All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 305: When one side is in trouble, all sides will come to its aid

It was easy for Zhang Junbao to suppress the court, but it was only the first step in a long journey to change the dynasty.

There were many troubles to come, and the first was to establish the political system of the new dynasty.

Although the political system of modern society is good, it would be somewhat unsuitable to copy it to the world of Yitian.

Apart from anything else, the Western liberal democracy is not suitable for the world of Yitian.

Most of the people in the world of Yitian have not read much. Before the popularization of basic education, giving these people the right to vote would have disastrous consequences.

It was like the Western world in Xu Chenzhou's previous life had made many jokes because of the free and democratic voting. Some countries were obviously strong and had so many elites in the country, but in the end, the winners in the election were all fun people.

So after thinking about it, Zhang Junbao decided to adopt Xu Chenzhou and Lu Mingfei.

Of course, he certainly couldn't apply it directly, and he also needed to change the various details according to local conditions.

There are many differences between the national conditions of the Yitian world and the country in Xu Chenzhou's previous life. Copying and pasting will only cause a big mess.

For this matter, Lu Mingfei also posted a post on Tianya Forum, Tieba and other social media.

The title is very direct!

If Zhang Sanfeng in Yitian Tulongzhuan has the power to suppress the world, then what kind of political system should he establish to make the Song Dynasty smoothly transition to the vision of everyone being like a dragon.

Moreover, Lu Mingfei spent some money to hire a water army to hype up the popularity of the post.

The comments of netizens under the post are also varied, which can be called the eight immortals crossing the sea and showing their magical powers.

The Internet is like this. Sometimes more people are willing to speak below such unremarkable posts. Anyway, you can say anything. You can directly enter your opinions without fear of being refuted because there is no correct answer.

Even two professors specializing in sociology saw this post and gave some specific suggestions.

The content of these posts did provide Zhang Junbao with some good ideas.

But having said that, there are still many details that Zhang Junbao can't grasp.

After all, this is related to the law of the operation of the entire society. His current experience is still too shallow. Even if he has a high level of understanding, Zhang Junbao is still a little too immature to correctly grasp the pulse of the operation of the times.

However, Zhang Junbao is not particularly worried about this. No matter whether it works or not, it is definitely right to try it first.

After all, with him in charge, those people below dare not have any crooked thoughts even if they get power.

He is the sharpest sword, hanging high above the heads of those people. Once someone puts his own interests above the interests of all living beings, his sword will fall and cut off these tumors.

If there is really any chaos, he can always set things right.

When reading the political science books uploaded by Lu Mingfei, Zhang Junbao has a special liking for a sentence, that is, practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Just like his comprehension of the exercises, even with his comprehension, the exercises he comprehension often have various errors, and he needs to constantly try and make mistakes in practice and then modify them, so that a set of exercises can reach perfection.

So among the many functions of the chat group, the function he loves most is actually the time anchor function.

It is precisely because of this function that he can constantly try and make mistakes.

Otherwise, even if he has a high talent and has different cultivation systems as references, he dare not easily start to create a new cultivation system.

For cultivation, once the road goes astray, there is no chance to regret.

Sometimes one wrong step leads to all wrong steps.

But with the time anchor function, it is different. No matter what new ideas he has, he can experiment immediately.

What if it is wrong? He can modify and correct it immediately.

Anyway, continuous practice can always find a way.

It can be said that if there is no such function, even if he wants to create a new cultivation system, it will take at least hundreds or thousands of years of comprehension.

For Zhang Junbao, the principle of designing a political system suitable for the world of Yitian is exactly the same as creating a method. Anyway, with him as the pillar of stability, this new regime has unlimited opportunities for trial and error. If this is the case, just start it directly.

And the next thing is the biggest reason that makes Zhang Junbao feel headache.

He has no one to use.

After screening the civil and military officials of the entire Song Dynasty, only seven people were left. Among these seven people, two were die-hard supporters of the Song Dynasty.

These two people were not willing to work for Zhang Junbao, who destroyed the Song Dynasty, and they had taken the initiative to lock themselves in the cell.

One of these two people was the famous Lu Xiufu, a famous loyal minister who jumped off the cliff mountain carrying the young emperor Zhao Bing.

It is not so easy to influence them.

However, Zhang Junbao did not care much about this. If these two people were willing to work for him, they would do it. If they were not willing, Zhang Junbao would not force them.

Therefore, in the entire court, there were only five people left in the highest level that Zhang Junbao could use.

Even if these five carefully selected ministers temporarily obeyed Zhang Junbao's orders, it is hard to say whether they would really do their best to help Zhang Junbao.

After all, Zhang Junbao's current image is actually a villain who is plotting to usurp the throne.

Of course, in addition to these five people, there are many talents available in the Song Dynasty. For example, Wen Tianxiang, who wrote the poem "Leave a Painting to Record History", was not among the civil and military officials at the court meeting at this time.

However, given Wen Tianxiang's personality, it would be difficult to convince him to work for Zhang Junbao, so he did not have much hope for Zhang Junbao.

In addition to fleecing the Song Dynasty, Zhang Junbao also had martial artists in Xiangyang City as his team.

The martial artists in Xiangyang City were mixed, and not everyone would obey Zhang Junbao's orders, but many martial artists were influenced by Zhang Junbao's charm and were willing to be driven by Zhang Junbao.

However, most of these martial artists did not read much, so it was no problem for them to fight and kill in the rivers and lakes, but it would be a bit difficult to ask them to help Zhang Junbao govern the world.

In addition to them, there were many other people available in Xiangyang City, such as Guo Jing and Huang Rong.

These two had organized the anti-Yuan movement in Xiangyang City for many years, and not only had management experience, but also had enough prestige.

Guo Jing actually had no feelings for the Southern Song Dynasty. What he opposed was just the war of aggression.

Guo Jing has been stationed in Xiangyang City for many years for the people of the world. The greatest heroes serve the country and the people, and never serve for a dynasty or a monarch.

At the beginning, Guo Jing did have some complaints about Zhang Junbao's attempt to usurp the throne, but after Zhang Junbao explained to Guo Jing what kind of political system he wanted to establish, Guo Jing immediately forgave Zhang Junbao and burst into great enthusiasm for establishing a new regime.

As for Huang Rong, let alone, as the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong has been disdainful of things like imperial power since she was a child.

To be honest, if it weren't for accompanying her brother Jing, Huang Rong would never have devoted herself to the cause of resisting the Yuan Dynasty. This is not her character at all.

Now that brother Jing has compromised, plus the relationship between Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang, Huang Rong must be on Zhang Junbao's side.

Guo Jing and Huang Rong are here, Huang Yaoshi naturally can't run away. His daughter and son-in-law followed Zhang Junbao, and the free and easy Huang Yaoshi had to board Zhang Junbao's pirate ship.

In addition, there is He Zudao, the three masters of Kunlun, who are masters of books, swords and chess. Their wisdom and strategy are naturally not low.

He Zudao in this timeline did not make a vow not to set foot in the Central Plains for life, so he has been traveling in the Central Plains.

After hearing the rumors of Jindan martial arts, he also came to Xiangyang City, but he was drafted by Zhang Junbao before he had learned it for a long time.

In addition, Zhang Junbao also selected some talents with management ability from Guo Jinghui.

But these people are still not enough. For such a large court to operate, these people alone are not enough.

What's more, what Zhang Junbao wants to do is to re-create a new regime and political system. These talents are simply a drop in the bucket for what Zhang Junbao wants to do.

So Zhang Junbao can only differentiate countless thoughts, gather into more than a dozen clones, and use himself as dozens of people, dealing with various things around the clock to fill the gaps.

In addition, there is another thing that makes Zhang Junbao feel very headache.

The news of the fall of the Song Dynasty gradually spread, and forces in various places began to stir. Military generals with their own troops, local powerful families, and even professional rebels such as the White Lotus Sect all emerged.

These forces had their own thoughts and caused riots from time to time, so Zhang Junbao had to put out fires everywhere. All these things piled up together made him so anxious that he couldn't even squeeze out time for cultivation.

So Zhang Junbao was so distressed when he heard Xu Chenzhou's questions in the group.

Hearing Zhang Junbao tell his experiences during this period, the group members couldn't help but feel sympathetic.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "If you put it this way, Junbao, you are really miserable!

If it were me, I would have gone crazy long ago if I had to deal with so many things.

But speaking of it, the first person to rebel in the group chat was Hong Yi, right?

When Hong Yi rebelled, it was not as troublesome as you."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "I can't compare with Junbao. After all, I am still using the system of the Daqian Dynasty for the time being, just changing the name of the country.

Even many of Daqian's ministers are still using the previous dynasty.

As the saying goes, those who are righteous have many helpers, and those who are unrighteous have few helpers. Yang Pan tried to sacrifice the entire Yujing City with blood, which completely collapsed his reputation, so I was able to bring the Daqian Dynasty under my command so easily.

If I plan to reform the political system in the future, I will probably have a headache like Junbao."

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage) : "And there is another very important reason, that is, the social forms between the Yangshen world and the Yitian world are different.

The power level of the Yangshen world is relatively high, so the people in the Yangshen world understand better how terrifying the power we showed at the beginning.

After that battle, almost no one in the world dared to think of resisting Hong Yi.

But the Yitian world is different. In their cognition, the power of martial artists is limited, and no matter how strong a martial artist is, he cannot defeat thousands of troops.

Even if Junbao showed the power of one against a hundred thousand, many people would not believe it and think it was a rumor."

Zishou (the descendant of the divine bird): "Speaking of which, if Junbao is really short of people, I can lend you some people."

Zishou sat on the throne, looking down at the ministers below.

Although he is only ten years old, he exudes a terrifying pressure, which makes the ministers below dare not look directly into his eyes.

During the time when he got the chat group, Zishou did not do nothing.

Before Zhang Junbao attempted to usurp the throne, he had already ascended to the throne in advance.

According to the original time trajectory, he should have ascended the throne in his thirties.

And he was only ten years old now. It would be twenty years, and Zi Shou didn't want to wait, nor was he willing to wait.

As for his father, Emperor Yi, I'm sorry, but in this position, the capable will be promoted and the weak will be demoted.

Dad has been in power for many years but has been controlled by the gods, using humans as tributes and slaves.

Letting his father be the emperor for another twenty years means that the human race will be oppressed by the gods for another twenty years.

This is unacceptable.

Since my father is so useless, I might as well abdicate in favor of someone more worthy.

When he first heard Zi Shou say that he would abdicate in favor of someone more worthy, Emperor Yi thought his son was joking and didn't take it to heart at all.

Instead, he touched Zi Shou's little head and said to him with a doting look on his face.

"Hehe, you are worthy of being the son of Emperor Yi, just like me.

Okay, if you want to sit on the throne, daddy will take you to court tomorrow so that you can experience the feeling of being an emperor in advance."

Then Zishou used only one punch to knock down all the masters guarding Emperor Yi, and another punch to knock down the hundreds of guards who came to protect him.

Only then did Di Yi know that this little guy Zi Shou was actually serious.

But what can he do? He is also desperate!

The son was a little too strong, and he knocked down the most elite force in Chaoge City with two punches.

If it were anyone else, Emperor Yi would never agree to abdicate.

But in the final analysis, this is your own seed.

And he saw the hope of resisting the gods from Zi Shou.

As the emperor of the human race, Emperor Yi was naturally very dissatisfied with the Gods who were pressing down on the entire human race.

However, the power gap between the humans and the gods is too great. If you want to resist the gods, you will be seeking death.

At this time, Zi Shou, who was only ten years old, actually possessed such terrifying power. Only such a genius could lead the human race to overthrow the rule of the gods.

So in the end, Emperor Yi reluctantly abdicated and handed the throne to Zishou, who was only ten years old.

None of the civil and military officials in Chaoge were dissatisfied with this decision, because they were well-informed and already knew how hard Zi Shou's fists were.

After becoming the emperor, Zishou also officially received his honorific title of Emperor Xin, and also obtained all the resources of the entire Dashang.

At this time, Zi Shou was looking at the civil and military officials standing under the throne, thinking in his mind which of them should be sent to Yitian World to help Zhang Junbao.

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