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Chapter 301 Are you stupid?

After hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Abbot Tianming showed a look of astonishment on his face.

Master Jueyuan is dead!

In the future that Zhang Junbao foresaw, his mentor Master Jueyuan died to save him!

This news was like a bolt from the blue, which stunned Abbot Tianming.

He first turned his head to look at the living Master Jueyuan standing behind the people in Guo's house, and then turned his eyes to Zhang Junbao's face, his eyes were extremely complicated.

And Master Jueyuan's expression, which had always been calm, finally changed at this time, but he did not interrupt Zhang Junbao and just sighed.

"Amitabha, fool, fool! It's really a debt of injustice."

And the other onlookers exclaimed one after another.

"I was wondering why Master Zhang hated Shaolin Temple so much. It turns out that the root of the problem is here. This way, everything makes sense!"

"If it weren't for Master Zhang's great fortune and his ability to foresee the future, Master Jueyuan would have passed away long ago.

With Master Zhang's deep feelings for Master Jueyuan, it was because of Master Jueyuan's consideration that he didn't regard Shaolin Temple as his mortal enemy."

Zhang Junbao paused, then continued, "My mentor saved my life and raised me. This incident only happened in the simulation, and it was no different from what happened in reality to me.

In fact, I gave Shaolin a chance.

I reproduced the experience I encountered in the prediction of the future. The only difference was that this time I showed my extremely strong martial arts and fought He Zudao to a draw.

He Zudao was a peerless strongman who could suppress the entire Shaolin Temple by himself. Logically speaking, My performance was absolutely amazing and earned enough face for Shaolin.

This was the opportunity I gave Shaolin. As long as Shaolin Temple did not bother me, a newly-minted Shaolin hero, because of a Luohan Fist, I planned to let the matter of Master Jueyuan disappear in the dust of my memory and coexist peacefully with Shaolin from now on.

As a result, Shaolin Temple was exactly as I expected, and it was still stubborn.

Haha, nearly a thousand people from the whole temple attacked me together, which was really impressive and murderous!

A great master comparable to He Zudao would actually become a prisoner because of a Luohan Fist manual that was popular in the world. If I did not resist, Master Jueyuan would be killed again. Then there would be nothing to say about the follow-up.

The end of Shaolin was actually determined at that moment! "

After Zhang Junbao finished speaking, no one sympathized with Shaolin Temple anymore.

Because after understanding the whole story, everyone understood that this time it was indeed Shaolin Temple that was killing itself, and there was no way to save it.

From Zhang Junbao's description, everyone can feel that Master Jueyuan's meaning to Zhang Junbao is more than just a master.

To some extent, Master Jueyuan, who accompanied Zhang Junbao in his growth, has become a father figure to Zhang Zhenren.

The hatred of killing one's father is irreconcilable, let alone the very limited support of Shaolin Temple, even the great grace of heaven must give way to the hatred of killing one's father.

With such a big hatred, let alone teasing the monks of Shaolin Temple to make them die, even if all of them are killed, who can say anything.

Abbot Tianming's behavior of running to Xiangyang City to give his head seems so ridiculous at this time.

Don't you look at what role you are, just an abbot of a broken Shaolin, you can't rank in the current world.

In the face of such a huge hatred, how can you, Abbot Tianming, commit suicide to eliminate it.

Many people even felt that Zhang Zhenren was too kind and too generous to Shaolin. If it were them, the Shaolin monks who came to Xiangyang City to make trouble would have died long ago.

But how could they understand Zhang Junbao's thoughts?

Compared with the life and death of these people, Zhang Junbao cared more about Master Jueyuan's mood.

No one knew Master Jueyuan better than Zhang Junbao. He knew that the master would definitely stand on his side, but with the master's kind and innocent character, he definitely had feelings for his fellow disciples.

If all the Shaolin monks were really killed, although Master Jueyuan would not blame Zhang Junbao, he would definitely be sad in his heart, and even regard the death of his fellow disciples as his own responsibility.

And in fact, not killing these Shaolin monks would be the greatest torture for them.

These monks were even willing to sacrifice their lives to preserve the inheritance of Shaolin Temple. For sect fanatics like Abbot Tianming and Master Wuxiang, it would be more painful for them to watch their sect decline step by step and become a second-rate sect than to kill them with a single blow.

Moreover, after the story Zhang Junbao told today spreads, his current prestige will definitely be enough to destroy the good reputation that Shaolin Temple has accumulated for thousands of years.

In this case, Shaolin Temple will not only lose its world-beating martial arts, but will also become a stinking rat sect that everyone wants to beat.

There is a world of difference between the two. Falling from the clouds and then being tortured by never being reborn will definitely make the Shaolin monks who survive today suffer for the rest of their lives.

This slow knife killing is much more satisfying than killing these Shaolin monks with a single blow.

And such behavior will not make Master Jueyuan unhappy.

Master Jueyuan, who has practiced Buddhism, has long understood the cause and effect.

For him, you reap what you sow. As long as Zhang Junbao didn't destroy Shaolin himself, he would not take the responsibility on himself.

To put it bluntly, all of this is the fault of Shaolin Temple. The cause of Shaolin Temple's decline today was planted when Shaolin Temple ordered the arrest of Zhang Junbao. Everything is retribution.

After explaining all this, Zhang Junbao turned to look at Master Wu Se: "And the reason why I respect Master Wu Se so much is because of the future I saw. In that future, Guo Xiang and I had no way to escape the pursuit of Shaolin monks.

After all, my master was exhausted at that time, and carrying us down the mountain had consumed all his strength.

But after Master Wu Se found our traces, he not only did not recruit Shaolin monks, but secretly led the Shaolin pursuers to another direction.

Thinking about it carefully, it's really ridiculous. Shaolin is so big, with thousands of disciples, and many monks are monks who are known for their compassion in the world. In the end, the only two people who are willing to lend a hand to an innocent person like me are Master Jueyuan and Master Wu Se."

When Zhang Junbao said this, he completely tore off the fig leaf of Shaolin Temple.

What is the slogan of Shaolin Temple in the world? It is the martial arts Zen sect, the world's number one sect with Shaolin martial arts, and the leader of the righteous way.

In the past, the disciples of Shaolin Temple were regarded as compassionate masters by the people of Jianghu.

They saved all living beings, acted chivalrously, and often cut their flesh to feed the eagles like the Buddha. They sacrificed their lives for chivalry and were absolutely righteous people.

But now everyone knows that the thousands of disciples of Shaolin Temple are all like machines, bound by an old temple rule. They have no sense of good and evil in front of the temple rule, and they can actually attack the hero who just saved the entire Shaolin.

And the most terrifying thing is that in such a big Shaolin, only two people dared to violate the temple rules for the morality in their hearts.

Even the Wu Se Zen Master, one of the two, was the head of the Dharma Hall, the highest-level leader of Shaolin Temple, but he only dared to resist secretly and help Zhang Junbao.

The essence of this matter is very terrifying, because it means that as long as you can master the Shaolin Temple rules, you can instantly turn these thousands of seemingly kind Shaolin disciples into ruthless killing machines, which makes people think about it.

Let alone the leader of the righteous path, I am afraid that even the famous evil sects in the world can't do this?

Even if the disciples of the evil sect violate the morality and kill their brothers and fellow disciples, there will be a few thorns in the hundred people who resist, but Shaolin has such amazing obedience, which is just like brainwashing.

Many martial artists secretly feel lucky that Shaolin Temple had a falling out with Zhang Zhenren before, otherwise it would really let Shaolin Temple rise in the era of Jindan martial arts, and I don't know how terrible the consequences would be.

After listening to what Zhang Junbao said, Master Wu Se showed a look of shame on his face: "Amitabha, so that's the case, no wonder Zhang Zhenren looks at me differently, there is such a reason.

However, Zhang Zhenren's kindness makes me feel ashamed. Let's not talk about my behavior in this world. Even in the future that Zhang Zhenren foresaw, I didn't do well enough.

If I were braver, I might have a chance to save Master Jueyuan in that future."

Zhang Junbao smiled like a spring breeze on his face: "How can this be blamed? Master Wu Se, you have done a good job. The rules of Shaolin Temple are so strict that even if you are the head of Luohan Hall, you cannot violate them.

Junbao and Master Wu Se are not related. Your secret help is enough for Zhang Junbao to be grateful. "

Master Wu Se shook his head: "Zhang Zhenren is wrong. In fact, I only need one word to resolve the situation at that time.

As long as I came forward to admit that your Luohan Fist was taught by me, I could easily eliminate all conflicts.

Unfortunately, although I cherished talents very much at that time, But I was bound by the precepts of monks not to tell lies.

I was obsessed with appearances. I had the precepts in my heart but forgot the original meaning of Buddhism. I forgot that saving a life is better than building a seven-story pagoda. I only need to break one precept to save a life. What a good deal!

It’s a pity that I am not aware enough, which led to such a tragedy. ”

Master Wu Se bowed deeply to Zhang Junbao: "Wu Se has received many kindnesses from Master Zhang in the past few days. I am really grateful.

However, Wu Se has one request, that is, Master Zhang must not give Wu Se any preferential treatment in the future, otherwise I will be in my heart. I feel guilty. "

Zhang Junbao said slowly: "Master Wu Se, you have to think it over. I am a person who knows how to repay kindness. In fact, I don't mind teaching you the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

As long as you swear that you will never pass on the Golden Elixir Martial Arts to Shaolin disciples, I can make an exception and teach you the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, and I can also deduce a Golden Elixir Martial Arts version of the magical skills secrets for you. "

After hearing this, Abbot Tianming and Master Wuxiang, who had already looked ashen, became excited. They looked at Master Wu Se with hope, their eyes full of expectation.

Abbot Tianming's calm and steady Qi-cultivation skills seemed to have disappeared, and he was so anxious that he almost turned around in circles.

He kept whispering: "Wuse, agree to him! Agree quickly! What are you still hesitating about!"

Master Wuxiang even secretly clenched his fists and winked at Master Wu Se, completely losing the demeanor of a high monk, like a juggling monkey in a circus.

It’s no wonder that they are so excited. The biggest problem facing Shaolin Temple now is time.

No matter how strict Zhang Junbao's ban is, it can't stop the whole world. When the Golden Elixir Martial Arts spreads, Shaolin Temple will definitely have the opportunity to slowly acquire the knowledge of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

Abbot Tianming and Zen Master Wuxiang both believe that with the foundation of Shaolin Temple, even if the knowledge of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts they have obtained is incomplete, it will still not be worse than other sects.

When Bodhidharma founded Shaolin Temple, there were only two martial arts in Shaolin Temple, the Washing Marrow Sutra and the Muscle-Changing Sutra. After the painstaking efforts of successive generations of eminent monks, the famous Shaolin 72 unique skills were created, making it the world's number one Zen sect.

Now all the monks of Shaolin Temple need to work together to push Shaolin Temple to the top of the righteous path again.

All they lack is time.

Unfortunately, if they are slow at every step, they will not give Shaolin Temple a chance if they want to develop slowly.

In this arms race, Shaolin Temple, which has lost the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, will undoubtedly become a meat on the plate of others.

Especially everyone knows that there is a deep grudge between Zhang Zhenren and Shaolin Temple. It is possible that some people will come to Shaolin to please Zhang Junbao.

Shaolin is about to fall!

But if Wu Se Zen Master can learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, and even obtain the Golden Elixir Martial Arts deduced by Zhang Junbao, everything will be completely different.

In this case, Wu Se Zen Master can definitely become the patron saint of Shaolin Temple in this chaotic world.

After all, with Wu Se Zen Master's martial arts talent and the Golden Elixir Martial Arts deduced by Zhang Junbao, it is definitely enough to make Wu Se Zen Master one of the top figures in the world, and if he can't beat Wu Se Zen Master, he can still offer face fruit.

You must know that Wu Se Zen Master is the existence of Zhang Zhenren who personally admits that he has done him a favor. With this sentence, in the current world, it is equivalent to having a golden medal of immunity from death. Who dares to risk offending Zhang Zhenren to kill Wu Se Zen Master.

With the protection of Wu Se Zen Master, Shaolin Temple can get the most important development time.

But if Master Wu Se had not learned the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, the deterrent power would be completely different.

At present, Master Wu Se's martial arts value would not be in the gold coin, but the martial artists who practiced the Golden Elixir Martial Arts were making rapid progress every day. Later, Master Wu Se would be no different from a strong mouse in front of them.

By then, there were too many ways to avoid Master Wu Se's destruction of Shaolin. Even if the Face Fruit could only save Master Wu Se's own life, it would not be of much help to Shaolin.

But Master Wu Se seemed not to see the hints of the two brothers, with a firm look on his face: "Wu Se has made up his mind. Although I am also very curious about the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, Wu Se is really ashamed to admit that he has done a favor to Master Zhang. Master Zhang's kindness is appreciated by Wu Se. I hope Master Zhang will help me!"

Zhang Junbao looked at Master Wu Se in front of him, then turned to look at Abbot Tianming, and then looked at the dead monk Kong Chi, and couldn't help shaking his head.

They are all Shaolin disciples, why is the gap between them so big?

Master Wu Se and his master Master Jue Yuan are both famous and truly enlightened monks.

Abbot Tian Ming and Master Wu Xiang are much worse. Although they have practiced Buddhism for many years, they are superficial. Rather than being Buddhists, they are martial artists who have learned a little Buddhism.

Monk Kong Chi and the deceased monk Ku Chan are even more disgusting. They are stubborn and have evil thoughts at an old age. They are simply Buddhist termites.

However, in such a big Shaolin, only two people can be called masters. The rest are martial artists and termites. It can only be said that the destruction of Shaolin is not unjust.

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