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Chapter 291 Second-hand Preparation

Master Jue Yuan's praise brought a smile to Zhang Junbao's face.

Even Zhang Junbao felt quite proud to be able to make such a big change in the mental outlook of the people still living in Xiangyang City.

The rulers of ancient China have always pursued a policy of obscuring the people. For them, only ignorant people are easy to control.

Mud-legged people only need to rest after sunrise and sunset. As for knowledge and wisdom, that is exclusive to the upper class.

They believe that the more ignorant the people are, the more stable the regime will be. This ignorant understanding is a common problem in feudal dynasties.

But Zhang Junbao has been exposed to modern society, so he naturally knows what society will look like when people have knowledge, and what kind of gorgeous scenes it will create.

In fact, Zhang Junbao agrees with Hong Yi's ideal that everyone is like a dragon, and what Hong Yi can do, Zhang Junbao can do the same.

People can indeed be stupid, but they can also be enlightened.

During this period, while Zhang Junbao was preaching, he would also instill some modern concepts into the people of Xiangyang City, such as that man can conquer nature and that everyone is born equal.

Anyone who dares to promote this idea in public is seeking death. Saying that everyone is equal in a feudal society is simply treason.

A person who deceives the emperor and is guilty of lawlessness will definitely not be able to escape, and will be captured by the government on the spot.

But Zhang Junbao's fist was big enough, and people in the court would not dare to take any action even if they heard Zhang Junbao's ideas.

After all, Zhang Zhenren's flying sword is not a vegetarian, and the blood of the 100,000 Mongolian Yuan army has not been wiped off yet.

Coupled with Zhang Junbao's god-like status in the hearts of these Xiangyang people, the people were able to remember and believe what Zhang Junbao said. Over time, they developed the vigor in their hearts.

Zhang Junbao did not hide anything. He told Master Jueyuan in detail everything he had done for the people in Xiangyang City during this period.

Master Jue Yuan listened very carefully and nodded from time to time. It was not until he finished listening that he couldn't help but sigh.

“Unfortunately, such a scene can only appear in Xiangyang City.

Everyone has great enlightenment and great wisdom, and Xiangyang City now is simply a Buddhist kingdom on earth.

If the whole world could be like Xiangyang City, why would monks like us ask for the Pure Land of Western Bliss? "

However, Master Jueyuan knows very well that the reason why Xiangyang City has its current situation is because Zhang Junbao is in charge of Xiangyang City. Apart from him, no one in the world can build such a city.

Zhang Junbao looked at Master Jueyuan with a deep look: "Master, don't worry, Xiangyang City is just the beginning, other cities will also have this day.

My ideal is that everyone should be like a dragon and everyone should be equal. "

Master Jue Yuan was stunned when he heard Zhang Junbao's words, because he knew how difficult it was to realize what Zhang Junbao said.

He wanted to persuade his apprentice to give up, but seeing Zhang Junbao's firm eyes, Master Jue Yuan was speechless.

While he was talking, Zhang Junbao had already brought Master Jueyuan to the door of Guo Mansion.

Zhang Junbao has been living in Guo Mansion during the time he came to Xiangyang City because of Guo Xiang, so he planned to let Master Jue Yuan live in Guo Mansion temporarily.

On the ancient road outside Xiangyang City, there was also a group of people riding fast horses at great speed.

The leader of this group is Abbot Tianming of Shaolin Temple, but at this time he no longer looks like a monk.

Abbot Tianming was wearing a black outfit and had a gray wig on his head from nowhere.

The Shaolin disciples behind him also changed their appearance and wore combs, making it impossible to identify their original identities as monks.

Even the first Zen Master Wuxiang of the Bodhidharma Hall of Shaolin Temple is among them.

The group stopped three kilometers away from Xiangyang City.

It was noon at this time, and the sun in the sky was like fire.

Under the scorching sun, even though Zen Master Wuxiang had pure Shaolin internal skills to protect his body, he couldn't help but a few drops of sweat break out on his forehead.

He walked to Abbot Tianming, who was closing his eyes and meditating: "Abbott, do you think Wu Color can succeed this time?"

Abbot Tianming opened his eyes and shook his head with a bitter look on his face.

"It's very difficult, almost hopeless!

Shaolin and Zhang Junbao were already completely at odds with each other.

Even if Wu Se takes Jue Yuan with him and uses Jue Yuan as a tiger skin, it may be difficult for Zhang Junbao to change his mind.

Unless Jue Yuan is willing to ask Zhang Junbao to let Shaolin go, it is almost impossible for Zhang Junbao to agree to forgive my Shaolin Temple.

But it's not like you haven't seen Jue Yuan's temper during this time. It's easy to talk about everything else, but as long as it involves Zhang Junbao, he will immediately become silent. "

"If that's the case, Abbot, why do you still want Wu Se to make this trip? Isn't this a waste of effort?"

Abbot Tianming's eyes were a little painful: "Everyone knows how to obey fate, and one must try.

Haven't you seen the information that the disciples brought back to the Shaolin Temple?

The changes in Xiangyang City have exceeded all of our imaginations. Let alone maintaining the status of the Shaolin Temple as the largest sect in the world, if we continue to maintain the status quo, I am afraid that it will not be long before the Shaolin Temple becomes an inferior sect that can be bullied by anyone. "

He paused and continued: "Wuse and Jueyuan are just my first plan, and I didn't have much hope that it would succeed.

That’s why we followed Jue Yuan and Wu Se into the city.

The purpose is that if they fail, we will implement the second plan. "

A look of worry flashed across Zen Master Wuxiang's eyes: "But is the second plan really reliable?

Wouldn't this completely disgrace our Shaolin Temple, and even the abbot.

Besides, with Zhang Junbao's temper, he may not appreciate it even if we do this. "

Abbot Tianming's eyes showed determination: "I don't know if it will work, but it is our only hope.

If we set up the stage and perform such a play and still can't get Zhang Junbao to forgive us, then we can only blame the destiny.

I am the abbot of this generation of Shaolin Temple, and I will never allow Shaolin Temple to fall in my hands.

I am willing to pay any price for this. "

Zhang Junbao led Master Jueyuan and Master Wu Se into the gate of Guo's mansion.

The Guo's mansion is now very lively, gathering many masters. The top masters in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes are all related, so it is normal for them to live together.

The first top master to arrive in Xiangyang City was Huang Yaoshi. As Guo Jing's father-in-law, he should live in Guo's mansion.

Then came the Old Boy, Yinggu and Master Yideng.

The three of them lived in seclusion in the same place. After receiving the news from Guo Jing, the martial arts fanatic Old Boy rushed to Xiangyang City with his wife and Master Yideng without stopping.

As Guo Jing's sworn brother, the Old Boy naturally lived in Guo's mansion together.

Master Yideng was originally unwilling to live in Guo's mansion. After all, as a monk, he naturally didn't have anything yellow or white on him.

This time he came to Xiangyang in a hurry, and he didn't have time Let Dali send money.

The most terrifying thing about Xiangyang City now is the housing price. Any small house costs hundreds of taels. With Master Yideng's conditions, he couldn't even afford to stay in the most ordinary inn, so later he moved into Guo's mansion at Guo Jing's invitation.

Then there were the resurrected Hong Qigong and Wang Chongyang. With so many old friends in Guo's mansion, they naturally moved in together.

The only exception was Yang Guo and Xiaolongnu.

Originally, the two of them lived in Guo Jing's house after arriving in Xiangyang City, but after Ouyang Feng was resurrected, Yang Guo moved out and bought a big house to live with his adoptive father.

After all, if Hong Qigong and Ouyang Feng really lived together, they would definitely fight every day, not to mention that there was also Ke Zhenwu, the troublemaker next to them.

Just thinking about these three people getting together, he would go up to stop the fight every day. The sight made Yang Guo shudder.

To be honest, Yang Guo was still very powerful. He took out hundreds of taels of gold without hesitation.

The martial arts masters of this era did not work, but their superb martial arts skills represented wealth.

The famous sects would collect silver by protecting some small forces to maintain their own expenses.

The income of those lone rangers in the rivers and lakes mainly came from chivalry or robbing the rich to help the poor.

Speaking of chivalry, Yang Guo never showed mercy during his years as the hero of the Condor Heroes.

In particular, his martial arts skills were extremely high, and the villains he killed were those that others could not kill.

The wealth of these villains was naturally far greater than that of ordinary villains, making Yang Guo earn a lot of money.

Although he gave a large part of it to the common people, he also kept a part for himself.

Coincidentally, When Zhang Junbao brought Master Jueyuan to Guo's house, the resurrected child version of Hong Qigong was learning martial arts from the child version of Wang Chongyang.

The wind was howling in the back garden of Guo's house. Wang Chongyang, dressed in black, held a cold and shining sword in his hand and kept stabbing Hong Qigong.

Although he was still a child, his sword was calm and steady, just like a master.

Hong Qigong was fighting with Wang Chongyang with a green bamboo stick in his hand.

At this time, more than two weeks had passed since the two were resurrected in the Yitian world.

Both of them were great masters of martial arts. Two weeks was enough for them to understand the basic concept of Jindan martial arts and start practicing.

In addition, there was still the residual medicinal power of Qianyuan Huichunlu in their bodies, so the speed of their practice was simply shocking.

Although it was only two weeks, their Qi cultivation was no less than the peak of their previous lives. Because they had practiced the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, their Qi had all kinds of characteristics that they had not had before.

Between the cold light of the sword, a foot-long sword Qi emerged from the tip of Wang Chongyang's sword.

Under his control, the sword Qi in Wang Chongyang's hand collided fiercely with the green bamboo stick in Hong Qigong's hand.

This green bamboo stick was not a dog-beating stick, but a piece of bamboo that Hong Qigong picked from the bamboo forest. Even with the blessing of Hong Qigong's Qi, it was still unable to resist Wang Chongyang's sharp sword Qi.

In front of Wang Chongyang's sword, the green bamboo stick broke with a sound, but Hong Qigong was not surprised but showed a happy expression on his face.

He threw the bamboo stick casually, posing a posture with his left palm in front and his right palm behind, and then rushed towards Wang Chongyang. His two palms kept overlapping, and the thick Qi turned into a series of looming dragon shadows in the air.

Under the protection of the true qi, Hong Qigong's palms kept fighting with Wang Chongyang's sword energy, but he didn't even get his skin scratched.

Strangely enough, Hong Qigong couldn't stop Wang Chongyang's sword with the green bamboo stick, but with only a pair of flesh palms, Hong Qigong became more and more courageous and actually had the upper hand.

This scene was nothing special in the eyes of everyone in the Guo Mansion. After all, they all knew that these two seemingly children were actually the resurrected North Beggar Hong Qigong and the Central Divine Power Wang Chongyang.

But for Master Wu Se, this scene made him completely unable to believe his eyes.

He felt that the child's palm could slap him to death directly.

"Master Zhang, am I dazzled?

Who are these two children? Judging from their age, they should be only about eight years old. Why do they have developed a strong and powerful true qi that can leave the body?

Aren't the children in Xiangyang City so fierce now?"

Even Master Jueyuan showed a look of inquiry in his eyes, because this scene was beyond his knowledge.

Zhang Junbao did not hide it: "These two are not ordinary eight-year-old children. They are both seniors with great status in the world. The one who uses the sword is Master Wang Chongyang of Quanzhen Sect, and the one who uses the palm is the former leader of the Beggar Gang, Mr. Hong."

Zhang Junbao's words directly made Master Wu Se's CPU smoke.

As a Buddhist sect, Shaolin Temple has two types of monks, one is martial monks and the other is chanting monks.

Chanting monks are responsible for studying Buddhism, and almost none of them practice martial arts. Even if some of them practice martial arts, they have no practical experience and no combat power at all.

The Shaolin Temple's reputation as the world's largest sect was built by the Shaolin monks.

The two major halls in charge of the monks in the Shaolin Temple are the Luohan Hall and the Bodhidharma Hall. As the head of the Luohan Hall, Master Wu Se knows the martial arts world very well, so he naturally knows who Hong Qigong and Wang Chongyang are.

But it is precisely because he knows who they are that Master Wu Se can't believe his own ears

"Didn't Mr. Hong die 20 years ago, and Master Wang Chongyang died even earlier!

How come the two of them are here, and in the form of a child?"

Zhang Junbao laughed: "Some time ago, I had dinner with Guo Daxia and Mr. Zhou Botong.

At that time, they talked about how excited they would be if Mr. Hong and Master Wang were still alive and could come into contact with the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

I thought about it, and it seemed that it was not difficult to bring them back to life, so I went to Huashan to revive them."

When Master Wu Se heard this, question marks appeared on his forehead one after another.

He could understand every word of what Zhang Junbao said, but when they were put together, it sounded like a divine book.

What do you mean by bringing them back to life is not a difficult task?

Is this what a human would say?

He made it sound as if resurrection was a piece of cake, but even if he was a banished immortal, he would have to follow basic principles when doing things.

Birth, aging, illness and death are the cycle of nature, how could it be so easy to reverse it.

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