng only had the ninth level of planetary cultivation, I'm afraid he really wouldn't be a match for Hong now.

But Luo Feng not only has the power of the ninth level of the planetary level, but also can use the Yangshen Taoism of the possession realm to cheat. After all, both are the ability to drive objects, and the power can naturally be superimposed on each other, so the power of the arc knife disk controlled by Luo Feng is even stronger than that of the ordinary ninth level of the planetary level, so that the invincible Hong at the planetary level has no way to deal with him.

Hong felt that Luo Feng in front of him was simply a wild bull. He had no moves but was powerful and heavy, and he gradually suppressed him.

He felt a faint numbness in his palm holding the gun, and he almost couldn't hold it.

Hong raised his head and watched the dark golden sword controlled by Luo Feng shuttle through the air. The hidden power on the sword could easily chop down the mountain and tear the earth.

He was speechless in his heart. This guy is 18 years old, and this guy is an apprentice of a high-level martial arts school.

Hong even had an impulse to directly kick out the director in charge of selecting talents in Jiangnan Base City.

Obviously, a big Buddha like Luo Feng appeared in the Extreme Martial Arts Hall, but the information on the file was still that of a high-level martial arts apprentice.

Even when Hong called to ask in person just now, the staff of Jiangnan Base City could not tell what was wrong with Luo Feng.

Hong, who was dressed in black and holding a spear, put away his spear fiercely: "No more fighting, no more fighting, I really don't know how you practiced, you have reached the ninth level of the planetary level at such a young age.

It's really too difficult to beat you with three levels behind you."

Hong looked like a hero in his twilight years, leaning on his spear and doubting his life. He couldn't figure out how Luo Feng practiced.

Luo Feng's life trajectory seemed too normal. He was just a simple martial arts apprentice with some talent. He went back and forth between home, school and martial arts hall every day. How could he break through to the ninth level of the planetary level without making a sound?

Facing Hong's question, Luo Feng did not explain. He took out a wood crystal and threw it to Hong:

"As the strongest person on Earth, you should have obtained a lot of information left by ancient civilizations, and naturally know how big this universe is.

What War God level and Senator level, in the universe, is just the apprentice level and planetary level. It belongs to the bottom of the existence.

To put it bluntly, it is just the level of being able to make a living in the universe, what's so strange about it.

There are countless opportunities in this universe. As long as there are enough resources, it is not normal to practice faster."

Luo Feng is very meticulous in doing things. He knows that he has naturally found a reason to explain why his cultivation has improved so quickly.

This is certainly not to evade Hong, but mainly to make his own path to rise more reasonable.

You must know that after he shows his natural talents in the future, there will be far more people in this universe who are interested in him than just Hong.

In the original timeline, many people also guessed through clues that he had obtained the inheritance of the owner of the Meteorite Ink Star.

In this timeline, his rise was even more outrageous. In order to deal with the investigation of those who were interested and better cover up the secrets of the chat group, Luo Feng could only take out the inheritance of the owner of the Meteorite Star to block the knife.

Just move the time of obtaining the inheritance forward a few years to perfectly explain his rise.

Anyway, no one knows when he obtained the inheritance of the owner of the Meteorite Star.

Hong looked at the white crystal in his hand with incredible eyes: "This is the Mu Ya crystal. You actually have the opportunity to obtain this treasure.

No wonder, with the assistance of the Mu Ya crystal, it is not surprising that you can break through to the ninth level of the planet."

Hong's eyes now look at Luo Feng from the initial interest to envy.

Think of him Hong all the way from the Great Cataclysm period, experienced countless ups and downs, devoted to martial arts, and experienced decades of tempering, only then step by step to have today's cultivation.

And with the assistance of the Mu Ya crystal, Luo Feng easily surpassed his achievements.

It's really hard to think about it, and even his state of mind can't suppress the emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Luo Feng pointed at the Mu Ya crystal: "I like this thing, do you want it?"

Hong nodded, with a look of desire in his eyes: "Of course I want it, Luo Feng, are you willing to exchange it for Mu Ya crystal?"

He had long been fed up with the current life, but there was no way, the resources on Earth were too scarce, and if he wanted to make progress, he could only slowly absorb the free energy in the universe.

But this led to a slow progress in his cultivation. In fact, he broke through to the councilor level more than 20 years ago, but after so many years of hard practice, he has only barely cultivated to the sixth level of the planetary level.

If he had enough Mu Ya crystals in hand, he felt that he could break through to the star level in at most three years.

Luo Feng nodded: "I came to meet with you, Master Hong, this time. In addition to the Sky-Escape Shuttle, I also want to make a deal with you. I want to exchange some other resources with you using Mu Ya Crystals."

"Exchange! You can exchange anything you want!

No matter how many Mu Ya Crystals you have, I'll buy them all!.

Hearing this, Hong was instantly refreshed. There was such a good thing!

Luo Feng shook his head: "I may have a lot of Mu Ya Crystals. Master Hong, you can't exchange for a few even if you take out all your collection."

Hong's face was a little painful: "I will make a list when I go back. You can exchange for whatever you like on the list. It's better to exchange for a few than not to exchange for any! . "

He has been invincible on Earth for so many years, and naturally he has collected a lot of precious resources, but these resources are nothing compared to Mu Ya Crystals.

He wants to improve too much.

And with Mu Ya Crystals, he can improve quickly.

Mu Ya crystal not only allows him to practice faster, but also has great benefits for his pet Mo Yun vine.

But now the Mu Ya crystal is right in front of him, but he can't get it.

Luo Feng smiled, it's right that he can't exchange it for a few. He has never been interested in the resources on Hong. He took out the Mu Ya crystal just to fish, and now Hong has taken the bait.

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