All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 295 The change of dynasty will happen today

In the end, the imperial court also promised Zhang Junbao the identity of the great protector of the country, and let Zhang Junbao lead the world's Buddhist affairs.

Looking at the imperial edict in his hand, Zhang Junbao touched his chin.

Song Duzong was really good at calculating. He wanted to exchange the identity of an unknown so-called great protector of the country for the martial arts version of Jindan Martial Arts.

The identity of this great protector of the country seems noble, but in fact he has no actual power.

It's bullshit that you don't kneel before the king and don't bow before you enter the court.

With Zhang Junbao's current strength, who else but a bastard like Wang Guilian dares to make him kneel, and who can bear his bow.

As for the matter of governing Buddhism and Taoism in the world, it is a blank check.

The Song court's control over Buddhism and Taoism was already very weak.

Regardless of whether it was Shaolin Temple, Mount Wutai or the Quanzhen Sect, no one really paid attention to the imperial court.

Of course, with this name, Zhang Junbao's strength can naturally convince these Buddhist and Taoist sects to obey his instructions.

But this has nothing to do with the identity of the great protector of the country given by the Song Dynasty. It all depends on Zhang Junbao's own strength.

In other words, the essence of this imperial edict is to use the title of a blank check to exchange Zhang Junbao for the precious golden elixir martial arts.

Zhang Junbao raised his head and looked at Wang Guilian: "Is the content of this imperial edict the meaning of Song Duzong Zhao Xu, or the meaning of Jia Sidao?"

Wang Guilian was still struggling. He kept using the sunflower energy in his body to break free from Huang Yaoshi's blue waves.

But no matter how the energy in his body exploded, the blue waves stuck to his body like a piece of plasticine, pressing him to the ground and unable to move.

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Wang Guilian raised her head and looked at Zhang Junbao with fierce eyes: "You thief, you dare to call His Majesty by his first name, you really have disobedience."

Zhang Junbao casually flicked his fingers, and a sharp force directly exploded one of Wang Guilian's calves into a ball of blood foam:

"I'm asking you a question, don't talk nonsense.

Tell me, who does this imperial decree mean? "

Wang Guilian's calf was blown open by this blast of energy. An ordinary person would have been rolling on the ground in pain.

But Wang Guilian didn't even cry out in pain. The bone-piercing pain actually extinguished the anger in his heart and allowed him to regain his composure.

Wang Guilian still didn't answer Zhang Junbao's question, but just stared at Zhang Junbao: "Whose will is this and what's the obstacle?

Written on the imperial edict, it naturally represents the will of the Heavenly Family and the majesty of the Song Dynasty.

Zhang Zhenren, you must think clearly, the whole world is not the king's land, and the shore of the land is not the king's ministers.

As a citizen of the Song Dynasty, do you really want to rebel against the world and do something that is despised by thousands of people?

I know that your prestige among the people is very high, and it has reached the point where thousands of Buddhists are respected by everyone.

But once you become that rebellious official and traitor, the huge popularity you have worked so hard to accumulate will probably disappear in one day.

There is nothing shameful in His Majesty's decree. He just asks you for a few martial arts secret books.

Nowadays, there are disputes among the heroes in the world, and there are frequent foreign invasions at the border areas. Obtaining a few secret books to increase military strength is to comply with the trend of the people.

Your Majesty's move does not violate justice, nor does it cause any apology to you, Mr. Zhang.

Zhang Zhenren has such a high reputation because you have made great contributions to the Song Dynasty's fight against the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty.

Logically speaking, the increase in military power of the Song Dynasty should be a happy thing for you.

Unless you have other thoughts, is it possible that Mr. Zhang, you really have a disloyal heart and want to change the dynasty, so you don't want to give away the martial arts secrets to enhance the military power of the Song Dynasty? "

After Wang Guilian asked these words, the martial arts people who were watching also fell into deep thought.

"Yes, the effect of Jindan Martial Arts is so powerful that even ordinary people in Xiangyang City who have never practiced martial arts can now fly over walls and climb walls, and can carry cauldrons with their strength.

If Master Zhang could give a few secret books of Jindan Martial Arts to the soldiers of the Song Dynasty to practice, I am afraid that it would only take a hundred days to raise a strong iron-blooded army, and then expand the territory and pacify the world in a matter of seconds. "

"I also think what this father-in-law said makes sense. Our Song Dynasty has been weak for many years and has been repeatedly bullied by foreigners because of its weak military strength.

If a strong army can be cultivated, it will definitely be able to protect the people from living and working in peace and contentment, which is indeed an unparalleled achievement. "

"Yes, anyway, Master Zhang has a broad mind and has spread martial arts all over the world. So many people have learned Jindan Martial Arts. In this case, it is not a big deal to pass one more copy to the court."

Even Guo Jing's face showed a trace of emotion. He had been stationed in Xiangyang City over the years and had seen too many refugees displaced by war. If he could really cultivate a strong army to garrison at the border, who knows what he could do. How many disasters have been eliminated.

Zhang Junbao's expression did not change at all, he smiled softly: "If the roots are rotten, it is of no use no matter how strong the branches are.

At the beginning, the Yue family army led by Marshal Yue was so powerful that they almost went straight to Huanglong, but they were called back to Fengbo Pavilion to die by the eighteen gold medals.

No matter how powerful the military force is, what will happen to such a court?

Moreover, I am in charge of the Central Plains, so why should we fear any foreign invasion?

If one comes, I will kill one. If one thousand comes, I will kill a thousand. If if ten thousand come, I will destroy ten thousand.

The person Emperor Song asked me for the golden elixir and martial arts to defend against was not some alien race. The person he wanted to defend against was probably me! "

As soon as Zhang Junbao finished speaking, the onlookers in the martial arts world couldn't help but nod.

"It is true that Zhang Zhenren slaughtered 100,000 Mongolian troops in that battle. With him as the god of killing, no blind alien dares to come to our Central Plains again."

"Yes, and with Master Zhang's magical powers, I am afraid he can live as long as heaven and die with earth!

With him ruling the world, there is no need for an army. "

"So what Master Zhang said makes sense!

With Zhang Zhenren's magical power, if he wants to change the dynasty, no one in the world can stop him.

With the great god Zhang Zhenren here, how can the official family feel relieved?

That's why the officials issued this order to ask Master Zhang for the secret book of Jindan Martial Arts, in order to cultivate an army that practices Jindan Martial Arts to compete with Master Zhang. "

And this is indeed the reason why Song Duzong and Jia Sidao issued this imperial edict. They needed to master a force that could compete with Zhang Junbao.

With Zhang Junbao in charge of the Central Plains, the world has been peaceful, which also means that the Song Dynasty regime, which was originally in danger, can continue to continue.

But it all depends on one person, and that is Zhang Junbao.

If Zhang Junbao is willing to let the Song Dynasty exist, then the Song Dynasty will be as stable as Mount Tai.

If Zhang Junbao wanted to overthrow the Song Dynasty, then he could use his magical power to overturn the rule of the Song Dynasty in an instant.

Although Song Duzong Zhao Yu's brain was not very good, he could still understand the most basic principles.

Wang Guilian stared at Zhang Junbao with red eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Master Zhang, you have to think clearly. No matter what His Majesty thinks, as a subject of the Song Dynasty, you must fulfill your duty as a subject.

Even though your prestige among the people is so great, if you want to change the dynasty, you may immediately fall into a situation that will be criticized by thousands of people, and you will be infamy for forever. "

Zhang Junbao smiled and shook his head: "Then you really think highly of the Song Dynasty's status in the hearts of the people. In these decades of war, the people have been living in poverty and can't even survive. How many people will really put the Song Dynasty into the spotlight?" Keep it in your heart.

And one thing I must tell you, if I want to change the dynasty, what if everyone in the army practices Jindan Martial Arts?

What I want to do, no one in the world can stop me! "

In fact, if it were Zhang Junbao before he came into contact with the chat group, even if he really had the magical power he has now, it would be difficult to really regard the court as nothing.

After all, he has been influenced by the class ideas of feudal society since he was a child, and he believes that the status of the emperor is inherently superior to others!

He is the Nine-Five Supreme Being, the True Dragon Emperor, who is destined by destiny and admired by all the people.

But after reading some ideological books from the dragon earth, Zhang Junbao quickly broke through the shackles of this outdated thought.

After all, the book Lu Mingfei read to him was about high school politics, and the content recorded in it could be called the dragon-slaying technique in feudal society.

After learning such advanced ideas, it is really difficult to remain in awe of the backward feudal social class ideas.

Not to mention that after Zhang Junbao finished studying high school politics, he urged Lu Mingfei to upload many more advanced dragon-slaying techniques. After that, he had a deep understanding of the core of social class.

The reason why he did not start to overthrow the rule of the Song Dynasty before was mainly because the time had not yet come and he had more important things to do for the time being.

In ancient society, it was not so simple to destroy an old feudal dynasty. After it was destroyed, it had to be created.

Destruction is easy, but creating a new order is very troublesome.

After all, the social form established by Zhang Junbao will definitely not follow the system of feudal society.

The economic base determines the superstructure. The current infrastructure of Yitian World is not yet complete and is not suitable for drastic reforms.

It is indeed possible to force a change, but it will inevitably involve Zhang Junbao investing a lot of energy, which will undoubtedly slow down his cultivation speed, and is a very cost-effective option.

In his original idea, he originally planned to use Xiangyang City as a base to cultivate a group of golden elixir warriors who inherited his ideas, and then rely on this group of golden elixir warriors to travel to various parts of the Central Plains to spread new ideas and lead the locals Residents develop the economy and develop people's wisdom.

He will wait until he has a sufficient talent base before changing dynasties.

By then everything will become very simple. He only needs to create a basic framework and fill it with the talents he has trained in advance, and the entire national machine will be able to start operating according to his vision.

Of course, if the current officials of the Song Dynasty actively cooperated in this reform process, Zhang Junbao would also choose a relatively less radical model for reform.

But it is obvious that the current official of the Song Dynasty is not a leader who will actively cooperate, and is even actively holding him back.

In this case, don't blame him for being cruel.

Zhang Junbao snorted coldly: "Since you want me to change the dynasty so much, Prince Wang.


Then let me tell you, the change of government is today! "

As soon as Zhang Junbao's words came out, it was like pouring cold water into boiling oil, completely detonating the scene.

"Zhenzhen Zhang, Zhenzhen Zhang really wants to change the dynasty, right?"

"So what, is it possible that you still want to stop Master Zhang?

Go take a look at the hundreds of thousands of corpses buried outside the city. After learning Jindan Martial Arts for a few days, you won’t know how high the sky is! "

"How dare I stop Master Zhang! Wasn't I scared?

Master Zhang has been as kind to me as a mountain. If Master Zhang really wants to change the dynasty, I, Wang Wu, will serve as a pawn. "

"Yes, yes, I, Li Qi, have had enough of this bird court for a long time!

It’s useless, no one can beat it, nothing but tax increase is tax increase, it’s really frustrating for me!

He deserves to be destroyed by Master Zhang. As long as Master Zhang gives the order, I will immediately follow Master Zhang to conquer Lin'an City! "

Of course, some people showed hesitation on their faces. In their hearts, the imperial court was still very prestigious. They wanted to refute the opinions of their companions, but when they saw the long, white-robed Taoist, they did not dare. spoke.

Damn it, it’s not like they haven’t seen Master Zhang’s magical powers before, and they only dare to contradict Master Zhang in front of him when they are tired of living.

There are still some people in the martial arts who are swaying from side to side, but the residents of Xiangyang City are not like this at all. After hearing Zhang Junbao's words, almost all the aborigines in Xiangyang City had a faint look of fanaticism in their eyes, and they wanted to follow Zhang Junbao to Lin'an City immediately. The head of the dog emperor was chopped off and used as a chamber pot.

Xiangyang City is in such a critical position, and the residents in the city have suffered greatly from the war.

Almost all the residents of Xiangyang City have their wives and children separated, and white-haired people give black-haired people this experience.

They knew that most of this suffering was caused by the incompetence of the Song Dynasty officials, and Zhang Junbao was the savior who pulled them out of this quagmire.

Do you still need to hesitate about who to choose in this case?

Wang Guilian was completely confused when she saw this scene. He did not expect that Zhang Junbao would actually dare to say such treacherous words, and that the martial arts fools in Xiangyang City would support Zhang Junbao so much.

He desperately activated the Sunflower Qi in his body. The powerful Qi circulated so fast that his body's meridians could not bear it and burst.

Blood flowed from all the orifices on Wang Guilian's originally fair face, making him seem to have turned into a fierce ghost.

The black energy was constantly circulating in the acupoints all over his body, and then suddenly turned into a black sunflower and bloomed, directly breaking away from Huang Yaoshi's green sea waves.

Wang Guilian pointed at Zhang Junbao and shouted, "Crazy! You are really crazy!"

You really want to change the dynasty, you unrestrained traitor, our family will fight with you! "

As he said that, he pounced on Zhang Junbao. In extreme anger, his Sunflower Qi broke through another level, and actually touched the realm of transformation of heaven and man that has never been seen before or since.

He was originally a master of the Five Ultimate Level, but now he has made another breakthrough. In the old world, his achievements would have been comparable to that of the sweeping monk, and he could be called a martial arts legend.

All his beliefs were condensed on his claws, and a ghost-faced Shura faintly emerged behind him.

This is his strongest blow, the condensation of his martial arts in this life.

Unfortunately, times have changed.

But Zhang Junbao didn't even look at him, he just breathed out gently.

That qi penetrated his head directly like a sharp sword.

There was a crash, blood splattered everywhere, and Wang Guilian's skull was smashed to pieces by the air sword.

A ball of white flowers splashed on the ground, and an old martial arts legend died lightly.

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