All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 310: Martial Arts Performance, the Flame of Hope for the Human Race

The next morning, just as the sky was getting light, everyone had already gathered in the hall of Guo's mansion.

The next day after drinking Longya rice wine, everyone not only did not have a headache, but was refreshed.

Zhang Junbao sat at the top to explain to the visitors from the two worlds what they would do next.

At this time, everyone knew that they were no longer in the original world, but had come to another world that was completely different from the original world.

Li Shenguang and others were still relatively calm, because there were also many small worlds in the Yangshen world.

Hong Yi did not tell them that this was the world of the heavens separated from the Yangshen world by infinite time and space, so they thought they had just come to another small world.

Di Yi and others were a little dumbfounded, because there was no such concept as a small world in the Wu Geng world.

At first, they thought they had just come to an overseas country, but they didn't expect to cross the void and come to another big world.

This made them even more impressed by Di Xin's magical powers.

When they first heard Zhang Junbao wanting them to be officials, everyone was still very relaxed.

Isn't it just being an official? Who can't do this? It's just a job, as simple as eating and drinking.

But the more they listened, the more they felt something was wrong, because the political system that Zhang Junbao wanted to build was simply unheard of.

The world is for the public, people-oriented, enlightening the people, governing the country according to law, and public ownership of land. There is not even an emperor in this political system, only leaders with a prescribed term of office.

Of course, due to the different specific forms between the worlds, Zhang Junbao's establishment of this political system is still quite characteristic of the Yitian world.

The biggest difference between this political system and Xu Chenzhou's previous life is that Zhang Junbao will be the Dinghaishenzhen, and also the Dakros sword hanging over the heads of all the leaders.

Once someone has any ideas that they shouldn't have, then his Dakros sword can fall at any time to cut off all the ambitions of those with ulterior motives.

Listening to Zhang Junbao's detailed description of the various details of this new political system, Li Shenguang's face was shocked, admired, and puzzled.

He wondered in his heart how the court could run without an emperor.

In Li Shenguang's cognition, the emperor is the leader of the ministers, which is also the expectation of the people. The reason why the court can have the legitimacy to rule the world is the emperor.

In a political system without an emperor and frequently changing leaders, wouldn't people's hearts be scattered and the world would soon be in chaos?

If any leader has evil intentions, wouldn't it soon turn from a public world to a family world?

But then Li Shenguang shook his head again. With the magical power of this Zhang Zhenren, I'm afraid few people dare to really rebel.

Although he doesn't interfere in specific management, he is undoubtedly more popular than the emperor. I am worrying about nothing.

In addition to some confusion about the fact that there is no emperor, Li Shenguang is very impressed by the various details of this political system described by Zhang Junbao.

For example, the fact that there is a land public eliminates the phenomenon of land annexation that is a headache for the feudal dynasty from the root.

With his rich experience, he could foresee that the political system described by Zhang Junbao was definitely the general trend and the future development direction of humanity. Once it could be built, the speed of development of the future Yitian world would probably exceed everyone's imagination.

Then Li Shenguang was shocked again. There was Zhang Zhenren in the Yitian world, and they also had Yizi in the Yangshen world.

With Hong Yi in charge, if this political system was really feasible, could they also move this political system to the Yangshen world?

Anyway, although Hong Yi was only the regent now, Daqian had long been in Hong Yi's hands. The more Li Shenguang thought about it, the more he felt that there was a lot of room for improvement.

So he listened more and more attentively, wishing to engrave every word Zhang Junbao said firmly in his heart. If there was no paper and pen, he would have taken out pen and ink on the spot and started taking notes.

As for Di Yi and others, they naturally listened attentively, but they didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, in their opinion, although this system was good, it was not applicable in Wu Geng's world at all.

Why did the Shang Kingdom have so many slaves? Was it because Emperor Yi wanted to make the people of the Shang Kingdom slaves?

No, the root of all this lies in the sky.

The sky needs slaves to work for him and dig blood ore for him.

Relying on the sparse population of the gods is not enough to meet the needs of the sky, so he can only turn his attention to the human race with an astonishing reproduction speed and treat the human race as slaves.

As long as the sky that oppresses them is not overthrown, let alone the great society where everyone is equal, even abolishing slavery and entering a feudal society is a distant thing.

Moreover, Emperor Yi also learned from Emperor Xin that the reason why the sky wants to dig so much blood ore is to resurrect his own wife.

For one person, enslaving the people for hundreds of thousands of years, and billions of people died in the labor of digging blood ore, how ridiculous and sad.

After talking about the details of the political system he was going to establish next, he began to assign specific tasks.

These visitors from other worlds are his subordinates whom he can absolutely trust. He uses them as the skeleton, and then lets them recruit available talents from the Yitian world as supplements, so as to ensure that the general direction of the subsequent political system construction will not deviate.

After the subsequent political system is stable, he can gradually withdraw these visitors from other worlds and let the available talents from the Yitian world take their place.

He asked Li Shenguang and his men to set up the education department, develop people's wisdom, and build schools.

Wen Zhong was assigned to the judicial department, responsible for drafting laws suitable for the Yitian world, and establishing court systems at all levels and supervision systems. Wen Taishi was famous for his impartiality, and it was absolutely easy for Wen Zhong to be in charge of a judicial department.

Among the others, Bigan was assigned to the economic department, Di Yi was responsible for the selection and training of officials, and the other departments were led and built by the few remaining honest officials in the court of the Song Dynasty and the people of Xiangyang City.

Since Zhang Junbao had already finalized the general construction direction with the group friends in the group chat, what they had to do was to implement and refine the direction given to them by Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao believed that it was not difficult to do this with their ability.

After all, he had even given the blueprint of the plan, and the rest was nothing more than checking for deficiencies and filling in the gaps.

It is worth mentioning that Zhang Junbao has been running around to quell the chaos in the past few days and has captured many loyal ministers and generals of the Song Dynasty.

Among them is the famous Wen Tianxiang.

However, Wen Tianxiang did not have a good face in front of Zhang Junbao and was completely unwilling to be used by Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao could do nothing about this, because he was a model of literati who wrote "Since ancient times, everyone has died, and he left his paintings to record history."

He was not afraid of death, so he would naturally not work for the traitors who wanted to usurp the throne in his heart.

So Zhang Junbao could only lock him up in prison first. If he figured it out later, or waited until the world was pacified, Zhang Junbao would naturally let him out.

After assigning the tasks, Zhang Junbao began to explain to everyone the special Jindan martial arts of the Yitian world and his idea of ​​spreading martial arts to the world.

Hearing about the Jindan martial arts and spreading martial arts to the world, Li Shenguang and others did not react much. With Hong Yi's ambition of everyone being like a dragon in front of them, they were already somewhat accustomed to this kind of boldness.

Li Shenguang secretly sighed in his heart that it was no wonder that Yi Zi and Zhang Zhenren had such a close relationship. It turned out that they were fellow Taoists, with the same ideals, and they could be called fellow Taoists. How could such people not have a close relationship?

However, Di Yi, Wen Zhong and others were so excited that they even breathed a little heavier.

Listen, what did they hear!

Jindan martial arts, everyone can practice it, whether it is a woman with a weak constitution or a commoner who can't read a word.

There are such magical skills in this world.

It's simply unheard of and unseen.

Although the skills of the human race's Qigong practitioners are not bad, the number of practitioners is really limited, and even if they practice to the extreme, they are not the opponent of the sky.

It is simply a fantasy to want to destroy the gods with the power of Qigong practitioners.

Di Yi and others are eager to learn more about Jindan martial arts.

As long as the inheritance of Jindan martial arts can be brought back to Wu Geng's world, it will be able to ignite a fire of hope for the human race.

As long as the inheritance of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts is immortal, the human race will always have the hope of resisting the heaven.

If this generation fails, the next generation will come up, and there will always be a generation that can fulfill their ambitions and defeat the heaven.

The human race does not have much else, but they have a lot of people. Even if the power of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts is not as good as that of the Qigong practitioners, as long as there are enough people practicing, then many ants can bite elephants to death.

And judging from what Master Zhang said, he didn't seem to mind them learning the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

Since Tian Kui slaughtered hundreds of human warriors overnight, the God Clan has become a dark cloud that will never go away over Emperor Yi's head.

He didn't know how many times he woke up from his dream, dreaming that he was killed by a punch from the man with a red body.

Before, he agreed to pass the throne to Zishou, who was only ten years old, because he saw the hope of resisting the God Clan in Zishou.

At this time, the fire of hope was getting bigger and bigger, and even burned into a scorching flame, which made his heart feel hot.

Emperor Yi's voice trembled slightly: "Although this request is a bit presumptuous, I wonder if Master Zhang can demonstrate the power of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts for us."

Zhang Junbao nodded: "Of course, if you are interested, I can demonstrate it for you now.

But if I demonstrate it, you may have some misunderstandings about the Golden Elixir Martial Arts."

Emperor Xin smiled and said: "Father, Junbao is extremely talented and has a great opportunity. Even if a person with extraordinary talent wants to cultivate to Junbao's level, it will take at least a hundred years of hard work.

If he demonstrates it, the scene may be a bit exaggerated, and it will not be able to show the true power of the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

So it is more appropriate to let other masters in Xiangyang City perform it, so that Only then can we understand the power of Jindan martial arts more systematically.

If my father is interested in the upper limit of Jindan martial arts, I can also ask Junbao to demonstrate where the upper limit of this cultivation path is. "

Zhang Junbao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Zi Shou, don't make fun of me. Jindan martial arts is just in its infancy and has not yet formed a real system.

Even I have only discovered one millionth of this cultivation method. How can I represent the upper limit of Jindan martial arts now?

However, if Mr. Zixian is interested in my cultivation, I will naturally not postpone it. "

Emperor Yi nodded quickly: "In this case, I will trouble Master Zhang to arrange it. "

Zhang Junbao naturally would not refuse, and stood up and took everyone to the martial arts field of Guo Mansion.

This martial arts field is incompatible with the style of Guo Mansion. Both the ground and the facilities in the martial arts field are full of high-tech feeling.

This is naturally a friendly support from Xu Chenzhou.

The strongest warriors in the entire Yitian world live in Guo's mansion. In addition to Zhang Junbao, the new and old Five Great Masters of the Central Plains often compete in Guo's mansion.

After practicing Jindan martial arts for such a long time, the destructive power of these warriors who were once the ceiling of the Yitian world is now somewhat amazing.

Ordinary venues can't bear their wild tossing at all, so Xu Chenzhou simply waved his hand and equipped this martial arts field with materials that can withstand the full-strength battle of the fourth-level extraordinary warriors.

Anyway, for Xu Chenzhou now, the money spent on these materials is just a drop in the bucket.

When they came to this martial arts field, the alien visitors from the two worlds were like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden, looking left and right, as if they had turned into ignorant country bumpkins.

Zhang Junbao bowed to Huang Yaoshi: "May I ask Master Huang to show us the magical power of snapping fingers and the song of the blue sea tide?"

After practicing the golden elixir martial arts, Huang Yaoshi also felt a bit rejuvenated. Except for his gray hair, the skin on his face has returned to the state of about 30 years old. He looks handsome and has a bit of evil spirit. He is the type of handsome uncle that mature women like the most.

On the list of the top ten male gods in Xiangyang City ranked by gossipers, Huang Yaoshi was ranked third, second only to Zhang Junbao, the immortal who came to the world, and Yang Guo, who is ordinary. He can be called a new generation of housewife killer.

When Huang Yaoshi first knew about this, he was angry and happy. He was an old man who was nearly 90 years old, but he could be ranked on the list of male gods. It was really a bit abstract.

But there was no way. Huang Yaoshi was really handsome in terms of image now, and he deserved to be ranked on the list of male gods.

Island Master Huang came out in a green robe: "Since Master Zhang has spoken, I will show my ugliness."

Huang Yaoshi was very direct and didn't say any nonsense. He first took out a handful of steel balls from his sleeve.

In fact, under normal circumstances, his finger-snapping magic skill only needs a handful of broken stones to be invincible, and almost no one can stop it.

Under the urging of the true energy valley, even a stone can have earth-shaking power.

But since he wanted to demonstrate the power of the finger-snapping magic skill at this time, he naturally had to do it to perfection.

A steel ball was held in the palm of Huang Yaoshi's hand, and the green true energy kept condensing in his palm, and even ripples were rippling in the void.

Then Huang Yaoshi stretched out his hand and flicked it, and a steel ball shot into the distance with the sound of wind and thunder. The steel ball was also covered with a green phoenix phantom, and it hit the ground in the distance with a bang.

In order to show the power, Huang Yaoshi specially hit the ground that was not covered by special materials.

In an instant, there was a sound like the collapse of the sky and the crack of the earth. The ground split open into huge cracks two or three meters wide. These cracks extended to the surroundings like a spider web, covering a range of a hundred meters. Where the ground was hit, a bottomless cave appeared.

The dark cave extended to an unknown depth underground. Even standing in front of the cave, one could feel a cool breeze blowing.

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