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Chapter 290 What I practiced in the past is also called martial arts?

When he arrived at the city gate, Zhang Junbao put down the guard officer.

Looking at Master Jueyuan's slightly vicissitudes of life, Zhang Junbao's eyes were a little complicated.

In fact, after leaving Shaolin Temple, Zhang Junbao and Master Jueyuan had been in contact through letters.

The distance between Xiangyang City and Shaolin Temple is not far, so it is very convenient to send letters.

Especially Zhang Junbao's method of sending letters is different from others. He uses a flying sword to send letters.

He can travel from the North Sea to the dark night by controlling the fairy sword, and the distance between Shaolin Temple and Xiangyang is even more convenient.

But how can correspondence be the same as meeting in person? Seeing the master again after half a year, Zhang Junbao felt mixed emotions, and his mind could not help but return to the days and nights when they depended on each other in the Sutra Pavilion.

In fact, in the past six months, Zhang Junbao had wanted to go back to Shaolin to visit Master Jueyuan several times, but Master Jueyuan refused.

Zhang Junbao and Shaolin Temple had such an unpleasant quarrel that they had completely torn their faces.

If Zhang Junbao still goes back to visit his relatives, it would be like rubbing the face of Shaolin Temple.

And Shaolin Temple cannot refuse Zhang Junbao.

After all, Zhang Junbao's fist is too hard, and the small body of Shaolin Temple can't withstand it.

Although Master Jueyuan is closer to Zhang Junbao, he has been a Shaolin disciple for most of his life and still has feelings for Shaolin Temple. Therefore, in order to preserve the face of the people in Shaolin Temple, Master Jueyuan refused Zhang Junbao to visit Shaolin.

But this does not mean that Master Jueyuan does not miss Zhang Junbao. Looking at the appearance of his disciple, Master Jueyuan's calm eyes also showed a trace of fluctuation.

In the past few months since leaving Shaolin Temple, Zhang Junbao has become a different person.

Zhang Junbao is now wearing a Taiji Liangyi Taoist robe, his body is as long as jade, his temperament is like an immortal, and he has a long sword on his waist. He looks heroic and has become the world's top luxury figure, and he is completely different from the little monk who followed him at the beginning.

Master Jueyuan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

He is a bit slow in speaking. He obviously has thousands of words in his heart, but he can't say a word. After a while of silence, he raised his hand and touched Zhang Junbao's head.

"Kid, why have you lost so much weight?"

Hearing the master's words, Zhang Junbao's eyes turned slightly red.

Of course he lost weight.

Cultivate the dragon and tiger energy, and the jade liquid nourishes the golden elixir.

With his current martial arts cultivation, he has already changed his body through the Yijing marrow cleansing and trained his body into a martial immortal body. All impurities have been expelled from the body, and it is normal to lose weight.

Except for Master Jueyuan, no one has ever cared whether he has lost weight.

Even Guo Xiang only praised him for being handsome again after seeing him wash his marrow with Yijing.

Although he has no parents, the status of Master Jueyuan in Zhang Junbao's heart is no different from that of his parents.

Master, Master, is both a master and a father.

Other people in the world care about what achievements you have made, only parents care about how much sweat you have put in behind the scenes.

Of course, his thinness has nothing to do with sweat, but the concern in Master Jueyuan's words is not false at all.

Zhang Junbao walked forward, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply to Master Jueyuan.

"Disciple greets Master."

This scene shocked the soldiers at the city gate so much that their jaws almost dropped.

Zhang Junbao's current status in Xiangyang City is the supreme god. It has always been others who salute Zhang Junbao, and they have never seen Zhang Junbao salute others.

Although the salute Zhang Junbao performed to Master Jueyuan was not a kneeling salute, it still surprised them.

The city guard turned to look at Hou San: "What are the origins of these two Shaolin masters that can make Zhang Zhenren so respectful.

Hou San rolled his eyes at his superior and said, "Needless to say, although Zhang Zhenren's skills have nothing to do with Shaolin, he has been in Shaolin Temple for so many years, so he naturally has a master.

I heard that Master Zhang was very good to him.

When Zhang Zhenren was in Shaolin Temple, he depended on his master for life, so the relationship between Master Zhang and Zhang Zhenren was very deep.

The master that Zhang Zhenren saluted should be Zhang Zhenren's master.

As for the relationship between the other master and Zhang Zhenren, it should be good, otherwise Shaolin Temple would definitely not send them to Xiangyang City at this critical moment. "

Hou San's words made the city guard's face pale instantly: "It's over, it's over, we actually stopped the two masters outside the gate of Xiangyang City, this time we are dead"

Hou San smiled bitterly: "Boss, there is no way, after all, it is my duty.

Miss Guo Xiang ordered that people from Shaolin Temple should not be allowed to enter Xiangyang City, so how could we know that these two masters were the masters of Zhang Zhenren.

If these two masters revealed their identities, I would not dare to stop them even if I had ten times the courage.

But you don’t have to worry too much, boss. With the humble character of these two masters, they will definitely not bother with us about this matter. "

While the two of them were still talking, Zhang Junbao had already taken Master Jueyuan to the city gate.

He did not fly back to Guo Mansion with his master directly, because he planned to take Master Jueyuan to have a good look around the current Xiangyang City.

If you don’t return to your hometown when you are rich and powerful, it is like walking in brocade clothes at night.

Even if Zhang Junbao is more mature in his heart, he is still an eighteen-year-old boy. After making such a great career, he naturally wants to show it off in front of his close friends.

Master Awakening will not refuse Zhang Junbao, and he is also very curious about the Xiangyang City built by his disciple.

Although Zhang Junbao had already known about the changes in Xiangyang City from his letters, what he heard was false and what he saw was true.

The three of them were walking in Xiangyang City. Zhang Junbao was not in a hurry to take his master to meet the martial arts masters in the city. Instead, he took the two of them walking through the streets in the city.

Although the power of Jindan Martial Arts understood by people in the market is not as powerful as that of masters at the level of Wujue, the Jindan Martial Arts deduced by some strange people is also very interesting.

What he saw and heard along the way made Zen Master Wuse stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

When he first entered Xiangyang City, Zen Master Wu Se was relatively calm.

Although everyone on the street has martial arts skills, Zen Master Wu Se is not surprised.

After all, he knew that almost all the masters in the world were gathered in Xiangyang City at this time, and it was normal for the density of martial arts people to be higher.

But after visiting various places in Xiangyang City, my outlook on Zen Master Wu Se was about to collapse.

“If I’m not mistaken, this butcher’s knife for chopping meat is the Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon Knife from Henan Jindaomen!

But why when he dropped the knife, there was the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring, and there was a lifelike tiger behind him. "

"There is also this scholar who sets up a painting stall on the roadside. His strokes of pen are astonishing to ghosts and gods, and his masterful hand draws gods. This technique should be inherited from the master of the Duan family in Dali.

But why do the paintings he draws keep changing? They are almost like living people. "

"There is also the magician on the street. When I was traveling around the world, I had many interactions with people in the theater industry.

I know that their methods look mysterious, but in fact they are just tricks, nothing more than the cooperation between hands and props.

But this person was wearing short-sleeved shorts, and there was no place to hide his props. How could he be able to spit water and fire, move objects, and even reach the sky with a magic lock? Even I couldn't see any flaws. It seemed like It's really like magic. "

Along the way, Zen Master Wu Se was severely beaten.

Zen Master Wu Se knows how powerful Zhang Junbao is. He was also present when Zhang Junbao defeated Shaolin with his sword, so no matter how inhumane Zhang Junbao's performance is now, Zen Master Wu Se can treat it calmly.

After all, he had already acquiesced in his heart that Zhang Junbao was a direct immortal descended to earth, and mortals naturally could not compare with him.

But the problem is that not only is Zhang Junbao perverted, but he can no longer understand the methods of other martial arts people.

These martial arts people do not have special status like Zhang Junbao.

In the eyes of Zen Master Wu Se, they are just pork sellers, calligraphers, painters, and jugglers on the street.

To put it bluntly, when Zen Master Wu Se was traveling around the world, these people were considered low-class characters in his eyes, and he didn't even bother to take them seriously.

Zen Master Wu Se's face looked gloomy, and his eyes had lost their luster.

"Master Zhang, is the Golden Pill Martial Arts really so magical?

However, in just a few months, these traffickers and lackeys were able to develop such unpredictable skills.

I'm really old, useless, and can't keep up with this era! "

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but laugh when he saw Zen Master Wu Se being so shocked that his bald head was sweating.

"Master Wu Se, you are thinking too much. The people I took you and Master to visit Xiangyang City are naturally not ordinary people. These people are not ordinary people.

The name of the butcher who killed the pig was Zhang Tianci, and he was the direct disciple of the Jindao Sect in Henan.

He originally had a wealthy family and a beautiful wife and concubine, but ten years ago he abandoned everything for the sake of his family and country and followed Uncle Guo to station in Xiangyang City.

During his ten years of military service, he had killed countless enemies with his sword, and developed an evil aura that could evade troubles. Only then could he develop this seven-kill, tiger-shattering saber. Even at this time, his martial arts skills They can all be ranked among the top 100 in Xiangyang City.

The origin of the painting scholar is even more extraordinary. He was a Jinshi during the Huizong period. His name was Xu Xiuwen. He once served as the parent official of a county to regulate yin and yang.

However, something unexpected happened, and the county under his jurisdiction was trampled by the Mongolian people's iron hoofs, and all life was wiped out. Half of the civilians died tragically in that war.

Then this man suddenly realized that being an official could not save the Song Dynasty, so he abandoned his official position and joined the army in Xiangyang. Although he did not go into battle to kill the enemy, he wrote about life and death and made suggestions that shocked the gods. He did not know how much effort he had contributed to the anti-Yuan Dynasty.

Therefore, there is an aura of awe-inspiringness in this person's calligraphy and painting, so he can develop this awe-inspiring painting style.

As for the busker, his background is also very extraordinary. He is not from the Xiangyang army, but he has been running around for Uncle Guo these years to find out information.

His true identity is that he is the master of this generation's martial arts business. This identity is nothing in the eyes of people in the martial arts world, but it is definitely well-known among the lower circles.

He has mastered all kinds of mysterious tricks in his hands, such as the fairy lock, stealing the sky bridge, the king of hell's hand, and changing the sky and the sun. They are all wonderful tricks that must never be spread to the outside world.

Originally, these methods did require the use of various props as you said, but after practicing Jindan Martial Arts, he used Qi as the basis, heart as the evidence, and evolved various methods based on the mysterious tricks of the theater sect. Not only did he not Props are needed again, and they are more realistic. Even if I don’t look carefully, I may not be able to see through his tricks. "

After hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Zen Master Wuse relaxed a little.

If an ordinary butcher scholar could acquire such a miraculous skill in just a few months, he really didn't know what he had practiced martial arts for half his life.

But even so, Master Wu Se still felt a little uncomfortable. These people were said to be extraordinary people, but to put it bluntly, in the previous martial arts world, they could only be regarded as third-rate masters at most.

In the past, these three people could not last more than ten rounds under his hands.

But now they have all undergone a complete transformation.

Master Wu Se felt that even if he tried his best, he would never be the opponent of any of them.

He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh: "I am really a frog in the well. If I don't go to Xiangyang City, how can I know the height of the sky and the thickness of the earth."

Master Wu Se's mind was full of thoughts, while Master Jue Yuan on the side didn't care much about the methods of these people.

He didn't know martial arts to begin with, and even the Nine Yang Magic Art he practiced as a health-preserving exercise. After accumulating day by day, he developed a strong and strong true qi.

So in his eyes, these people's methods are actually nothing special. At most, they look a bit fancy, but he doesn't think there is anything difficult to accept.

But he also has his own concerns.

"Junbao, your Xiangyang City Management is good, really good.

Everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, the people are rich and confident, and everyone seems to have a spirit in their hearts, neither humble nor arrogant, and the spirit is perfect.

This scene is just as beautiful as the Western Paradise mentioned in the Buddhist scriptures."

Master Jueyuan's attention is on the mental outlook of the people in Xiangyang City.

When walking on the street just now, Master Jueyuan has been paying attention to the people in Xiangyang City.

Although most of the people in Xiangyang City now are outsiders, there are still a small number of local residents left.

The difference between these people and the outsiders in the martial arts world is very obvious, and they can be distinguished just by their dress.

Master Jueyuan walked along the way and saw that every resident's face was filled with happiness, with a stable and peaceful temperament, and a faint sense of determination.

It seems that all difficulties and obstacles are not a problem in front of them, and man can conquer nature.

This kind of spiritual outlook shocked Master Jueyuan.

This made Master Jueyuan recall the mysterious world described in the Buddhist scriptures, where everyone has great wisdom, everyone can prove the fruit in their heart, everyone has Bodhi, and everyone is a Buddha.

Of course, the people of Xiangyang at this time have not reached this state, but there is already a hint of this, which makes Master Jueyuan feel like he is in a dream world.

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