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Chapter 304 I am not a bloodthirsty person

For such a peerless warrior, conquering the world is not difficult, but governing the world is the most difficult.

After all, he is alone, and even if his divine consciousness can be divided into 10,000 people, he still can't handle it.

The impact of the change of dynasties, how to appease the civilians, how to eliminate the influence of the previous dynasty, how to rebuild the leadership team, these things are more troublesome than one.

After dealing with the Shaolin matter, Zhang Junbao left Xiangyang City alone and went north to Lin'an Prefecture.

After the dragon from the sky took away Song Duzong and Jia Sidao, Lin'an Prefecture was in chaos.

The emperor of a dynasty was blatantly abducted in broad daylight, which was simply a slap in the face of the entire court.

If it were placed in other dynasties, such a thing would be enough to cause unrest in the world.

However, this is the Song Dynasty.

For the Song Dynasty, it was not the first time that the emperor was abducted, so the important officials in the court had begun to deal with the aftermath very experiencedly.

After all, it was a dragon that took away the emperor, a dragon from the sky.

This is too much bullshit. Compared with Song Huizong and Song Qinzong who were captured by the Jin Kingdom, they seemed much more normal.

Who can do this? They can only be considered dead!

The court officials gathered together to discuss which royal child to elect as the next emperor.

At this time, Zhang Junbao came to Lin'an Prefecture alone with a sword.

He did not rush to act, but stayed in Lin'an Prefecture for another two days.

During these two days, he used his soul to cover the entire Lin'an Prefecture and monitor all the actions of the court officials in these two days.

He also went deep into the people to collect intelligence from the court officials.

In front of his divine monitoring, no one could keep their secrets, and the old backgrounds of the court officials were all exposed by Zhang Junbao.

After confirming that the intelligence collection was completed, Zhang Junbao started to act.

There were naturally imperial guards stationed in Lin'an Prefecture, but when the personal force value reached a certain level, the so-called number difference was completely meaningless.

The Taoist priest in white slowly descended from the sky, and the imperial guards in Lin'an Prefecture bent their bows and drew their arrows, and arrows flew towards the Taoist priest in white.

But the Taoist priest in white waved his sleeves, and countless arrows were collected into his sleeves like flying birds.

Then he turned his palm and pressed it, and countless black and white air currents floated up and down from the sky, pressing these imperial guards to the ground and making them unable to move.

The black and white true qi brushed into their bodies, and these imperial guards lost their fighting power and lay on the ground unable to move.

Zhang Junbao did not kill the army in large numbers. After all, these people were his compatriots, and he attacked him only because of his duty.

However, it is worth mentioning that many people in the imperial guards were immediately frightened and lost their fighting will after seeing Zhang Junbao's magical powers, and many people even turned around and fled directly.

But this is no wonder. The fighting power of the imperial guards guarding the capital is not as good as that of the bloody battles at the border all year round, not to mention that these are the imperial guards in the late Song Dynasty, which can only be said to be rotten to the bones.

Then Zhang Junbao walked into the palace.

With his arrival, the pigs who were arguing fiercely in the court turned their heads to look at the Taoist in white at the door of the hall as if the pause button was pressed.

An old man with white hair and beard and a very majestic temperament glared and roared like a lion: "How dare you break in here, guards, arrest this man for me."

But no matter how he shouted, the imperial guards outside the door seemed to be dead and did not respond at all.

Zhang Junbao walked slowly into the court, walked along the central road, passed the ministers wearing vermilion official uniforms, and walked directly to the dragon throne, and then sat down as if no one was around.

It's not that no one tried to stop Zhang Junbao, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get within three feet of Zhang Junbao.

Sitting on the dragon throne, Zhang Junbao's eyes swept across the officials below, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

He could be lenient with the army, but it was different for the scholars and officials in the court.

The Song Dynasty would be in this situation today, three points are due to the emperor, two points are due to the system, and the remaining five points are all due to these officials.

The Song Dynasty was notoriously corrupt!

It can be said that if all the ministers in the court were killed, there would definitely be some who should not be killed and were wrongly accused, but if three were killed and one was released, there would definitely be some fish that slipped through the net.

When the officials in the audience saw a Taoist priest in white sitting on the dragon throne as if no one was around, some people with quick minds had already guessed who he was.

After all, who else in the world could make a five-clawed golden dragon except Zhang Zhenren, who was a direct immortal.

Not long after the emperor was captured, such a Taoist priest with extraordinary temperament appeared in the palace, and his identity was almost obvious.

Immediately, someone knelt down in front of Zhang Junbao and kowtowed to him continuously.

"The tyrant emperor is licentious and immoral, and the people of the world are living in misery. Fortunately, Master Zhang has come to rectify the chaos and rebuild the world!!!!"

Some people also shouted various slogans, wanting to support Zhang Junbao to take the throne.

After all, Zhang Junbao has done it so obviously, and he has even sat directly on the dragon throne. They think they have guessed Zhang Junbao's thoughts.

"I have long been dissatisfied with the tyrant emperor, who has turned the good world into what it is now. If it weren't for Master Zhang's action to drive out the Tartars, the Song Dynasty would have perished long ago.

Although the tyrant emperor is temporarily in the position of the emperor, he is not worthy of the position. It is better for him to abdicate and let the wise man take over. I am willing to support Master Zhang to take the throne! "

Of course, many people still cursed Zhang Junbao with backbone after knowing his identity, especially the old man who called the imperial guards just now, who cursed him fiercely and dirty.

Zhang Junbao ignored the chaotic words in the audience. He was carefully distinguishing the identities of these people in the audience.

Zhang Junbao had the historical materials of the Song Dynasty provided by Lu Mingfei in his hand. In addition, he had been planning the change of dynasty for a long time. He also collected many comments from martial artists who came to Xiangyang City on the officials in the court.

After two days of careful investigation, he had a rough idea of ​​whether these officials should stay or go.

He naturally had a ruler in his heart.

For corrupt officials with conclusive evidence, there was naturally nothing to say, that was one word, kill!

And for As for those honest and good officials, even if they cursed him harshly at this time, Zhang Junbao did not intend to kill them.

What would happen if they cursed him a few times? What he was doing now was to change the dynasty. It would be abnormal if he was not cursed.

Of course, Zhang Junbao did not intend to use those staunch supporters of the Song Dynasty among these good officials for the time being.

After all, it was difficult to change the ideas of these officials who were loyal to the Song Dynasty in a short period of time. Keeping them in the court would only cause trouble for Zhang Junbao.

As the sword flashed, heads fell to the ground one by one.

A fine line of blood appeared on the neck of an official who had just been kowtowing on the ground. As he kowtowed his head, his head was directly shaken out by the force of the floor, leaving a bright blood trail on the ground.

There were also ministers who were cursing Zhang Junbao. After saying the word "dog", the word "thief" was still Before he could say anything, his head fell off his neck like a ball, blood spurted out from his neck, and the officials around him were covered in blood.

But these officials covered in blood had no time to care about these trivial matters.

Almost all the officials in sight were dead bodies. Zhang Junbao killed more than half of the officials in the court with one sword.

Since this court session was to discuss the candidate for the next emperor, the officials who attended the court were generally of high rank, and there were only about a hundred people participating in this meeting.

These hundred people were the essence of the entire bureaucratic system of the Song Dynasty, but Zhang Junbao killed seventy-seven of these essences in the blink of an eye.

And the remaining officials were not all white lotuses, but their crimes were not punishable by death, and they also did a lot of corruption and bribery.

But But compared to those beasts who take human lives lightly, they can barely be considered human beings.

There are only seven people who can really be called good officials, and two of them are staunch supporters of the Song Dynasty.

There is nothing that can be done about it. In the last years of the dynasty, the termites in the court were so rampant.

It is incredible that a lotus can be raised in such a filthy environment.

These surviving officials were completely stunned, with expressions of extreme fear on their faces, and the originally messy court instantly became silent.

The white-haired old man who cursed the most fiercely before also closed his mouth tightly at this time, not daring to speak at all.

No, even if you are plotting to usurp the throne, there is no need to kill so cruelly!

The entire court is almost killed by you, so how are you going to manage the world in the future?

But facing such a Shura killer, no one dared to say a second word.

Sometimes, plotting to usurp the throne is so simple, as long as enough people are killed, then no one dares to disobey.

However, Zhang Junbao was quite methodical in his work. After killing these people, he called the seven officials he recognized to his front, and threw out a pile of books with a wave of his hand.

"Don't be afraid. I am not a bloodthirsty person. The reason why these people died was because they had ways to die. Here are their evidences of crime. You can look through them."

Hearing this, the white-bearded old man was stunned.

No, are you okay?

He killed seventy-seven people as soon as he met them. This is not a bloodthirsty person. How dare you say this?

However, the white-bearded old man did not dare to say anything more. Although he was so old, to be honest, he had not lived enough.

He lowered his head and looked through the evidence in his hand. The expression on his face slowly changed from fear to anger.

Zhang Junbao waved his hand and said, "I won't say any more nonsense. You just need to understand one thing. Song Duzong and Jia Sidao were killed by me in Xiangyang City. From today on, the world will no longer be named Song.

You seven people, study the charges I gave you carefully. You don't need to say anything about the dead, just make a final judgment. You can look at the living people according to their situations. If you think they are not capable, arrest them and put them in jail. If you think they are still useful, compile a list and hand it to me.

Of course, if some of you don't want to work for me, it doesn't matter. Just stay in the cell consciously. I promise not to implicate your family."

Zhang Junbao's words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking the living people present.

The white-haired old man muttered to himself: "So Master Zhang, you killed His Majesty because you want to be the emperor?

But you are alone. Even if you have great magical powers, how can you suppress the whole world?"

Zhang Junbao sighed deeply: "Alas, there is no way. I didn't want to be so anxious. It's a pity that your Majesty wants to die.

If I don't kill him sooner and let him mess around with Jia Sidao, there will definitely be more bloodshed in this world. "

The conflict between Zhang Junbao and the Song Dynasty is inevitable. No monarch can tolerate the completely uncontrolled nuclear bomb-level threat of Zhang Junbao in his world, so as long as the court has the strength to compete with Zhang Junbao, there will definitely be a conflict with Zhang Junbao.

Song Duzong has already planned to train an army to practice Jindan martial arts. The speed of practicing Jindan martial arts is extremely fast. If you get started in March, you can practice a strong true qi in a year.

Once a general studies something like a military formation, he can connect hundreds of thousands of people into one and let their true qi connect.

By that time, even Zhang Junbao will not be able to hold back, and there will be casualties in the battle.

And it will be easy for these soldiers to disperse among the people later. It is easy to cause all kinds of chaos.

Of course, the follow-up may not necessarily develop like this. Maybe a year later, Zhang Junbao's cultivation will make great progress and he can easily suppress hundreds of thousands of Jindan warriors. Maybe no one can develop a killing weapon like the military formation, but Zhang Junbao is unwilling to gamble.

These troops are said to be the army of the Song Dynasty, but in fact they are all Zhang Junbao's compatriots. He doesn't want to attack his own people, even if it is just a possibility.

In comparison, the sacrifice of the nobles in the court and scum like Jia Sidao is not a big deal. The sooner they die, the sooner they will be reborn!

Zhang Junbao shook his head again: "But you are wrong about one thing. I don't plan to be an emperor. What's so good about an emperor.

If you are an emperor well, you have to work hard all day to deal with various government affairs.

If you don't be an emperor well and indulge in pleasure, it will cause the whole world to suffer.

To be honest, dogs don't want to be emperors. ”

The white-haired old man was completely stunned: "If you don't plan to be the emperor, what's the point of changing the dynasty, and who do you plan to make the emperor?"

Zhang Junbao laughed dumbly: "I, of course I do this for the people of the world.

And does the world have to have an emperor?

Is there a possibility that the world without an emperor will be more peaceful. "

After a deep understanding of the theoretical knowledge of the modern social system, Zhang Junbao's views and understanding of the social system are very close to those of modern people.

For modern people, the emperor is the dregs of history and should not exist.

If you are successful, you should help the world. Changing dynasties is just a matter of convenience for him.

It's just because of Song Duzong that the plan was slightly advanced, which made him seem a little flustered.

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