All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 296 On the high platform, revenge

Zhang Junbao did not stop after killing Wang Guilian. He held the sword in his hand and countless thoughts swarmed out of his body, shining brightly in the sky.

Under the guidance of his thoughts, the two long swords on Zhang Junbao's waist rose into the sky, rolling up a long dragon-like wave of air.

The long sword pierced the air and cut through the clouds. The terrifying sword energy roared in all directions and filled the entire sky.

The terrifying sword intent attached to the long sword vibrated loudly, causing all the swords in Xiangyang City to resonate with it and make vibrating sounds.

This mythical scene amazed all the warriors in Xiangyang City.

"The long sword is like a dragon, and the sword is flying to the immortal. No matter how many times I see Zhang Zhenren's unpredictable magical powers, I can never get used to it!"

"So what Master Zhang said just now is really without any water. Even if the official family has a strong army that has practiced Jindan martial arts, so what?

No matter how strong the Golden Core Martial Arts is, it is still within the scope of Martial Arts.

And the magical power displayed by Master Zhang can already be regarded as an immortal magic!

It’s not like we have to live impatiently anymore. What can we martial arts practitioners use to fight against immortal cultivators?”

"You think Zhang Zhenren's target of using the sword to fly to the immortal is probably the official family, right?

The distance between Lin'an and Xiangyang City is not very close, it is a thousand miles away.

Is it possible that Master Zhang can really kill an enemy's head from thousands of miles away? "

The companion beside him rolled his eyes at him: "It goes without saying that these two flying swords must be here to kill the real dragon.

Master Zhang just said that the change of dynasty is now, is it possible that what he said was empty talk? "

The discussion was endless, and the top experts standing behind Zhang Junbao showed expressions of leisurely fascination.

These magical powers are as magical as immortals, which makes them very eager.

Although they are the top masters in martial arts, they have been at the top of martial arts for decades and have seen all the martial arts landscapes, but they never thought that one day they would be able to possess such magical powers.

At this time, Ouyang Feng also followed Yang Lai to the door of Guo Mansion. When he saw this scene, Ouyang Feng's expression became extremely exciting.

At this time, his heart was full of mixed emotions and thoughts.

He had done all kinds of bad things in his life for a Nine Yin Manual, and finally ended up with a miserable end. However, the Nine Yin Manual that he pursued so hard was nothing compared to the magical powers displayed by Zhang Junbao.

Looking back now, Ouyang Feng doesn't know why he has persisted for half his life, which makes Ouyang Feng's expression gradually become a little confused.

But he is Xidu Ouyang Feng after all, with an extremely tough mind. The confused look only appeared in his eyes for a moment before he suppressed it and replaced it with a firm look.

A road leading to the sky called Jindan Martial Arts was now in front of him for him to explore.

In this life, Ouyang Feng vowed that he would reach the pinnacle of Jindan martial arts.

Zhang Junbao's flying sword flew across the sky at a very fast speed, and it flew to Lin'an Mansion in a short time.

The rumbling sound of sword energy broke through the clouds and scared the sky, startling countless birds.

All the people in Lin'an Mansion also heard this thunder-like movement.

Some people looked up at the sky with doubts. It was clear that the sky was clear. Where did this thunder come from?

Some people knelt down and kept kowtowing to pray to God not to be angry.

At this time, Zhao Fu was enjoying himself wantonly with a concubine in his arms in the palace.

His big hands were like swimming dragons, and his skillful techniques made the concubine's face turn extremely red, and there was a hint of charm in her eyes when she looked at him.

The concubine stroked Zhao Yu's chest with her slender jade hands: "Your Majesty, please be more serious. I am talking to you about business!"

But at this time, Zhao Yu was already in the mood, so he couldn't stop. The speed of his hands even accelerated a bit.

"I can't bear to say anything serious at such a critical time!"

“But aren’t you worried, Your Majesty?

What should I do if Zhang Junbao is offended by the imperial edict you wrote?

The current stability of the Song Dynasty all depends on Zhang Junbao. If he breaks out with the Song Dynasty in anger, it may cause a catastrophe. "

Zhao Yu's face was full of indifference, and his big hands did not stop: "Tear us apart? What can he do to break up with me?

Jia Xiang has told me all the twists and turns here, so you can rest assured!

These knights are the best. For example, Guo Jing, who has a good relationship with Zhang Junbao, has volunteered to guard Xiangyang City for the Song Dynasty for more than ten years. He has never asked for any reward and is as diligent as an old cow.

Let me think about it, what is the name of what Jia Xiang said?

A great chivalrous person serves the country,,, well,,,, it seems like he serves the country and the emperor,,,, no, he serves the country and the people.

Oh, it doesn’t matter!

No matter what it is, those people are the best to deal with.

As long as I give them the title of a hero, they will risk their lives for me!

This world belongs to our Song Dynasty. As a citizen of our Song Dynasty, Zhang Junbao is naturally obliged to help our Song Dynasty resist foreign enemies, not to mention that I gave Zhang Junbao the supreme honor of protecting the country.

I have given him so much face, how could Zhang Junbao still dare to skimp on a few martial arts skills? "

"But Your Majesty."

"It's nothing to worry about. After this matter is completed, we can sit back and relax!

Jia Xiang said that as long as we can get the magical skills from Zhang Junbao and then cultivate an army that practices magical skills, Zhang Junbao will no longer be able to compete with the imperial court.

After all, no matter how powerful Zhang Junbao is, he only has one person, and I have an army of hundreds of thousands practicing Jindan Martial Arts. When the army surrounds him, no matter how powerful he is, he will still be unable to save himself. "

As he spoke, Zhao Fu could no longer hold back the desire in his heart. He threw the concubine onto the bed, casually pulled off the dragon robe on her body and threw herself on her.

At this moment, he heard exclamations coming from outside the door.

"Escort! Escort! There are assassins!"

"Mom! What is this! The sky is falling, the sky is falling!"

"Run! Run! God is angry. If you don't run, everything will be over."

"Your Majesty is still in the house, go and save your Majesty!"

With the arrival of the flying sword, the cold sword energy escaped, and the terrifying sword energy and thunder roared in all directions. The entire palace was in chaos. No one had ever seen such a scene before. It was like a divine punishment.

A guard pushed open the palace door and rushed inside.

But before he could rush to Zhao Yu's side, a long dragon transformed from sword energy descended suddenly.

The terrifying power directly reduced the entire palace to ashes, and countless rubbles fell down, revealing Zhao Fu and his concubine sitting on the dragon bed.

At this time, Zhao Fu was only wearing a pair of yellow underwear embroidered with a real dragon, and he had no idea what was going on.

The sword-qi Changlong ignored the concubine, stretched out its claws the size of a millstone and caught Zhao Yu in its claws, and then flew up through the air.

The sword energy dragon did not leave in a hurry. Instead, it held Zhao Yu and circled back and forth in Lin'an City for five or six times.

Moreover, Jianqi Changlong was particularly considerate in turning Zhao Fu's face towards the people on the ground, so that the people in Lin'an Mansion could clearly see who the person he was holding in his hands was.

Of course, most people have never seen Zhao Yu's true appearance.

But the pair of real dragon underwear on Zhao Fu's body is enough to illustrate his identity.

After all, there was only one member of the Song Dynasty official family who dared to embroider real dragon patterns on his clothes.

And this is why Zhang Junbao has made such a big splash this time.

With his methods, if he didn't want others to find out, no one in the entire Yitian world would know what he had done.

He could have quietly killed Zhao Yu with his sword, but Zhang Junbao did not do so.

After all, Yitian World is a feudal society, and the people are very ignorant. If you want to change the dynasty, you must have a good example, otherwise it will be easy to cause some minor troubles in the future.

So Zhang Junbao simply made a big scene.

Didn’t you say you are the True Dragon Emperor?

Since it is named after a dragon, Zhang Junbao used a dragon to make a dragon, directly using a long sword energy dragon to kill the faint king.

With some casual publicity, this scene can be said to the people that the national fortunes of the Song Dynasty have declined, and the real dragon has come to the world to punish the foolish king.

All of a sudden, the legitimacy of the Song Dynasty's rule was reduced to pieces.

This is much more shocking than the vision of a Yellow River stone man with one eye.

After all, others have to fake miracles when they rebel, but Zhang Junbao doesn't need it. In the Yitian world, he is a god!

Everything he did was a naked miracle, a divine punishment from heaven.

With this name, it will be easy for Zhang Junbao to change his dynasty again.

During this period, some brave city defenders took out their bows and arrows and shot at Jianqi Changlong, hoping to rescue Zhao Yu who was caught in the hands of Jianqi Changlong.

But how could mortal arrows have any effect on Zhang Junbao's magical power? These arrows were chopped into pieces by the terrifying aftermath of the sword energy before they hit the sword energy dragon's body for hundreds of miles.

In addition to a flying sword that directly hit Zhao Yu, there was another flying sword that followed the same pattern and captured Jia Sidao who was drinking tea in the mansion.

After Jianqi Changlong took the two of them for a few rounds over Lin'an City, he took them back directly to Xiangyang City.

It only took a stick of incense to fly the sword back and forth.

During this time of burning incense, Zhang Junbao sat cross-legged on the sky with his eyes closed. There were yin and yang auras circulating around him, and a Taoist charm floated out, which touched everyone's hearts, as if It really hit the big road.

The onlookers seemed to have forgotten everything about Zhang Junbao, who was staring at the sky. Inspiration kept emerging in his heart, and he was about to fall into an epiphany.

At this moment, a terrifying whistling sound came, waking up everyone who was immersed in enlightenment.

A divine dragon as big as a mountain descended from the sky, holding two small black dots in its hill-like claws, and its body emerged from the clouds.

Everyone looked closely and realized that the two little black dots were actually two people.

The expressions of these two people were extremely frightened, with tears streaming down their faces, and their true faces could hardly be seen.

The dragon let go of its claws, and the two small black dots fell to the ground.

Falling from a height of several hundred meters, the two men let out wailing sounds like slaughtered pigs.

Zhang Junbao reached out and waved, and a soft energy covered the ground, which prevented the two of them from falling into a pile of meat.

After stepping on solid ground, the look of terror on the two men's faces softened a lot.

These two people were naturally Zhao Yu and Jia Sidao who were captured by Zhang Junbao and brought to Xiangyang City.

Zhao Yu was so frightened that he couldn't stand still, and the real dragon underwear became wet at this time.

He lowered his head and wailed: "Where is this? Who used magic to capture me!

Please let me go, and I will give you countless glory and wealth. "

Jia Sidao, who was next to him, was much calmer than him. Although his lower body was already wet, his years of experience in making waves made him calm down quickly.

The martial arts people around them quickly recognized who the two people were in front of them. After all, Zhao Fu's yellow dragon underwear was too conspicuous.

The residents of Xiangyang City looked at these two people with anger on their faces.

Jia Sidao has been Prime Minister for many years, and he has done countless evil things. He has destroyed the lives of countless people.

In particular, Jia Sidao was very greedy. When the country was in crisis, he often misappropriated military funds for his own enjoyment. Many of the defenders of Xiangyang City suffered greatly from this.

"Zhenzhen Zhang actually captured the thief Guan Jia and Jia Sidao in just a bouquet of incense. What a magical power!"

"Well, this thief Jia Sidao caused the death of my family, my wife and my wife. I originally thought that I would never have a chance to take revenge in this life, but I didn't expect that Zhang Zhenren was so powerful that he actually captured these two people in Xiangyang even though they were thousands of miles away. , It’s really satisfying!”

Jia Sidao ignored the comments of the people around him. He raised his head and looked at Zhang Junbao:

"I don't know what Master Zhang meant by bringing His Majesty and I to Xiangyang City."

Zhang Junbao also slowly fell from the sky and stood in front of Jia Sidao and Zhao Yu: "I really have something to ask of you, and that is to borrow your heads!"

Zhang Junbao's words shocked Zhao Fu's pupils. At this time, he had gradually calmed down and understood his current situation.

No matter how stupid he was at this time, he understood that Zhang Junbao's magical power was beyond his imagination. He was able to capture him directly to Xiangyang City from thousands of miles away. With such magical power, it was enough to show that as long as Zhang Junbao wanted to, no one in the world could not be killed.

Zhao Fu's IQ is indeed not high, but his desire to survive is very strong. After all, he has not been the emperor for a few years, and he has not enjoyed enough of the endless glory and wealth, especially the beauties in the palace. Even more reluctant.

When he thought that he was going to die, Zhao Yu, who was so frightened that he couldn't stand still, suddenly jumped up and rushed to Zhang Junbao.

He yelled: "Zhang Zhenren must not do that! No matter what you want, I can satisfy you, everything is easy to discuss, everything is easy to discuss!"

In fact, I have always admired Master Zhang’s magical powers, and I wish I could become your disciple under Master Zhang.

It was Jia Sidao's idea to ask for the golden elixir martial arts secret book and form an army to fight against you.

If you want, I can issue an imperial decree right now and kill him with a thousand cuts.

Even the world of the Great Song Dynasty, I can share with you. Not only will I make you the great protector of the country, but I will also make you the side-by-side king for once, so that you can share the world with me directly! "

Zhang Junbao just smiled softly. Since he has enjoyed the support of the people of the world, it is naturally time to give it all back.

Zhao Fu did not do many evil things, at best he was just seeking pleasure, but his inaction in that position and delegating power to Jia Sidao indirectly killed many people.

If you enjoy the wealth of the people, you will naturally have to pay the price.

He waved his hand, and a wooden platform rose from the ground in an instant. Two ropes fell down and tied the two people to the platform.

"It's not impossible for you to live if you want. I won't kill you personally, but whether you can survive depends on whether the people of Xiangyang City give you a chance!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at everyone: "If anyone is wronged, he can come forward with a knife to avenge himself. I will bear all the consequences."

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