All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 298 Then let’s all die

An old monk standing behind Abbot Tianming couldn't help showing a trace of anger on his face when he heard Zhang Junbao's words.

He stepped out of the crowd and raised his hand to point at Zhang Junbao.

This Shaolin monk was the previous head monk of the Dharma Hall, Kongchi. He was of a very high seniority in Shaolin Temple, and even Abbot Tianming respected him very much.

At this time, Kongchi was extremely angry, with a look of anger on his face, just like a furious Vajra.

"Zhang Junbao, how can you settle accounts like this!

You lost both your parents when you were young, and you are all alone and have no place to live. How can a child like you survive in this chaotic world?

If it weren't for my Shaolin disciples who took pity on you and brought you back to Shaolin Temple, you would have become a dead skeleton on the roadside.

In the past ten years, my Shaolin Temple has provided you with food and clothing, taught you to read and write, and taught you many principles in Buddhist scriptures.

Why don't you understand the matter of repaying kindness?

To put it bluntly, your life was given by my Shaolin Temple.

I think that apart from that incident, there is nothing in Shaolin that is sorry for you.

And we didn't actually want to do anything to you, we just wanted to find out the reason why you secretly learned Luohan Fist.

If you hadn't reacted too much, everything wouldn't have turned out like this today.

Now the misunderstanding has been resolved, and can you just turn a blind eye to the kindness of my Shaolin Temple in giving you life?"

Zhang Junbao didn't get angry but laughed when he heard what the old monk Kongchi said.

"Yes, if I hadn't joined Shaolin Temple, it would have been difficult for me to survive in the chaotic times. I don't deny that.

But the person who picked me up and brought me back to Shaolin Temple was my teacher, Master Jueyuan.

The person who taught me to read and write and explained the Buddhist scriptures to me was also my teacher, Master Jueyuan.

Even most of the food and drink we had in Shaolin Temple was grown by my teacher, Master Jueyuan, in the few acres of land next to the Sutra Library.

Otherwise, I would have starved to death with the few bowls of porridge in your Shaolin Temple cafeteria.

So don't flatter your Shaolin Temple. These things that have been done for me were all done by my teacher. What does it have to do with you, Shaolin!

If it weren't for my teacher's face, I would have destroyed Shaolin Temple long ago!"

At this point, Zhang Junbao's eyes showed a trace of nostalgia.

Shaolin Temple does not treat monks in the temple equally.

If you are a martial monk, you can eat your fill every day in Shaolin Temple. Except for not being allowed to eat meat, there are all kinds of food, such as steamed buns, various wild delicacies and vegetables. As long as you can eat, you can eat as much as you want.

The treatment of chanting monks and menial monks is much worse. Basically, they only have white porridge and vegetables, and there is a fixed amount. They are only allowed to eat as much as they want during festivals.

The monks in Shaolin Temple have no complaints about this. After all, Shaolin Temple is the Zen Buddhism in the world, and its own philosophy resists the behavior of greed for pleasure.

In particular, the monks in the chanting monk sequence have basically studied Buddhist scriptures all their lives. They are all masters who are proficient in Buddhist principles and have long seen through the desire for food.

There is no difference between simple meals and wild delicacies for them, or simple meals are a kind of practice for them.

It is inevitable that martial monks eat well. After all, the process of cultivating internal strength is to refine essence and transform qi. In particular, there are many external skills in the martial arts of Shaolin Temple. If they don’t eat well, how can they have the strength to practice martial arts?

So this seemingly unreasonable difference has actually become a customary rule in Shaolin Temple.

But this rule was not suitable for Zhang Junbao at that time.

Zhang Junbao was picked up by Master Jueyuan and brought back to Shaolin Temple, so he naturally followed Master Jueyuan to join the chanting monk sequence.

But at that time, Zhang Junbao was only seven or eight years old, and when he was growing up, how could a fixed amount of white porridge and vegetables provide enough nutrition.

When he first came to Shaolin Temple, Zhang Junbao was not full every day, and he pestered Master Jueyuan for food every day.

Fortunately, there were several acres of land that had been abandoned for many years next to the Sutra Pavilion. In order to meet the nutrition needed for the growth of little Zhang Junbao, Master Jueyuan worked hard to reclaim the wasteland and planted many vegetables and fruits. On weekdays, he also taught Zhang Junbao to practice the Nine Yang True Classics, which he regarded as a health-preserving exercise, which made little Zhang Junbao grow into a strong young man.

So the words said by the old monk at this time seemed so ridiculous.

What did he give his life to Shaolin Temple?

Apart from Master Jueyuan, what do other Shaolin monks have to do with him!

This is why Zhang Junbao is so strict with Shaolin.

If he hadn't had the opportunity to join the chat group, his teacher Master Jueyuan would have been killed by this group of Shaolin bald donkeys.

And since he knew that there were many similar parallel worlds in this world, Zhang Junbao often wondered whether many masters of Jueyuan in the world died because of saving him. Whenever he thought of this, Zhang Junbao felt particularly guilty.

The old monk Kongchi wanted to continue arguing with Zhang Junbao, but Abbot Tianming grabbed him and stopped him from continuing.

Abbot Tianming whispered in the ear of the old monk Kongchi: "Uncle Kongchi, calm down!

Have you forgotten why we came to Xiangyang City today? The past grievances are over!

Since I have made such a great determination to make sacrifices, why bother about the past.

We are here today for only one purpose, that is, to make Shaolin Temple continue to be great."

The voice of Abbot Tianming made the old monk Kongchi calm down. He stood behind Abbot Tianming and clasped his hands together without saying anything.

Abbot Tianming said slowly: "Master Zhang, the past is like rain and mist, all scattered in the dust.

It is true that the person who saved your life and taught you the truth is Master Jueyuan.

But no matter what, if there is no Shaolin Temple, how can Master Jueyuan protect you for ten years? So you should not deny that Shaolin Temple is indeed kind to you.

However, Shaolin Temple did do some things that were sorry for you. These wrong things are all my fault.

In that environment at that time, only I, as the abbot of Shaolin, had the ability to stop Uncle Kuchan's behavior, but I chose to be prudent and protect myself, and this is my fault.

As for the other Shaolin monks, they had no choice but to obey orders.

Master Zhang, as a former Shaolin disciple, you should know how harsh the Shaolin punishment is. If they dare to violate the orders of Uncle Kuchan in public, the punishment waiting for them will not be much better than stealing martial arts. "

Zhang Junbao nodded. Shaolin Temple did have some favors for him. After all, if there was no Shaolin Temple to protect him in this chaotic world, he and Master Jueyuan would have to rely on each other for survival. Life would definitely not be as peaceful as before.

Although Master Jueyuan had a strong internal force, he was dull, honest, and did not know martial arts. In this chaotic world, his internal force could only barely guarantee his safety.

But these small favors were nothing compared to the incident that almost killed Master Jueyuan.

As for what Abbot Tianming said, it was actually true. Under the circumstances at that time, the only person who could really stop this matter besides the seven elders of Xinchan Hall was Abbot Tianming. If others dared to disobey the orders of the old monk Kuchan, it would be a violation of the temple rules.

The temple rules of Shaolin Temple are extremely strict, and any monk who dares to violate the temple rules will be punished.

After the affair between Master Xuanci and Ye Erniang was exposed in Tianlong Babu, Abbot Xuanci was punished by the Shaolin temple rules and even died for it. This shows how strict the Shaolin temple rules are.

At the beginning, Master Wu Se wanted to help Zhang Junbao, but even with his status as the head of Luohan Hall, he was not qualified to stop this matter.

Abbot Tianming paused, his eyes showing a resoluteness: "Master Zhang, you just said that you have settled all your grievances with Shaolin Temple.

But you should also know that in this world, if Shaolin Temple cannot learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts and cannot keep up with the trend of the times, then there is only one outcome waiting for Shaolin Temple, and that is complete decline.

I am old, and it doesn't matter if I wither and die with Shaolin, but the thousands of disciples in Shaolin Temple are innocent. They are also coerced by me using the temple rules. To put it bluntly, they have experienced the same thing as Master Zhang.

Uncle Kuchan is dead, and I am the only one who is guilty. I will pay for it. Please let the other innocent Shaolin disciples go."

After saying this, Abbot Tianming raised his right hand and hit his chest fiercely. The power of this palm was extremely fierce, and there was even a bang in the air.

A muffled sound came, and a stream of blood flowed from Abbot Tianming's lips, sliding down his skinny cheek to the ground.

His palm had broken his heart meridian.

While he still had some strength, Abbot Tianming sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and entered into meditation, like a Buddha statue.

His breathing became lighter and lighter until it completely disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Shaolin monks chanted: "Amitabha, Amitabha."

And the face of Master Wuxiang standing next to Abbot Tianming also showed deep sadness: "Brother, have a good journey, and leave the rest to me!"

He walked in front of Abbot Tianming and looked at Zhang Junbao and said: "Donor Zhang, this is the answer sheet given to you by Shaolin Temple. All the evil things were done by us, the senior leaders of Shaolin Temple, and have nothing to do with those young disciples and the thousand-year inheritance of Shaolin Temple.

If you are not satisfied, and you have grudges against anyone, you can say it. As long as we can ask for the forgiveness of Master Zhang, we will definitely not hesitate to die."

This scene shocked the onlookers.

Although the current Shaolin Temple abbot has lost his status, he was once a very important figure in the martial arts world. He could decide the life and death of a small sect by just stamping his feet. But he died in front of them. This scene was just like a dream.

But everyone soon remembered that just now, two more powerful figures died here, the emperor of the Song Dynasty and the powerful and treacherous prime minister Jia Sidao. Compared with these two, the abbot of Shaolin Temple was nothing. Only then did they gradually calm down.

But even so, everyone was still quite touched by this.

"Alas, what Abbot Tianming and Master Wuxiang said seems to be right. Shaolin Temple is indeed sorry to Master Zhang, but these things have nothing to do with the Shaolin disciples. They are all caused by these high-level officials.

To be honest, the Shaolin disciples I met in the past few years of wandering around are actually quite good people. If they were all beaten to death with a stick, it seems a bit unnecessary."

"Yes, when a person dies, his debts are cleared. The old monk Kuchan who threatened Master Zhang died a long time ago, and now the abbot of Shaolin Temple has also died to apologize. If it were me, I would probably forgive what Shaolin Temple did."

Of course, more people still stand on Zhang Junbao's side.

"I don't care whether the Abbot of Shaolin dies or not! Anyway, I will only stand by Master Zhang. The one who is kind to me is Master Zhang, and his Shaolin Temple is nothing."

"Yes, if Master Zhang hadn't enlightened to the Golden Core Martial Arts, he might have died under the sticks of those Shaolin bald donkeys. Damn, he almost did such evil things, but he actually had the nerve to ask for help. Forgive me, it’s so shameless!”

Zhang Junbao listened quietly to everyone's discussion without showing any expression on his face.

Others would be moved by Abbot Tianming's behavior, but Zhang Junbao would not.

After joining the chat group, in addition to various cultivation systems, Zhang Junbao also read a lot of miscellaneous books from various worlds. Zhang Junbao also did some research on communication and read many marketing cases.

To be honest, Abbot Tianming's behavior is pure moral kidnapping.

To put it bluntly, what difference does it make to Zhang Junbao whether Abbot Tianming dies or not? He wants to inherit the Golden Core Martial Arts even if he dies. How can there be such a good thing in this world?

Abbot Tianming's behavior was essentially to provoke the pressure of public opinion by his own death, in order to force Zhang Junbao to commit the crime.

After all, Zhang Junbao is a decent person, and his actions have created an almost saint-like image of himself in the Yitian world. With the blessing of this image, he will be successful in everything he does.

Abbot Tianming has done this, and there must be some ordinary people who will be moved by his actions.

If Zhang Junbao still does not forgive the Shaolin Temple, it will undoubtedly affect his reputation among the masses, and this is exactly the purpose of Abbot Tianming. He wants to use Zhang Junbao's good reputation and in turn put Zhang Junbao on the fire.

This method is indeed useful for ordinary heroes, but who is Zhang Junbao, and how can he be constrained by such methods.

After pondering for a while, he turned his head and looked at Master Jue Yuan who was standing behind everyone.

Master Jueyuan looked calm, as if Abbot Tianming's death had not touched him at all. Seeing Zhang Junbao's eyes, Master Jueyuan shook his head, and then pointed to his chest.

Zhang Junbao already understood what Master Jueyuan wanted to express, which was to ignore his feelings and let Zhang Junbao do what he wanted to do.

After getting support from his master, Zhang Junbao turned around and said, "You want me to forgive you?

That's not impossible, but it's not enough for Abbot Tianming to die!

That incident was not the responsibility of Abbot Tianming alone. All the senior officials of your Shaolin Temple were accomplices.

Except for Zen Master Wuse, if you let everyone involved in this matter die, then I might consider teaching the Shaolin Temple Golden Pill Martial Arts. "

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