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Chapter 297: Breaking the Difficulty in the Heart

Everyone was stunned when they heard Zhang Junbao's words.

Even though some people had their families destroyed by Jia Sidao and Zhao Xie, and hated them in their hearts, they hesitated and dared not step forward.

You must know that the person tied on the high platform is Zhao Xie, the official of the Song Dynasty, the supreme ruler, the true dragon emperor!

They have been instilled with an idea since they were born.

The emperor is the one who is destined by heaven, ruling the universe and mastering the universe. He is born different from the lowly people like them. Even a strand of hair is more important than the lives of the lowly people like them.

And at this time, this supreme and noble person was tied to the high platform like a dead dog, and they were allowed to deal with it at will.

Such a scene is just like a dream.

A butcher's face turned pale, he tightly grasped the butcher knife in his hand, with endless hatred in his eyes.

The butcher was also a passionate patriot in the past. He cultivated his son from an early age and instilled in him the idea of ​​serving the country with loyalty.

Later, as he wished, his son successfully joined the army and became a border guard ten years ago.

Before leaving, he also told his son that he could cut his head and bleed, but he could not give up an inch of the country.

After his son joined the army, he was always proud of his son, but three years ago he received a blood-stained letter, which was his son's last letter.

There was also a message that the Mongols invaded the border and went all the way south. The army his son belonged to was annihilated, and no one survived. Even this last letter was found on his son's body.

There was not much content in the letter, only a dying man's thoughts for his father.

Originally, it was nothing. The butcher also understood that the battlefield was changing rapidly, and life and death were left to fate. Maybe dying on the battlefield was his son's fate.

But later he learned from the families of other soldiers who died in the war that the reason why his son's army was completely wiped out was because of problems with the armaments.

The armor and swords given to this army by the court were all defective. There was no problem with them at ordinary times, but once they experienced a long battle, they would easily break and break. Using such weapons to fight against the wolves and tigers of the Mongols was no different from seeking death.

Of course, this was not done by Jia Sidao. With his level, he had too many channels to enrich himself, and he would not touch such a mosquito leg.

But the umbrella above those who made money from this batch of armaments was Jia Sidao.

If Jia Sidao was not a backer, who would dare to tamper with such critical armaments.

The butcher had also read books for a few years, so he naturally knew who was the source of everything.

He hated Jia Shidao to the point of gritting his teeth.

But even now he did not dare to step on the stage and swing the knife.

The belief that the emperor is supreme has long been engraved in the minds of every ordinary person like a thought stamp.

How could a lowly person like him dare to swing a knife at the emperor who was high above him?

There were many people who had the same experience as him.

The emperor was unjust, and the treacherous ministers abused their power. These eight simple words were put into practice, and I don’t know how many tragedies they caused.

But everyone was hesitating.

It is easy to destroy the gods in a broken temple, but it is difficult to destroy the gods in one’s heart.

In their view, the emperor was a nobleman favored by heaven. If a lowly person like them dared to swing a knife at a nobleman, they would definitely suffer retribution. Even the martial arts heroes who always licked blood on the edge of a knife and put life and death aside did not dare to take this step first.

Until an old woman with white hair couldn’t bear it anymore, she pushed the shoulder of an old man next to her: "Boss, give me the knife, let me do it, anyway, I don’t have many years to live. Let me suffer retribution, I will risk it!"

The old man held a hatchet in his hand.

He clenched his fists tightly, veins popped out on his skinny hands, and the nails of his thumbs had pierced into the flesh.

But even so, his feet were still as if they were pierced into the ground and motionless.

It was not until he heard the old woman's words that the old man woke up from his dream.

"I won't give it to you. It's not just your business to avenge the child.

And if you don't kill this tyrant, there will be countless poor people like the child in the world in the future."

The old man walked up to the platform step by step, holding a worn-out kitchen knife in his hand and standing in front of Zhao He.

Zhao He looked at the old man's determined eyes and felt an endless fear in his heart.

"Father-in-law, you must be calm!

There is no deep hatred between you and me. After I became the emperor, I have been staying in the deep palace and have not done anything evil. Why do you have to make things difficult for me!

As long as you are willing to put down the hatchet in your hand, I will definitely reward you after I return to the palace, so that you can enjoy endless wealth and glory for the rest of your life!"

Since the old man dared to stand on the high platform, he had naturally prepared himself mentally. How could Zhao He's sweet words shake the old man's iron-like determination?

Yes, Zhao He did not do anything evil after he ascended the throne, but he was greedy for pleasure and ignored the government. Letting Jia Sidao take power was his greatest evil.

The old man's son was a defender of Xiangyang, and he died in the battle to defend Xiangyang City half a year ago.

At that time, Xiangyang was besieged by the Mongol army for a year and a half. The border was in a military crisis. Logically, given the tactical position of Xiangyang City, the government and the people should have worked together to overcome the difficulties.

However, Jia Sidao concealed all the news about Xiangyang City.

In order to continue to enjoy himself, he actually told Zhao He that the northern troops had retreated, Xiangyang was safe, and no support was needed.

Even if there was a concubine in the court who dared to mention this to Zhao Xie, the concubine would become a corpse the next day.

Under this kind of oppression, no one in the court dared to discuss border military affairs in the court.

Naturally, various supports for Xiangyang were repeatedly blocked.

However, even so, the defenders of Xiangyang City managed to defend Xiangyang City in the difficult situation of no food and grass and no reinforcements.

However, in this arduous and arduous war to defend the city, the defenders of Xiangyang City did not know how many people died in the battle, and how many people starved to death in the city.

The old man's son was also one of them. He had to fight against the Mongolian army without having enough food, and died on the city wall with 18 knives.

If you ask which city in the world hates the most the people of the tyrant and the treacherous prime minister, then the people of Xiangyang City must be the first.

The old man raised the hatchet in his hand, as if he was chopping wood, and chopped forward fiercely with the posture that he had long engraved into his bones.

The sharp hatchet chopped on Zhao Xie's shoulder, cutting off his arm at the shoulder joint.

The bright red blood spilled out like a waterfall, dyeing the entire wooden platform blood red.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers around seemed to wake up from a dream.

"That tyrant is bleeding, that tyrant is actually bleeding!"

"What a true dragon emperor, the emperor, the supreme ruler, it turns out to be just like this, being cut by a knife will hurt, bleed, and die!"

The crowd rushed to the stage in agitation.

The old man's knife seemed to cut off the shackles in everyone's hearts.

What is natural nobility, what is the difference between noble and humble, it's all bullshit, they are all the same people, one knife will bleed.

The butcher took the lead and showed the butcher knife in his hand, and chopped directly at Jia Sidao's neck.

But he was blocked by another hero in white clothes and full of beard with the hilt in his hand: "Brother, don't worry. It's too easy for him to kill this bastard with one knife."

The hero drew out the bright sword in his hand, and the sword light rolled towards Jia Sidao like wind and snow, and in an instant, the flesh on half of his arm was sliced ​​into hundreds of thin slices.

The hero shook the sword in his hand, and the flesh fell to the ground, revealing Jia Sidao's white and creepy forearm bones.

"This is right, kill slowly, kill a little bit at a time, that's how they should die."

The screams of Jia Sidao and Zhao Yu were even more miserable than the pigs slaughtered during the New Year, and they were louder than the other.

But the people around them did not feel soft-hearted when they heard this sound, but instead showed the pleasure of revenge.

Under the guidance of the hero in white, the people on the stage fell on less fatal places with their butcher knives.

But even if it was not fatal, the hundreds of people rushing onto the stage would be enough to kill the two people with one knife each.

Soon the screams gradually became low, and then turned into a whimper, and then disappeared completely.

After the crowd dispersed, there were only two skeletons left on the high platform.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Junbao nodded gently. The best way to get rid of the god in his heart was to kill the god himself.

In fact, Zhang Junbao wanted the whole world to judge the tyrant and treacherous prime minister together, and let the people of the world directly participate in the vote to decide whether the tyrant and treacherous prime minister should live or die.

If everyone participated in the trial of the emperor, how many people would be able to continue to regard the imperial power as high above.

Unfortunately, his current magical powers are not enough. Although it is not his limit to cover the entire Xiangyang city with his thoughts, it is still too difficult for him to spread his divine thoughts throughout the Song Dynasty and transmit the sound to everyone's ears.

At least he has to survive two more thunder tribulations before he can do it.

Although the tyrant and the treacherous minister have been executed, the matter is far from over. It is easy to kill them with Zhang Junbao's magical power, but this can only be regarded as the first step of changing the dynasty. Under the current conditions, there will be many things that will give Zhang Junbao a headache.

Just when Zhang Junbao was about to descend on Lin'an City to deal with the follow-up matters, a group of people suddenly came out of the crowd.

Zhang Junbao knew their identities with a glance of his mind. They were actually monks from Shaolin Temple.

After Abbot Tianming walked in front of Zhang Junbao, he stretched out his hand and pulled off the wig on his head, revealing a bald head.

The Shaolin monks behind him also pulled off their wigs with the abbot's action.

Abbot Tianming bowed to Zhang Junbao: "Amitabha, I am Tianming, I meet Master Zhang."

Zhang Junbao nodded coldly: "Abbot Tianming, long time no see, I wonder what you are doing here, I remember that Xiangyang City does not seem to welcome Shaolin monks."

The crowd watching around also exclaimed.

"It turned out to be Shaolin monks, how did they get in? Didn't Miss Guo Xiang say that Shaolin monks were not allowed to enter Xiangyang City!"

"How brave they are, Master Zhang and Shaolin Temple are so unhappy, they dare to appear in front of Master Zhang!"

"Yes! Especially after Master Zhang killed the real dragon!

My goodness, Master Zhang dared to kill even the real dragon, how brave they are in Shaolin Temple! Dare to run into Master Zhang's knife at this time!

If Master Zhang makes a move in anger, I am afraid that the entire Shaolin Temple will be reduced to ashes!"

The discussion of the people around reached the ears of Abbot Tianming, and he showed a bitter smile on his face.

How could he not know this truth? With the relationship between Shaolin and Zhang Junbao, it would be bad for him to appear in front of Zhang Junbao.

If there was a choice, he would not want to do it, but for the thousand-year heritage of Shaolin Temple, he had to take a gamble.

Of course, this is because Abbot Tianming knows that Master Jueyuan is backing him up, and Zhang Junbao will not really do anything to Shaolin Temple. Otherwise, he would not dare to do it even if he had ten more courage.

Just now, while Zhang Junbao was meeting Lin'an City, he had secretly contacted Master Wu Se and asked Master Wu Se whether Zhang Junbao was willing to forgive Shaolin for him and Master Jueyuan.

Master Wu Se's answer was of course unwilling, and this answer shattered the last bit of luck in Abbot Tianming's heart.

Of course, what Abbot Tianming didn't know was that Master Wu Se did not really ask Zhang Junbao to forgive Shaolin after he came to Xiangyang City.

Because he really couldn't open his mouth, after all, this matter was too shameless no matter how you look at it!

Moreover, Master Wu Se could also feel from Zhang Junbao's attitude that even if he spoke, the answer he would get would only be unwillingness.

Abbot Tianming's eyes were full of determination. For the sake of the century-old inheritance of Shaolin Temple, he had staked everything on it: "I came to Xiangyang City this time with an unwelcome request."

"Since it is an unwelcome request, there is no need to speak."

Abbot Tianming was interrupted by Zhang Junbao before he finished speaking.

But Abbot Tianming did not stop. He ignored Zhang Junbao's words and continued: "I want to ask Master Zhang to show some leniency and forgive my Shaolin Temple."

Zhang Junbao shook his head: "After getting the Yi Jin Jing, the relationship between me and Shaolin Temple has long been settled. Why bother to talk about forgiveness."

Abbot Tianming's eyes showed joy: "In this case, I beg Master Zhang to treat me equally and teach me Shaolin Jindan martial arts."

Zhang Junbao sneered: "Abbot Tianming, what do you think I owe you? Lin Temple, or am I, Zhang Junbao, a mean person?

It is true that we are even now. You don't owe me, and I don't owe you.

But why should I teach you the Golden Dan Martial Arts?

Shaolin didn't even want to teach me the Luohan Fist, which is a commonplace book on the street, and the power of the Golden Dan Martial Arts is thousands of times greater than the Luohan Fist. As a result, you actually have the nerve to ask me to teach you the Golden Dan Martial Arts. How can you have the nerve to say this?

If you, Abbot Tianming, came to Xiangyang City this time just to talk about this, then you can go back now,"

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