All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 309 Junbao, you smell so good

Guo Xiang's delicate hand holding Zhang Junbao's big hand also tightened.

Sensing the movements of the beauty beside him, the expression on Zhang Junbao's face also softened.

Huang Rong sat opposite Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang, and watched the interaction between the two children.

Although she was over 40 years old, Huang Rong's skin was still as white and delicate as that of a young girl.

A face as delicate as a girl with the charm of a mature young woman made Huang Rong look charming at this time.

In fact, Huang Rong had followed Guo Jing in the south and north for many years. Even if she practiced the Nine Yin Manual, it would be impossible for her skin to be so white and tender.

But she was Zhang Junbao's mother-in-law, and Huang Rong also got a lot of benefits from Zhang Junbao's love for her.

For example, the ancient dragon tooth rice, which is very precious to other people, is available to Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Zhang Junbao in unlimited quantities. With the blessing of various treasures and the golden elixir martial arts, Huang Rong is getting younger and younger, almost rejuvenated and not inferior to a young girl in her twenties.

At this time, Huang Rong showed a slight smile on her face. The mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law and was more and more satisfied.

Huang Rong was naturally very satisfied with Zhang Junbao, her son-in-law.

Not to mention Zhang Junbao's almost immortal means, just saying that Zhang Junbao pulled her daughter out of Yang Guo's bottomless pit is enough to make Huang Rong grateful to Zhang Junbao.

Others don't know how terrifying Yang Guo's pit is, but how can Huang Rong not know it?

She once watched Lu Wushuang, Cheng Xiao, Gongsun Lue'e, these beauties with their own merits, lose their appetite for Yang Guo and fall into the web of lovesickness.

Even live alone from now on

As a person who has experienced it, Huang Rong can naturally see how obsessed Guo Xiang was with Yang Guo.

She knows her own character. She is very persistent in the word of love. She and Guo Jing got married not long after they met, but the person she loves also loves her, so she has never suffered the pain of unrequited love.

But even so, she fought for Guo Jing in the Diyi line against the Mongols, and she didn't know how much she suffered over the years.

And Guo Xiang is her daughter. She knows her daughter's character, even more persistent than her, so she is very worried that Guo Xiang will repeat the mistakes of Lu Wushuang and others and waste her life for an impossible person.

Yang Guo's obsession with love is not much worse than that of the mother and daughter, otherwise how could he comprehend the Desolate Palm? For Yang Guo, there will be no other choice except Xiaolongnu in this life. Guo Xiang's love for Yang Guo is destined to be a one-sided love.

A few years ago, Huang Rong was so worried about Guo Xiang that a few white hairs appeared on her black hair. This is almost impossible for a warrior of her level of cultivation. This shows how worried Huang Rong was at that time.

After seeing Guo Xiang bring a man back to Xiangyang, Huang Rong was extremely excited because she felt that her daughter was saved.

And Zhang Junbao's subsequent performance also confirmed her guess. In fact, the rapid progress of Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang was inseparable from Huang Rong's behind-the-scenes promotion.

With Huang Rong's intelligence, it is no problem to lead 100,000 troops in battle. In recent years, Guo Jing has been able to strategize and resist the invasion of the Mongols, and Huang Rong has played a huge role in it.

She could command thousands of troops, not to mention these two young and ignorant people.

They were chatting here, but the others at the table were eating voraciously.

Huang Feihu had turned into a dry rice machine, eating meat and vegetables, and chewing and swallowing all the food in just one second, without the image of a general at all.

"Delicious, delicious, really delicious!"

Huang Feihu exclaimed while eating, and he was full of praise for the food in Xiangyang City.

In particular, some dishes used the seasonings that Zhang Junbao got from his group friends.

For example, peppers were introduced to the Central Plains during the reign of Emperor Kangxi, so peppers should not appear in Xiangyang City in the Yitian world.

But after eating the spicy food that Lu Mingfei brought to the party, Zhang Junbao fell in love with this bright red seasoning.

The chefs in Xiangyang City were also very interested in this new and novel seasoning that they had never seen before. They learned a lot of spicy dishes based on Zhang Junbao's recipes.

For example, there were spicy chicken, mapo tofu, boiled fish and other dishes at the banquet.

Especially the mapo tofu, the chef made it very well. The bright red chili oil was poured on the snow-white tofu, and the hot steam rose, which made people drool.

This novel seasoning was a dimensionality reduction blow to the people of the Great Shang Kingdom, whose seasoning was almost only a little salt.

Spicy, fresh, and fragrant.

This novel taste experience completely conquered the taste buds of all the people of the Great Shang Kingdom present.

Not only Huang Feihu, but also Emperor Yi, who was an emperor of a dynasty, and Wen Zhong, who was always steady, were sweating profusely at this time and couldn't stop eating at all.

Huang Feihu felt that he was not satisfied enough while eating, so he used a public spoon to stir a large spoonful of mapo tofu and poured it on the rice. This was even more amazing, and he was stunned by the food.

The wine at this banquet was all Longya rice wine, and how could Zhang Junbao be stingy with rice as the staple food.

The brightly-juiced Mapo Tofu paired with the already extremely delicious Dragon Tooth Rice, the taste was beyond the limit of what words could describe. Huang Feihu felt as if a whole universe had exploded on his tongue in an instant. The moment he ate it, he lost the ability to think.

In addition to the people of the Great Shang Kingdom who were fascinated by the food, Li Shenguang from the Yangshen World was not much better.

Li Shenguang knew the value of the deaf-mute rice better than the people of the Great Three Kingdoms, so he ate with a purpose. He didn't even look at those seemingly delicious delicacies, and focused on Dragon Tooth Rice and Dragon Tooth Rice Wine.

A mouthful of rice and a sip of wine, the meal was simply a delight.

Zhang Junbao prepared this meal very well, enough for everyone to eat happily. Even Huang Feihu, who was known as the big eater, gradually lost his fighting power after showing off for two hours.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Junbao was not in a hurry to discuss business with everyone.

Because apart from him and Hong Yi, almost no one could stay awake.

The aftereffect of the Longya rice wine is really too strong. This kind of fine wine brewed with the ancient Longya rice has an aftereffect beyond the scope of alcohol content. If you don't have a strong spiritual cultivation, you will definitely not be able to resist the terrifying aftereffect. The consequence of drinking freely is that you will get drunk.

Even Guo Xiang, who had only drunk a few glasses of wine, was a little dizzy at this time. She was hanging on Zhang Junbao's arm with a cute and innocent face, like a koala.

Zhang Junbao turned his head and looked at Zishou, who was already drunk and lying on the table, and couldn't help shaking his head.

In fact, he didn't intend to let Zishou drink more. With Zishou's cultivation, he could still bear less than two kilograms of Longya rice wine.

But unfortunately, after Di Yi drank the Longya rice wine, he started to force his son to drink.

Zishou naturally wouldn't refuse his father's wine. He drank two large jars unknowingly, and then he was completely drunk.

Fortunately, Longyang rice wine has one advantage. Although it has a strong aftereffect, it will not harm the body. You can completely recover after a good sleep. Not only will you not have a headache, but you will also be clear-headed.

Hong Yi also shook his head helplessly: "Junbao, I think we should just leave it at that for today. You arrange for someone to take them back to their accommodation. We'll talk about it tomorrow if there's anything else!"

Zhang Junbao also nodded: "Well, that's what I originally planned to do. And now I have to deal with this pendant on my arm first."

As he said that, Zhang Junbao couldn't help but stretch out his finger and scratch Guo Xiang's nose.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yi waved his hand quickly: "Go, go, go quickly, really, do you know that you are now exuding the sour smell of love all over your body!"

Zhang Junbao laughed: "What's wrong, Hong Yi, are you jealous? It's not that you can't find a suitable partner. The Silver Shark King is still in the sea. Don't tell me that you don't have any thoughts about him."

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Hong Yi shook his head: "I really don't have any thoughts, just let it go.

In the group owner's information, I did form a Taoist couple with Chan Yinsha, but in reality I haven't even seen her face. Besides, the situation at this moment is completely different from that time. Even if I meet, I may not feel moved by Chan Yinsha."

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao didn't say much. He has always been unwilling to interfere in other people's feelings, even if Hong Yi is his good brother.

It doesn't matter if he makes a few jokes verbally, but unless Hong Yi asks for his opinion, he will not make any suggestions.

He took Guo Xiang walking on the small road. Under Huang Rong's arrangement, Guo Xiang lived very close to the courtyard where he lived, separated by only a wall.

And I don't know if it was intentional, the two courtyards were arranged very remote, so there were almost no servants along the way.

Even if a servant saw Zhang Zhenren and Miss Guo Er walking on the road, a servant with some eyes knew that what he should do was to stay away.

This deadly excitement dare not be seen.

The night wind blew, and the cool wind blew on her face. Guo Xiang, who was a little confused, sobered up a little.

She buried her face in Zhang Junbao's chest and took a deep breath.

After practicing the Jindan martial arts, Zhang Junbao Yijing washed his marrow and had long since trained his body into a congenital body without leakage. Not only did he not have any peculiar smell, but he also exuded a fragrance.

Since Guo Xiang often stayed with Zhang Junbao, she had long been accustomed to this smell.

However, Miss Guo Er, who was not drunk, was still more reserved and had never made such intimate movements with Zhang Junbao.

Not only that, while feeling the smell of Zhang Junbao, Guo Xiang was still mumbling to herself: "Junbao, you smell so good."

As she spoke, Guo Xiang's hands became tighter and tighter, almost burying herself completely in Zhang Junbao's arms.

"This smell makes me feel so at ease. I want to hug you. I want to hold you forever."

When Guo Xiang spoke, her tone was not clear, and it was obvious that she was still drunk.

But Zhang Junbao could feel the strong attachment from Guo Xiang's tone.

He knew that he had become an indispensable existence in the heart of Miss Guo Er.

This made Zhang Junbao feel warm in his heart. He couldn't bear to pull out the arm that was tightly held by Guo Xiang, so he could only use the other hand to hold Guo Xiang's soft and petite body and hold the beauty tightly in his arms.

In fact, Zhang Junbao could use the powerful Yin and Yang Qi to help Guo Xiang dissolve the alcohol of Longya rice wine, but he was reluctant to give up the feeling of having a beauty in his arms.

Don’t look at how tough he was just talking to Hong Yi. In fact, the intimate actions between him and Miss Guo Er in private were only holding hands.

It was the first time for him to hug each other tightly like this.

But Zhang Junbao was Zhang Junbao after all. He quickly calmed down and quietly dissolved all the alcohol on Guo Xiang.

But what puzzled Zhang Junbao was that after dissolving the alcohol, Guo Xiang’s expression did not recover, but still looked intoxicated.

Moreover, her hands not only did not push him away, but hugged him tighter and tighter.

She even muttered to herself, as if she was getting drunker and drunker.

This made Zhang Junbao wonder if he had made a mistake in his operation and failed to successfully remove the alcohol smell of Longya rice wine.

But no matter how carefully he checked, he still couldn’t detect any residual alcohol smell from Guo Xiang.

At this time, Zhang Junbao realized that Miss Guo Er was not not awake, but was still pretending to be drunk after recovering.

After knowing this somehow, Zhang Junbao became very excited, as if this made him happier than when he first realized the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

With his EQ, Zhang Junbao would not expose Guo Xiang's tricks. He pretended to be unaware and sent Miss Guo, who had turned into a sticky insect, back to the other courtyard.

He gently helped Guo Xiang take off her shoes and socks, revealing her ankles as white as the bright moon and her toes as white as cardamom.

Although she had been practicing martial arts for many years, Guo Xiang's lotus feet were not rough like those of ordinary people in the rivers and lakes. Instead, they were as delicate as the finest white jade.

After putting Miss Guo on the bed, Zhang Junbao carefully covered Guo Xiang with the quilt, and then carefully closed the door and left.

After Zhang Junbao left, Guo Xiang, who had been motionless and seemed to have fallen asleep, suddenly opened her eyes.

She stared at the door blankly, with a blush on her face.

And Zhang Junbao was also uneasy after returning to the wing room.

Having reached this level of cultivation, he no longer needs sleep.

On weekdays, at night, he would either comprehend the techniques in the group practice space or sit cross-legged to practice Qi.

But for some reason tonight, no matter how hard he tried, he could not calm his mind and spirit as naturally as eating and breathing on weekdays, and he did not even have the mind to comprehend the techniques and learn knowledge.

He just sat there blankly, just like the little monk who was still in Shaolin Temple a year ago.

His mind was full of the image of Guo Xiang holding him in the moonlight just now.

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