All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 288 Xiangyang City is full of experts

Xu Chenzhou naturally knew who Luo Feng was talking about, that is, the founder of the Virtual Universe Company, Yuanzu.

Yuanzu has the highest status in the human race. Even the current strongest man in the human alliance, the Great Axe Founder, is inferior to him.

He developed the human race from a weak race to one of the six peak races in the original universe. He can be said to be the spiritual leader of the entire human race.

Moreover, he has trained countless strong people for the human race.

In addition to the Great Axe Founder, the strongest man in the universe, the Lord of the Universe is already the peak combat power of the human race.

Among the Lords of the Universe in the human race, he has three disciples, the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness, and the Lord of Ice Peak.

And the Lord of Darkness also trained a disciple of the Lord of the Universe, the Lord of Youhou.

In this way, the original owner has trained four Lords of the Universe, which can definitely be regarded as the most famous teacher who can teach disciples in the entire human race.

In addition, although the founder of the Great Axe, the strongest of the human race, did not formally worship the original ancestor, he could be regarded as the disciple of the original ancestor to a certain extent because he had been receiving the original ancestor's guidance.

It is extremely dangerous to reveal the secrets of the chat group to such a strong man. Even a little bit could cause a catastrophe.

But the original ancestor is different, because the original ancestor has been suppressed forever by the original universe at this time. For the original ancestor at this time, all secrets have no meaning.

If he had not used the secret method of the virtual universe before being suppressed, he might not even be able to separate a phantom and descend into the real world.

Unable to get rid of the suppression of the original universe, he can only sink until the extinction of the original universe and then die with it.

Even when the inheritance of Duan Donghe was placed in front of the original ancestor, the original ancestor had nothing.

It's not that the original owner is really calm and doesn't want to get the inheritance of Duan Donghe at all. The main reason is that he really can't do anything. After being suppressed by the original universe, the only thing he can interact with the outside world is the phantom generated in the virtual universe.

Therefore, the only wish of the original ancestor now is to see the human race develop better. Luo Feng is 100% confident in the original ancestor.

Moreover, with the status of the original owner, he only needs to say a few words to change the decision-making direction of the entire virtual universe company, or even the entire human race. It is not worth mentioning that he can enter the core layer in advance.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This idea is very good. Being able to connect with the original ancestor as soon as possible will have an immeasurable help for your future growth.

The original universe is still too small for you. There is no need to spend too much time in the original universe. It is the best choice to grow up as soon as possible and go to the origin continent.

However, this idea is also very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be shattered to pieces, and you may even have to go to other worlds to take refuge for a long time and cannot return to the original universe.

Which card should be played to gain the trust of the original ancestor, and how much of the chat group's foundation should be revealed to the original ancestor, you still have to think about the details of this."

Luo Feng nodded. He naturally knew that this was a risky move. The degree must be well grasped to turn this risky move into a god's move that can help him trap the dragon and ascend to heaven.

Luo Feng (the descendant of Meteorite): "I won't act rashly, and there is no rush to do this for the time being.

My advancement speed is too fast, and my foundation is still not solid.

My realm, moves, will, state of mind, etc. have not kept up.

Now even if I join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company, I will only be the last one.

The most urgent task is to obtain the mechanical spaceship in the No. 22 ruins first, and then contact the cosmic forces to obtain nutrients to make up for my missing foundation, and then think about how to contact the original ancestor."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Then you'd better be prepared. If our guess about Zuoshanke is correct, when you get the mechanical spaceship, it will be the moment when the golden-horned beast descends on the earth."

Xu Chenzhou is very sure of his thoughts. If Zuoshanke is really manipulating everything behind this, then he will definitely drop the golden-horned beast before Luo Feng leaves the earth.

Of course, Luo Feng can also choose to abandon his compatriots on the earth and leave the earth on the mechanical spaceship.

Zuoshanke will naturally not care about this behavior, but in this case, Luo Feng is equivalent to giving up the opportunity to pass Zuoshanke's test.

Zuo Shan Ke has enough patience. He has waited for countless years since the creation of the original universe. Why would he care about a few tens of thousands of years?

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Sect Divine Doctor): "The group leader is right. Zuo Shan Ke's purpose is to test you, not to kill you.

Once you really go to the universe, it will be easy to buy universe-level combat power with the wealth left by Hu Yanbo.

Could it be that Zuo Shan Ke will give birth to a domain master-level golden-horned beast to test you?

In this case, even if you have the soul seal left by Hu Yanbo, it will be difficult to really possess the golden-horned beast, which is not in line with his original intention.

So he will definitely test you before you go to the universe. Only in this way can he control the power of the golden-horned beast to a strength range that allows you to complete the possession."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "So your best choice during this period is to temporarily stop the realm breakthrough, maintain the realm at the ninth level of the planetary level, and then hone your will and mental strength to the limit. It is best to accumulate some points and cross to my side to survive the calamity and become a ghost fairy. It is safer.

This is the safest way to seize the body of the golden-horned behemoth. You must never break through to the star level. Otherwise, it will be difficult to say how strong the golden-horned behemoth will be when you break through to the star level. . "

Hearing this, Luo Feng also took a deep breath.

Originally, he planned to repair the mechanical spaceship tonight and then immediately go to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire to obtain various training resources and enhance his strength to deal with the enhanced golden-horned behemoth that would come next.

Fortunately, a group of friends warned him. Otherwise, if he really did this, he would definitely be caught off guard by the golden-horned giant beast that suddenly arrived. Even with the assistance of Yangshen Taoism, in his current state, he would be able to forcefully seize the golden-horned giant beast. Still seemed a little rushed.

He advanced so quickly that he didn't even have time to properly study the secret technique of seizing a body. The chance of failure in forcibly seizing a body was extremely high.

And Luo Feng also understood that he would never abandon the earth. This was not a choice he could make. As long as the golden-horned behemoth appeared on the earth, he would definitely choose to fight it.

Without the warning from his friends, he would have almost gone astray.

Although with the support of the chat group, he was confident that he could kill the golden-horned beast even if he failed to seize the body, but this undoubtedly meant that the mountain guest's test ended in failure.

But there is no way to do this. After all, Luo Feng is just an eighteen-year-old boy who is obsessed with martial arts. It is normal for his thinking to be insufficient.

Born in the post-cataclysm era, Luo Feng didn't even have the opportunity to be exposed to games and novels. His life was almost wandering between martial arts training and study.

His mind may be more mature than his peers, but his social experience is indeed too shallow.

Being able to detect the shadow of a mountain guest behind everything was already the result of his hard thinking. He really didn't expect the deeper truth behind it.

Although the friends in the group were as young as him, their growing environment was much harsher than Luo Feng's, so they could naturally think of many details that Luo Feng could not think of.

This further confirmed Luo Feng's idea. For him, the biggest opportunity is the chat group. In addition to the chat group, other opportunities are naturally the best. If he can't get it, it doesn't matter if he gives up.

As long as he has the chat group in hand, sooner or later he will be able to reach the pinnacle of devouring the universe and transcend everything.

Yitian World, Xiangyang City.

The scene in Xiangyang City at this time is like a myth to people in other cities.

Almost all the people walking on the street are martial arts people who can fly over walls and walls. Everyone comes and goes. From time to time, there is a young man in white clothes who taps his toes and rises up from the clouds. His body is as elegant as a flying fairy. In the ancient simplicity of Xiangyang City Walking freely on the streets.

Even the vendors carrying vegetables and snacks on the street would drag their afterimages as they walked, as if they were ghosts.

What's more, they run over the eaves carrying vegetables weighing dozens of kilograms, and when they step on their cloth shoes, they fly ten meters into the air.

At this time, there were almost no ordinary people in Xiangyang City.

Because of Zhang Junbao's existence, housing in Xiangyang is expensive.

In order to own a house of their own here and listen to Zhang Junbao's teachings every day, many martial arts people spend a lot of money.

And how could the people of Xiangyang, who had been poor all their lives, resist such a temptation? With so much money in hand, they could become rich in any city, so they sold the houses they lived in one after another and left with the money. Xiangyang City.

However, they are able to be so free because the Song Dynasty is still in chaos.

In the last years of the dynasty, the once-strict household registration system existed in name only, and people everywhere were displaced by the war.

What is the household registration system?

It's all bullshit!

Who can be restrained?

Even if Zhang Junbao has repelled the threat of the Meng Yuan people, there is no way that the collapsed system can be repaired so easily with peace.

After all, if Zhang Junbao hadn't appeared, Song Dynasty's lifespan would have entered a countdown at this time.

Of course, there are some people in Xiangyang who are more flexible in their thinking. Instead of selling their houses to make money, they think that staying in Xiangyang City to do business is also a good choice.

Martial arts people come and go and spend money lavishly. It is too easy to make money from them.

A steady flow of money is always more cost-effective than a one-time deal.

These vendors who stayed in Xiangyang City were also influenced by Jindan Martial Arts.

Now every time Zhang Junbao gives a public lecture, he will use his great magical power to spread the content of his lecture throughout Xiangyang City.

After all, the entire Xiangyang City is now full of seekers and there is no longer a large enough venue to accommodate Zhang Junbao's public lectures, so he simply uses the entire Xiangyang City as his own dojo.

Zhang Junbao preaches eight things he does not teach: he does not teach those who kill innocent people indiscriminately, he does not teach those who rape women, he does not teach those who betray the country and seek glory, he does not teach those who abuse parents, he does not teach those who torture young children, he does not teach those who prey on the common people, and he does not teach those who are the accomplices of tigers. , Shaolin Temple does not teach.

And outside the scope of these eight non-teachings, no matter where this person is in Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao's preaching voice can be heard in his ears.

These hawkers who stayed in Xiangyang City were not very talented and could not read a few Chinese characters. Although they heard Zhang Junbao's preaching, they could hardly understand it and could not learn it.

Only the most basic breathing and breathing method in Jindan Peiyuan Gong has no threshold. As long as you know how to breathe, can count, and persist, you can get started. Therefore, it has become the only martial art that these vendors can learn.

These vendors are residents of Xiangyang City. After experiencing the scene of Zhang Junbao defending Xiangyang City alone with a sword, they naturally regard Zhang Junbao as a celestial being. They stick to the breathing method taught by Zhang Junbao every day and have made some achievements.

Although the breathing method is only the foundation of Jindan Peiyuan Gong, its exquisiteness has far surpassed those peerless magic skills that once dominated the martial arts world.

With continuous practice, the bodies of these vendors in Xiangyang City are getting stronger and stronger, and their movements are getting more and more agile, coming and going like the wind.

Although they don't know how to fight the enemy, their internal strength is not inferior to the third-rate masters of the past.

And some Xiangyang residents with higher talents even rely on breathing method to practice their internal strength to the level of second-rate masters of the Jianghu, with a hint of Master Jueyuan.

And these people are just ordinary people in Xiangyang City.

As a key fortress against the Mongols, Xiangyang City originally gathered many strange people. These people may not know martial arts, but they all have their own skills.

Among these people, there are extremely smart military strategists, literati with proud character, mechanical masters who are proficient in strange and ingenious skills, and craftsmen who can create magic weapons.

After listening to Zhang Junbao's preaching, these extraordinary strange people and things have practiced even more strange skills, and many of them can even make the masters of the Five Absolutes level look sideways.

This is naturally within Zhang Junbao's expectations. There are three thousand great ways, and as long as you study them carefully, you can reach the gods.

He has always been looking forward to how special Jindan martial arts these strange people and things who are good at different fields can create.

In addition to these Xiangyang natives, martial artists who came from other places have made rapid progress in martial arts under the influence of Jindan martial arts.

Two dusty figures appeared at the gate of Xiangyang City, which has gradually turned into a fairyland.

One of them was about fifty years old, wearing a black monk's robe, with a kind and gentle face, and he was obviously a Taoist monk.

The other one was a little younger, about forty years old, with a bulging temple and thick calluses on the knuckles of his fingers. It was obvious that he was a martial artist who practiced martial arts for many years.

These two people have a characteristic, that is, they both have a shiny bald head.

They were stopped by a soldier just after they walked to the city gate and had not entered the city.

The soldier was wearing a somewhat worn red military uniform, and there were several dark red blood stains on the sleeves of the uniform that could not be washed off.

He held a broken and rusty iron spear in his hand, and stopped the two monks.

"Hey, two monks, where are you from, what are you going to do in Xiangyang City."

The monk in his early forties saw the soldier's actions, and his pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible.

He cried out in his heart. This man blocked the river with his iron spear, just like an iron chain blocking the river. His momentum was like a rainbow pouring down. He was definitely a top-notch gun master and could not be defeated.

This master's martial arts was probably higher than his. There were only seven or eight people in the entire Shaolin Temple who could beat him. But why would a master of this level wear such tattered clothes and be an ordinary gatekeeper at the gate of Xiangyang City? It was incredible.

He was still surprised, while the other fifty-year-old monk had no reaction to this. He put his hands together in front of his chest and made a Buddhist salute.

"Amitabha, I am from Shaolin Temple. I came to Xiangyang City to visit my relatives."

Hearing the words of the monk, the soldier's originally expressionless face showed a trace of uncontrollable disgust.

"What, where did you say you came from? I didn't hear it clearly. Can you tell me again?"

The monk had a good temper. He didn't get angry because of the soldier's difficulties. He just put his hands together in front of his chest and repeated what he had said before.

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