All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 293 Starting anew

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, more than a week has passed since Master Jueyuan came to Xiangyang City.

Master Jueyuan's practice on the Jindan martial arts version of the Nine Yang True Classic went very smoothly.

Master Jueyuan has studied the Nine Yang True Classic for many years, and naturally has a deep understanding of this method. Moreover, this method was originally deduced by Zhang Junbao based on Master Jueyuan's situation, and it fits him perfectly!

In addition, Zhang Junbao personally guided him in his practice, so Master Jueyuan's progress was even faster.

During this period, Master Jueyuan's courtyard was filled with a terrifying heat from time to time, and servants often saw a scorching sun rising and setting, as if the courtyard had become a small world of its own.

Zhang Junbao's preaching time was very regular, and he would preach once every three days.

After the sermon, he would occasionally give a small class to everyone in the Guo Mansion and teach him some additional martial arts knowledge.

And today happened to be the day when Zhang Junbao preached.

In the main hall of Guo's mansion, he sat cross-legged in a white robe, with a cushion under his legs, looking majestic and sacred.

Waves of Tao sound came out from his mouth. Although the sound was not very loud, everyone could hear the sound ringing in their ears no matter where they were in the city.

And some people who had just entered Xiangyang City would look at the people around them with a dazed expression.

Once someone showed this expression, the people around them would immediately show contempt.

Because those who could not hear Zhang Junbao's Tao sound must have violated Zhang Junbao's eight rules of not teaching.

People in Xiangyang City generally reached a consensus that those who were unwilling to teach martial arts with Zhang Junbao's broad mind must be extremely evil and unforgivable.

So once someone could not hear the Tao sound of the real person, they would definitely suffer discrimination in Xiangyang City.

And in a private seat of a teahouse, several tables of people showed confused expressions.

The people who were immersed in the sound of Taoism saw this scene and stood up and distanced themselves from these people.

"Good fellow, I just found a teahouse to drink tea, how could I meet so many scumbags, unlucky, boss, pay the bill, I won't drink this tea."

"Let's go, let's go, I really didn't check the almanac when I went out today, and I actually met so many dirty things."

"Humph, I don't know which one these people released, child abuse? Unfilial parents? Killing innocent people? Bullying the people? Forget it, no matter which one they committed, these people are extremely evil."

But some people disagreed with their views. He stood up and shook his head: "What if they released the eighth one instead of the first seven? Although Master Zhang doesn't like Shaolin monks, Shaolin monks have always had a good reputation in the martial arts world. There is no need to discriminate against them."

Then he saw a big man with a beard on his face. He showed a puzzled look: "You kid, haven't you just come to Xiangyang City for a short time? How come you have no respect for Master Zhang at all?

If I were to say, the one I despise the most among the Eight No Sects is the eighth Shaolin monk. The small Shaolin Temple dared to wrongly accuse Master Zhang of stealing martial arts. How ridiculous.

Master Zhang is so noble. He spread the mysterious method of Jindan martial arts to the world without any cost. He is simply a saint in the world. How could he allow those bald donkeys in Shaolin Temple to humiliate him like this!

If Master Zhang didn't forbid it, I, Old Zhao, would definitely kill Shaolin and kill those bald donkeys."

After the big man finished speaking, he immediately won the applause of the people around him. Everyone who is still in Xiangyang City now respects Zhang Junbao very much, and naturally agrees with the Khan's statement.

The people who showed confusion at those tables were not actually a group.

Among them, the group on the right occupied four tables, with a total of about twenty people.

Their faces were confused at first, then slowly turned into anger as the crowd talked. One of the old men with a stern face came to another old man with a dignified face and whispered.

"Abbot, Zhang Junbao is really too much. He actually humiliated the monks of my Shaolin Temple in this way, and these martial artists in Xiangyang City also followed suit. It really pissed me off.

I really regret it. If I could have discovered this man's wolfish ambition earlier, I would have hammered him to death before he grew up."

The old man with a dignified face was naturally the abbot Tianming of Shaolin Temple. He glared at the old man who was talking and then said softly: "Uncle Huitong, what nonsense are you talking about.

Guess why Master Zhang was preaching in Guo's mansion and could accurately control the sound of the preaching to ring in someone's ears.

Can you be more careful when you speak? Do you think you have lived too long?"

After being glared at by Abbot Tianming, Monk Huitong was speechless.

Yes! This group of Shaolin monks entered Xiangyang City by disguising themselves, so how did Zhang Junbao accurately identify their identities and control the preaching voice not to ring in their ears?

Could it be that Zhang Junbao's magical power is so strong that he can monitor the entire city at any time and distinguish everyone's good and evil and identity?

This kind of magical power is too incredible!

Thinking of this, Monk Huitong couldn't help but break out in a thin layer of cold sweat on his back. Could it be that their disguise was actually seen through by Zhang Junbao when they entered Xiangyang City.

In fact, his idea was only partially right. Although Zhang Junbao had the ability to monitor the entire city, he did not discover their true identities when they entered the city, because Zhang Junbao was not idle enough to monitor the entire city at any time.

However, before each sermon, Zhang Junbao would divide countless thoughts to carefully identify the identities of everyone in the city.

His thoughts had reached the level of a sixth-level ghost fairy. He could see through people's hearts and identify good and evil and their identities. It was easy for Zhang Junbao to do so.

In front of his powerful thoughts, how could the Shaolin monks' poor disguises be hidden from him.

And Zhang Junbao knew the identities of the other group of people very well. They were the imperial envoys sent by the court, Jia Sidao's confidants, and they were carrying the emperor's edict.

When his thoughts explored this teahouse, Zhang Junbao was slightly surprised.

These two groups of people actually got together by chance!

Zhang Junbao's sermons lasted about three hours each time. During his sermons, the entire Xiangyang City would be shut down, and no one would continue to work while Zhang Junbao was preaching.

Due to the presence of those two groups of people, there were no other people in the teahouse at this time.

People who could not hear the sermons in Xiangyang City were all rat shit!

No one wanted to be contaminated by their breath, for fear that they would get too close to them and be included in the category of the Eight No Teachings.

Abbot Tianming was very patient and quietly waited for Zhang Junbao's sermon to end.

The Zen Master Wuxiang on the side did not have such concentration as him. He sighed and said, "We in Shaolin Temple have been cheated. It is so difficult for Zhang Junbao to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts with such magical powers.

I don't know whether Wu Se's trip is smooth or not. It should be enough for a week, but Wu Se has not sent back any news."

Tian Ming Fangzhan shook his head and said, "There is no way. It is not easy for Wu Se to pass on the news in Xiangyang City.

If Wu Se does not succeed, then it is time for us to implement the plan."

They did not know that the Zen Master Wu Se in Guo's Mansion on the other side also seemed very confused at this time.

It was not only Abbot Tianming and his men who could not hear the sermon. As the head of the Shaolin Luohan Hall, he, the Zen Master Wu Se, naturally could not hear the sound of the sermon.

Everyone around him was in a state of fascination with the sermon, and only he looked around and looked very different.

For Zhang Junbao, he had a good impression of the Zen Master Wu Se. In fact, he did not mind passing the Golden Elixir Martial Arts to the Zen Master Wu Se.

But the problem is that Master Wu Se is a disciple of Shaolin Temple.

Once he passed the Golden Elixir Martial Arts to Master Wu Se, it would be equivalent to passing the Golden Elixir Martial Arts to Shaolin Temple, so Zhang Junbao would naturally not do such a thing.

After arriving in Xiangyang City, Master Wu Se wanted to speak to Zhang Junbao several times on behalf of Shaolin Temple, but every time he wanted to speak, he could not open his mouth.

After all, this matter was really too embarrassing. Shaolin Temple had let Zhang Junbao down before and now wanted to ask for Zhang Junbao's forgiveness. It was ridiculous to be arrogant at first and respectful later.

The time for preaching passed quickly, and three hours passed in a blink of an eye.

With the three deafening bells ringing, this sermon ended.

With the end of the picking up, the Guo Mansion also returned to its former bustle.

The old naughty boy flew down from the rockery, dancing with joy and saying: "Master Zhang's preaching is always new, and every time I listen, I gain something new."

As he said this, the old naughty boy threw several punches in a row, and thousands of fist shadows gushed out from his body, smashing the rockery in front of him into pieces, scattering into broken powder all over the sky.

"It's done! My Kongming Fist is finally done!"

Huang Yaoshi, who was standing by, saw this scene and exclaimed: "Old naughty boy, your martial arts talent is really high. It only took such a short time to completely deduce the Kongming Fist of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts."

The old naughty boy also said happily: "This is all thanks to Master Zhang's preaching, otherwise, even if I rack my brains, I can't figure out the joints."

At this time, Yinggu came over and grabbed the old naughty boy's ear fiercely, twisting it hard: "You old man, restrain yourself!

This is not the place where we live in seclusion. You always know how to destroy the house. Do you have money to compensate you?"

The old naughty boy had no temper at all for Yinggu, and could only be pulled aside by her by the ear.

Everyone was bustling, only Master Wu Se stood quietly in the corner, as if in another world.

Master Jue Yuan came up and stood beside him, he sighed with his hands folded: "Alas, what a sin!

In the whole Guo Mansion, only Wu Se can't hear Jun Bao's sermon."

Master Wu Se turned his head and looked at Master Jue Yuan, with a helpless expression on his face.

He could feel the heat in Master Jue Yuan's body like the scorching sun, and just standing next to him felt a huge sense of oppression.

"There is no way, we Shaolin owe Master Zhang.

With what Shaolin Temple has done, Master Zhang's approach is already very kind.

If it were a more domineering person, Shaolin would have been razed to the ground by now.

And my identity as a Shaolin monk destined me to have no chance with the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

Forget it, forget it!

Maybe it's my fate, Wu Se."

Master Jue Yuan shook his head: "Jun Bao has his own ideas, and I don't want to interfere.

However, I still understand your character, Wu Se. If you really want to learn Jindan Martial Arts, I can help you intercede with Jun Bao.

As long as you are willing to promise not to teach Jindan Martial Arts to other Shaolin monks, I believe Junbao will sell me, an old man, a face. "

There was a strange color in Zen Master Wu Se's eyes, as if he was a little moved, but he quickly shook his head.

"Thank you Master Jueyuan for your kindness, but let's forget it!

If there is only one person in the entire Shaolin who has learned Jindan Martial Arts, then I don’t know how I can continue to stay in the Shaolin Temple. "

Zen Master Wu Se felt a little bitter in his heart. Of course he wanted to learn Jindan Martial Arts, but forget it in the Shaolin Temple where he only had his own way.

Only after reading so many Buddhist scriptures and seeing so many disputes in the world did he know what it would cost to stand out from the crowd.

If he really learned the Golden Core Martial Arts, he would have only two endings.

Either he could not withstand the pressure and taught the Golden Elixir Martial Arts to the monks in the Shaolin Temple and offended Zhang Junbao, or he was isolated in the Shaolin Temple and became an absolute alien.

Hong Qigong on the side also heard the exchange between the two masters. He came over and laughed: "You little monk, you have been reciting sutras for so long and studying Buddhism for so many years. Why do you keep going back the more you study?

Since Shaolin Temple can’t accommodate you, then just don’t stay in Shaolin Temple.

As long as there is Buddha in your heart, there is no place in the world that is not Shaolin. "

As soon as these words came out, Zen Master Wuse's face changed slightly.

He murmured to himself: "With Buddha in my heart, where in the world is not Shaolin?

With Buddha in your heart, there is no place in the world that is not Shaolin! "

Wang Chongyang also came over: "What the old beggar said is reasonable. With Master Zhang's ban, who dares to teach the Shaolin Temple's Golden Pill Martial Arts?

How can Shaolin Temple survive in the new arena if it cannot learn Jindan Martial Arts?

There is no point in holding on to a ship that is doomed. "

In this era, the only result for the forces that offended Zhang Junbao was to decline.

The significance of Jindan Martial Arts in this era is like guns. Whoever does not have it will fall behind, and those who fall behind will be beaten.

In fact, it is unrealistic to completely block Jindan Martial Arts.

After all, with the spread of Jindan Martial Arts in the world, Shaolin Temple will definitely be able to learn some scraps of Jindan Martial Arts.

But the difference between studying these scraps and directly listening to Zhang Junbao's sermons and understanding in Xiangyang City is simply a world of difference.

So what if the Shaolin Temple can learn these scraps of Jindan Martial Arts? Just a random person walking out of Xiangyang City can raze the Shaolin Temple to the ground.

Therefore, in his opinion, Zen Master Wuse's persistence at this time was completely meaningless. Instead of declining with the Shaolin Temple, it would be better to simply abandon the Shaolin Temple and start a new one.

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