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Chapter 285 The Earth Shakes, and a New God Descends

The fish he wanted to catch were naturally Hong and Lei Shen.

Without the threat of the golden-horned beast, Luo Feng could not become a hero on Earth like in another timeline.

In this case, Luo Feng would encounter many twists and turns if he wanted to smoothly control the major forces on Earth.

Luo Feng knew better than anyone how troublesome it would be if humans started to intrigue against each other, so he was too lazy to care about these things.

But he needed the power of the major forces on Earth.

After all, the Nine Tribulations Secret Book was probably buried in a ruin on Earth.

And later, he could use the power of the major forces on Earth to monitor the golden-horned beast egg flying from outer space, and then seize its body at the first time.

So Luo Feng chose to pull Hong and Lei Shen onto his chariot.

With the support of the two giants, the Extreme Martial Arts Hall and the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall, plus his personal force, he could smoothly control the power of the entire Earth.

Luo Feng and Hong agreed to make the next transaction in the evening and then temporarily separated from Hong.

After meeting Hong, Luo Feng met with the representatives of the Thunder and Lightning Martial Arts Hall and China.

The representatives of the Thunderbolt Martial Arts School and China were very straightforward and paid the agreed remuneration without saying much.

Luo Feng naturally did not embarrass them and completed the transaction with them happily.

But things changed when he met the representatives of the HR Alliance.

The place where Luo Feng and the representatives of the HR Alliance agreed to meet was on a plain in the north of the White Elephant Country.

Luo Feng drove the maglev car and stopped here early to wait for the arrival of the representatives of the HR Alliance.

Not long after, the intelligent fighter from the HR Alliance slowly landed, and seven or eight warriors in combat uniforms walked out of it.

The auras of these seven or eight warriors were very strong. The weakest had the strength of a peak war god, and the leading man had the strength of a councilor.

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng couldn't help but smile.

Well, well, it's worthy of the HR Alliance. It really didn't let him down!

Luo Feng wanted to establish his prestige and was worried about not finding an opportunity. The HR Alliance came up on its own, so don't blame him.

The leader of the HR Alliance representatives was the councillor-level strongman. He had a white robe and black hair, white wrinkles on his skin, and an arrogant face. It was obvious that he was born into a noble family.

He walked slowly in front of Luo Feng with seven or eight war god-level subordinates behind him.

"I am Swaraj, are you the iron-faced man who traded with us? Swaraj looked at Luo Feng curiously, with an inquiring look in his eyes. "I didn't expect you to be a Chinese, and so young. "

Svaradi's eyes were extremely greedy, scanning Luo Feng up and down, because he knew that the treasures on this little guy from China were inestimable.

And what moved Svaradi the most was that he did not feel any threatening breath from Luo Feng.

To be able to hide from his parliamentary-level perception, unless the child in front of him was stronger than him and could reach the level of speaker.

But how could this be possible? In his opinion, how strong could an eighteen-year-old child be? Being able to become a god of war was already an incredible genius.

Luo Feng nodded and stretched out his hand: "It's me, where are the things I want! Did you bring them?"

Svaraj showed a grim smile on his face: "You still have the nerve to ask us for things?

Do you know how much our HR Alliance suffered in Kirishima because of your intelligence? Not only did we not seize the spirit of plants and trees, but we also lost a war god-level strongman.

I now suspect that you and China are colluding with each other, pretending to sell the intelligence of Kirishima to us, but the real plan is to weaken the strength of our HR Alliance! "

This sentence is half true and half false. The HR Alliance did lose a war god-level strongman on the Mist Island, but they also snatched more than a dozen plant spirits. Overall, it was not a loss at all.

Hearing this, Babata, who had been following Luo Feng, jumped up.

"I'm so angry, Luo Feng. They dared to frame you. These guys from the HR Alliance have gained a lot on the Mist Island."

Luo Feng shook his head helplessly: "It's normal. It's normal for the HR Alliance to make such a choice.

After all, the HR Alliance is an alliance formed by various big families. Each of these families is extremely greedy and regards profit as life.

After all, the materials I collected from them are a huge sum of 30 billion -, it is normal for them to be reluctant.

Especially now that I have revealed my true identity, I am still so young, and I don't have much strength at a glance. It would be strange if they didn't have evil intentions. "

Babata was even more angry. He had already regarded Luo Feng as his master. These ants in front of him dared to plot against Luo Feng, which had touched his reverse scale.

After saying that, Luo Feng turned his head and looked at Swaraj: "I don't care at all what losses your HR Alliance suffered in Wudao and what benefits you gained.

I just remember that when I traded with you, I didn't guarantee how much benefit you could get in Wudao, and I also told you in advance that this information was not only sold to your HR Alliance.

You have such a big loss purely because of your own strength.

I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, just give me what I want. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Swaraj's eyes flashed with coldness: "What sweet dreams are you having?

You still want something, I tell you that you can't get a penny today

And if you can't give us an explanation to our HR Alliance today and make satisfactory compensation for us, this matter will definitely not be over. "

Just as Swaraj was speaking, the six peak-level God of War warriors behind him took a step forward, and their powerful aura was instantly released to oppress Luo Feng.

"I know that you have gained a lot this time. With Kirishima's news, you have obtained many benefits from the three major forces and five major countries, with a total value of more than 200 billion yuan.

And you discovered Kirishima first, so you must have harvested a lot of plant spirits.

Our HR Alliance is not greedy either. As long as you can come up with treasures worth 100 billion yuan today and ten plant spirits, we will let you go. "

Luo Feng had a faint smile on his face: "Are you sure you want to do this so well?

We have already negotiated the deal, and even the Extreme Martial Arts School and the Thunderbolt Martial Arts School don’t dare to rely on me.

Just your HR alliance, where do you have such courage? "

Swaraj's face darkened: "Okay, okay, shameless!

I want to see if your mouth can still be so hard once it falls into my hands. "

As he said this, he waved his hand, and a white-robed warrior behind him rushed forward, fiercely grabbed Luo Feng's right arm, and pressed him hard to push him to the ground.

But what he didn't expect was that although he was holding Luo Feng's arm, he felt as if he was holding down a solid steel statue. No matter how hard he exerted force, the arm remained motionless.

Then a trace of black light flashed, and he found that his perspective became extremely strange. The whole world kept spinning in his field of vision. He felt dizzy for a while, until there was a loud noise and a pair of SS-level combat boots appeared on his shoulders. in sight.

This pair of SS-level combat boots is extremely familiar to him. It is his favorite pair of combat boots. Before going out this morning, his wife once gently helped him put these boots on his feet.

Only then did he realize that the reason why his vision was so strange was because his head had left his body.

It was only then that a fountain of blood sprayed out from the warrior's neck, spraying blood freely like a fountain.

Several God-of-War-level warriors were splashed all over by the bloody fountain before they could dodge, and even their uniforms turned blood red.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, calmly decomposed the arc cutterhead into a circular shield to block all the blood.

Now that Luo Feng had taken action, he would show no mercy, and the gray light from the arc blade cut towards these warriors at the peak of the God of War level like thunder.

In another moment, six more bloody fountains were added, and blood sprayed out again under the influence of the huge pressure in the human body.

Luo Feng's control of power was so wonderful. The power he just used to drive each sword was only beyond the God of War level, not even the planet level, but it was just enough to control these warriors at the top of the God of War level. Behead.

Swaraj was dumbfounded when he saw this scene: "Spirit. Spiritualist, you are actually a spiritualist.

No wonder I don't feel a powerful aura from your body.

It turns out that you hide it so deeply. "

Then there was a trace of anger on Swaraj's face. For every country on the earth, a God of War powerhouse is the most precious asset. The HR Alliance is not considered strong among the major forces on the earth. In the mid-range, 6 warriors at the peak of the God of War were lost all at once, and their strength immediately fell to the bottom of the major forces. This is absolutely unacceptable to the HR Alliance.

However, Swaraj was not afraid. Although the power shown by Luo Feng was strong, in his opinion, it was just that. He could tell at a glance that the power of Luo Feng's messenger had not reached the planetary level.

He is a strong man at the council level, which is fundamentally different from the God of War level.

"How dare you kill a strong man from my HR alliance? I think you are really impatient with life.

The strength of spiritual masters has indeed improved rapidly. To have such a strong power at such a young age, you are already considered a genius among spiritual masters.

But in front of me, Swaraj, you are still an ant

I originally wanted to spare your life, but now, I tell you, you are dead! "

As he spoke, Swaraj suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand and was about to slash at Luo Feng, but before he could take action, a black light cut off his arm holding the sword, and then another black light cut it off. Neck cut.

A warrior like Swaraj who had just reached the planetary level had no ability to resist at all in front of Luo Feng, who had already reached the ninth level of the planetary level.

He didn't even need to show the first stage of the arc disk, he just mobilized a little more power and killed it directly.

Stepping on Swaraj's arm, Luo Feng kicked the watch on his arm.

"Babata, use this watch to call the HR Alliance's dedicated line, and send them a copy of the video you just shot."

Babata looked excited: "Okay, leave it to me!"

For Babata, hacking into such a backward smart watch is as easy as drinking water.

Luo Feng saw Babata indicating that he had completed the invasion, and said to his watch:

"I am Luo Feng, the man in the iron mask who traded with you before.

Listen to me, I sincerely traded with your HR alliance, but instead of cherishing my goodwill, you tore up the contract and demanded compensation from me.

Now you've pissed me off!

The deal between us is void. Now if you want to calm my anger, you can compensate me according to Swaraditi’s conditions just now. "

After saying that, without waiting for a reply from the HR Alliance, Luo Feng crushed the watch into powder with a force on his foot.

I don’t know if he received the news from the HR Alliance. In the subsequent transactions, the White Elephant Kingdom and other forces were very honest. Luo Feng quickly obtained the transaction materials negotiated with them from them.

During the transaction process, representatives from these countries also made friendly requests for discussions.

Of course Luo Feng would not refuse their request. His appearance this time was because he wanted to show his power in front of all countries.

The representatives sent by each country were all parliamentarian-level combatants, but they did not dare to be careless in the face of Luo Feng, and everyone took action with all their strength.

But even so, they were no different from children in front of Luo Feng, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't resist.

Moreover, the intelligence personnel sent by the major forces also learned a terrifying piece of information from the Extreme Martial Arts Hall.

Luo Feng's strength was comparable to Hong's, and there was no winner in the battle between the two.

At this moment, all countries knew that the world of warriors on earth was about to change. Another martial god who could rival Hong and Lei Shen was born. The situation of extreme martial arts and thunder and lightning martial arts schools competing for hegemony was about to change. It became Hong Lei Shen and Luo Feng. A new situation of tripartite confrontation.

All the forces on the earth could not sit still, and they used all means to find out Luo Feng's identity.

Since Luo Feng's appearance was obviously from China, they sent intelligence agents to China to investigate Luo Feng.

Since Luo Feng did not change his appearance and even left his name, they quickly obtained Luo Feng's information.

And after discovering Luo Feng's true identity, the forces from various countries couldn't believe their eyes.

A young warrior who is only 18 years old actually has strength comparable to Hong and Lei Shen.

What kind of fantasy is this?

Originally, the HR Alliance was ready to gather strength to retaliate against Luo Feng, but after receiving intelligence from other countries, they were instantly frightened and broke out in cold sweat.

Luo Feng's strength was so powerful that they had unknowingly offended a peerless powerhouse who was comparable to Hong and Lei Shen.

The HR Alliance, which has come from the Cataclysm Era, knows how terrifying Hong and Lei Shen are. Once they offend such powerful men, even they will encounter disaster.

The eight aristocratic families, who were almost frightened to death, gathered together for a meeting, but they tried their best and couldn't figure out how to counter Luo Feng, so they had no choice but to hand over the compensation Luo Feng demanded with hemorrhage.

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