All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 300 The whole story, the battle for supremacy begins

As soon as Zhang Junbao's words came out, the face of the old monk Kongchi showed an extremely horrified expression.

"You, what do you want to do!"

Zhang Junbao had no intention of talking nonsense with the old monk Kongchi. He stretched out his hand, and the yin and yang energy rolled out of his body and merged into a Tai Chi diagram again.

When the Tai Chi diagram emerged, the yin and yang between heaven and earth were subsequently affected.

The two qi of yin and yang rolled through and enveloped the old monk Kongchi in just an instant.

The Yang wind cuts away the bones and flesh, and the Yin wind destroys the soul.

Without leaving even a scream, the old monk Kongchi turned into ashes and disappeared in front of everyone.

This decisive approach shocked everyone, and also made many people applaud.

"It turns out that this is what Master Zhang had in mind. I almost forgot that Master Zhang has the magical power to reverse life and death."

"Yes, after all, the magical power of reversing life and death is beyond imagination. If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, I'm afraid no one will think it is true."

"I did think about this, but I never thought that Master Zhang would impart the magical power of reversing life and death to the monks of the Shaolin Temple. After all, no matter how much you want to reverse the magical power of life and death, you need to pay a huge price, so in In my imagination, even Zhang Zhenren cannot use it at will.

I didn’t expect it! I didn’t expect it!

Zhang Zhenren resurrected seven or eight dead Shaolin monks with just a casual hand. It was an eye-opener for me. "

Of course, in addition to those people who were shocked by Zhang Junbao's magical powers, there were also many people who loudly applauded the death of the old monk Kongchi.

"Okay, okay, I've been unhappy with this old man for a long time. It's really satisfying that this old bald ass died well.

Even if he is greedy for life and afraid of death, he still uses the sacrifice of his companions as a means to force Zhang Zhenren. It is really an advantage for them to die like this. "

"That's true. Especially when this old guy came here, he used the gift of procreation to morally kidnap Zhenren Zhang. What a piece of shit."

The five Shaolin monks behind the old monk Kongchi were frightened when they saw this scene. They had never seen such a terrifying method.

Faced with this method, they couldn't even raise their hearts to resist.

After all, the gap was so big that they had no desire to escape.

One monk couldn't bear the fear in his heart and knelt down involuntarily.

"Master Zhang, Master Zhang, please spare your life, little monk, I never thought of targeting you, Master Zhang!

The young monk in Shaolin didn't care at all whether he could learn the golden elixir martial arts.

This time when the young monk came to Xiangyang City, he was coerced by the abbot. Please spare my life, please spare my life! "

The other four monks were a little tougher than this monk. Although they were fighting, at least they were not so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy.

But Zhang Junbao didn't even look at them. He was not someone who killed innocent people. If he wanted to kill them, he would have killed them all when he just killed the old monk Kongchi. They didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy. There shouldn't be.

The reason why the old monk Kongchi was killed was because the old monk Kongchi was looking for death and had been trying to force Zhang Junbao from the moral high ground. This kind of behavior can only be said to have led to death~.

Abbot Tianming, who came back to life, also figured out what happened.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Amitabha, Master Zhang's miraculous methods really amaze me.

The separation between life and death cannot defeat Master Zhang. In the eyes of Lao Na, your methods are no less than those of immortals.

On the way to Xiangyang City, I heard someone say that Master Zhang had mastered the method of reversing life and death and could resurrect people who had been dead for many years.

At that time, I still didn't believe it, thinking that all this was just rumors spread among people in the world, but I didn't expect that it was all true.

It's Lao Na and I who have taken pictures.

well! If I really knew that Master Zhang had such a method of reversing life and death, I would definitely not take the risk of using this method. It would be ridiculous. "

Zen Master Wuxiang also let out a long sigh: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and consciousness.

After walking through life and death as a poor monk, I finally understood the meaning of this sentence.

I have studied Buddhism for so many years and realized Zen for so many years, but I have never truly understood the truth. I am really ashamed of this poor monk.

This time, all the actions of my Shaolin Temple have already broken away from the scope of Zen precepts and have fallen into the devil's path.

Thank you to Mr. Zhang for his magnanimity and for not arguing with me, Shaolin, and for being willing to leave me a way to survive in Shaolin Temple. "

Zhang Junbao shook his head: "Master Wuxiang, you are joking, I am not magnanimous at all.

If it were not for the sake of Master Jue Yuan, I would never let Shaolin Temple continue to exist. "

These words made Abbot Tianming's expression change. He did not expect Zhang Junbao to hate Shaolin so much.

He thought that although Shaolin Temple was sorry for Zhang Junbao, it was not like this. After all, to be honest, they did not really hurt Zhang Junbao at the beginning. Instead, they were subdued by Zhang Junbao with a sword. To be honest, Zhang Junbao did not suffer, but it was Shaolin Temple that really suffered.

This made Abbot Tianming very confused, and he couldn't help scratching his bald head.

But no matter how hard he thought about it, he still couldn't figure out the reason.

Even some martial arts people who were watching were very confused.

"Zhenzhen Zhang is usually very tolerant. Occasionally, he doesn't take it to heart when some new martial arts people come to the city to challenge him. With his temperament, why would he hate the Shaolin Temple so much?"

"I can't figure it out. It's reasonable that Zhang Zhenren is unwilling to teach Shaolin Temple's Golden Elixir Martial Arts. After all, Shaolin Temple was also unwilling to teach Zhang Zhenren even a copy of Luohan Fist.

But Zhang Zhenren has been in Shaolin Temple for ten years after all. No matter what, Shaolin still has some favors for Zhang Zhenren.

Although these favors were almost cleared after Zhang Zhenren helped them drive away He Zudao, and the subsequent behavior was simply Shaolin Temple's ingratitude, but after all, Zhang Zhenren did not really suffer any harm. With this little hatred, Zhang Zhenren would not have to destroy Shaolin Temple with his magnanimity."

Of course, only a small number of people made these voices, and most of the remaining onlookers still stood on Zhang Junbao's side.

After all, they can clearly tell who is good to them.

"Bullshit, why bother so much, we will attack wherever Zhang Zhenren's sword points, no matter if Shaolin has done anything wrong, if Zhang Zhenren is not happy with him, we will destroy Shaolin Temple!"

Although Abbot Tianming and others were puzzled, they did not dare to ask more, because they were very lucky to be able to save their lives this time.

If Zhang Junbao had not resurrected them, they should have been drinking Mengpo soup on the Naihe Bridge.

So at this time, they naturally would not offend Zhang Junbao.

But they did not ask, but someone dared to ask.

That person was Master Wu Se.

Zhang Junbao had a clear distinction between gratitude and resentment, so he was quite friendly to Master Wu Se.

After all, no matter what, Master Wu Se was the only one in Shaolin Temple who was willing to break the temple rules and help him except Master Jueyuan.

He also chatted with Master Wu Se several times during this week, and the relationship between the two was quite familiar.

Master Wu Se slowly said, "Master Zhang, I have a question. I don't know if I should ask it or not."

Zhang Junbao nodded, "Master Wu Se, feel free to ask."

Master Wu Se nodded, "I don't know why Master Zhang has such a big opinion on Shaolin Temple. From my contact with you during this period, I know that you are very kind and generous. It shouldn't be this way.

And I don't know why you look at me differently. After all, although I wanted to help you at that time, I didn't put it into practice. From the results, what I did was no different from what other Shaolin monks did."

Zhang Junbao nodded, "If someone else asked, I wouldn't answer this question, but since Master Wu Se asked, I naturally wouldn't refuse."

"This story is a long one."

Zhang Junbao pondered for a moment and organized his words.

His attitude towards Shaolin and Master Wu Se was not because of what happened in this timeline, but because of another timeline that Xu Chenzhou told him.

And he naturally couldn't make the existence of the chat group public.

So to tell this story, the existence of the chat group must be hidden.

"Everyone should be very curious, why I am just an ordinary little monk in Shaolin Temple for more than ten years.

How can I become a young swordsman who can fly with a sword overnight, and how can I realize the unprecedented and unparalleled golden elixir martial arts."

The audience in the audience also expressed their guesses after hearing this.

The young man in white said with fascination: "Needless to say, it is because Master Zhang is a legitimate immortal who has descended to the earth and is born with supernatural powers beyond mortals!"

A bearded hero next to him with a drunken face retorted: "How is it possible? Master Zhang can achieve this achievement entirely because of his own talent and his unparalleled understanding. There is no such thing as a legitimate immortal in this world. If there really is a banished immortal, other banished immortals would have come to the world to change the world long ago."

A storyteller in the restaurant hit the clapper in his hand fiercely: "I think it is because Master Zhang has obtained the inheritance left by the ancient immortals. After all, in the previous dynasty There are many legends of sword immortals who can manipulate sword pills and adjust dragons and tigers, but in our dynasty, all of them disappeared. It must be because the inheritance was cut off by war.

Although the inheritance was cut off on the surface, those sword immortals must have left all kinds of treasures waiting for the later destined people, and Master Zhang is that destined person.

However, at such a young age, he was able to practice the inheritance of sword immortals to this level. In my opinion, even among all the sword immortals in ancient and modern times, Master Zhang is a peerless and amazing talent. "

Listening to the discussion of the people below the stage, Zhang Junbao couldn't help shaking his head.

"You all guessed wrong. I have gained some opportunities to achieve what I have now, but this opportunity is not because I am a banished immortal, nor because I have inherited the sword immortal of the previous dynasty, but because I have glimpsed the future.

In fact, ten days before the conflict with Shaolin, I was indeed an ordinary little monk in Shaolin Temple.

Ah, of course, it is not quite right to say that I am ordinary. After all, at that time, I followed my master to practice the fragments of the Nine Yang Manual since I was a child. If I only look at my internal strength, I can be compared with the top masters in the world.

On that day, Miss Guo Xiang gave me the Iron Arhat with the Young Arhat Fist, and then I suddenly became enlightened. I glimpsed the trajectory of the future."

Zhang Junbao's words stunned everyone. How mysterious it is to glimpse the future, but this sentence was said by Master Zhang, and it made people sincerely convinced.

"After I returned to the Zen room that day, there was a feeling in the dark that guided me to travel outside the sky, and then I glimpsed what happened ten days later.

Ten days later, He Zudao went up the mountain to provoke Shaolin. With his profound martial arts skills, he intimidated the entire Shaolin Temple, so that no one in the entire Shaolin Temple dared to challenge He Zudao.

Then at this time, my master, Master Jueyuan, happened to see this incident by chance.

Although my master was not good at martial arts, he was also a disciple of Shaolin. Naturally, he did not want to see Shaolin being humiliated. He was angry and used his powerful Nine Yang internal skills to force He Zudao to a draw, causing He Zudao to be very interested in competing with my master.

Then I blocked He Zudao to protect my master.

Of course, these things also happened in our timeline.

What is different from this timeline is that in the future I glimpsed, I only had a body of internal skills that barely reached the level of a first-class master in the world, and I had no research on boxing and kicking skills. The only thing I knew was the Luohan Fist that I learned from the Iron Luohan given to me by Miss Guo, so I naturally could not be He Zudao’s opponent.

However, in that timeline, because the gap between He Zudao and I was too big, he and I made a ten-move agreement. As long as I could take his ten moves, He Zudao would promise me that I would never set foot in the Central Plains again.

Relying on my solid internal strength foundation, I actually used He Zudao's real moves to make He Zudao promise that he would never set foot in the Central Plains again, saving the face of Shaolin Temple.

But just like what happened in our current timeline, Shaolin Temple still attacked me because I secretly learned Luohan Fist.

But in that timeline, I didn't know how to fly a sword, and I couldn't subdue Shaolin alone.

And my master, Master Jueyuan, has lived in Shaolin Temple for many years, so he naturally knows how strict the rules of Shaolin Temple are, and he also knows that if I fall into the hands of Shaolin monks, the result waiting for me is either death or disability.

So my master, Master Jueyuan, was forced to carry a 300-jin iron chain because he violated the rules of Shaolin Temple, carrying two large iron buckets, and took me and Guo Xiang, the female hero, out of the encirclement of the monks of Shaolin Temple, and ran all the way to a temple at the foot of the mountain.

The consumption was very terrifying. The 300-jin chain, plus Guo Xiang, the female hero and the iron bucket, the weight on my master's back exceeded 600 jin, and my master also consumed a lot of internal energy because of the fight with He Zudao.

No matter how deep my master's internal strength was, he was an old man after all, and his physical function was not as good as before. How could he withstand such a large consumption, so he passed away that night, ascended to the Western Paradise, and left me forever. "

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