All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 28 Group leader's exclusive cub protection mission

In this fight, all the boxing techniques he used were borrowed from those two pairs of iron arhats.

With the Bull Demon Powerful Fist, the Burning Flame Rubbing Fist, and the Thunder Suspense Sword on his back, he has a lot of hidden cards.

If all the cards are revealed, it is not difficult to defeat He Zudao.

However, Zhang Junbao decided early on to only use Shaolin boxing when fighting He Zudao.

He grew up in Shaolin, and the Shaolin Temple was kind to him.

But to put it bluntly, it was Master Jue Yuan who really took care of him.

For Zhang Junbao, Master Jue Yuan is like a teacher and a father, and is definitely the most important person in the world.

Today, I used Shaolin martial arts to defeat Shaolin's powerful enemies and help Shaolin solve disasters. In Zhang Junbao's opinion, this part of his love was repaid.

After repaying the kindness, the next thing is naturally to have grudges and revenge.

"As expected of the Three Saints of Kunlun, Donor He's martial arts also opened my eyes and inspired me a lot, and I benefited a lot."

He Zudao laughed: "Jun Bao, you have strong internal energy and strict rules in Arhat Boxing. It will be really fun to fight with you! If you masters don't mind, I would like to stay in Shaolin Temple for a few days and have a good discussion of martial arts with Jun Bao. "

He Zudao became interested in talents. He saw that although Zhang Junbao had strong internal strength, he only used a set of Shaolin Luohan Fist to move back and forth, which had some flaws.

Zhang Junbao's face lit up when he heard this. If one more person saw what happened next, it would be one more witness. Moreover, He Zudao was well-known in the Western Regions and had considerable influence.

If he is willing to stay, it is definitely a good thing.

"Of course you can. Our Shaolin Temple has a special pilgrim temple, which is for lay people who come to offer incense."

The old Zen monk among the Seven Elders of Heart Zen has been waiting for He Zudao to leave.

Until he saw Zhang Junbao leaving He Zudao behind, his expression changed.

As expected, people who secretly learn martial arts are not good people. This young novice is just as treacherous as the original Huo Gong Tutuo.

It’s a beautiful idea to think that by leaving an outsider, you can escape the punishment of the temple rules!

The old monk Kuchan suddenly walked out, stood in front of the monks, stared at Zhang Junbao and said, "Tell me, who taught you martial arts?"

This old man's voice was like a hundred-year-old dead wood, with a heavy mist, and there was a sense of resentment in his words.

This incident shocked everyone present.

If it were Zhang Junbao in the original work, he would be completely confused at this time, but now Zhang Junbao has long known the cause and effect from the group leader.

This old Zen monk was the disciple of the Zen master who was beaten to death by Huo Gong Tutuo.

In his heart, any Shaolin disciple who dares to secretly learn martial arts is as heinous as Huo Gong Tutuo.

Zhang Junbao stood up straight, his body as tall as a pine tree: "The disciple's internal skills are taught by his master Jue Yuan. As for my boxing technique, there is no teacher in the Shaolin Temple."

The old monk Kuchan's eyes suddenly widened, and his voice became as sad as a cuckoo weeping blood: "I'll tell you clearly again, no one taught you your boxing skills, but you learned them privately."

The old monk Ku Chan felt a surge of anger igniting in his heart. Not only did this man secretly learn Shaolin martial arts just like the Huo Gong Tutuo back then, but his cultivation was even more terrifying than the Huo Gong Tutuo back then.

All the tragedies of that year kept replaying in his mind. If this person stayed in the Shaolin Temple, he would definitely cause another disaster.

Xu Chenzhou was sitting at home at this time. Seeing that the drama was about to reach its climax, he couldn't help but sit up straight.

He stared at the resentment on Teacher Kuchan's face, completely unable to understand the brain circuit of this stubborn old man.

no? Is this person sick?

Other sects could not even treat Zhang Zhenren as a genius as a treasure, but Shaolin Temple actually promoted him to other sects.

With this kind of outlook and being so stuck in a rut, it's rotten to the core.

No wonder the Shaolin Temple was completely reduced to a background after Yitian and was stepped on by the Wudang Sect. It was not until the Swordsman period that it regained its prominence in the hands of Master Fangzheng.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was filled with indignation, the task panel of the chat group suddenly flashed.

“[Group owner’s exclusive cub protection mission]

Group member Zhang Junbao is facing the first huge turning point in his life at this time. After this turning point, Zhang Junbao's life will enter a new stage.

As the leader of the group, it is my obligation to accompany the group members to tide over the difficulties and protect the cubs from successfully emerging into butterflies.

Please ask if you accept the task.

If you accept the mission, you will be transported to the world where the group members are for seven days.

After the task is completed, the chat group will give a task evaluation based on the performance of the group members, and the group owner can receive different levels of rewards based on the task evaluation. "

As soon as he saw the reward, Xu Chenzhou couldn't sit still.

tnnd has rewards, so what else do you need to consider.

It must be accepted.

Even if there is no reward, Xu Chenzhou still has the duty to pressure the members of the group.

Besides, Xu Chenzhou has been jealous of those incense powers in Shaolin Temple for a long time.

His world's cultivation system is as chaotic as a pot of porridge, and the water is extremely deep.

A few days ago, Xu Chenzhou went to the surrounding temples and saw that there were no farts. They were clean as if they had been looted by thieves.

Not to mention the power of incense condensed into substance, there are not even many old Buddha statues. Except for the Sakyamuni sitting in the center, which is an old object, most of the Buddha statues that can be moved are from this year. Newly molded.

As for where those past Buddha statues went, Xu Chenzhou did not delve into it, nor did he dare to delve into it.

His current strength is considered a master in front of ordinary people, and he is not even a small shrimp in front of those real big guys.

After clicking to accept, a light gate appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou that only he could see.

Xu Chenzhou took out an ancient-style dress from the cabinet at home, put on a black hoodie on the outside, and took a plate of watermelon, and then walked through the light gate leisurely.

The moment he passed through the light gate, Xu Chenzhou felt like he was jumping from the surface of the water into the bottom of the water. With only a weak resistance, Xu Chenzhou came to the world of Yitian.

The place where the light gate is located is about six or seven hundred meters away from the mountain gate of Shaolin Temple.

Xu Chenzhou stood on the top of a big tree and looked around. He actually felt that there were more than a dozen unknown auras hidden in the dark.

The visit of Kunlun Three Saints He Zudao to Shaolin Temple was indeed a big drama, and it actually attracted so many martial artists in secret.

It seems that Shaolin Temple is really lively today.

Xu Chenzhou smiled slightly, and felt that the watermelon in his hand was becoming sweeter.

Zhang Junbao in the field had already had some master's demeanor at this time. Facing the harsh words of the old monk Kuchan, he was not at all intimidated, and took out the two pairs of iron arhats given to him by Guo Xiang.

"My boxing skills were learned from these two iron arhats. They were given by friends. When I was bored, I would practice boxing according to the iron arhats' sets, and then I learned this set of boxing skills."

As soon as this sentence was said, the faces of everyone present changed.

Master Jueyuan had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and remembered the ins and outs of this matter.

Ever since Huogong Toudao rebelled against the temple, the punishment of the monks in the Shaolin Temple for secretly learning Shaolin martial arts was so severe that everyone who heard it changed color.

Not only did they have to abolish the meridians of the whole body, break the tendons of the hands and feet, but they also had to receive fifty sticks.

These fifty sticks were no joke. The monks of Shaolin Temple held the sticks, and no partiality was allowed.

Even if he survives, he will be demoted to a menial disciple and will never be able to turn over a new leaf.

After such a punishment, even a peerless master will be in danger of death. Even if he survives, he will become a useless person.

"Old abbot, Junbao did it unintentionally, so don't blame him!"

Before he finished speaking, the head monk Wuxiang of the Dharma Hall shouted: "Dharma Hall disciples, step forward and take this boy down."

The old monk Kuchan of the Heart Zen Hall also shouted: "Arhat Hall disciples, step forward together."

The monks of the Arhat Hall also shouted: "Yes!"

In the blink of an eye, the eighteen disciples of the Dharma Hall and the one hundred and eight Arhats of the Arhat Hall formed an airtight circle, surrounding Zhang Junbao, Guo Xiang, and Master Jueyuan in the middle.

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