All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 287: Ways to break the impasse

These two opportunities are very important to Luo Feng. Taking over the body of the golden-horned beast can help him break through the limitations of earthlings and quickly improve his cultivation level.

Joining the Virtual Universe Company can allow Luo Feng to go to the original universe, comprehend the original chaos monument, and obtain various cultivation resources through the channels of the Virtual Universe Company.

It can be said that if he cannot obtain these two resources, Luo Feng's next Devouring Cultivation Method will be reduced by at least a hundred times.

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Indeed, these two opportunities come too slowly.

The opportunity of the golden-horned beast can still be bypassed.

After all, there are many people who can possess bodies after entering the universe!

You can completely possess the body of another highly qualified race, so that you can also bypass the qualification restrictions of humans.

But there is no way to bypass the universe-level genius battle. If you really wait until the universe-level genius battle is held, the opportunity will be cold.

You must know that we have only joined the group chat for more than four months.

We have changed so much in more than four months, not to mention four or five years.

Could it be that if it becomes a universe-level genius battle, you will have to stay at the universe level for four or five years?

The price you pay is also... Too big.

And although the opportunity of the golden-horned beast can be bypassed, there are also disadvantages in choosing other lives to possess.

The golden-horned beast not only has an extremely high upper limit, but also fits in well with the way of the beast god.

The most important thing is that the innate incarnation of the golden-horned beast has three incarnations, which not only allows you to retain the human body, but also perfectly fits the Nine Tribulations Secret Book, allowing your Nine Tribulations Secret Book to play the strongest effect.

If you choose other races, I'm afraid you won't be able to train such a terrifying divine body later.

It can be said that except for special life, the most suitable race for you in the entire primitive universe should be the golden-horned beast. "

Hong Yi also frowned, he carefully studied the information provided by Xu Chenzhou.

As one of the five major forces of the Human Alliance, the Virtual Universe Company naturally has various mechanisms to introduce talents.

But except for the genius battle, other introduction mechanisms are relatively rigid. Even if you are introduced as the highest-level talent, you need to slowly accumulate merits before you can be promoted to the four secret realms of the core layer.

In a giant like the Virtual Universe Company, an ordinary member needs to go through thousands of hardships and make great contributions if he wants to be promoted to become a member of the four secret realms.

The time cost is simply inestimable. Even if Luo Feng is excellent, it will not be done in four or five years, and even if he is promoted, he can only stay in the lowest-level Doomsday Secret Realm.

It is better to just wait for the arrival of the universe-level genius battle than to spend this time to work hard.

Luo Feng (the descendant of the Meteorite Ink Star): "Hong Yi, I have carefully thought about the problems you and the group leader have mentioned, and they are indeed difficult to solve.

But when it comes to opportunities, I believe that the chat group is the greatest opportunity that surpasses everything.

If I were to choose, let alone these two opportunities, I would give up even the inheritance of Teacher Zuo Shanke in front of the opportunity of the chat group."

Luo Feng pondered for a moment and continued.

"Although the group leader's profile did not mention it, I suspect that the shadow of Teacher Zuoshanke has always been behind my growth trajectory in that profile.

After all, everything is really too coincidental. Every crisis and every opportunity I encounter comes at the right time.

But if that's the case, then there's no need to worry about the golden-horned beast.

After all, with Teacher Zuoshanke behind the scenes, I shouldn't have to wait too long."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I also feel something is wrong when you say that.

In my previous life, I didn't delve into the logic, but thinking about it carefully, it's really too coincidental.

First of all, it's the RR virus. After being infected with this thing, the creatures on earth have the ability to evolve genes and embark on the road of evolution. Otherwise, neither the creatures on earth nor humans can start evolving.

This can greatly enhance The genes and even the viruses that started the evolutionary journey did not look like they were naturally generated, but more like human work.

And everything that happened next was even more coincidental!

There happened to be Hu Yanbo's inheritance on Earth, and Hu Yanbo's inheritance happened to contain a secret technique of taking over a body.

Then a golden-horned beast's egg landed on Earth, and the golden-horned beast's racial talent clone happened to be so suitable for the Nine Tribulations Secret Book.

The body of the golden-horned beast plus the human soul is simply the best combination for practicing the Nine Tribulations Secret Book. If you say that there is no Zuo Shanke behind all this, I don't believe it.

Even you just entered the universe not long ago, and it happened to hold a universe-level genius competition, allowing you to enter the core layer of the virtual universe company and develop quickly, which is even more coincidental. "

However, as far as I know, the relationship between Zuo Shanke and the human race is very ordinary, not close.

Even Zuo Shanke should find it difficult to manipulate when the virtual universe company will hold a genius selection battle, so the universe-level genius battle should have nothing to do with Zuo Shanke, it's just a coincidence. "

Speaking of this, Xu Chenzhou paused. In his previous life, he thought it was a world in a novel, so he naturally regarded everything that happened to Luo Feng as arranged by the author.

But once the Devouring World became the real world of the heavens, Xu Chenzhou immediately found the inconsistency.

Luo Feng (the descendant of the Meteorite Star): "Yes, if I didn't have the information you gave me, I'm afraid it would be difficult for me to find the inconsistency.

But after knowing everything and thinking back, I found that my rise was really too coincidental, so coincidental that it seemed like someone had paved the way for me.

Of course, Mr. Zuoshanke probably didn't want to train me in the early stage.

The advent of the RR virus and the battle with the Golden Horned Beast were more like a selection, selecting the strongest person on Earth who was qualified to inherit the inheritance and accept his test.

However, it is also easy to confirm whether it was a coincidence or Mr. Zuoshanke was behind it.

If Mr. Zuoshanke was really behind it, it would not take long for the Golden Horned Beast to appear on Earth.

After all, when I break through the star level, the Golden Horned Beast will not serve as a test. "

Hearing Luo Feng say this, Xu Chenzhou also had a flash of inspiration. He knew why Luo Feng had just entered the universe and was able to encounter the cosmic genius battle.

Yes, Zuo Shanke's methods are actually very casual.

Luo Feng was able to participate in the cosmic genius battle so coincidentally not because Zuo Shanke manipulated the time of the cosmic genius battle, but because Zuo Shanke specially chose a period of time before the cosmic genius battle to release the RR virus on the earth.

When he released the RR virus, he actually did not think that he must cultivate a successor this time.

His method is more like an experiment, testing whether there are seeds that can stand out among the humans of this era.

Seeds that can survive the rain and wind will naturally bloom and bear fruit. They will move forward step by step along the road he has paved and participate in Genius war, join the virtual universe company, and grow with the resources of the human alliance.

If you can't survive the rain and wind, then there is no value in survival, just let the human civilization restart directly with the RR virus this time.

For him, it doesn't matter even if all the human beings on Earth die in the disaster caused by the RR virus. Anyway, time will heal everything, and the human beings on Earth will be born again.

As the strongest man in the universe, Zuo Shanke has plenty of time and patience.

However, Luo Feng guessed wrong a little. When Zuo Shanke released the RR virus, he was not testing Luo Feng specifically. After all, Luo Feng was not even a tadpole at that time.

But releasing the golden-horned beast was definitely aimed at Luo Feng.

Because only Luo Feng on the entire earth has the ability to take over the body of the golden-horned beast.

He observed that Luo Feng met the meteorite In order to meet the inheritance conditions of the master of Moxing, a young golden-horned beast was released on the earth.

Without the secret method of possession and the soul imprint left by Hu Yanbo, ordinary earth humans would never be able to possess a star-level golden-horned beast.

If the golden-horned beast could be possessed, then Luo Feng would be qualified to become his third disciple.

If the golden-horned beast could not be possessed, then he would just wait for another ten thousand years.

The behavior of the hermit also explains why the civilization history of the earth's human beings is only five thousand years.

It is very likely that the human beings ten thousand years ago did not survive the test of the hermit and fell into a mass extinction, and then the hermit directly restarted the earth, allowing humans to once again breed a new civilization through the natural environment.

It is very scary to think about it carefully. Even the reason why Hu Yanbo left the inheritance on the earth may be that there is a reason behind it. I'm afraid it was also the work of the hermit.

Otherwise, with so many planets in the entire Milky Way, why did Hu Yanbo happen to fall on Earth with the method of taking over the body and the soul seal?

There was even a mechanical spaceship that fell here.

Xu Chenzhou posted his guess in the group chat.

Looking at the guess written by Xu Chenzhou, Luo Feng's eyes flashed with horror. He did guess that there was a shadow of the hermit behind all this, but he didn't think as deeply as Xu Chenzhou.

If this is true, then the hermit's methods are really terrible. The entire history of human civilization on Earth was completely played by him.

The heroic and tragic songs of countless heroes, the fragmentation of countless families, and even the reincarnation and rebirth of a civilization were just a casual test by the hermit.

After thinking through this, Luo Feng's eyes became extremely firm. He had never been so thirsty for power as he is now.

To be honest, Luo Feng did not hate the hermit. After all, the whole earth was born because of the hermit.

Moreover, Luo Feng suspected that the reason why the Earth had not been discovered by other forces was that it might have been protected by the hermit.

To put it bluntly, Huyanbo was only an immortal at the peak of the Marquisate. There were countless people stronger than him in the universe. It was not necessarily possible to completely conceal the coordinates of the Earth by relying solely on Huyanbo to set up a ban.

Apart from other things, why did the Demon Hand King who killed Huyanbo not take Huyanbo's wealth into his pocket?

The wealth of a Marquis at the peak of the Marquisate was quite valuable to the Demon Hand King, otherwise why did he kill Huyanbo that year?

But after killing Huyanbo, the Demon Hand King had no follow-up. You should know that Huyanbo was not hiding in a particularly hidden place, but on Earth.

At the beginning, Huyanbo snatched this piece of starry sky near the Earth from the hands of the Silver Blue Empire with great fanfare. The Earth was Huyanbo's territory. The Demon Hand King could find out this information by just investigating it casually.

Huyanbo died on Earth and it was impossible for him to escape the search of the Demon Hand King.

Moreover, as the immortal king, it is impossible for the Demon Hand King to not see through the restrictions set by Hu Yanbo, who has been granted the title of Marquis?

If Hu Yanbo's forbidden secret technique is really so powerful, he would not have died in the hands of the Demon Hand King.

So there is only one truth, the powerful person behind the earth took action, and only this can explain why the Demon Hand King left Hu Yanbo's inheritance on the earth.

It can be said that if there is no protection from the hermit, the only fate of the earthlings who were changed by the RR virus would be to become slaves once they were discovered by other forces in the universe.

After all, the physical condition of the earthlings at that time was so poor that they could not start the road of evolution at all.

Humans cannot stay in the hotbed forever. Although the hermit's methods are cruel, they also allow the earthlings to enter a new era.

After thinking about this, Luo Feng's desire for power reached its peak.

People with power can manipulate the situation, and a random thought can determine the life and death of hundreds of billions of creatures, and use them as chess pieces at will.

Luo Feng no longer wants to be a chess piece that is manipulated by others at will.

He wants to have the power to control his own destiny and control his own future.

Luo Feng (the descendant of Yunmoxing): "If it is really Master Zuoshanke who is behind all this, then it is actually a good thing.

At least it can solve the problem of possessing the body of the Golden Horned Beast.

The Golden Horned Beast and the Nine Tribulations Secret Book are so compatible that I really don't want to give up.

But in this case, given Master Zuoshanke's temperament, the Golden Horned Beast that appears on Earth at that time may be much stronger than the Golden Horned Beast on that timeline.

After all, possessing the body of the Golden Horned Beast is essentially a test, and he will never let me pass it easily.

I am afraid that I will have to fight for my life again to have a chance to possess the body of the Golden Horned Beast.

As for joining the Virtual Universe Company, I have thought of a breakthrough.

If you want to bypass the universe-level genius war and quickly become a member of the Virtual Universe Company, Core layer, you must contact the top management of the virtual universe company.

This is very difficult, because the top management of the virtual universe company who can influence the selection of the core layer must at least reach the level of the universe master.

And it is too difficult for me to contact such a level of people now.

However, there is an exception among these top management.

This exception is easy to contact, but his status is terrible, and he is almost not threatening to me.

In addition, there is a chat group, so I have a lot of cards in my hand, and playing a few cards at random is enough to attract his attention.

And in his current state, even if he notices some secrets of the chat group, it will not be disadvantageous to me. It is a perfect breakthrough point."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up.

Good guy, it is worthy of Luo Feng!

He actually thought of a way to break the deadlock so quickly.

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