All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 303: Farming is the way to go

Three days later, in the star world, Xu Chenzhou was meditating in seclusion in his home practice room, honing the extraordinary organs in his body, regulating the yin and yang and the five elements in his body, making final preparations for breaking through to the fifth level of extraordinary.

At this moment, the chat group panel suddenly vibrated violently, and messages came out one after another like running water.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head helplessly, with a smile on his face.

Alas, these guys are really interested in the water group. They chat intensively in the group every day without getting bored.

He opened the chat group panel.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Oh, time flies so slowly. I really can't live a day anymore. It's so boring. (Kitten sighs.jpg)"

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "If you don't want to go to school, then don't go. Anyway, with your current ability, can anyone force you to go to school?"

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "That's what I say, but when I think about it carefully, I still feel a little reluctant to let go.

After sleeping rough in Monster Hunter World for a long time, it was rare to be able to return to campus. I wanted to experience more of campus life. "

Lu Mingfei spent eight years hunting in the world of monster hunting. During that time, he always missed the stable campus life.

So although he now feels a little bored attending class every day, he is a little reluctant to let Lu Mingfei leave campus life.

Zhang Junbao laughed: "You are just being pretentious. If you want to go to school, just go on. Why are you talking so much?

Anyway, those dragons are there and won't run away, so you can kill them anytime you want. "

Han Li (Qixuanmen Divine Doctor): "I think it's not a bad thing to stay dormant for a while. Mingfei is different from other friends in the group. The crisis in the dragon world is not imminent, and he has time to fully develop.

Don't panic when you have food in hand. There is never too much of something like strength. There are only benefits and no harm in practicing for a longer period of time. "

Han Li sat cross-legged on a boulder in the Valley of Divine Doctors. Countless spiritual energy around him condensed into a huge vortex, pouring into his body like a funnel.

His dantian shimmered, and a small Nascent Soul floated up and down in his dantian, exuding terrifying power.

His cultivation has reached the late stage of Nascent Soul Realm and he can break through to the Divine Transformation Realm at any time.

But Han Li was not eager to break through, but instead forcibly suppressed his urge to break through.

Today is different from the past. Every time he broke through in the previous world line was very difficult, but this life is different. He got a great opportunity in the chat group, and Han Li's cultivation speed was hundreds of times faster than in his previous life.

All the friends in the group are also talented people. Xiao Shihao, Xiao Nannan and others are not only not eager to make breakthroughs in the process of cultivation, but also explore the current realm to the extreme every time to lay the foundation for subsequent cultivation. The most solid foundation.

Han Li was naturally also affected. Although he did not intend to be as perverted as Shi Hao, who must develop his current realm to the extreme before breaking through, he was no longer so eager. Instead, he followed the practices of his friends and explored the mysteries of his current realm. , constantly replenishing one's own foundation.

Han Li murmured to himself while chatting in the chat group.

"Very good, my cultivation speed during this period has been good. With the help of the Spirit Fruit of the Ancient World and the Towering Dew of Creation, I have reached the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm.

However, the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm is not enough. There are still several old shady people in the Divine Transformation Realm lurking in the human world, so they should not be taken lightly.

When I completely figure out the mysteries of the Nascent Soul Realm, and then break through to the Divine Transformation Realm, I won’t be afraid even if those old monsters attack me together. Only in this way can I travel with confidence and gain access to the spirit world. Methods. "

After saying that, Han Li practiced cross-legged for a while, then stood up. He took out a small jade-colored hoe from his storage ring and walked deeper into the Valley of Divine Doctors.

While walking, Han Li suddenly stopped because there was an invisible barrier in front of him.

This is the heaven-and-earth inversion formation he set up deep in the Valley of Divine Doctors. The formation diagram of this formation comes from the prehistoric world and can cover up everything in the heaven and earth in the formation.

Because it adopts the formation method from the ancient world, its basic structure is completely different from the formation theory in the mortal world. Even the immortal cultivators who are very proficient in the formation method will feel confused and completely confused when they see this formation. Even if a powerful person from the God Transformation Realm comes, he can't break this formation.

Han Li stretched out his hand to connect the dots in the void, and then a seal similar to the Big Dipper appeared in the air. The originally invisible barrier of the formation instantly became looming, and Han Li's figure also broke through the barrier and disappeared into it.

Walking into the barrier, what you see is one colorful field after another.

The fields on the left are planted with golden fruits similar to watermelons, the fields on the right are bunches of crystal-like grapes, and the fields further away are planted with plant seedlings of different shapes.

In the center of the formation is a large field connected together.

This field covers a huge area, roughly a hundred acres of land at least, occupying nine-tenths of the space in the formation.

There are huge trees growing one after another on the fields, and the trees are covered with countless snow-white rice that looks like dragon's teeth.

At this time, the rice is obviously almost mature. Each rice is plump and plump, exuding an attractive fragrance.

Looking at this field, especially the dragon tooth rice tree in the center of the formation, Han Li had the smile of an old farmer on his face.

Very good, this crop of dragon sprout rice is almost ripe again and it’s time to harvest.

But Han Li is not in a hurry, because the maturity of Longya rice is still a little bit behind.

When the Aralia rice is truly mature, it will absorb all the nutrients from the Aralia rice tree. When the Aralia rice tree withers, the Aralia rice is truly mature.

Just as Han Li was admiring his large field, he saw a strange-looking plant seedling showing signs of sprouting in a field directly in front of him.

This plant seedling is fiery red all over, with a total of nine branches from top to bottom, and each branch has a leaf that looks like a burning flame.

At this time, a small bud grew on the lowest leaf, and there was a scorching power fluctuation like the sun in it.

This made Han Li ecstatic. He rushed to the side of the seedling and looked at the little bud with caring eyes.

Since Yang Chan gave Han Li the core of the spiritual fruit she ate in Nuwa Palace, this is the third plant he has cultivated that can successfully germinate.

These seeds are not at the same level as the previous Jiu Xuan Yuan Spirit Fruit. Each of these fruit cores comes from the collection of Saint Nuwa. They are extremely precious spiritual fruits in the prehistoric world. Every kind of spiritual fruit has It has miraculous functions.

Looking at this little flower bud in front of him, Han Li couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart. Sure enough, farming is the way to go, and dogs won't go out to travel or anything.

Although it looks like the buds still have a long way to go before they bloom and bear fruit.

But what Han Li lacks most is patience.

After joining the chat group, his cultivation speed skyrocketed. At this time, the days of practicing in seclusion while farming were a kind of enjoyment for Han Li.

You can get a lot of cultivation resources by just farming. This kind of life makes Han Li, who is cautious by nature, not want to travel at all.

If he could continue to make progress by practicing in seclusion, I'm afraid Han Li could stay in seclusion until he became a Taoist ancestor.

In another world line, he travels around looking for opportunities because if he doesn't do this, his cultivation will not progress.

The most important thing about cultivating immortality in the mortal world is competition, competition for opportunities, and competition for materials.

Only in this way can a cultivator like him with ordinary talent be able to go further on the extremely difficult road of cultivating immortality.

But now that Han Li has the little green bottle in his hand, he can get a lot of resources by farming casually, and there is no need to wander around to explore for resources.

There is also the existence of the prehistoric world in the group chat. The aura level of the prehistoric world is definitely not inferior to the immortal world of the mortal world. Any hairs pulled out from Xiao Yang Chan's body are thicker than his waist. This makes Han Li more cost-effective when he goes out to collect resources. become extremely low.

If he really wanted to collect resources, he would have to wait until he went to the spirit world. As for the human world, Han Li could only say that it would be better to just stay in Qixuanmen and grow vegetables. Growing vegetables is the way to go.

Han Li opened the chat group and wanted to tell his friends in the group the good news about the sprouting of the third spiritual fruit.

Then Han Li discovered that while he was inspecting his fields, the group of friends had another long conversation.

First, Hong Yi responded to the message he posted in the group chat.

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "I'm telling you, Old Han, don't give Mingfei advice like this. This kid is strong enough now. He has developed the spirit of speech in the dragon world to an unpredictable level. Even Sometimes I suffer small losses, but I don’t believe that the dragon kings in the dragon world can withstand it.

Frankly speaking, Han Li, you are good at everything, but you are too cautious. You have almost reached the stage of becoming a god, yet you are still stuck in the Valley of Divine Doctors.

If it were me in your place, the world of immortality cultivation would already be full of faith. "

Seeing Hong Yi's speech, Han Li touched his forehead and couldn't help but reveal a wry smile.

It would be interesting if Hong Yi was really born in the mortal world.

Hong Yi is simply incompatible with the mortal world.

Hong Yi's wish is that everyone is like a dragon, and he wants to lead all sentient beings to transcend to the other side.

But the mortal world is a world where resources are used to cultivate immortals. The path of cultivation is the road of struggle. The struggle in the mortal world is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge. Only the few who grab the most resources can become gods. After entering the spiritual world, I was still fighting, and even after ascending to the fairy world, I was still fighting.

When two such beings collide, either Hong Yi will change the ecology and cultivation system of the entire mortal world on his own, or Hong Yi will be crushed into powder under the wheel of fate of the mortal world.

It can only be said that he was lucky to be born in the mortal world. Han Li has the kind of character that as long as he can be alone, he doesn't bother to care even if the sky falls. How other people live is none of his business, he doesn't bother to care at all.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's hard to say. Mingfei is indeed very powerful now, but the problem is that the old thief hadn't finished writing the Dragon Clan when I traveled through time, and the settings changed from version to version. Who knows what Mingfei is? Which version of the dragon earth is the current setting?

If it is the strongest version of the setting, then the existence of the Dragon King level may have touched the level of mastering the law, which means that it is not necessarily possible to win steadily with Mingfei's current strength.

So I think Han Li is right, it’s better to be careful.

Oh, but it doesn't matter. If Mingfei wants to play, then go ahead and give it a try.

Anyway, it's obvious that he can't deal with it, so in the worst case, Didi will just beat him.

It doesn’t matter whether he is the Dragon King or not, let’s go together and spread his ashes directly. "

The level of combat power in the group is not what it used to be. Not to mention anything else, the Green Lotus Sword in Xiao Yang Chan's hand is enough to ensure that they can survive in most worlds where the level of combat power is not that high.

Of course, there are still quite a lot of hardcore worlds in the group, such as the perfect world, mortals, etc. If the high-end combat power of these worlds takes action, a Green Lotus Sword is still not enough.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "By the way, let's not discuss the matter of Lu Mingfei for now. What's going on with you now, Junbao? Have you dealt with the matter of Da Song?"

Ever since Zhang Junbao publicly executed Song Duzong and Jia Sidao in public, he had not sent any follow-up messages in the group, so Xu Chenzhou was a little curious.

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): “Forget it, group leader, I’m almost too busy, I’m just exhausted.

If I could go back in time, I would definitely choose to keep the two of them alive and wait for a while before taking them back. "

At this time, Zhang Junbao was sitting in the palace of Lin'an City holding a sword. Next to him were corpses lying in a pool of blood.

Using force to change dynasties will inevitably lead to mass killings.

But those who succeeded in changing dynasties in history either started a rebellion and relied on large armies to attack cities and seize territory.

This form of rebellion comes with its own leadership team. For example, when Liu Bang established the Han Dynasty, he had Xiao He, Han Xin, Zhang Liang and other capable people around him. When Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he had Liu Bowen, Li Shanchang, Zhang Zhong, Ye Dui, Tao An and other counselors, with them as the foundation, it is easy to establish a complete political team.

Otherwise, they would cultivate their own party members in the government, and then seize power and seek to usurp the throne.

It is also very simple to establish a leadership team after a rebellion of this type. All you need to do is kill all the ministers who are close to the emperor, and then promote your own people to fill the vacancies.

This was the case when the Sima family usurped the throne. At that time, the Sima family killed tens of thousands of people, and almost all the ministers who were related to the Cao family were killed. However, due to the Sima family's deep-rooted management in the court and their many party members, they followed suit. Many officials were promoted casually to fill the vacancies.

But the problem now is that Zhang Junbao does not belong to these two methods at all. He belongs to the third type. He has never been the only one to do it. He used his personal force to force a change of dynasty!

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