All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 30 You Shaolin, come together

Xu Chenzhou sneered, took half a step back, turned slightly to avoid the dragon claw hand, then ignited fire with his hands and punched forward.

It is the Burning Flame Demonic Fist, the extraordinary martial arts inherited from Xu Chenzhou's family.

He is not from Yitian World. To him, the reputation of Shaolin Temple and the authentic martial arts are all bullshit.

This old monk was so ruthless, so naturally Xu Chenzhou would not tolerate him.

The old monk saw a surprised expression on his face when he saw that his dragon claw hand was dodged.

How is it possible? This person looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, about the same age as Zhang Junbao. How is it possible that he can avoid my dragon claw hand.

When did the world have so many masters of so many years?

Xu Chenzhou didn't care what the old monk was thinking. He punched out with all his strength.

The powerful Bull Demon Fist, the Nine Yang Manual, and the Burning Flame Demon Fist, these three martial arts from different worlds are blended together in this fist, and they are integrated into one body. Among the three kinds of strength, there is me among you, and there is you among me. Conflict, perfect fusion.

The internal strength of the old monk Ku Chan is also quite impressive, and he is definitely among the best among the first-class masters in the world.

But even so, his skill is at most comparable to Xu Chenzhou's Nine Yang Manual.

There was not much left of his internal strength cultivation after canceling out Xu Chenzhou's Nine Yang Manual.

In addition to the Nine Yang Manual, Xu Chenzhou's punch also has the physical power tempered by the Bull Demon Powerful Fist and the combat power of the Burning Flame Demonic Fist.

These two forces were so powerful that they immediately shook the old monk Kuchan's internal organs, and a mouthful of old blood was about to spurt out.

"Donor, wait a moment, there is an error here."

Xu Chenzhou didn't wait for him to finish his words, and struck out continuously, and a series of seven or eight punches struck the old monk Kuchan's chest like lightning.

Waves of burning flames penetrated the old monk's body, and his internal organs were instantly roasted to a crisp.

Even the two eyeballs were roasted into pitch black charcoal in an instant. The connection between the eyes and the body was also roasted to a crisp. With a bang, they fell out of the eye sockets and fell to the ground. It fell into black ashes.

"What a mistake. You're going to kill me. Now I can't say it's a misunderstanding. I'm not an unweaned child. I can believe what you say."

Xu Chenzhou clapped his hands, feeling very happy.

When the old monk Kuchan said that the donor would wait a moment, the other six old monks in the Xinchan Hall had already noticed something was wrong.

These seven people have lived together for many years and have become one and the same.

Six of them connected with their feet. Like a gust of wind, it rushed towards Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou pretended that the six of them did not exist, and put his hands behind his back, looking carefree.

"A few more old bald donkeys are here. Do you also want to bully the small? I advise you to see what happens to this person before you take action. If you persist, don't blame me for being ruthless later."

After hearing these words, even though these six old monks had been meditating for many years and had already calmed down, they could not help the emotions surging in their hearts. An unknown fire burst out, and they wished they could kill Xu Chenzhou on the spot.

But when these six people saw the death of old monk Kuchan. A chill could not help but rise from his back to the sky.

"This, what kind of martial arts is this? It can actually cultivate such domineering fire power."

"I've seen and heard nothing. Even if I master the wood-burning sword technique, it's still far behind."

An old monk looked at Xu Chenzhou with fear in his eyes, as if he saw the demon crawling out of hell.

"At this level, I'm afraid it's no longer martial arts but an evil method."

An idea emerged in the minds of the six old monks. This person was either a demon crawling out of hell, or he was invincible in martial arts mythology. In short, he was absolutely unbeatable.

Zhang Junbao's group live broadcast has not been closed. This scene was also seen by the friends in the group. They were so surprised that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "If I read correctly, this person is the group leader! How did the group leader appear in Jun Bao's world? Has the chat group enabled the world travel function?"

Hong Yi was surprised and happy. If the chat group really enabled the world travel function, wouldn't it mean that he could also travel to the world of Yitian.

Speaking of the rich source of incense in Yitian World, Hong Yi couldn't help but feel happy.

Han Li (Qixuanmen disciple): "I guess not. If the new function is really enabled, the chat group will definitely announce it in the group chat. The group leader can travel to the world of Yitian. It is probably due to the identity of the group leader. special permissions.”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li is right. I was able to appear in Yitian World because I accepted a group task. This group task is exclusive to the group leader."

In Yitian World, Zhang Junbao also noticed the appearance of Xu Chenzhou.

The moment he saw Xu Chenzhou, Zhang Junbao's face lit up with joy. He did not expect that the group leader would appear here at this important moment.

"Group leader, why are you here!"

Zhang Junbao no longer held back and used the Burning Flame Demonic Fist he learned from Xu Chenzhou.

Zhang Junbao's fire fist was seen breaking through the air, and each punch released a burning fist, burning the air extremely hot.

The eighteen disciples of Bodhidharma Hall and the one hundred and eight Arhats had never seen such a formation before, and they were forced to retreat continuously.

Only Zen Master Wuxiang has profound skills and can barely support it, but everyone around him has been forced back by Zhang Junbao. Without the Arhat Demon Subduing Formation, he is no match for Zhang Junbao alone. He was repulsed by Zhang Junbao in a few breaths.

When the old monk of Xin Chan Hall saw this scene, he stared angrily.

"Zhang Junbao, you are in cahoots with this thief! Good, good, good, really good, Junior Brother Kuchan is right, you are indeed a big disaster."

The abbot Tianming, who had been silent and silent, also stepped forward.

"Zhang Junbao, I thought you were a good kid, and I wanted to plead with Uncle Kuchan for you, to give you a small punishment and a big warning, and keep your martial arts. I didn't expect you to be so obsessed and fall into the devil's way, and even make friends with such a fierce evil demon, causing Uncle Kuchan to die. It seems that I really can't keep you today."

Hearing what Abbot Tianming said, Xu Chenzhou sneered.

"If that old bald donkey Kuchan didn't want to kill me, how could I have done such a cruel thing.

When you kill someone, don't you think you will be killed?

Only the officials can set fires, but the people can't light lamps.

Only the monks of your Shaolin Temple bully others, and don't allow others to fight back?

This is the Shaolin sect that claims to be the authentic martial arts in the Central Plains. It's really laughable.

It claims to be the authentic martial arts, but its martial arts are not that good. Instead, it talks about accusing others, and it's really a set of rhetoric."

Abbot Tianming's face changed and he was about to speak, but was interrupted by Xu Chenzhou.

"Okay, okay, stop talking so much nonsense.

We are all people in the martial arts world, why do we talk so much about big principles.

Since you think Shaolin Kung Fu is so precious, you can make such a big deal about a mere set of Luohan Fist.

Then today I will see what is so powerful about your Shaolin Kung Fu.

Let's put it this way, it doesn't matter if you come alone, or a group of people, or even if all the people in the Shaolin Temple rush forward.

If you Shaolin monks can defeat us two brothers today, from today on, the two of us will follow the lead of Shaolin. If you say east, we will not go west, and if you say south, we will not go north.

But if you Shaolin monks cannot defeat us brothers, then it means that the Shaolin Kung Fu that you treasure is a piece of waste.

The so-called world's martial arts come from Shaolin is also your boasting.

As for the temple rules violated by Junbao brothers, they will be written off from now on, and you Shaolin monks must announce to the world martial arts fellows to apologize to Junbao."

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