All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 29 The Sanctimonious Shaolin Temple

Zhang Junbao looked at the circle of people around him and felt it was very ridiculous.

Just a few seconds ago, these Shaolin Temple monks regarded him as a hero, and many people's eyes were full of admiration. However, in the blink of an eye, after the old monk Kuchan gave an order, these people regarded him as a bandit.

This change gave Zhang Junbao a dreamlike feeling.

Immediately afterwards, Zen Master Wuxiang shouted loudly again: "If you don't take action yet, wait until when!"

Hearing these words, Xu Chenzhou, who was eating melons on a tree in the distance, jumped out of the air in an instant, and moved forward three to four hundred meters in the blink of an eye. A blazing flame ignited above his fists, which was exactly what he was doing with full firepower. Burning Flame Demonic Fist.

The brats in my own group can only be bullied by my own people. Who are you, Shaolin, to be worthy of bullying my people?

Although Zhang Junbao's martial arts at this time was high, there were so many people in Shaolin that it was difficult for two fists to defeat four hands.

And Shaolin Temple is Shaolin Temple after all. If a few old monsters like sweeping monks appear again, Zhang Junbao may not be able to handle it.

In addition to flying swords, Zhang Junbao's current martial arts cultivation level is actually a level higher than that of He Zudao.

If two masters at the level of sweeping monks attack Zhang Junbao at the same time, even with flying swords in hand, it will be a tough battle.

Just when Xu Chenzhou was about to take action, Zhang Junbao remained calm. He grabbed Master Jue Yuan with one hand and was about to take action.

"Master, don't worry, my disciple will be fine."

At the same time, he pushed outward with his other hand, and the force of his palm shook the eighteen disciples of Bodhidharma Hall who were rushing towards him, causing them to retreat.

"Master Wuxiang, I thought you were the head of the Shaolin Bodhidharma Hall, with high morals and high prestige, and you must be fair in dealing with things. I didn't expect you to be such an indiscriminate and sanctimonious person. You did it like this without even knowing the whole story. When the time comes, word will spread to the world. , Aren’t you afraid that Shaolin’s reputation will be ruined?”

Zhang Junbao put one hand on his waist, with a calm expression on his face.

Zen Master Wuxiang immediately said: "You are such a sharp-tongued young man. There are all the witnesses and material evidence. The matter is clear. I have already confessed that your boxing technique was learned secretly from the Iron Arhat without any master. This is already You have violated the rules of my Shaolin Temple. As the leader of the Bodhidharma Hall and in charge of the precepts in the Shaolin Temple, it is my duty to take you down. Even if I invite my martial arts colleagues from all over the world to judge together, no one will feel guilty about what I have done. What’s the problem?”

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Zhang Junbao's eyes: "You know that I learned my boxing skills from Iron Arhat, so why don't you ask me where did I get this Iron Arhat?"

Xu Chenzhou, who was about to take action, stood on the tree and saw that Zhang Junbao responded with control and a confident look, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction on his face.

It seems that this kid has already thought about how to deal with this matter. This face-to-face confrontation is to discredit the Shaolin Temple.

In the ten days since joining the group chat, Zhang Junbao has matured visibly.

In this case, he is not in a hurry to take action.

If some old monster really jumps out of the Shaolin Temple to bully the small, then he will take action to let these Shaolin bald donkeys know that there are people outside the world, and there is a world outside the world.

When Zen Master Wuxiang heard Zhang Junbao's words, his face turned blue and white. He and Zen Master Wuxi were brothers. They had such a close relationship that they seemed to be the same person. How could he not know whose handiwork this Iron Arhat was? .

But he is the head of the Bodhidharma Hall and is in charge of the precepts, so everything can only be done in accordance with the temple regulations.

The Shaolin Temple does not prohibit Shaolin monks from teaching some superficial martial arts to outsiders. With the status of Zen Master Wu Se, it would not be a problem for him to teach a hundred people or a thousand people, such as Arhat Boxing.

Zhang Junbao secretly learned martial arts, which indeed violated the temple rules. If he was not punished, what prestige would he have as the head of the Bodhidharma Hall? Not to mention that there was an old monk of extremely high seniority watching behind him. He would not Dare to make mistakes, otherwise even if he is the head of the Bodhidharma Hall, he will still have to accept the temple rules!

"Shut up. It's an ironclad fact that you secretly learned martial arts from the Shaolin Temple. Now that you're caught without any help, I can still treat you lightly. If you dare to resist stubbornly, there will be no mercy under the temple rules."

Zhang Junbao went on to say: "The Iron Arhat was a gift given to me by a female benefactor, and the gift from this female donor came from the hands of Wu Se Zen Master, the head of the Luohan Hall. When I got this Iron Arhat , I don’t know what the boxing skills practiced by this Iron Arhat are, but I just learned them for fun, can this be regarded as secretly learning Shaolin martial arts?”

The old monk Kuchan shouted: "Since you have learned it, you have violated the temple rules. In this case, you must be punished. Why are you still standing there? Get him quickly."

While talking, the eighteen Bodhidharma Hall disciples and one hundred and eight Arhats stepped forward and surrounded Zhang Junbao. For a moment, there were so many shadows of sticks that almost no one could be seen.

Zhang Junbao, however, was not at all panicked. The Jiuyang Divine Art had a long aura and was best at fighting for a long time. In addition, he had the powerful Bull Demon Fist to temper his body.

The eighteen disciples and one hundred and eight Arhats seemed to be very powerful, and the formation of Arhats to subdue demons was very powerful. However, at the same time, Zhang Junbao faced only seven or eight opponents at most, and Zhang Junbao was not taken seriously by Zhang Junbao.

As long as his internal strength can hold it, the Arhat's Demon-Conquering Formation is nothing more than a toy.

He said while fighting, his voice was deep and deep, reaching the sky: "In other words, this boxing technique can be made into toys by Luohan Hall at will and given as gifts to people outside the temple. It does not violate the temple rules. People outside the temple can learn and give them away at will. Others do not violate the temple rules. On the contrary, it is a disciple of the Shaolin Temple who accidentally learned it from elsewhere. Even if he does not know it, it is considered a violation of the temple rules. If this kind of temple rules are revealed, aren't you afraid that the world will laugh out loud? "

"Besides, I entered Shaolin when I was six years old and followed my master. I stayed in Shaolin for twelve years, and I have never heard any of my brothers and uncles mention this temple rule, and I have never seen any temple rule in any Shaolin book. May I ask which temple rules this is?”

"Is it a temple rule that your Zen Master Wuxiang came up with out of the blue? Since it is a temple rule, why don't you write it into the sect rules so that Shaolin disciples can keep them in mind? Instead, they cover it up and wait until someone makes an unintentional mistake to mobilize the troops?"

"Let me ask you, if I break this temple rule and get caught without any help, what punishment is waiting for me?"

Zen Master Wuxiang opened his mouth slightly and could not say anything. However, monks do not lie. He could not lie in front of all the monks in the Shaolin Temple: "According to the rules of the Shaolin Temple, those who secretly learn Shaolin martial arts will have all their muscles and veins destroyed, and their veins will be broken." The hand tendons and leg tendons will be treated with fifty monk sticks by the senior monks of Bodhidharma Hall, and then they will be demoted to a handyman monk and will not be allowed to leave the temple for life. "

Zhang Junbao's voice became richer and louder, so loud that it could be heard clearly even four or five miles away.

"It's a shame that the world still regards Shaolin Temple as a holy place for Buddhism. The Buddha has the heart of a Bodhisattva and saves all living beings. The Buddha also said: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. Give up all the martial arts, and then receive fifty monk sticks. Who can survive? There are a few people, probably very few.”

"You, you have the name of Buddhism, but you have not learned the compassionate heart of Buddha. This kind of cruel punishment method will make even the demons fall behind. In my opinion, you monks should just return to secular life. Anyway, you are troubled in your heart. Gensheng, you don't look like a monk, why don't you go to the nearby mountain to become a bandit, grab a wife from the village, and live a happy life."

He Zudao on the side also smiled softly and said: "Junbao, you don't know something. This temple rule should be established for a Huo Gong Tutu who broke out of the Shaolin Temple decades ago. This is a rare thing in Shaolin." Such a scandal, a Shaohuo Tutuo penetrated Shaolin, causing the Shaolin Temple to split into a branch of Shaolin in the Western Regions. Related to this scandal, how could the Shaolin masters have the dignity to write this temple rule into the Shaolin sect rules. "

"So it's normal that you don't know. After all, the monks who experienced these things are almost dead. To put it bluntly, except for those people back then, not many people actually care about this temple rule. It has long been forgotten by the monks in the temple. It's almost the same. Most of the new monks who join the temple don't know this rule. It's just that you are unlucky. This old monk from the Xin Chan Hall is probably the one who witnessed what happened back then. In addition, he is of higher seniority, so you are. Such bad luck.”

"But one thing to say is that the Shaolin Temple in the Central Plains is really eye-opening. The disciples in the temple have made great achievements. Not only do they not think about rewards, but they are holding on to the Arhat Boxing to force people to death. The world's martial arts comes from Shaolin, and Shaolin martial arts The most widely spread martial art is Luohan Quan. There are not only 10,000 people in the world but also 8,000 people who know Luohan Quan. You can’t sell this kind of crappy martial arts for ten taels of silver, just for this kind of thing. He is about to take the life of a talented disciple. He is worthy of being a Shaolin sect, with authentic martial arts and profound knowledge, which astonishes me, a outsider."

Guo Xiang, who was watching all this from the side, was stunned and suspected that the heads of the monks in Shaolin Temple had been hit by artillery.

With Zhang Junbao's level of genius, if he had been born on Peach Blossom Island, Huang Laoxie would have doted on him. Not to mention secretly learning an introductory martial arts, even if he had learned the Nine Yin Manual from the bottom of his box with a snap of his fingers, Huang Laoxie would have I guess they can't bear to blame.

To destroy a talented disciple who had just made great achievements for such a ridiculous reason, even if Xiao Dongxie is known for being evil, he still feels that Shaolin is really evil. No wonder Shaolin's reputation has plummeted in the world in recent years. It's your own fault and your own reasons.

Zen Master Wuxiang knew that this move was extremely absurd, but he had no choice.

Shaolin Temple has strict rules, and every monk must be bound by the rules in his life. Master Jue Yuan will be tied up in chains if he loses his scriptures. Zhang Junbao will be demoted to a useless person if he secretly learns martial arts.

Is it true that no one among the monks present sympathizes with Zhang Junbao?

It's just that no one dares to show it. If these monks disobey orders and show no respect, they will be punished with thirty monk sticks.

After hearing these words, the face of the old monk Kuchan gradually turned red and warm. His bald head was like a hard-boiled egg. He was full of anger, but he didn't know how to refute.

Only Zen Master Wuxiang sighed: "If you violate the temple rules, it is a mistake. Our Shaolin Temple is a thousand-year-old temple with strict laws and regulations. I don't need you to judge what I do."

After finishing speaking, Zen Master Wuxiang jumped into the formation on his toes.

With the addition of Zen Master Wuxiang, the power of the Vajra Demon Subduing Formation has greatly increased as if it has a soul.

Eighteen disciples and one hundred and eight Arhats shuttled around Zen Master Wuxiang. The attacks continued like running water. Even Zhang Junbao felt that he could not hold on.

At this moment, a figure came to the gate of Shaolin Mountain from far to near in an instant.

The visitor was none other than Xu Chenzhou.

"Shaolin Temple, how shameless it is to bully the weak with the big. He Zudao, one of the Three Saints of Kunlun, came to challenge the temple, but no one in the huge Shaolin Temple dared to fight. They had to rely on a young monk who was not yet an adult to save face. As a result, now that the crisis has passed, hundreds of people were dispatched in the blink of an eye to besiege the heroes who saved the temple. This is not a strict law, but they just think they have a big fist! Shameless to reverse right and wrong, the sanctimonious Shaolin Temple."

The face of the old monk Kuchan changed: "Who are you? You dare to humiliate my Shaolin here, you are looking for death!"

The old monk Kuchan had actually been broken by He Zudao's words, but he knew that his martial arts were not He Zudao's opponent, so he didn't dare to fight.

At this time, another person dared to talk nonsense here, which gave the old monk Kuchan a breakthrough to vent his anger.

The figure of the old monk Kuchan was like a ghost, dragging several afterimages behind him when he stepped, and in the blink of an eye, he came in front of Xu Chenzhou.

I saw a golden light flashing on his hands, his five fingers formed into claws, and there was a dragon roar between his hands. A huge dragon shadow rose into the air.

It was the Dragon Claw Hand, one of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin.

The old monk Kuchan did not hold back at all, and grabbed Xu Chengzhou's face with this claw.

With his finger strength, if this claw was solid, I'm afraid that Xu Chenzhou's facial features would be torn off in an instant, leaving only a skull face.

This section is a bit too much, I don't know if it's a bit watery. To be honest, I was really angry when I saw this section. I felt that those people in Shaolin Temple had some problems with their brains. They didn't cherish the golden legend. If it were other sects, they would probably be so excited that they couldn't sleep at night.

I was afraid that this section would not be a good experience, so I wrote a little more. Today, I updated 6k, just to make up for the chapter that was not updated the day before yesterday. (ps, actually I want to write more, if it wasn't for the new book period I would have wanted to burst out and finish all the plots in one go. TVT is neither good nor bad, and I am neither good nor bad, it's uncomfortable)

Next I will go to the climax, everyone look forward to it.

Also, please read and recommend, it's really hard for newcomers to write books!

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