All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 294 Imperial Edict, I will read it myself

While everyone was chatting, a group of official officials wearing official uniforms and riding tall horses came to the door of Guo Mansion in a swaggering manner.

The leader has a feminine appearance, with a white face and no beard. He has a long sword at his waist and has an arrogant look on his face.

There were about a dozen people following behind him, and each person's temples were bulging high. One look at them showed that they had deep inner strength.

The deputy beside him whispered: "My lord, I didn't know it until I came to Xiangyang City. After I came, I realized that this real person is simply unfathomable. The task that Mr. Jia gave us is not so easy to complete."

This group of people is the imperial envoy sent to Xiangyang City by the Song Dynasty. The leader is a eunuch in the palace named Wang Guilian, and his dozen or so subordinates are all masters in the palace, each of them has extraordinary martial arts. He can be regarded as a first-class master in the world of martial arts.

And Wang Guilian, as a eunuch, can become the leader of so many masters, which is naturally very extraordinary.

He is the number one master among the eunuchs in the palace of this generation. Although he is a eunuch, his talent is extraordinary.

Wang Guilian entered the palace at the age of seven and was accepted as a disciple by an old eunuch in the palace at the age of ten. She learned the Sunflower Manual, the palace's first magical skill, from a young age. She is the successor of Sunflower in this generation. All the great masters in the palace.

The prince snorted coldly: "Why are you panicking? Our family has obeyed His Majesty's order, and this time it represents the majesty of the court.

Your Majesty is the True Dragon Emperor, the Nine-Five Supreme Being to whom destiny belongs. How can Zhang Junbao's magical power be so great in so many places? "

As the number one master in the palace, Wang Guilian has always looked down on the rough and tumble in the world. In his opinion, no matter the five masters of the Central Plains or the leaders of the top sects, they are nothing more than local chickens and dogs.

In fact, he does have the capital to be proud of. In the era before Zhang Junbao appeared, his strength was definitely not inferior to the Five Supremes of the Central Plains, and he was one of the top masters in the entire Song Dynasty.

Even though Zhang Junbao had shown such unpredictable strength at this time, Wang Guilian, who had lived in the palace since she was a child, didn't really care.

In his opinion, all magical powers and spells are illusory, and only imperial power is the supreme existence.

The whole world is not the land of the king, and the shores of the land are not the king's ministers!

No matter how powerful Zhang Junbao is, no matter how powerful he is, he is still His Majesty's minister and needs to obey His Majesty's will.

Arriving at the door of Guo Mansion, Wang Guilian shouted arrogantly to the concierge of Guo Mansion.

"I am an imperial envoy sent by His Majesty. Please call your master and Zhang Junbao to come out to receive the order."

The concierge did not doubt his presence and hurriedly ran into the house.

After all, Wang Guilian was holding an imperial decree in her hands, and the dragon pattern on the imperial decree could not be faked.

In the Song Dynasty, anyone who dared to falsely pass on imperial edicts would be punished as treason, which was a serious crime against the nine tribes. No one would dare to joke about it.

Hearing that someone came to see Zhang Zhenren with an imperial edict, the martial arts warriors in Guo Mansion all showed expressions of interest.

Hong Qigong rubbed his hands: "Hahaha, it's interesting. It's really interesting that the imperial edict has been passed on to Master Zhang.

Old beggar, I have lived for so long and have never seen what an imperial edict looks like.

Come on, let's go see what kind of medicine is sold in this emperor's gourd. "

These top figures in the martial arts world have no respect for imperial edicts.

Back then, Hong Qigong had entered the royal dining room of the palace several times to steal wine and eat food, completely ignoring the majesty of the royal family.

It can be said that even the emperor cannot scare him in person, let alone a mere imperial edict.

Under the leadership of Hong Qigong, the martial arts heroes in Guo Mansion walked towards the door one after another.

A wry smile appeared on Guo Jing's face: "Master, there is no need for you to be so malicious towards the royal family. Jun Bao expelled the mainland and restored China and made great achievements. It is reasonable for the emperor to give an imperial edict to reward Jun Bao after knowing it. "

Only Zhang Junbao looked a little strange, and he opened the group chat without saying anything.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "The emperor sent an imperial envoy to deliver the imperial edict to me. Guess what they came to do."

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Why else are you here? Do you think I'm here to reward you for your achievements?

The temples and the rivers and lakes are inherently incompatible. If the temples are strong, the rivers and lakes will be weak, and if the rivers and lakes are strong, the temples will decline.

The main reason why there was no conflict between the temple and Jianghu before was because the martial arts in Yitian World were too weak, and no matter how powerful the martial arts world was, it could not threaten his rule.

And now you are spreading the word in the world on your own, causing the balance of power between the people in the world and the temple to be completely unbalanced. It’s a shame that the emperor can still sit still under such circumstances! "

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Ming Fei is right. The Song Dynasty originally valued culture and suppressed military power. Even the generals who belonged to the court were suppressed in various ways. Otherwise, the financial and national strength of the Song Dynasty would be enough to raise a strong army. It would definitely He won't be rubbed against the wall by the Jin people and the Meng Yuan people.

And at this time, you have made a qualitative leap in your personal military power by preaching to the world. Under such circumstances, you and the imperial court have already been incompatible with each other."

Xu Chenzhou shook his head slightly. The Song Dynasty was indeed a strange dynasty. It clearly produced several famous generals and had strong financial resources. In terms of overall strength, it was definitely not weak. However, it was a pity that the good cards were played badly.

The main reason is that he always comes up with the kind of stupid emperor who makes people look down on him, and he plays himself to death. With these short-sighted emperors, it's a ghost if they can tolerate Zhang Junbao.

Hong Yi {Lord of Daqian}: "Even if they can't tolerate Zhang Junbao, what can they do?

It's like Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan wanted me to die, but since they weren't as powerful as me, they had no choice but to abdicate in favor of others. "

Zhang Junbao smiled: "I don't know what kind of medicine they sell in the gourd.

These days I often wonder whether there is still a need for this court to exist.

Anyway, as long as I'm here, it doesn't matter whether there is a court or not in this world.

But if they are more honest, I don’t necessarily have to change the government.

After all, having a court to govern the world can save me a lot of trouble. ,

I hope they are more sensible. "

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao started the group live broadcast and followed Hong Qigong and the others outside the Guo Mansion.

This scene also attracted the martial arts people in Xiangyang City. They were very curious about what the imperial envoy wanted to do when he came to Xiangyang City to find Zhang Zhenren.

Seeing more and more people gathering, Wang Guilian's face became calmer.

OK OK! This is the scene our family wants.

The more people, the better!

The imperial power is like the sky, and the common people are like knives. With so many knives in your hand, it depends on whether you, Zhang Junbao, dare to risk the disapproval of the world and disobey the emperor's will.

Abbot Tianming, Zen Master Wuse and others also followed the crowd to the front of Guo Mansion.

With a creaking sound, the door of Guo Mansion opened, and a group of martial arts people filed out.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"I have been in Xiangyang City for so long, but I have never had the chance to meet those legendary martial arts masters, and now I finally meet them with the help of the imperial court.

The man at the head, with a majestic and majestic look on his face, must be Guo Jing and Guo Daxia! "

His companions also said excitedly, "The old man wearing a green robe behind Daxia Guo must be Huang Yaoshi, the master of Peach Blossom Island.

And those around him must be the old naughty boy, Master Yideng, and Master Zhang's master Jue Yuan.

But who are these two children? They look so unfamiliar. Could they be Guo Daxia’s illegitimate children? "

Hearing these words, Hong Qigong's little face wrinkled up. What is this young man talking about? How come I, the old beggar, have become Guo Jing's son? Is it possible that I, the old beggar, look so young? .

But thinking of his current immature figure, Hong Qigong had nothing to say.

Wang Guilian didn't care so much. He didn't care how famous the people in front of him were in the martial arts world. He only had Zhang Junbao in his eyes.

The voice of an ordinary eunuch is as sharp as a knife scraping glass, which is unacceptable.

But because Wang Guilian had practiced the Sunflower Book, the yang was extremely yin in the Sunflower Book, and under the influence of the incarnation of heaven and man, his voice turned out to be very melodious: "Who is Zhenren Zhang? Our family has brought His Majesty's imperial edict, Zhang The real person should come out quickly to receive the order."

Zhang Junbao walked to the front unhurriedly: "I'm Zhang Junbao, I wonder if this father-in-law has any advice."

Wang Guilian looked at Zhang Junbao carefully from head to toe with probing eyes, her eyes like a knife scraping over inch by inch, refusing to let go of any detail.

Then there was a hint of contempt on his face: "I thought Zhang Zhenren was such a divine figure, but I didn't expect him to look like an ordinary person.

There are rumors that Master Zhang is the direct immortal who came to the world, but I think the name is not worthy of the truth. "

Zhang Junbao spread his hands helplessly: "I have never said that I am a direct immortal, it is just a misinformation among the people."

Hearing Zhang Junbao's humility, Wang Guilian's eyes showed a hint of satisfaction: "You are somewhat self-aware. Only a person like His Majesty who is born as a nine-five supreme and has the spirit of a true dragon can be called an immortal. . As for how other ordinary people can compare with His Majesty.

Okay, enough gossip, Master Zhang, please kneel down and accept the order! "

After hearing Wang Guilian's words, there was a burst of discussion around him.

"Isn't this gelding crazy? Master Zhang is such a god-like figure. He actually dared to make Master Zhang kneel down to receive the order."

"A castrated dog is just a dog relying on human power. I don't know why you are so arrogant here.

If it weren't for Zhang Zhenren, Kublai Khan would have already destroyed Xiangyang City, went straight to Huanglong, cut off the Song Emperor's head and kicked it as a ball. "

However, some people hold objections: "The king, the king, the minister, the father, the son, the son, this is the order of heaven and earth. No matter how powerful Zhang Zhenren is, he is still a citizen of the Song Dynasty. Why can't he kneel down?"

"It is our duty to protect our family and the country. Although Master Zhang has made great contributions, we still have to show the respect we should have for our king and father. It's just a kneel down. What's the big deal?"

The comments from the people around him made Wang Guilian's fair face turn red and purple. Of course, he heard some people calling him a castrated dog, and some people said they wanted to cut off the head of the supreme emperor in his heart and play it as a ball. But at this time, he But he can't control that much, because the most important target is Zhang Junbao standing in front of him.

He stared at Zhang Junbao, his sunflower energy running at full strength, making his aura keep rising, and his eyes emitted a terrifying light.

On weekdays in the palace, as long as he exerts all his strength, no one, whether it is an ordinary eunuch or a master, can withstand his full momentum.

But his eyes were as threatening as if he didn't exist in front of Zhang Junbao. Zhang Junbao didn't even look away from him, he just stood there motionless.

Zhang Junbao said softly: "You can just kneel down. I am a poor Taoist from outside the world. I am dedicated to seeking the Tao. Everything in the world is meaningless to me.

Your Majesty, just tell me what your wishes are. I'm listening. "

Hearing this, Wang Guilian's face changed drastically and her eyes widened: "How dare you! Your Majesty is the Supreme Dragon Emperor. As long as it is in this divine land, where is not your Majesty's territory? Even if you are a foreigner, what can you do?

You are unwilling to kneel even for your Majesty's imperial edict. Do you want to be disrespectful to your father and commit the crime of deceiving the emperor and rebelling against superiors!"

Zhang Junbao smiled lightly, and he waved his hand. A breeze blew and actually rolled up the imperial edict in Wang Guilian's hand.

"You said I want to commit the crime of deceiving the emperor and rebelling against superiors, then I will treat it as the crime of deceiving the emperor and rebelling against superiors!

Since you don't want to read it, don't read it. I will see what is written by myself!"

Wang Guilian held the imperial edict tightly in his hand, and a dark black sunflower true qi emerged and enveloped his left hand, making his hand black as a ghost hand.

But how could he resist Zhang Junbao's means? The strong wind came, and the sunflower true qi on the surface of his palm was broken by a strong force. Because he held it too tightly, the imperial edict was rolled up by Zhang Junbao along with the skin and flesh on the surface of his palm, and a stream of red blood was sprinkled in the air.

Wang Guilian ignored the pain in his hand, and his sunflower true qi burst out, blowing the crown on his head to pieces.

His long hair was flying in the air, and his hands were shining with black light, rushing towards Zhang Junbao like a madman.

"What a courage, what a dog courage!

You dog who has no king and no father, die!"

At this time, Wang Guilian had completely given up his life and only wanted to take down Zhang Junbao who insulted his king and father.

But his madness did not work at all.

Before Zhang Junbao made a move, Huang Yaoshi at the side pushed a blue wave out of thin air and surged forward.

This wave was just like a real wave in the sea, extremely turbulent, and contained a terrifying force that pushed Wang Guilian far away.

No matter how he encouraged the sunflower true energy in his body, he could not break free from the shackles of the blue waves.

"In compliance with the will of heaven, the emperor ordered Zhang Junbao to present the Golden Elixir martial arts version of the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the Nine Yang Divine Art, the Nine Yin Manual, and the Blue Sea Tide Song for the benefit of the people of the world. In order to strengthen the military and calm the people's hearts, Zhang Junbao was conferred the title of Great Protector of the Country. He did not bow when entering the court, did not kneel when seeing the king, and was in charge of the Buddhist and Taoist affairs of the world."

Zhang Junbao read out the contents of the order softly.

The imperial edict contained a lot of content. It first praised Zhang Junbao's achievements, and then asked Zhang Junbao to present the golden elixir martial arts he had deduced. There were many martial arts nominated in it, almost covering all the unique martial arts that could be named in the martial arts world.

The reason why the court asked for these unique martial arts was to cultivate military strength, so as to pacify the eight directions and defend the Central Plains, and it was said that this move would bring peace to the people and happiness to the world.

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