All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 292: Teaching

So even though the person in front of him was Zhang Junbao, Zen Master Wu Se still didn't believe that the two children competing in martial arts were Hong Qigong and Wang Chongyang.

“But Master Zhang, Senior Hong and Master Wang have all been dead for so many years, and their bones have long since decayed into withered bones, so how can they come back to life.

This is really beyond the humble monk's imagination. "

While Zen Master Wu Se was still surprised, the winner had already been decided between Hong Qigong and Wang Chongyang.

Hong Qigong relied on the fierce palm skills of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to attack Wang Chongyang's weakness in the middle. The fierce palm skills were as rapid as a sudden rain, and actually bypassed the long sword in Wang Chongyang's hand, and printed a palm on it. his chest.

A dragon-shaped Qi Jin slammed into him, knocking him backwards and flying out.

The competition between the two was just to prove their martial arts, not a life and death fight, so Wang Chongyang immediately gave up after being hit.

He cupped his fists towards Hong Qigong and said, "

I remember that when Qi Gong had a sword fight in Huashan, your palm skills were just fierce. But now this set of Dragon Subduing Palm techniques is not only extremely fierce but also has a softness. It has reached the realm of yin and yang. It was a real eye-opener for me. Wang Chongyang resigned himself to defeat. "

Seeing this, Hong Qigong was not arrogant and just smiled: "I can beat you mainly because I have lived decades longer than you, Brother Chongyang. It is all accumulated experience and there is nothing to brag about.

In terms of talent, Brother Chongyang, you are still superior.

Especially now that we are in the era of Jindan Martial Arts, past martial arts experience is of little use now.

Once Brother Chongyang becomes familiar with Jindan Martial Arts, he will definitely be able to deduce the exercises that suit him. Then I, the old beggar, will no longer be your opponent. "

Hong Qigong did not lie. In his previous life, Wang Chongyang died shortly after he discussed swordsmanship in Mount Huashan.

But Hong Qigong lived for many years.

Over the years, his martial arts realm has been improving. Especially during the last days in Huashan, his competition with Ouyang Feng made his martial arts realm advance by leaps and bounds. He was about to master the extremely powerful Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. After reaching the realm of yin and yang, he was able to defeat Wang Chongyang with the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

But regardless of the years he had lived, Wang Chongyang would definitely be better than him in terms of talent alone. Otherwise, he would not have been able to defeat the heroes in Huashan and win the Nine Yin Manual.

After the two of them finished speaking, they came to Master Jueyuan and Zen Master Wuse.

Although the two of them were fighting just now, they had already noticed the two monks brought by Zhang Junbao.

Hong Qigong looked at Zen Master Wu Se with a smile: "What's wrong? Little monk Wu Se, you don't believe that the old man is really alive!"

I don't know if you still remember the old beggar, but I am deeply impressed by the old beggar.

I still remember when Master You brought you to Beggar's Clan as a guest, you, a little monk, were salivating at the smell of the roast chicken on the table, but you pretended to be serious. "

As he spoke, Hong Qigong performed a palm move. His palm was like a hollow valley and a wandering dragon. As he struck out with his palm, a series of dragon roars were heard.

"At that time, your master wanted to compete with me in martial arts. I used this move to defeat him. How about it? Now I believe that I, the old beggar, have really come back to life."

A look of memory appeared on Zen Master Wu Se's face. When he was a young monk, he traveled around the world with his teacher and met Hong Qigong once.

At that time, Hong Qigong did have a competition with his teacher, and it was with this move in front of him that the player defeated his teacher.

This old incident happened thirty-five years ago. Apart from him and Hong Qigong, the only people present were the deceased teacher, and no other person saw it.

Now Zen Master Wu Se no longer had any doubts and believed that the eight-year-old boy in front of him was Hong Qigong, a beggar who once had a powerful reputation in the world.

"Senior Hong, it's really you! Then this is Wang Chongyang.

Master Zhang's magical powers are truly beyond Wu Se's imagination. Every time he sees them, they are new and shocking. "

Saying that, Zen Master Wu Se bowed to Wang Chongyang and Hong Qigong again: "Wu Se comes to Xiangyang this time and is truly lucky to be able to meet these two senior masters."

Zen Master Wu Se admired these two Zhongyuan Wujue who were once powerful in the world. After all, the Zhongyuan Wujue dominated an era and were the most outstanding figures in the martial arts. As a martial arts person, who wouldn't admire them.

"When I first entered the city, I heard from the residents in the city that Senior Dongxie and Senior Nanseng have also arrived in Xiangyang City. So Xiangyang City has already gathered the Four Ultimates of the Central Plains, with only one Xidu left. Ouyang Feng.

However, Xidu Ouyang Feng has disappeared from the world for many years, and he may have died in an unknown corner. Otherwise, if the Five Ultimates can reunite, it will be a great story in the martial arts world! "

As soon as Zen Master Wuse finished speaking, he noticed that the expressions of the two young seniors in front of him became a little strange.

Hong Qigong laughed loudly: "If you want to see the reunion of the Five Jue, then stay in Xiangyang City for a few more days. You will have a chance to see it."

Wang Chongyang also couldn't help laughing: "The old poison is indeed dead, and it was Qi Gong who died together. Then when Master Zhang went to find Qi Gong's body, he also brought the old poison back.

Later, at the request of Yang Guo, the Condor Hero, Zhang Zhenren also resurrected the old poisonous creature. "

What! Ouyang Feng is also resurrected!

Zen Master Wu Se was shocked at first. He knew how cruel Xidu Ouyang Feng was.

But then he shook his head.

What am I thinking about? What's the use of Ouyang Feng no matter how cruel he is? The current world is no longer the one where he can run amok.

There is a real Zhang here, and if it is a dragon, you have to coil it up! If it’s a tiger, you have to lie down!

Poison in the West and poison in the East will not cause any trouble.

The words of Hong Qigong and Wang Chongyang made Zen Master Wu Se deeply realize how amazing Zhang Junbao's magical powers are.

Resurrecting a person who had been dead for more than ten years in his hands seemed like a joke. Even someone like Ouyang Feng was resurrected casually. It was really unfathomable.

Zhang Junbao brought Master Jueyuan and Zen Master Wuse to a separate courtyard in the Guo Mansion. It was very close to the courtyard where he retreated, just a few steps away.

The reason for this arrangement is that Master Jue Yuan came to Xiangyang this time and he wanted to spend more time with the master.

After settling Zen Master Wu Se, Zhang Junbao took Master Jue Yuan back to his small courtyard alone.

He still had many things to say to his master alone.

After entering the small courtyard, Zhang Junbao looked at his master's old face up and down, and said with a slight complaint: "Master, I sent you so many miraculous medicines, why don't you take them!"

Master Jue Yuan is one of the people Zhang Junbao cares about most in the world, and he will naturally not be stingy with Master Jue Yuan.

So every time he got a panacea that was beneficial to the body from his friends, he would send part of it to Master Jue Yuan.

But when Zhang Junbao saw Master Jue Yuan this time, he found that his body had not changed much and he was still so old.

It was obvious that Master Jue Yuan had not taken any of the miraculous medicines Zhang Junbao sent to Master Jue Yuan, otherwise there would be no changes in his body.

Not to mention anything else, Taikoo Longya rice alone is enough to make Master Jue Yuan's body extremely strong, cleanse the marrow of the I Ching, and prolong his life.

Not to mention that Zhang Junbao also sent a century-old elixir cultivated by Han Li and a life-extending elixir from the mortal world. These good things can completely reborn a mortal. Although they cannot rejuvenate him, they can still survive. It is still very easy to be two or three hundred years old.

In fact, when he first met Master Jue Yuan, Zhang Junbao wanted to ask the master why he didn't take the elixirs he sent, but Zen Master Wu Se was beside him, so he didn't ask.

The expression on Master Jue Yuan's face was very calm: "Master, I am already half a person in a coffin. It is a waste to eat so many good things. Wouldn't it be better for you to keep these things for your own cultivation?

I know that your cultivation level is high and you are capable now, but none of the things you gave me are rare treasures in the world.

I'm afraid there aren't many ginseng plants in the world that are as thick as an arm. I thought it wouldn't be easy for you to get them, so how could you waste them on an old man like me? "

As he spoke, Master Jueyuan took out a palm-sized cloth bag from his side, and then pushed the bag into Zhang Junbao's hand.

"I've kept all the things you sent me. You can take them back, my dear. I won't need them, master."

Zhang Junbao took the bag and opened it. He saw that the bag was a storage magic weapon he gave to Master Jue Yuan. It can be used without mana, but it also has a drawback: it can't hold too many things.

It contained the elixirs he had sent to Master Jue Yuan these days, including arm-thick red fire ginseng, arm-thick pieces of dragon tooth rice, and several bottles of elixirs that could prolong life.

Zhang Junbao was a little dumbfounded. Master Jueyuan was right. These treasures were indeed precious.

Even his share is quite limited.

In particular, the 500-year-old red fire ginseng was obtained by using most of the share of the towering fortune dew he had saved. It is an elixir with extremely mild medicinal properties. Even mortals can take it. It has a great effect in extending life. It's good, and it does have a certain promotion effect on his cultivation.

But compared to the master, these mere treasures are nothing.

Moreover, these treasures are precious, but they are only precious to him now.

With the chat group in hand, as the group members in the chat group continue to become stronger, everyone will have more and more resources, and by then these precious resources will be nothing.

But he also understood the master's thoughts. After all, the master didn't know that he had a chat group.

Whether it is red fire ginseng as thick as an arm, or dragon tooth rice as thick as an arm, from the perspective of the master, these things are indeed considered rare in the world of Yitian, and even to the point of eating one plant and losing the other. Degree.

Zhang Junbao pushed the bag into Master Jueyuan's hand again: "Master, just eat it. Your health and longevity is the most important thing to me."

Master Jue Yuan's eyes were very determined, and he pushed the bag back: "This thing is too precious, Master, I don't want it."

In desperation, Zhang Junbao could only wave his hand, and saw bags after bags of Longya rice appear out of thin air in the room, pouring out and piled up, the white flowers looked like a flawless snow mountain.

"Master, don't worry! My disciple has plenty of these. What you eat is just a drop in the bucket and has no effect on me at all.

Especially those bottles of elixirs, which were specially made by my disciple. They can make people live longer and strengthen their bodies. They are of no help to cultivation. If you don't take them, it will be wasted. "

Seeing this white rice mountain, Master Jue Yuan was a little stunned. He didn't expect that Zhang Junbao actually had so much of this kind of dragon tooth rice that looked extremely precious.

Master Jueyuan had guessed that Zhang Junbao must have discovered the treasure left by his predecessors or had obtained some great opportunity, which was why he had so many treasures that had never been seen in the Yitian world.

After all, Zhang Junbao had been away from him for only half a year at most, and no matter how powerful his magical powers were, he could not create things out of thin air.

However, Master Jueyuan did not intend to delve into it. For him, as long as Zhang Junbao could live well, that was enough, and everything else was unimportant.

In this case, he did not refuse Zhang Junbao's kindness.

Zhang Junbao was relieved after watching Master Jueyuan eat the dragon tooth rice and the longevity pill with his own eyes.

But he still did not intend to leave. Instead, he took out a handwritten book with the fragrance of ink and handed it to Master Jueyuan, and then sat beside Master Jueyuan and explained the profound principles in it to Master Jueyuan word by word.

This handwritten book was the Jindan martial arts version of the Nine Yang True Classic that he had deduced for Master Jueyuan.

In order to deduce this secret book, Zhang Junbao racked his brains and spent a lot of effort.

Unlike the Nine Yang Manual he practiced, which directly borrowed the power of the sun, this Nine Yang Manual required the refining of 9981 different extremely yang substances, converting these substances into energy and aggregating them together, returning to the origin and cultivating a pure yang force, thus bypassing the limitation that mortals could not absorb the power of the sun.

The reason why he did not teach Master Jueyuan the Golden Elixir Martial Arts was actually because he had been waiting to deduce and complete this secret book, and it was a coincidence that a few days before Master Jueyuan came to Xiangyang City, Zhang Junbao had just completed the last few steps of this martial arts.

Although Zhang Junbao never taught specific cultivation methods to other martial artists, it all depended on personal understanding, and what kind of Golden Elixir Martial Arts he could understand depended on personal luck, but it was naturally impossible for Zhang Junbao to do so for his own master, after all, he knew that Master Jueyuan did not understand martial arts at all.

If he only gave Master Jueyuan the basic knowledge of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, I am afraid that Master Jueyuan could only practice the Golden Elixir Peiyuan Gong by rote.

Zhang Junbao also knew that Master Jueyuan didn't care about the strength of martial arts, but practicing martial arts could not only enhance combat power, but also prolong life and even become immortal.

Zhang Junbao naturally wanted his master to achieve such an existence, so he went straight to the point and deduced the most superior golden elixir martial arts for Master Jueyuan.

Master Jueyuan understood very quickly. When he practiced the Nine Yang Manual, he mixed in many scriptures from the Shurangama Sutra, but he still cultivated a pure Nine Yang Qi. Although such talent was not as good as Zhang Junbao, he could also be regarded as a martial arts genius. The reason why he didn't learn martial arts was simply because he had no interest in martial arts.

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