All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 308 I'm not dreaming

When Huang Feihu saw the people from the Yangshen World, he showed a somewhat confused expression on his face.

Zhang Junbao's dress was completely different from the style of the Great Shang, and it was obvious at a glance that he was not from the Great Shang.

In addition to Zhang Junbao, another group of people broke through the void and came here, and judging from their clothes and appearance, they obviously belonged to the third force.

Where did the king bring them to?

He turned his head to look at the base salary and wanted to ask.

But before he could ask, Emperor Xin walked forward and gathered with Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi, and chatted with a familiar face.

There is a group public space, and group members often hold gatherings in the public space, so there is no sense of restraint when meeting.

Hong Yi, dressed in a blue shirt, smiled: "I have known you for so long, and I have long wanted to visit your hometown. This time I finally got the chance, Junbao, you have to take me around."

Zhang Junbao also smiled: "You have to tell me, I am ready, let's go, let's go to eat first, we can talk while eating."

Naturally, everyone would not refuse Zhang Junbao's kindness. For the civilization of the Chinese cultural system, the dinner table is the best place to get closer.

Everyone followed Zhang Junbao to the backyard of Guo's mansion, where a table of banquets had been prepared long ago, and giant earthenware jars with a strong aroma of wine were stacked on the table.

The table was also filled with various foods, all of which were special dishes of Xiangyang City.

Di Yi's eyes turned left and right to observe the surrounding environment. There were pavilions and towers everywhere, and various buildings were ancient and quaint. It was obviously in the same vein as the architectural style of the Great Shang Kingdom, but there were many differences in the details.

Seeing the dishes on the table, Emperor Yi's pupils suddenly shrank. It stands to reason that if the dishes are served before the guests arrive, they will easily get cold.

When the Great Shang Kingdom held a large banquet, the kitchen would cook on the spot. Each dish would be served directly, and the dishes were served continuously, and the various links were extremely cumbersome.

But this banquet was different. The dishes on the table had been served for a while, but each dish was steaming hot, as if it had just been served from the pot.

After careful observation, Emperor Yi saw that the maids standing by the table serving the dishes had red lights flashing in their hands. Within the range of this red light, a semicircular transparent air cover was covering the air above each dish.

The temperature inside the air cover was obviously different from that outside, about 50 to 60 degrees, which allowed these dishes to remain in the state of just coming out of the pot after being served for so long.

This discovery shocked Emperor Yi greatly.

The ability to keep food warm is not a great skill. In Wu Geng's world, any Qi-refining master can do the same thing, or even better than these maids.

But this also means that these ladies all have extraordinary powers.

This is a luxury that even he can't do.

The Great Shang Kingdom does have Qi-refining masters, but every Qi-refining master is an extremely precious force. As long as there is a Qi-refining master willing to serve as an official, he would like to welcome him. How could he be willing to let the precious Qi-refining master be a maid.

After this discovery, he observed everything around him more carefully, and the more he looked, the more frightened he was.

Because he found that not only these maids, but also the servants who served the dishes and the servants who were responsible for sweeping the surroundings were not simple.

The servants who served the dishes and the wine walked lightly, like the wind, and their figures were like ghosts, leaving a trail of afterimages.

Such talents can already be a thousand-man captain in the army in the Great Shang Kingdom.

The servant in charge of sweeping was even more terrifying. In his hand, a bamboo broom was like a divine weapon that controlled wind and thunder. The bamboo broom swept across the ground, and the wind moved with the broom. Countless dust condensed into a long gray dragon under his broom, and obediently sank into the bamboo basket held in his other hand.

This made Emperor Yi turn his head quietly and look at Zhang Junbao carefully.

He had a lot of guesses in his mind, but he never dared to make a conclusion.

Who is this Taoist master? He was so arrogant that he treated so many extraordinary beings as servants.

I'm afraid that even the legendary Lord of the Gods, Tian, ​​doesn't have such a style.

Where did Shou'er know such an unfathomable existence?

But Emperor Yi was not afraid, but extremely excited, because he knew that only this level of existence could help their human race get rid of the slavery of Tian.

Emperor Yi, the former great merchant, was so out of control, not to mention the other important officials of the Shang Dynasty. Bigan was already dazed and almost lost his ability to speak. Wen Zhong, who was always known for his ruthlessness, was not much better. He opened his mouth wide and didn't even notice a mosquito flying into his mouth.

Huang Feihu, the fool, was not so shocked. Instead, he looked at the fragrant dishes on the banquet with a hungry face, and his saliva was almost flowing out.

He was certainly a nobleman in the Shang Dynasty, but when had he ever seen such delicious dishes.

The productivity gap between the Shang Dynasty and the Song Dynasty was huge. The Shang Dynasty was under the oppression of the sky all year round. Almost all the labor force in the country was conscripted into slaves to dig holes everywhere. How could they have time to study cooking skills?

The most commonly used cooking method in the Shang Dynasty was to put various meats into a bronze tripod and cook them, and then sprinkle a little salt on them.

Such rough dishes were already delicacies that only the top dignitaries could enjoy in the Shang Dynasty.

Huang Feihu had never even heard of seasonings such as spices, soy sauce, onion, ginger, etc., let alone cooking techniques such as frying, steaming, braising, stir-frying, etc.

The dishes made by the top chefs in Xiangyang City undoubtedly opened Huang Feihu's eyes from the wild era, and he wanted to eat Duo Ji on the spot.

Seeing his father and three important ministers lose their composure, Emperor Xin couldn't help shaking his head. The Great Shang Kingdom was still too backward and there were too many things that could be improved.

However, there was a prerequisite for reform, that is, the heavy shackles that had been hanging over the Great Shang Kingdom for nearly a thousand years must be overturned. God!

The Great Shang camp was so out of control, and the people from the Yangshen camp were not much better.

These maids with extraordinary powers and these exquisite dishes could calm the wild bumpkins from the Great Shang Kingdom, but they were naturally nothing to Li Shenguang and others from the Daqian Dynasty.

The products of the Yangshen world are extremely rich, and the history is extremely long. The cooking techniques of various delicacies are not inferior to those in the Yitian world.

Especially Li Shenguang and others had seen Zhang Junbao's magical powers in the battle of Yujing City. They knew that the young Taoist in front of them was a peerless strongman who could rival Hong Yi. It was normal for such a strongman to have extraordinary abilities as a maid.

But even so, they were also shocked by the banquet hosted by Zhang Junbao.

Li Shenguang's nose twitched, smelling the aroma of wine in the air, and his face couldn't help showing shock.

"This fragrance, this fragrance, could it be that these wine jars are filled with wine brewed from dragon tooth rice!

How is it possible? Even in my Daqian Dynasty, dragon tooth rice is an extremely precious treasure. The civil and military officials of my dynasty only have a quota of half a catty per month.

But here, it is luxuriously brewed into wine."

An official behind him showed an intoxicated look on his face: "The last time I drank wine brewed from dragon tooth rice was at the banquet celebrating Yi Zi becoming the regent. Each civil and military official only had a small cup, even the prime minister and the grand master were no exception.

I still remember the taste of dragon tooth rice wine, which is really heaven-like and earth-like. It tastes so soft, as if I were holding a cup of Once you swallow a mouthful of the spring water, the tip of your tongue will be filled with endless sweetness. Moreover, the wine swallowed in your stomach will immediately turn into terrifying energy like a volcanic eruption, sweeping across your body, making you feel comfortable all over. Even many of my old hidden injuries have been cured.

And the jars piled up like a mountain here are actually filled with Longya rice wine. Am I dreaming? "

"Brother Zangzhi, we must get drunk tonight!"

"Okay, okay, Brother Bai Guang, you have already asked, so I will sacrifice my life to accompany you tonight."

These officials from the Daqian Dynasty looked at the surrounding jars with burning eyes, and their faces showed a hungry look like Huang Feihu.

Daiqian Dynasty was addicted to alcohol, and officials would basically prepare several bottles of fine wine for banquets, so the officials of the Daqian Dynasty basically had a good alcohol tolerance.

They secretly made up their minds that they must drink to their heart's content even if they were drunk to death here tonight.

Needless to say, this business trip has other benefits. Just this banquet that allows them to relax restrictions and drink dragon tooth rice wine is worth the money.

Hong Yi heard the whispers of the officials behind him, and couldn't help showing a helpless look on his face.

Indeed, the amount of dragon tooth rice he supplied to the officials of Daqian was indeed a little small.

But this was not because he was stingy, but most of the dragon tooth rice Han Li gave him was used as seeds by him. After the successful implementation of the artificial thunder pool plan, Daqian Dynasty already had the ability to grow Taigu dragon tooth rice. Relying solely on Han Li's supply could only satisfy his and his people's cultivation. If he wanted to promote Taigu dragon tooth rice and let everyone in the world be like a dragon, Daqian must be able to produce ancient dragon tooth rice by itself.

Not only that, Hong Yi was also trying to improve the ancient dragon tooth rice. He passed on agricultural knowledge from modern society to the officials of the Ministry of Agriculture, and then asked them to use various methods to cultivate it. He wanted to improve a rice variety with higher yield, lower cultivation conditions, and stronger efficacy. This project also consumed a lot of ancient dragon tooth rice.

So although he also obtained a large amount of ancient dragon tooth rice from Han Li, there was not much that could be distributed to others.

Zhang Junbao did not have such concerns. The concentration of spiritual energy in the Yitian world was not enough to support the normal growth of ancient dragon tooth rice, so Zhang Junbao had never thought of planting ancient dragon tooth rice.

Moreover, he basically supplied the ancient dragon tooth rice to the few people closest to him, Master Jueyuan, Guo Xiang, and Guo Xiang's family. The rest of the ancient dragon tooth rice that could not be eaten was left there, so he simply brewed it into wine.

In a normal banquet, Zhang Junbao would naturally not serve such precious dragon tooth rice wine to the guests.

But the guests at this banquet were different. They came from afar, not to mention that the guests this time came from other worlds.

In order to help him, Hong Yi and Di Xin led their men to cross the barriers of the world. This friendship was enough for Zhang Junbao to take out the best things to entertain them.

Under the hosting of Zhang Junbao, there were no extra links in the banquet, and they directly entered the stage of eating.

This is Zhang Junbao's way of entertaining guests. Let the guests eat first, and it's not too late to talk about anything after they are full.

Zhang Junbao, Hong Yi and Di Xin naturally sat at the main table. In addition to the three of them, the people at the main table included Di Yi, Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu, Li Shenguang, Guo Jing, Huang Yaoshi, and Huang Rong.

Of course, there is another indispensable person, Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang sat beside Zhang Junbao, holding her slender and beautiful hands tightly with Zhang Junbao's big hands, not avoiding the eyes of others at all.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yi couldn't help but tease: "Junbao, you even held the little hand of Guo Xiang, and I never saw you mention this when we contacted each other on weekdays."

Hearing Hong Yi's words, Zhang Junbao's face turned slightly red: "Such a small matter, what's there to say!"

Hong Yi couldn't help laughing: "I don't know who it was at the beginning, even talking to Guo Xiang would make him so happy that he couldn't sleep for a long time, and now he has become so tough!"

Guo Xiang was curiously looking at the people of the Great Shang Kingdom and the Yangshen World, her eyes flickering, looking particularly smart.

If it were an ordinary woman in the Song Dynasty, she would be embarrassed when someone talked about her private affairs with her lover in public, especially in front of her father and mother.

But who is Guo Xiang? A strange woman known as Little East Evil, she naturally doesn't care about other people's opinions.

Hearing Hong Yi's words, she was very interested and asked: "Has Junbao told you about me? Tell me quickly."

Zhang Junbao was shocked when he heard this, and stared at Hong Yi with a threatening look in his eyes.

He remembered the time when he just met Guo Xiang, when he was worried about the gains and losses, and he would report the progress between him and Guo Xiang to the group friends in the group chat and ask the group friends for advice.

Looking back now, it is simply an unspeakable black history.

Don't talk nonsense, boy, or you will suffer the consequences!

But Hong Yi would never pay attention to Zhang Junbao's threats. They have a very good relationship and are used to playing and fighting on weekdays.

"Let me tell you, Junbao was very shameless at the beginning. When Di Yi rode on the same horse with you for the first time."

Hong Yi began to tell the story of Zhang Junbao in a humorous way. He was very eloquent and told the story vividly, completely reproducing Zhang Junbao's extremely uneasy mood at the time.

Listening to Zhang Junbao's inner struggles, Guo Xiang not only did not find it funny, but felt a little uncomfortable. It turned out that the person next to her cared about him so much from the beginning, but she didn't realize it at the beginning and only regarded Zhang Junbao as her younger brother. Fortunately, Zhang Junbao was persistent enough, and they finally achieved a positive result. This made Guo Xiang's eyes looking at Zhang Junbao become softer, and her eyes were like a pool of autumn water, hiding deep affection.

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