All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 306 Father, I think you are pretty good

Sending people to support Zhang Junbao was the result of his careful consideration.

Because for him, what Zhang Junbao is doing now is of great reference significance.

This is a rare opportunity.

The system of Yitian World needs to be changed, and his Da Shang also needs to reform the system.

If the ministers around him can participate in the wave of reform in Yitian World and learn from it, it will definitely provide great help for his future plans.

Another thing is that these people sent to Yitian World can also learn Zhang Junbao's Jindan martial arts by the way.

Of course, he downloaded the secret book directly from the group, but he himself did not practice Jindan martial arts, and the effect of learning from him was definitely not as good as listening to Zhang Junbao's preaching in person.

You must know that Zhang Junbao's Jindan martial arts can definitely be regarded as one of the most adaptable supernatural powers. Even in the world of the ultimate low magic like Yitian World, it can be practiced, so it should be able to be practiced normally after bringing it back to Wu Geng World.

The Jindan martial arts has very low requirements for qualifications. Almost everyone can practice it, and it does not consume much resources. It is perfect for the human race in Wu Geng World.

As for the Qi-refining system of the Wu Geng Ji world, Emperor Xin would naturally not give up.

However, Emperor Xin's talent and comprehension are not as good as Zhang Junbao's. If he wants to develop a human cultivation system that belongs to the Wu Geng world, he still has a long way to go.

So sending a group of people to learn Jindan martial arts first is a good choice, which can quickly enhance the foundation of the human race and make up for the lack of human power.

However, Emperor Xin has just taken office not long ago, and he is not familiar with the civil and military officials in Chaoge.

Such subordinates sent to other worlds must not only be capable but also loyal enough. They must be the kind of people who are completely trustworthy to be entrusted with important tasks.

Although he is the emperor of the human world and the emperor of the Shang Dynasty, the world is not all under his control.

The human race also has a terrible enemy, that is, the gods.

Once someone spreads the news that he can lead people through the world, it is likely to cause a war between the human and gods.

He is not yet a match for the colorless world of the sky. If a war between humans and gods is really triggered, I am afraid he will have no choice but to call for foreign aid.

But Emperor Xin didn't want to do this. Although it was convenient to call for external aid, Emperor Xin knew deeply that a race must rely on its own strength to truly rise.

For so many years, the gods have always been superior to the human race, and have already crushed the backbone of the human race in Wu Geng's world.

Only by relying on the human race's own strength to defeat the gods can the broken spine stand up again.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Xin still couldn't make a decision, so he waved his hand and announced his withdrawal from the court.

If I can't figure this out, I'd better ask my father!

Although my father's human emperor is not very good, he has eaten more than him for decades, and of course he has more experience in grasping people's hearts.

Emperor Xin walked while thinking, and soon walked to the palace where his father lived.

Before he reached the door of the palace, Emperor Xin heard his father and mother chatting.

"Zishou, this brat, is really a brat. He dared to usurp the throne before his hair even grew up.

I'm not saying anything bad about him, but does he know all the civil and military officials in the court? Does he know how to handle state affairs?

Hehe, this brat must be in a mess right now. Maybe he will come to ask me, his father, to help him in a few days."

"Zixian, you are so old, why are you still angry with a child?

Some things should be told to your son. How can you manage those old foxes without saying anything?

Besides, when your son showed that power, you happily drank several jars of wine that night. Why are you complaining here now?"

Zixian is the name of Emperor Yi. The only person in the world who dares to call Emperor Yi by his real name so affectionately is his wife, Zishou's mother, Queen Jiang. Of course, she should be called Queen Mother Jiang now!

A rough voice came: "Happy, of course I am happy. I am happy from the bottom of my heart that the boy is so strong.

After meeting Tiankui that year, I realized that I would never be able to resist the God Clan with my strength in this life.

You also know how depressed I was after I fled back to Chaoge.

More than a hundred elite human beings were killed by him alone overnight.

The power gap between the human race and the God Clan is so big that I can't shorten it even if I spend my whole life.

But Zishou, that boy, was so small, but the oppression he brought to me that day was no less than that of Tiankui.

I am really happy to see that the human race can have such a genius, and he is my son!"

As he said, another heroic laugh came from the room. This laugh was extremely happy, as if it swept away all the dust in my heart.

Then a gentle voice sounded: "If that's the case, why are you still angry with our son? Why don't you help him and let him hold this position firmly?

Anyway, this position will be passed to him sooner or later. What difference does it make if it's a few years earlier or later?"

The rough voice sounded again, this time with a hint of grievance in it: "But this brat really doesn't give me face. If he wants me to abdicate to him, there's no need to make such a big fuss!

I'm also a respectable person!

In public, in front of so many people, he knocked down all my guards with two punches.

Nowadays, there are rumors everywhere in Chaoge that I am afraid of my wife and son, and I am too embarrassed to leave the palace. "

Listening to his father's voice in the room, Zi Shou couldn't help but smile.

Dad, dad, it’s really not that I don’t give you face.

But if you don't do this, how can you be willing to give up the throne to a ten-year-old child.

Zishou also heard his father talk about the past. Many years ago, his father was also a passionate man who wanted to resist the gods.

But the power gap between gods and humans is really too big. The gods only sent out a great god named Tiankui, and they casually slaughtered more than a hundred warriors around Emperor Yi, leaving only Emperor Yi alive. .

His backbone has been broken by the Gods. In order to allow the people to continue to survive, he has to sacrifice his people to the Gods as slaves and sacrifices. Continuing to let his father sit on the throne will only make him feel pain.

Zi Meng did not hesitate and pushed open the door to the room.

Hearing this sound, Di Yi turned to look at the door. When he saw that the person coming was his son, his old face turned red.

I just said bad things about this brat behind his back. Could it be that he heard me? It would be really embarrassing if he heard me.

"Son, why are you here? What do you want from me?"

Zi Shou looked at his father's face and smiled inwardly. His father still regarded his own face as important as before.

He walked up to Emperor Yi and said, "Father, I have a hard time making a decision on something, and I would like to consult my father for his opinion."

Upon hearing this, Di Yi's face relaxed, and he felt a little happy.

He turned to look at Queen Mother Jiang: "Hey, did I just tell you that this kid can't do it without me, or he will beg me to come out in a few days."

Queen Mother Jiang is a gentle-faced woman in her early forties, but she is well-maintained. Only the temples and the tips of her eyebrows have some small wrinkles that are not easily noticeable.

"Okay, okay, you are so awesome. It's not that you didn't tell your son any key points after your Zen position, so you quickly helped him make suggestions."

Hearing his wife's praise, Di Yi's face became even more relaxed. He turned to look at Zi Shou and said, "Tell me, brat. If you have anything you can't figure out, just tell your father."

"I have a task, which involves great secrets, and I must send the most trustworthy ministers to complete it.

Once these ministers can complete their tasks and return, they will play an immeasurable positive role in the future development of our clan.

However, I didn't know enough about the civil and military officials in the DPRK, and it was difficult to decide which people to send to complete the task. "

After hearing Di Xin's words, Di Yi's face instantly became solemn: "Is your mission related to the terrifying power in you?

Can the people you send on your mission gain the same power as you? "

Di Xin's expression was a little hesitant, he thought for a while and then said: "It does have a little relationship, but it's not big.

Let's put it this way, sending them to complete this task can indeed learn a lot, including powerful strength and a brand new training system.

But it would be too difficult for them to have power comparable to mine, and it would be basically impossible. "

The core of his ability to possess such terrifying power lies in the chat group and the Phoenix Armor.

These foreign aids sent to Yitian World did not have a chat group as a plug-in, nor did they wear phoenix armor. Even if they learned Jindan Martial Arts, how could they be compared with him.

But Di Yi's face was still very solemn: "In this case, the candidate must be carefully selected, and he must be someone who can be absolutely trusted by me.

Well, let me think about it, the most trustworthy people are Bigan and Wen Zhong

Bigan is the person I trust most in the court, not to mention Wen Zhong. These two are definitely worthy of trust.

And Huang Feihu, the silly one, should also be able to do it.

Apart from them, Jizi Weizi is pretty good.

Since it’s a confidential mission, we shouldn’t have too many people, so let’s just have five of them!

If manpower is still needed, let them each bring their own confidants. "

When he heard Jizi Weizi's name, Di Xin's face darkened.

Of course Jizi and Weizi Di Xin knew that Jizi was Di Yi's younger brother and his uncle, while Weizi was his cousin.

Di Xin did not see any introduction about the two of them in the Wu Gengji information given by Xu Chenzhou.

But although it is not in Wu Geng's Chronicles, there is a record of these two people in another Fengshen Yanyi that was read to Xiao Yang Chan.

In Fengshen Yanyi, Jizi is still his uncle, but Weizi has become his biological brother, just like being related to Emperor Xin.

It's just that what these two people did was not authentic. Jizi went away to establish North Korea, and Weizi directly defected to the Zhou Dynasty and became the founding leader of the Song Dynasty.

Although from Di Xin's own point of view, the actions of King Zhou in Fengshen Yanyi were indeed cruel, the actions of Jizi and Weizi were not difficult to understand.

But what Di Xin wants is someone who is absolutely trustworthy. Since these two people have made such choices in other timelines, Di Xin doesn't want to bet on whether the two people in Wu Geng's world will also choose to betray. .

"Father, Jizi and Weizi can't do it. I can't trust them. Think again if there is anyone else who can."

After hearing Di Xin's words, Di Yi was a little confused: "But among the royal family members, they are the two most capable. One of them is your cousin and the other is your uncle. If you can't even trust them, then I really I can’t think of anyone else I can trust.”

Di Yi's words also made Di Xin hesitate. After all, he really didn't know what kind of person Jizi Weizi was in the Wugengji world. He could judge this person based on what his peers in other worlds had done. It's not fair to them to be sentenced to death.

If you think about it carefully, if you follow this theory, the most untrustworthy person in the world should be Di Xin. After all, what King Zhou of Shang in the prehistoric world did was really shocking. He was watching the information provided by the group leader. When he saw this, he was so angry that he wished he could kill the tyrant with the same name as him on the spot to comfort the souls of countless innocent people and loyal ministers who died at his hands.

However, traveling to another world was too important, and Di Xin didn't want to take any risks.

"Father, please think again and see if there are any suitable candidates you can recommend. This task requires more people, the better. Three people are really too few."

After hearing this, Di Yi looked a little troubled: "Of course I have many talented people in Dashang. If you really want to choose, you can choose a hundred people, but this task involves your son's big secret, so you must be absolutely trustworthy. Only people can be entrusted to you. Even Jizi and Weizi can't be trusted. There are too few people who can meet this requirement.

In addition to them, Father, I actually have a few people to choose from, but these people are too important. After sending them out, the entire court will not be able to function.

They must be trustworthy, have some abilities, and not be that important. There are too few such people.”

Just when Di Yi was distressed, Queen Mother Jiang stood up suddenly.

"Your Majesty, when you say this, I have an idea. There is a person who perfectly meets this requirement."

After hearing Queen Mother Jiang's words, Emperor Yi showed an expression of interest on his face.

"A Cui, tell me who it is!

She is worthy of being a widow's queen, she is smart.

No matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn’t imagine that you could still find such a hidden gem in the ocean, Acui. "

Empress Dowager Jiang's face looked a little strange. She looked at Di Xin, then turned to look at Di Yi, and then slowly said: "Your Majesty, this person is far away in the world and right in front of you."

After hearing what Empress Dowager Jiang said, Di Xin showed a look of realization on his face: "Mother, is the person you are talking about my father?


I never thought that there was anyone more trustworthy than my father in this world.

As expected of my mother, she is smart! "

After hearing this, Di Yi's face showed an expression of uncertainty: "How can I be suitable!!!

Although I am indeed trustworthy and very capable, I am not an idler. I am very important!

I am Shou'er's guiding light and the anchor of stability in the court. Without me, how could Shou'er, at such a young age, be able to control everyone in the court! "

Empress Dowager Jiang looked at Emperor Yi with a gentle smile: "My lord, you can go with peace of mind. After Shou'er's two punches that day, who in the government and the public dares to disobey?

I have also seen Shou'er's performance in the court in the past ten days. He has done very well and does not need your guidance, Your Majesty.

So, Your Majesty, you have nothing to do if you stay in Chaoge City. Why don't you help Shou'er complete the task and use your spare energy by the way. "

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