All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 307 Departure, cross-border travel

Di Yi showed a helpless expression on his old face. His wife and children said so, what else could he do.

Di Yi sighed helplessly and nodded.

"Okay, it's up to you. Since Zi Shou still needs my old bones, I will naturally not refuse."

Zi Shou smiled: "Then father, you should inform Teacher Wen Zhong and others about this matter!

Do some ideological work on them by the way, after all, the place to go for this mission is a bit far."

Di Yi was a little confused: "It's a bit far, is the mission location overseas this time!

That's a bit troublesome, I don't know how long it will take to go back and forth."

Di Xin had a mysterious smile on his face: "It won't take much time on the road, but that place may be a little farther than overseas. Anyway, you will know people when you get there."

After Di Xin decided on the candidates to go to Yitian World for support, he replied to Zhang Junbao in the group.

Emperor Xin (Great Merchant King): "I've got it done here. I've already selected the people to support you.

My father will lead the team, and then he will bring Wen Zhong, Bigan, and General Huang Feihu.

They will also bring their own confidants, all of whom are experts in politics, about 20 people."

Zhang Junbao (Wulin Mythology): "Great! These three are the ones who came. These three are all mythical characters in my world. Zishou, you really helped me a lot."

Emperor Xin (Great Merchant King): "You're welcome. It's also good for me to let them help you. Being able to learn advanced reform experience will be of great help to my plan to change Wu Geng's world in the future."

Xu Chenzhou (Group Leader): "I didn't expect Zishou to send these three to support you. I was watching Wu Geng back then. I didn't see any scenes about these three people in Wu Geng Ji, so I don't know whether these important officials of the Shang Dynasty that I know in Wu Geng Ji actually exist. "

Emperor Xin (Emperor of Shang Dynasty): "Almost all the important officials of the Shang Dynasty in history can be found in my world.

I guess there are no scenes about them in Wu Geng Ji because the group leader's information starts from the battle that destroyed my Shang Dynasty.

For example, Huang Feihu, Wen Zhong and others should have died in the war with the Zhou Dynasty, so they have no scenes. "

Emperor Xin sighed and said: "In my world, there is a prerequisite for the human race to practice, that is, they must have the mind.

The mind is just like the spiritual root in the mortal world. If you have it, you have it, and if you don't, you don't.

Wen Taishi, General Huang Feihu and others are all human beings. Jie, but as long as they don't have a heart, they can only be a mortal in my world.

In the rolling tide of the times, mortals can't even control their own destiny, while the gods can have divine power as long as they are born, and can be above all living beings. This is the cruelty of the world.

So in fact, I also understand why my father and others are desperate. The gap between man and heaven is too big. If I didn't get the chat group, I'm afraid I can only choose the path in the information. "

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Myth): "Don't worry, these are all in the past.

Not to mention other cultivation systems in the group, my Jindan martial arts alone is enough to break this fate. After they come to the Yitian world to help me do things, I will naturally not treat them unfairly. When they go back, I can teach them the cultivation methods of Jindan martial arts. Take it back.

In this way, everyone in Wu Geng's world can practice like Yitian's world, let the gods see the power of the human race, and let them know that the times have changed. "

Zi Shou (Great Merchant King): "Well, this is indeed one of my goals, but more importantly, let them learn how to enlighten the people.

Bones are soft, even if you have the strongest power, you can't really stand up.

In the group owner's information, I resisted the rule of heaven for the people of the world, but in the end the residents of Chaoge blamed everything on me, and even wanted to use my relatives to ask the gods for forgiveness.

If they can't really understand why they live and why they fight, even if they are given the strongest power, it's just a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror. "

Just when Zi Shou and Zhang Junbao were chatting, Hong Yi also sent a message in the group.

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "Junbao, I also have a group of people who can be sent to help you. They are all talents that I have carefully selected.

Zi Shou is right. It is a rare opportunity to be able to personally participate in the reform of a dynasty system. It will also be of immeasurable help to me in the future reform of Daqian World and create a trend of humanity where everyone is like a dragon."

The people sent by Hong Yi are mainly Li Shenguang, and there are more than 40 capable and trustworthy talents that he has selected during this period.

Li Shenguang is Hong Yi's master in another timeline. He is upright and capable. Hong Yi trusts him very much.

Knowing that he is going to another world, Li Shenguang is a little excited. Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Being able to see a world that is completely different from Daqian has an immeasurable effect on broadening his horizons and enriching his knowledge. Such an opportunity is not something that ordinary people can have.

He also understood that Hong Yi's willingness to entrust him with such a task showed that Hong Yi had great trust in him, which made Li Shenguang secretly vow to complete this mission well.

Naturally, Zhang Junbao would not refuse the manpower sent by Hong Yi. He and Hong Yi were members of the same group who joined the group and rose from humble beginnings. Their relationship was closer than that of other group members.

Moreover, the group of manpower provided by Hong Yi and Zi Shou definitely solved an urgent need for Zhang Junbao.

These people have no foundation in Yitian World and can only rely on Zhang Junbao's side. They are absolutely trustworthy people. The joining of so many people is enough to help Zhang Junbao build the most basic political operation system.

With this system in place, Zhang Junbao has time to slowly find suitable candidates to fill in the new political system.

However, except for Hong Yi and Di Xin, the other group members could not help Zhang Junbao in this matter.

For example, Xu Chenzhou and Shi Hao were almost alone and had no trustworthy subordinates.

Moreover, in their world, the risk of being exposed to the ability to travel across the world is much higher than that of Hong Yi and Di Xin.

For example, in the world of Yangshen, Hong Yi's current combat power can basically walk sideways. Those who can compete with him are basically lying in the tomb of Yangshen. Even if someone knows the ability to travel through the world, it doesn't matter, as long as they chat. It's not a big deal if the nature of the group doesn't reveal everything.

The same goes for Di Xin. Even if Tian discovers his ability to travel across the world, what if he can call his friends to fight in a group?

But if several other worlds with high-end combat power expose the ability to travel across the world, things may become very troublesome.

As for Ying Zheng, it's not that he doesn't want to help Zhang Junbao, the main reason is that he is still serving as a hostage in Zhao State, and there is really no one under his command.

After discussing and deciding to send people to support Zhang Junbao, Hong Yi and Di Xin started preparations.

Since the people they selected were all trustworthy confidants, the preparations went smoothly. Even though they stated in advance that the mission would be carried out in a very remote place, no one declined.

Soon, Di Xin was ready.

In a large hall, Emperor Yi Bigan, Huang Feihu, Wen Zhong and others gathered here.

Each of them also brought several of their henchmen.

Everyone looked curiously, looking left and right.

Di Yi Bigan and others were all carrying large and small bags with solemn faces.

Huang Feihu couldn't hold back his temper the most. He walked up to Di Xin and asked with curiosity: "Your Majesty, where are you going to take us? We are about to set off now. Why don't you tell us where the destination is?" "

Di Xin was now wearing the Phoenix Armor and holding the Phoenix Sword in his hand. Although his face was still very immature, the terrifying pressure on his body was enough to render everyone speechless.

"General Huang, please be patient. If you wait a moment, I will tell you where your destination is right now."

Huang Feihu scratched his head: "But Your Majesty, His Majesty Emperor Yi said that the destination is farther than overseas. Then Your Majesty, you told me that you don't need to prepare too much dry food. This makes me really unsure. If this place is too far away, , we must not starve to death on the road.”

Di Xin couldn't help but smile.

Huang Feihu in the Wu Geng Ji world is still very young, only in his early twenties. For some reason, Huang Feihu in the Wu Geng Ji world has a very naive character, not at all as calm as the Huang Feihu he saw in the group leader's profile.

Hearing that he was going to perform a mission far away, this guy prepared several large boxes of dry food.

This behavior is of course correct. The three armies went ahead without using food and grass. Huang Feihu was from a family of generals. In ancient times, the most important thing for long-distance travel was supplies.

But the problem is that although their mission location this time is far away, it is not troublesome at all to get there.

He opened the chat group panel and saw Zhang Junbao sent him a message saying he was ready.

After seeing this news, Di Xin raised his head and looked at everyone present: "Okay, no need to guess anymore, come with me."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and paid the group points for this cross-border trip to open the door to cross-border travel, and added everyone present to the cross-border travel list.

The cross-border travel in the chat group is very user-friendly. After paying the group points, as long as Zhang Junbao agrees to receive it, no matter how many people there are, they can pass through the cross-border door.

Of course, after the time limit for a cross-border trip is exceeded, these people will continue to consume Di Xin's group points if they want to continue to stay in Yitian World.

However, the group points consumed by staying are much less than the group points consumed by traveling across the world. In addition, Zhang Junbao also shared half of this group points, so Di Xin will not be under great pressure to bear the burden.

Only Di Xin could see the gate through the world, so after he finished speaking, everyone in the hall looked at each other and even began to doubt Di Xin's mental state.

Without explaining, Di Xin raised his hand and grabbed Huang Feihu's collar, and threw the fool, including his bag, into the gate of the world.

Huang Feihu is extremely tall and tall, with a height of two and a half meters, and is covered in tendons. He is the kind of intimidating strong man.

But Di Xin picked him up as easily as he picked up a piece of paper.

Everyone watched Huang Feihu's body disappear into the hall as if it was being swallowed by the void, and then they suddenly realized what Di Xin's words meant.

Bigan walked to the place where Huang Feihu disappeared and looked at the void in front of him with an inquiring expression.

He tentatively stretched out a hand and saw that his hand disappeared into the void, and he could only see a dark cross-section at his wrist.

Then he took his hand back and looked at the intact palm on his hand, with a look of fear on his face.

"Is this the legendary method of traveling through the void and the stars? As far as I know, there are several Qi-refining masters in the legend who can also lead people to travel through the void, but their methods are simply far different from those of the king.

The king broke a door through the world in the void so easily, which really opened my eyes!"

Bigan wanted to say more, but Wen Zhong, who had been waiting impatiently, pushed him hard and pushed Bigan into the door through the world.

"Breaking through the void is such a heaven-defying act. It is not easy for the king to maintain this door through the world. There is no time for you to complain. Hurry up and get over it!"

After Bigan went in, everyone did not stop and followed Emperor Xin into the door through the world.

The place where Zhang Junbao set the world through this time was Xiangyang City.

It's not that he didn't want to set the reception location in Lin'an Prefecture.

But he had just destroyed the Song Dynasty, and the forces in Lin'an Prefecture were mixed. He had not yet completely swept them away, so it was not very suitable for reception.

The first person to arrive in the Yitian world was naturally Huang Feihu who was thrown out.

It was very coincidental that Emperor Xin threw Huang Feihu at Zhang Junbao's feet.

Looking at the burly young general in front of him, Zhang Junbao quickly pulled him up.

"This general should be Zishou's subordinate. If I'm not mistaken, you should be General Huang Feihu."

Huang Feihu raised his head and saw a young Taoist priest standing in front of him. He had a neat Taoist bun on his head and a white Taoist robe embroidered with the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram fluttering in the wind. He looked like a person who could not be possessed by the human world.

Moreover, Huang Feihong felt that although the young Taoist priest in front of him looked thin and weak, his hands were incredibly strong. When he was pulled up by him, Huang Feihu felt a huge force like a mountain, as if the young Taoist priest in front of him could easily crush his wrist bones if he wanted to.

"Yes, I am Huang Feihu. Our king is behind me. He threw me here first because he thought I was too long-winded."

Before Huang Feihu finished speaking, Bigan staggered out of the Sword Piercing Gate, and then a group of important officials of the Shang Dynasty came out one after another.

Then, another space fluctuation came from the opposite side of the Shang Dynasty Crossing Gate, and Hong Yi also walked out of the Crossing Gate, followed by Li Shenguang and others.

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