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Chapter 289 Zhang Junbao: The master is here to see me!

Hearing the monk repeat his origins, the soldier had a strange expression on his face.

He turned his head and looked at the officer who was patrolling in the distance: "Boss, here are two monks from the Shaolin Temple."

The military uniform worn by the officer was obviously much more exquisite than the red uniform of the soldier. There was also a long knife on his waist. He had sharp eyes and a silly look on his face. At a glance, he knew that he had survived a battle on the battlefield. The old pawn who came down.

After hearing the soldier's words, the officer's figure turned into an afterimage. He actually stepped over from the other side of the city gate more than ten meters away in one step and stood beside the soldier.

Seeing the ability of this officer, Zen Master Wu Se was even more frightened. He originally thought that the soldier guarding the gate was already a master, but he didn't expect that the strongest among the best. This officer was able to fly through the air for more than ten meters. He has traveled around the world for many years and has never seen it before.

The officer's eyes scanned the two monks in front of him up and down, with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes.

"The monks from Shaolin Temple actually dare to come to Xiangyang City. It's interesting. It's really interesting."

However, the two masters looked kind-hearted, unlike the group of Shaolin monks who caused trouble in Xiangyang City some time ago.

But I still can't let you two in. It's your responsibility. People from Shaolin Temple are not welcome in Xiangyang City. Please go back! "

The two monks looked at each other with puzzled looks in their eyes.

The older monk said: "Master Wuse, do you know why Xiangyang City rejects people from our Shaolin Temple so much? Is it because of Jun Bao?"

The younger monk also looked a little confused: "I don't know what's going on! The abbot didn't tell me this. He only asked me to take you to Xiangyang City."

These two Shaolin monks are naturally Master Jueyuan and Zen Master Wuse.

Master Jue Yuan was a little helpless. He rarely communicated with others, and he didn't know what to do when faced with this situation.

But he was here, and to be fair, he missed his disciple a little after not seeing him for almost half a year.

He clasped his palms together and bowed to the officer: "This benefactor, I don't know why Xiangyang City rejects Shaolin Temple so much.

I came to Xiangyang mainly to visit relatives. My disciple is in Xiangyang City now. Can you be accommodating and let me in? "

The officer was also a little stunned. The behavior of these two Shaolin monks was too humble. The group of Shaolin monks who came to Xiangyang before did not look like they belonged to the same sect.

"Master, I also want to let you in, but I can't do it because of my responsibilities.

I am the goalkeeper of Xiangyang City, and after what happened last month, Miss Guo Xiang said that no Shaolin Temple disciple can be allowed to enter Xiangyang City, so I really can't let you in. "

After hearing what the officer said, the Wuse Zen Master next to him lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

After a short while, he raised his head: "I wonder if this donor can tell me in detail what happened last month."

The officer was stunned: "Don't you know about that?

In fact, Xiangyang City did not prohibit Shaolin monks from entering at the beginning.

After Zhang Zhenren officially started preaching, the Shaolin Temple sent a group of disciples to Xiangyang City, who also wanted to learn Zhang Zhenren's Jindan Martial Arts.

However, everyone knows that there is a very unhappy relationship between the Shaolin Temple and Zhang Zhenren. One of Zhang Zhenren’s eight non-teachings is that Shaolin monks do not teach. Shaolin monks cannot learn real things at all in Xiangyang City. This has led to this group of Shaolin monks not teaching. The disciples had a very unhappy life in Xiangyang City.

But even so, the Shaolin disciples are still very arrogant in Xiangyang City. They talk all day long about the world's martial arts coming from Shaolin, and the golden elixir martial arts is nothing. It was not created by Shaolin's abandoned disciples.

At the beginning, no one dared to refute them.

After all, the Shaolin Temple was still very good at martial arts at that time, and ordinary martial arts practitioners were really no match for them.

But things changed later. As Master Zhang taught Jindan Martial Arts, everyone's martial arts improved day by day.

As for the Shaolin disciples, they could only learn some scraps because they could not learn the real thing, so their martial arts made little progress.

Gradually, the martial arts of many fellow martial artists surpassed those of the Shaolin monks.

Many people mocked the Shaolin Temple in front of them because they did not recognize Mount Tai and let a true immortal escape.

But there was nothing they could do. The rules of the world were that whoever had the bigger fist was the father. If they couldn't beat him, they had no choice but to shut up.

If they can't defeat their fellow martial artists, all they can do is talk nonsense.

They always avoided those martial arts masters and discussed Master Zhang in front of the people of Xiangyang.

It is said that Master Zhang is an unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous person who eats and drinks from Shaolin. After he became capable, he started to cheat on others and target the disciples who were very kind to him.

Then he also said that the reason why Master Zhang was able to create the Golden Elixir Martial Arts was all due to the Shaolin Temple. Without the classics in the Sutra Pavilion of the Shaolin Temple, how could Master Zhang have achieved such an achievement at his age.

However, Mr. Zhang has a large number of people, and in his eyes, these people are clowns, and he doesn't bother to pay attention to them at all.

Master Zhang is too lazy to care, but the people of Xiangyang cannot bear it. In our eyes, Master Zhang is a god. How can we watch someone slander our god.

When Shaolin monks smeared Zhenren Zhang, people in Xiangyang often couldn't bear it and went to argue with them. However, they were no match for Shaolin monks and could only be beaten in vain.

Until a teahouse boy named Lu Yu took action.

Lu Yu's job was to serve tea and water to customers in the teahouse. He happened to be in charge of the table of Shaolin disciples at that time.

Hearing them constantly slandering Zhang Zhenren, Lu Yu became more and more angry and couldn't help but fight with the Shaolin monks.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu was actually a little genius. He learned a golden elixir martial arts from the tea ceremony. He could improve his true qi by brewing and tasting tea. His true qi was extremely strong.

You didn't see the scene at that time. Lu Yu had only learned the golden elixir martial arts for two months, but his true qi was so strong that the true qi of those Shaolin disciples combined was not as strong as his.

Caught off guard, he knocked down several Shaolin monks in a row.

However, although Lu Yu's true qi was strong, he didn't know martial arts moves after all, so he was defeated in the siege in the end.

After being captured, Lu Yu still refused to admit defeat and was still arguing with the Shaolin monks.

The people on both sides cursed louder and louder, attracting many people to watch.

To be honest, those people are monks who chant sutras all day long. They are very good at talking. Lu Yu can't win against them at all. He was directly defeated by them.

Hehe, but what's the use of being good at talking? When they were arguing, Miss Guo Xiang happened to pass by the teahouse.

Hearing that someone dared to say bad things about Master Zhang, Miss Guo rushed in and slapped each of the Shaolin disciples in the face.

This slap was really refreshing! All their big teeth were knocked out directly.

Then Miss Guo Xiang ordered them to be driven out of Xiangyang City, and no more Shaolin Temple disciples were allowed to enter Xiangyang City.

Miss Guo is the sweetheart of Master Zhang, how dare we not listen to her words. "

Hearing what the two officers said, a wave of anger appeared on the face of Master Wu Se, and he turned to look at Master Jue Yuan: "It's outrageous, it's really outrageous!

We in Shaolin owe Junbao a lot. Junbao is willing to let them move around in Xiangyang City, which is a generous thing.

As a result, they not only gossip and slander Junbao behind his back, but also attack civilians. Do these people have the nerve to call themselves Shaolin disciples!

What kind of people did Senior Brother Tianming send to Xiangyang City! "

Master Wu Se was almost pissed off.

Originally, although Shaolin disciples could not hear Zhang Junbao's teachings, they could enter and leave Xiangyang City, and still had the opportunity to get in touch with the content of Jindan martial arts. They could not learn the essence, but it was no problem to learn some scraps.

But after those people committed suicide, Shaolin disciples could not even enter the gate of Xiangyang City, let alone go in to study. This undoubtedly completely cut off the channel to get in touch with Jindan martial arts.

No wonder Abbot Tianming asked him to bring Master Jueyuan to pay homage to Zhang Junbao. It turned out that this story happened.

But this kind of thing should be made clear before coming. What's the point of hiding it.

But this can't be blamed on Abbot Tianming. After all, Abbot Tianming also Understand the character of Master Wu Se.

He originally felt that Shaolin Temple owed Zhang Junbao a lot. If it weren't for Abbot Tianming's oppression of the Shaolin Temple's inheritance, Master Wu Se would never agree to come to Xiangyang City to plead for Zhang Junbao on behalf of Shaolin Temple.

If Master Wu Se knew how the Shaolin disciples behaved in Xiangyang City, he would probably be even more reluctant to do this.

So Abbot Tianming chose to cook the rice before it was cooked, and let Master Wu Se agree to his request first. In this way, it would be too late to regret when Master Wu Se came to Xiangyang City and understood the inside story.

The soldier next to him also said indignantly: "What Shaolin Temple did to Master Zhang, the people of Xiangyang City know it in their hearts.

They also said that Master Zhang was ungrateful and stole Shaolin classics. It's a pity that they have the nerve to say it out loud.

Let him turn black and white with his mouth, how can he go beyond the world and justice.

Logically speaking, if Master Zhang had not been kindhearted and spared Shaolin Temple, based on what Shaolin Temple had done before, as long as he gave the order, our Xiangyang Army would have flattened Shaolin Temple and sought justice for Master Zhang.

So please go back, Masters. It was you Shaolin who did things without courtesy. I really can't let you in. "

Master Jueyuan looked at the officer and then at Master Wu Se. His limited social experience was not enough for him to handle the complicated situation in front of him.

Master Wu Se sighed: "I know the responsibilities of the two donors, and I will not force them.

But I wonder if I can trouble the two donors to help us inform Master Zhang at Guo Da Xia's house and say that Master Jueyuan and Wu Se are here to visit and are waiting outside the city. "

Master Wu Se actually didn't want people to know that he came to Xiangyang City. He just wanted to come quietly and then leave quietly.

After all, he knew that Shaolin Temple owed Zhang Junbao too much, so how could he come to Xiangyang City to visit Zhang Junbao in a big way.

But under the current situation, if he didn't make it clear that he and Master Jueyuan were, he might not even be able to enter Xiangyang City.

If it were another city, with his lightness, a mere wall would naturally not be able to stop him.

But as a military and political stronghold, Xiangyang City has one of the most magnificent moats in the ancient Central Plains, and the soldiers guarding Xiangyang City are more perverted than each other, so sneaking in quietly is completely impossible.

Hearing what Master Wu Se said, the officer guarding the city showed a trace of doubt on his face: "Master, do you know Master Zhang!

Yes, although Master Zhang and Shaolin Temple were very unhappy, Master Zhang had lived in Shaolin Temple for more than ten years after all, so he must have some old acquaintances.

Wait for a while at the door, I will go and inform Master Zhang. "

Hearing that Master Wu Se knew Zhang Jun Bao, the tone of the officer guarding the city changed immediately.

He patted the soldier on the shoulder: "Hou San, please help me take care of these two masters and take them to the tent nearby to rest.

No matter what they need, as long as it does not involve entering Xiangyang City, you must satisfy them,

Don't let the two masters suffer any grievances. "

After saying this, the city guard officer tapped his toes and turned into a residual shadow and disappeared into Xiangyang City.

Soon he came to Guo's house and found the housekeeper and explained his purpose.

When he heard the name of Master Wu Se, the housekeeper's face was still calm.

But the moment he heard the name of Master Jue Yuan, the housekeeper's face changed.

He hurried to the room where Zhang Junbao was in retreat, his movements were as fast as a ghost, almost invisible to the naked eye.

Zhang Junbao was still in retreat at this time, studying how to save Feng Heng's soul that was about to dissipate. He finally had some ideas and was about to start experiments.

Just then, he heard the news from the housekeeper, and in an instant, all experiments were thrown out of Zhang Junbao's mind.

His voice was full of surprise: "What! The master has come to Xiangyang City! Waiting for me at the city gate! "

A strong wind blew, and the stone door where Zhang Junbao was in retreat opened instantly, and then a figure in a white Taoist robe broke through the air and rushed towards the gate of Xiangyang City.

When he flew to the gate of Guo's house, Zhang Junbao also grabbed the city guard officer who was waiting for news at the gate.

Zhang Junbao's flying speed had reached twice the speed of sound. During the flight, he broke through layers of sound barriers, brought up fierce winds, and left a ripple in the sky.

Although the city guard officer had already practiced a superb light skill, he had never seen such a scene before, and was so scared that he kept screaming in the air.

The martial artists in the city saw this scene and couldn't help but let out a kind laugh.

"Hahaha, another lucky guy was taken away by Master Zhang, but this guy screamed so miserably! He is too timid.

Unlike me, last time I was carried by Master Zhang around Xiangyang City for three circles, and I didn't scream at all!"

"Liu Laoliu, what are you bragging about!

You didn't even scream, but after you came down, your legs were so weak that you couldn't stand up. I almost thought you peed your pants. "

"Why do you care so much about me? Others who want to be carried by Master Zhang don't have a chance!"

However, the Guo Mansion is very close to the gate of Xiangyang, so before the scream of the guarding officer ended, the two had already arrived at their destination.

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