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Chapter 299 Reversing Yin and Yang, Reversing Life and Death

Hearing this, Master Wuxiang shook his body and showed an expression of disbelief on his face.

The group of Shaolin monks behind Master Wuxiang also burst into an uproar, and the old monk Kongchi was so angry that his veins bulged.

Even the onlookers nearby could not accept Zhang Junbao's approach.

"Master Zhang's request is a bit too cruel.

If Shaolin Temple really does what he wants, I don't know how many people will die!

Just now, Abbot Tianming said that most of the Shaolin disciples were helpless in the incident, so why let them all die.

"And Master Zhang said that it is only possible to consider teaching Shaolin Jindan martial arts, and he did not give a clear answer.

In other words, even if these Shaolin monks commit suicide, they may not get a satisfactory result.

Alas, there is no need, it is really unnecessary!

It is not worth risking your life for an uncertainty. I think Abbot Tianming died in vain this time! "

The Shaolin monks also showed hesitation on their faces when listening to the discussion, and some did not know what to do.

Zhang Junbao then said lightly: "If you don't want to, I won't force you. You can take the body of Abbot Tianming back to Shaolin."

Zen Master Wuxiang gritted his teeth and turned to look at the Shaolin monks behind him: "Brother Abbot sacrificed his life for the sake of righteousness. We can't let him die in vain. What do you think? "

Some monks looked at the abbot Tianming who was sitting peacefully on the ground and showed a resolute look on their faces, wanting to sacrifice their lives for justice.

Some monks looked very hesitant, as if they didn't know what to do.

Then the Shaolin monks gathered with the Zen Master Wuxiang and heard a fierce quarrel.

Some monks looked at Zhang Junbao's expression secretly during the argument, but Zhang Junbao had no expression at this time, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

How could these Shaolin monks know that Zhang Junbao seemed to be standing here listening to their discussion, but in fact his attention had already been focused on the chat group, and he was chatting with group members.

Zhang Junbao didn't care about the good show put on by Shaolin Temple at all.

The monks discussed for a long time, and the Zen Master Wuxiang stood out from the crowd and stood in front of Zhang Junbao again.

He looked resolute, with a tragic momentum of the wind whistling and the cold Yishui River: "Master Zhang, I accept your proposal.

Actually, almost all the senior officials of my Shaolin Temple have come to Xiangyang City this time. Except for a few old monks who have few years left to live, all the senior officials of my Shaolin Temple who can manage things are here.

But I can only represent myself, not other people in Shaolin Temple. I can't guarantee how many people are willing to make the same choice as me, so whether you are willing to forgive my Shaolin Temple in the end depends on your own intention, Master Zhang.

As he spoke, Master Wuxiang smiled bitterly: "If time could go back to the beginning, I would definitely stop Master Kuchan even if I died.

What a pity! If there was no Master Kuchan, if there was no ridiculous temple rule, how could everything develop to this point today.

In any case, if my death can eliminate your resentment towards Shaolin Temple, then I am willing to sacrifice my life and eliminate the disaster."

As he spoke, Master Wuxiang imitated Abbot Tianming and slapped his heart. In an instant, his face became extremely pale, like a piece of gold paper, and his originally vigorous aura became weak.

He put his palm on his chest and chanted a Buddhist name softly: "Amitabha, I am leaving."

After chanting this Buddhist name, he sat side by side with Abbot Tianming, and his aura gradually faded.

Watching Master Wuxiang die, several more of the remaining Shaolin monks came out.

These Shaolin monks were silent, just chanted Amitabha in a low voice, and then pressed their palms on their chests.

Zhang Junbao looked at these Shaolin monks dying in front of him expressionlessly, his eyes were like a deep spring, and no emotional fluctuations could be seen at all.

Master Jueyuan, who was standing next to him, looked a little reluctant.

Even if he firmly chose to stand on the side of his disciple, these monks of Shaolin Temple were also his fellow disciples for many years. Seeing these familiar fellow disciples die one after another, Master Jueyuan felt a little uncomfortable.

He sighed for a long time: "Amitabha, why bother,

Even if Shaolin is not the world's Zen sect, so what, even if you can't get the golden elixir martial arts, so what, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither increasing nor decreasing.

Brothers, you are obsessed with appearances!"

Master Wu Se naturally saw this scene, but it was strange that he not only did not step forward to stop it, but stared at Zhang Junbao with a complicated look, not knowing what he was thinking.

There were thirteen people in the Shaolin Temple team that came to Xiangyang City this time, and seven of them committed suicide in front of Zhang Junbao.

The remaining six chose another way.

Among them was the old monk Kongchi who was angry in front of Zhang Junbao just now.

Zhang Junbao waited for a long time, and when he saw that no one stood up, he said expressionlessly: "You remaining people, are you sure you don't want to die with them?"

The old monk Kongchi stared at Zhang Junbao: "Tianming and Wuxiang are stupid, and I naturally don't want to follow them!

I didn't do anything wrong, why should I pay for Master Zhang's personal grudge with my life!"

Although the remaining monks did not speak, they also showed recognition on their faces.

Then the old monk Kongchi continued to speak: "Master Zhang, so many people have died in my Shaolin, do you think it's enough?"

Zhang Junbao smiled lightly: "Since the Shaolin leaders are not all dead, then it is not enough!"

The old monk Kongchi's voice was hoarse, and the sound of his words was like the sound of dead wood rubbing: "But my Shaolin, my Shaolin has died so many people!

Their deaths are all because of a word from Master Zhang, don't you feel a little guilty in your heart?"

The martial artists watching couldn't help but whisper.

"Indeed, the price Shaolin paid this time was too high. Abbot Tianming and the head of the Dharma Hall were both the highest-level leaders of Shaolin, and the monks who died later were also Shaolin elders. Shaolin was really hurt this time."

"Zhang Zhenren's actions this time were a bit inhumane. Shaolin Temple's apology was so sincere that I think they can be forgiven.

Anyway, Shaolin Temple didn't really do anything to Zhang Zhenren at the beginning. Instead, it was suppressed by Zhang Zhenren's sword."

"That being said, this old monk Kongchi is too disgusting. His fellow disciples have paid so much for Shaolin to continue. "He has lost his life, and he lives in disgrace, but he even has the nerve to oppress Zhang Zhenren in the name of these fellow disciples."

"Well, I am also very unhappy with him. At the beginning, this old monk Kongchi was angry and criticized Zhang Zhenren from the moral high ground.

But when it really came to sacrifice, he was afraid of death. He is really a villain.

I dare say that if today's incident spreads to the world, this person's reputation is bound to become infamous. "

Listening to these discussions, the old monk Kongchi's face turned pale, but he was unwilling to die for Zhang Junbao's words. After all, he thought he had done nothing wrong.

He continued to stare at Zhang Junbao with a sharp gaze: "Master Zhang, although my Shaolin is sorry for you, we didn't really do anything to you at the beginning, and we didn't even touch a hair of yours.

And now my Shaolin Temple has not only paid the price of the two treasured books of Yijinjing and Xisuijing, but also lost so many monks. Even the warriors in Xiangyang City think that the price paid by my Shaolin Temple is enough. I beg Master Zhang to show some leniency and pull my Shaolin out of the Eight No Transmissions, so that our Shaolin can learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts and have a foundation to continue in this era."

After he finished speaking, he put his hands together and sang Amitabha, and the other few living Shaolin monks also spoke with him and sang Amitabha.

Zhang Junbao said calmly: "In fact, your choice is not wrong. Dying for my words is the most unwise choice.

I tell you honestly that even if all the monks in Shaolin Temple were willing to die, I would not give in.

After all, I have already said that I will never teach Shaolin Jindan martial arts in this life. Now that I have said it, I will naturally not violate the rules I set myself."

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, the face of the old monk Kongchi became extremely wonderful, with both shock and fear, but the most was anger.

"Then why did you say that condition? Isn't this playing with the feelings of our Shaolin monks!

Zhang Junbao, Zhang Junbao, you are so vicious, you are really so vicious!

Others say that you are a peerless hero and a saint in the world. I think they are all wrong. You are simply a hypocritical hypocrite!

With one sentence, most of the Shaolin high-level officials died for you, and the living people were cursed. What a good calculation and a sinister means!"

Hearing the words of the old monk Kongchi, a hero next to him couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect it! Master Zhang is so cruel.

I originally thought that Shaolin Temple deserved it, but now I can't help but feel a little sympathy for Shaolin Temple."

But before he finished speaking, he was kicked by a young man in white clothes beside him: "What are you talking about, Master Zhang is cruel, bullshit!

The Shaolin monk's intention is obvious, it's nothing more than using his own death to create public pressure to force Master Zhang to submit. You can't even see this. You have been in the martial arts world for so many years, it's really screwed.

Deal with These shameless things should be dealt with by Zhang Zhenren!

And what if Zhang Zhenren is a little cruel to Shaolin monks? Isn't he good enough to us?

Ask yourself, if it weren't for Zhang Zhenren, could you live such a peaceful life? Could you practice such a miraculous martial arts as Jindan Wudao?

The Shaolin monks took your soul away with just a few words. What an ungrateful dog. "

The heroes of the rivers and lakes heard the reprimand of the young man in white and had no way to refute it. They stood in a daze and dared not speak.

However, the words of the heroes of the rivers and lakes also represent the voices of some people. After all, the current Shaolin Temple is too miserable. So many monks have died, and it's all in vain.

Zhang Junbao naturally heard these discussions, but he didn't care, and he didn't even respond to the words of the old monk Kongchi.

He walked to the bodies of the Shaolin monks who were sitting cross-legged on the ground, and stretched out his hand to press the space in front of their bodies.

Suddenly, black and white auras emerged from Zhang Junbao's hands and kept rotating around his arms, then turned into a yin-yang diagram that enveloped the bodies of the monks.

"You're right, I'm just teasing you Shaolin, so what?

If you are really determined to die together, then I can still take a high look at your Shaolin Temple.

It's a pity that there are differences among monks. Some people see through life and death, while some people live in an ignoble way and want to occupy the moral high ground. "

As the Yin-Yang diagram kept turning, the black and white breath caressed the corpses of these monks,

Countless stars shining like fireflies appeared out of thin air and converged on the corpses of these monks.

“But you say I’m cruel, I don’t agree with that.

The gap between life and death seems to you to be a chasm, but it is not like this to me.

Wanting to use his own death to turn into a moral shackle to force me, I have to say that Abbot Tianming had a good idea. He used life as a pawn and set up a good game. Unfortunately, he made the wrong target with this move. "

As the stars gathered together, they turned into illusory souls. The appearance of these souls was exactly the same as the corpses of Shaolin monks sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Zhang Junbao raised his hand and pushed, and these souls disappeared into the bodies of the Shaolin monks.

The two qi of yin and yang revolved around the corpses of the monks like flowing water, smoothing the gap between the soul and the corpse bit by bit according to the mysterious trajectory.

The technique he used was naturally the nine-turn resurrection technique he developed, a technique that could bring the dead back to life in seconds.

With the execution of the Nine Turns of Resurrection Technique, the corpses of the Shaolin monks that had gradually become stiff became soft again. The breath of death gradually disappeared, and they regained their body temperature and heartbeat.

Abbot Tianming was the first to wake up. He opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes filled with confusion. He didn't know why he could still feel his heartbeat even though he was dead.

Then other Shaolin monks also woke up and turned around, their eyes full of surprise.

Zhang Junbao saw that these Shaolin monks were almost done, so he stretched out his hand, and the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram covering dozens of meters of void also disappeared.

He looked at these bewildered Shaolin monks and said calmly: "Fortunately, the way you chose to die is more dignified. A broken heart can be easily repaired.

If I had died in another way, it might have cost me a few drops of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew. "

Seeing Zhang Junbao's magical power, the old monk Kongchi had a look of disbelief on his face.

Although Zhang Junbao's magical powers previously displayed were also horrifying, they seemed a bit childish compared to this magical power that could reverse life and death.

"How did you do this? How could you possibly reverse life and death?

Could it be that you are really the direct immortal who came to this world, and the Buddha was reincarnated! "

Zhang Junbao looked at him with a smile on his face: "Some people can survive after death, but some people are destined to die while alive.

You Shaolin Temple came to Xiangyang City to cause trouble for me, just because you were sure that I would not really do anything to your Shaolin Temple with Master Jueyuan here.

But have you ever thought about how you people can represent the entire Shaolin Temple?

I have given you a chance, and those who are willing to die will naturally come back to life.

And those who are unwilling to die, that means you really should die. "

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