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Chapter 302 Zhenwu Temple, Wudang Sect

I’ll correct the typo first, so don’t read it yet.

Master Wuse's choice shocked everyone present. Most martial arts people could not understand why Master Wuse made this choice.

But who has the biggest impact on Zen Master Wu Se’s choice?

Those must be the monks of Shaolin Temple.

Abbot Tianming stared at Zen Master Wu Se with an angry look on his face, a look of confusion on his face.

He didn't even care whether his behavior would offend Zhang Junbao. He rushed directly to Zen Master Wu Se and asked loudly.

"Colorless, colorless, are you stupid?

Such a great opportunity is in front of you, why would you do this?

Is the thousand-year inheritance of Shaolin Temple so worthless in your heart? "

Zen Master Wu Se shook his head and pointed at his heart.

"Brother Abbot, how long will you continue to be obsessed with this?

The purpose of the inheritance left by Patriarch Bodhidharma is to promote Buddhism, not for the inheritance of martial arts.

If you think about it carefully, are our actions really worthy of the Dharma left behind by our ancestors?

First, for a bullshit rule, the young hero who had just saved the Shaolin Temple was thrown into the dust.

Then he shamelessly asked me to come to Xiangyang City to try to use Master Jueyuan's face to repay the favor.

In the end, they even resorted to the method of coercion to death and used public opinion to attack Zhenren Zhang.

Just tell me which of the things you have done is worthy of the ancestors and the teachings of the ancestors of Shaolin Temple!

Are we really still monks? Why do we act in ways that are even more demonic than those of a demonic sect?

If someone like you is so unscrupulous, the inheritance of Shaolin Temple will really be cut off. "

Abbot Tianming completely collapsed when he heard Zen Master Wu Se's accusation.

"Do you think these are all things I want to do?

You think I don’t want to be as cool as you, but what can I do? I am the abbot of Shaolin Temple, so I must be responsible for Shaolin Temple. "

Zen Master Wu Se smiled coldly and didn't even bother to talk to Abbot Tianming anymore.

But how could Abbot Tianming accept it? He grabbed Zen Master Wu Se's collar and was about to speak.

At this moment, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand, and a breeze blew by, pushing Abbot Tianming aside.

Zhang Junbao's cold voice came: "Okay, don't be so messy. I'll spare you for Master Jue Yuan's sake, but that doesn't mean you can take advantage of me."

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Zen Master Wu Se: "Master Wu Se, I appreciate your enlightenment. To be honest, only eminent monks like you and my master are qualified to be called masters.

So don't mention it again about treating everyone equally. It's my business to treat you differently.

I have an idea and I wonder if Master Wuse is willing to listen to it.

In fact, I grew up in the Shaolin Temple and have been familiar with Buddhism since I was a child. I also fully recognize many concepts in the Buddhist scriptures.

To be honest, I don’t have any objections to Buddhism. I just hate Shaolin Temple.

If the Shaolin Temple were full of eminent monks who practiced Buddhism like you and my master, the relationship between me and Shaolin would definitely not have evolved to what it is today.

The only major Buddhist sect that can be named in the martial arts world is the Shaolin Temple. After Shaolin weakens, the power of Buddhism in the martial arts world will definitely gradually decline.

If you think about it carefully, it is a pity that this wonderful flower of Buddhist martial arts is missing in this era when hundreds of flowers are blooming.

So I have always had an idea, which is to create a new Buddhist sect, Zhenwu Temple.

I plan to ask my master, Master Jueyuan, to be the chief elder of Zhenwu Temple, and then ask you, Zen Master Wuse, to be the abbot of Zhenwu Temple.

I don't know what you think. "

After Zhang Junbao finished speaking, Zen Master Wu Se raised his head in shock and stared at Zhang Junbao.

"But in this case, poor monk, poor monk I"

To be honest, Zhang Junbao's words made Zen Master Wu Se very moved.

In the arena of Yitian World, the Shaolin Temple is so powerful that it can be said to be a standout, and it has attracted almost all the martial arts talents in Buddhism. Therefore, the other Buddhist forces are just three or two big cats and kittens, and they are not the same. .

Throughout Mr. Jin Yong's fourteen books, the two most famous Buddhist sects in the Central Plains martial arts are the Emei Sect and the Shaolin Temple.

But now that little Guo Xiang has been abducted by Zhang Junbao and taken home as his wife, it means that the Emei Sect was stillborn.

Other famous Buddhist temples, such as Wutai Mountain and Putuo Temple, are almost all famous for their Buddhism. They are not very good at martial arts and cannot take on big responsibilities.

In other words, once the Shaolin Temple declines, the luck of Buddhism in the entire martial arts world will directly fall to the bottom.

In a world of martial arts, if the martial arts is lost, the entire Buddhist heritage will inevitably be affected.

After all, the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism is no joke, and those Taoist priests will not be merciful when they commit evil acts.

This can be avoided by setting aside Shaolin and re-establishing a Buddhist sect with the support of Zhang Junbao.

But if this were the case, wouldn't it mean that he would betray the Shaolin Temple.

Zen Master Wu Se was both moved and confused.

Master Yideng saw this scene and flew to the front of Zen Master Wuse.

"You idiot, why can't you see through this truth?

Let me ask you, did you just say that Patriarch Bodhidharma established the legacy of Shaolin just to promote Buddhism?

In this case, is the inheritance of Buddhism the core of Shaolin Temple's inheritance?

The seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin and the Marrow Cleansing Sutra of Yi Jin Jing, these are not all minutiae.

What is truly precious is the Buddhist attainments left behind by the senior monks and the spiritual wealth they left to future generations.

As for whether it is Shaolin Temple, Zhenwu Temple, or some other name, what does it matter?

Could it be that changing your name will stop you from promoting Buddhism? "

Zhang Junbao also said: "The monks in the Shaolin Temple are divided into two groups. The monks were too violent, so they were allowed to fend for themselves along with the Shaolin Temple.

However, the order of the sutra-singing monks was different, and what happened that day had nothing to do with them.

Moreover, I grew up in the Shaolin Temple, and I know that among the chanting monks there are many masters with profound Buddhist teachings.

If Master Wuse is willing, you can invite these masters to join Zhenwu Temple to promote Buddhism. "

Zen Master Wu Se was originally thinking about how to choose.

But Master Yideng's words were like an enlightenment, causing Zen Master Wu Se's body to shake violently, and he no longer hesitated in an instant.

"Amitabha, thank you Master for your guidance. I understand it now."

After saying this, Zen Master Wu Se turned to look at Zhang Junbao and bowed deeply.

"Wuse is willing to accept Master Zhang's decree and leave Shaolin to join Zhenwu Temple from today!"

Zhang Junbao turned to look at Master Jueyuan again: "Master, what do you think?"

Zhang Junbao had actually long planned to establish a Buddhist sect in Xiangyang City.

Without Shaolin, this sect can inherit Buddhist ideas and promote the blooming of Jindan Martial Arts inspiration.

Of course, this purpose is only secondary. The main reason is that Zhang Junbao wants to retain his master Jue Yuan through this Buddhist sect. Compared with Master Jue Yuan, Zen Master Wu Se is just an addition.

Master Jue Yuan originally wanted to refuse. He was used to staying in the Shaolin Temple and really didn't want to move to another place.

But things are different now. Not only Zen Master Wu Se has also joined Zhenwu Temple, but also some eminent monks in the sequence of chanting monks will join Zhenwu Temple.

Master Jue Yuan belonged to the order of sutra-chanting monks when he was in Shaolin Temple, and almost all the monks who were close to him were also sutra-chanting monks.

Master Jue Yuan knew why Zhang Junbao did all this, and felt his disciple's heart, Master Jue Yuan couldn't help but be shaken.

Master Jue Yuan sighed: "Amitabha, in that case, I, the old monk, should also join the Zhenwu Temple."

After hearing this, Zhang Junbao couldn't help laughing after knowing that the master would stay in Xiangyang City from today on.

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, there's no need to pick a time. Today is the day when Zhenwu Temple will be founded."

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and pointed, and a stone tablet rose from the ground in an empty place in the city. On the stone tablet were engraved the three characters "Zhenwu Temple".

The writing on the stone tablet is vigorous and powerful, and the artistic conception is extraordinary. People who see these three words can't help but feel ethereal in their hearts.

Then a tall and majestic building complex with red walls and bricks and continuous pavilions rose from the ground with a rumbling sound.

Zhang Junbao actually built such a magnificent temple in an instant.

Seeing this scene, even though everyone had already become accustomed to Master Zhang's unpredictable magical powers, they still couldn't help but be shocked.

Listening to everyone's exclamation, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but chuckle.

To be honest, even with his current level of cultivation, he couldn't build such a magnificent temple complex in an instant.

In fact, his method is just a cover-up.

As early as a month ago, Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi mentioned the idea of ​​bringing the master to Xiangyang City. Hong Yi naturally helped his good brother's needs.

With the material resources of the Qian Dynasty, Hong Yi summoned dozens of ghosts and immortals and built this temple complex in only two days.

There is no upper limit on the space for group red envelopes, but there are certain restrictions.

That is to put something into a group red envelope. First of all, the object cannot be a living object. Secondly, the person who sends the red envelope must have the ability to lift such an object.

With Hong Yi's current Taoist cultivation level, it was easy to lift this temple complex, so he was able to put this temple complex into a red envelope.

Then Hong Yi put it in a red envelope and gave it to Zhang Junbao, so this temple complex has been in the red envelope these days.

What Zhang Junbao did just now was just to take this temple complex out of the red envelope.

Of course, in the eyes of others, this scene was like Master Zhang turning stone into gold. With one finger, this magnificent temple area was created out of thin air.

But this was not over yet. Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand again, and countless scriptures fell from the sky and piled up in front of Zhenwu Temple.

On the covers of these sutras are written the Nanhua Sutra, the Avatamsaka Sutra, and the Pineapple and Jackfruit Heart Sutra. There are also many sutras that you can tell are handwritten at a glance.

Master Jueyuan, who has been the keeper of the Sutra Pavilion all his life, can certainly recognize that these scriptures are the Buddhist scriptures stored in the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion. Even the Lankavatara Sutra that was stolen by Ixi is there. in.

Before Zhang Junbao tried to resurrect Abbot Tianming and Wuxiang, he had quietly divided dozens of thoughts and flew to Songshan Shaolin to directly evacuate the Sutra Pavilion. As for the Langjia Sutra, Zhang Junbao had taken the time to collect the Sutra after he had become a ghost immortal. The scripture hidden in the white ape's body was retrieved.

Abbot Tianming's eyes were splitting when he saw this scene, and he wished he could rush forward and fight Zhang Junbao for his life.

The Sutra Library is the lifeblood of Shaolin Temple. It contains the wisdom of countless predecessors. However, it was emptied by Zhang Junbao.

The failure to learn the Golden Elixir Martial Arts had already cost Shaolin half its life. Now even the Sutra Library is gone, which means that the remaining half of its life has been taken away. It is just a breath left to survive.

Zhang Junbao turned to Abbot Tianming and said, "Last time, Shaolin Temple offended me and paid the price of Yijin Jing and Xisui Jing. This time, I will not ask for more. I will use your Sutra Library to pay for it.

You can leave now. If any Shaolin disciples dare to enter Xiangyang City without my permission, I will kill them without mercy."

Abbot Tianming was so angry that his hands were shaking, but he had no other choice.

He wanted to turn around and leave, but his feet seemed to be nailed to the ground. He could not move for a long time. His eyes were fixed on the pile of scriptures in the distance, and he almost shed tears of blood.

Master Wuxiang held him back: "Brother, let's go, let's go!

The Buddhist scriptures are gone, so is the martial arts. As for the martial arts, let the monks in the temple think of a way to write them down.

There is no need to worry about running out of firewood."

After hearing what Master Wuxiang said, Abbot Tianming moved his feet with difficulty and led the monks of Shaolin Temple to leave Xiangyang City.

After watching them leave, Zhang Junbao spoke again.

"I have been thinking about establishing a sect recently.

Since the Zhenwu Temple has been established today, let's create the Wudang Sect together!"

As he said this, Zhang Junbao pointed again, and a Taoist temple appeared out of thin air, as magnificent as the Zhenwu Temple before.

This was of course another work of Hong Yi. Sitting on the entire Daqian Dynasty, Hong Yi is now rich and powerful. Building a few Taoist temples is like a drop in the bucket for him.

Even though they had seen it once before, the people in Xiangyang City still felt a little incredible when they saw Zhang Junbao's magical powers again.

Everyone stared at the magnificent plaque of Wudang Sect with red eyes, wishing they could join the sect founded by Zhang Junbao immediately.

The Jindan martial arts that Zhang Zhenren preached to the world was already so mysterious, not to mention the martial arts he taught his disciples.

If you can join the sect founded by Zhang Zhenren, I don’t know how wonderful martial arts you can learn!

In this way, Zhenwu Temple and Wudang Sect were officially established in Xiangyang City.

However, in Zhang Junbao’s plan, the two sects will not stay in Xiangyang City all the time. There are too few building lands available in Xiangyang City, which is not conducive to the subsequent development of the sects.

It’s just that Zhang Junbao’s goal now is to spread the Jindan martial arts as much as possible, so they are temporarily placed in Xiangyang City.

Later, when the time is right, Zhang Junbao will naturally move them to other places.

Anyway, with the group red envelope function, moving two buildings is easy.

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