All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 311 The Human Race Should Prosper

Emperor Yi and others were dazzled and shocked by Huang Yaoshi's amazing performance.

Wen Zhong excitedly took a few steps forward, wanting to get closer to observe the big hole on the ground.

But before he got close, he felt a soft force pulling his body, preventing him from moving forward.

Wen Zhong turned around and saw that it was a black and white true energy wrapped around his body.

It turned out that Zhang Junbao had made a move.

He looked at Zhang Junbao with some doubts, but Zhang Junbao did not answer, but pointed at Huang Yaoshi beside him.

Huang Yaoshi did not stop after shooting the steel ball, but continued to silently use his true energy.

It turned out that this earth-shattering attack just now was just an appetizer.

The finger-snapping magic uses true energy to control the finger force, and the energy is generated.

After practicing the Golden Elixir Martial Arts, Huang Yaoshi realized the true meaning of the martial arts of the boundless sea and the rising tide from the Blue Sea Tide Song, and cultivated the Blue Sea Tide Rising Qi.

His Qi was like the tide, the front wave rushed to the shore, and the back wave followed closely, the waves were surging and endless, and the most terrifying thing was that under the urging of these waves of Qi, the power of each wave was higher than the previous one.

The steel ball that just shot out was just Huang Yaoshi adjusting his hand feeling.

The real highlight is still to come.

I saw that the steel ball that Huang Yaoshi just grabbed was rotating along his forearm like a swimming dragon. During the rotation, the Blue Sea Tide Rising Qi kept surging in it, making these steel balls appear green, just like the finest jade.

Then, driven by the true qi, these steel balls swam to the edge of Huang Yaoshi's palm as if they had intelligence. Huang Yaoshi's index finger was as fast as lightning, leaving a trail of afterimages in the air, ejecting these steel balls one by one.

Each ejected steel ball was accompanied by the terrifying blue sea tide true qi, transforming into a phantom of a mythical beast with different images, like a falling meteor, smashing towards the empty space in the distance.

Rumble, rumble, the ground shook in an instant, and the entire Guo Mansion trembled under this terrible attack. If Zhang Junbao had not set up a reinforcement array under the Guo Mansion, I am afraid that the Guo Mansion would have been directly collapsed by the aftermath of the attack.

The empty space in the distance was in the backyard of the Guo Mansion. It was where Guo Jing used to train elite soldiers. It covered a large area of ​​4 or 5 kilometers.

The four or five kilometers of ground were now full of big holes, as if they had been hit by a meteorite. Each of the big holes was bottomless, and it was unknown how deep the underground was.

The cracks on the ground were intertwined, just like the land exposed to the scorching sun on a dry day, and no one was intact.

Such a horrible scene was no different from a natural disaster.

It can be said that if the current Huang Yaoshi traveled back to the past, he would have a chance to defend Xiangyang City, which was besieged by 100,000 Mongolian troops.

Of course, the current Huang Yaoshi is still not as perverted as Zhang Junbao at the beginning, who could chase 100,000 Mongolian troops alone with a sword.

After all, Huang Yaoshi's Bi Hai Chao Sheng Zhen Qi regenerates endlessly, but it is not infinite. Huang Yaoshi will be exhausted after such a fierce bombardment for only seven or eight minutes.

Once he is caught in the heavy encirclement of the Mongolian army, the current Huang Yaoshi can only ensure that he can retreat unscathed, and there is no way to wipe them out like Zhang Junbao.

But if relying on the walls of Xiangyang City and the widest moat in the Central Plains, coupled with the assistance of the Xiangyang defenders, this finger-snapping magic alone can definitely make the Mongolian army flee in panic and give up the hard bone of Xiangyang.

Even the people in Xiangyang City who have long known how fierce Mr. Huang is, are still a little shocked when they see Huang Yaoshi using all his strength.

In the past, Huang Yaoshi also used the finger-snapping magic in the competition, but at that time, Huang Yaoshi basically grabbed a handful of gravel to perform the finger-snapping magic.

A handful of gravel can only make a ten-meter-deep pit on the ground. Although its power is strong, it is far inferior to the power of steel balls.

After replacing the gravel with steel balls, the horror of the Jindan martial arts version of the finger-snapping magic was revealed. The land within a radius of five miles collapsed under such a terrifying attack. Who can withstand such a terrifying attack!

Even if a body made of iron is hit by these dozen steel balls, not even a slag can be found.

But this is not over yet. After all, Zhang Junbao wants Huang Yaoshi to demonstrate the Finger Flickering Magic and the Blue Sea Tide Song.

At this time, the Finger Flickering Magic has been demonstrated, and the next step is naturally to demonstrate the Blue Sea Tide Song.

The martial arts that Huang Yaoshi has learned in his life are extremely complicated. The Falling Flower Divine Sword Palm, the Finger Flickering Magic, the Splitting Palm, the Jade Flute Sword Technique, the Whirlwind Falling Leaf Kick, the Qimen Five Turns, etc. are all his proud martial arts.

But if you want to say which martial arts is Huang Yaoshi's most proud and unique martial arts, in addition to the Finger Flickering Magic, the Blue Sea Tide Song is the first choice.

Huang Yaoshi once wrote a couplet, the peach blossom shadow falls on the flying sword, the blue sea tide presses the jade flute.

The second half of this couplet, the blue sea tide presses the jade flute, is about his unique martial arts, the blue sea tide song.

The original version of the Rising Sea Tide Song is already one of the most bizarre magical skills in the martial arts world. It can affect other people's emotions with sound waves, making them dance, scratch their ears, and even die from broken meridians. After Huang Yaoshi deduced the Rising Sea Tide Song into a Jindan martial arts version, its horror level has reached a new level.

Huang Yaoshi took out a jade flute and put it to his lips.

He took a deep breath, and then a melodious flute sound sounded.

The vast blue sea, the dark rapids, the raging waves, and the white-capped peaks.

As the Bihai Chaosheng song section continues to advance, the flute sound becomes more and more passionate and surging.

For a moment, everyone seemed to be in a vast sea, riding a lonely boat in the endless huge waves, which might capsize at any time.

The sound waves that were supposed to be invisible actually transformed into huge blue waves that were visible to the naked eye under the influence of the blue sea tide in his body.

The huge waves turned into green shadows, lingering around everyone, making everyone feel that they might be torn into pieces by this huge wave at any time.

And this is the terrifying thing about Huang Yaoshi's Bihai Tide Shengqu. The new Bihai Tide Shengqu can not only use sound waves to attack the enemy's soul, but also use the true energy to evolve blue waves of true energy to attack the enemy's body.

The blue waves of true energy turn into huge waves, cutting and eroding the enemy's body while also delaying the enemy's actions.

Once Huang Yaoshi plays the song of Blue Sea Tide, unless the enemy can surpass Huang Yaoshi in terms of internal strength, they will be beaten passively all the time without even being able to touch a corner of Huang Yaoshi's clothes.

Moreover, the attack method of Bihai Tide Shengqu is invisible and there is no way to hide. The body and soul of the person being attacked will suffer at the same time. As long as one of the two cannot withstand the attack of Bihai Tide Shengqu, they will Will fall into defeat.

After playing the song, Emperor Xin, Huang Feihu and others were sweating profusely.

Although the destructive power displayed by Bi Hai Tide Shengqu is not as intuitive as the snap-finger magical power, the murderous intention hidden in it makes people even more chilling.

They could feel that their lives were completely in Huang Yaoshi's hands when the blue sea tidal song sounded just now.

If Huang Yaoshi had any murderous intention at that time, they would have absolutely no chance of surviving.

Even Li Shenguang, who was watching the play on the sidelines, deeply felt the horror of the blue sea tide.

After Hong Yi defeated Yang Pan, Li Shenguang also began to practice Taoism at Hong Yi's request. Because his accumulation of Confucianism and Taoism over the years was too profound, and with Hong Yi's advice, Li Shenguang was the first to practice Taoism. He survived two thunder tribulations in the first time he left his body and became a second-level ghost immortal.

But even so, when the song "Blue Sea Tide" played, Li Shenguang still felt that the movement of his soul was a little stagnant, suppressed by the sound of the flute.

But even so, Li Shenguang is still confident that he can break free from the shackles of Bi Haichao Shengqu's soul. After all, he is a Second Tribulation Ghost Immortal, and his thoughts are as clear as crystal. How can he be so easily affected by soul attacks.

But his soul can escape, but his physical body cannot.

He could feel that under the cover of the blue sea's tidal energy, once the blue sea waves surged, even if his soul tried its best, it would not be able to save his physical body.

And this is the terrifying thing about the song of the Blue Sea Tide. When the song is played, it erodes both the body and the soul at the same time. If one of the two has a weakness, it can be broken through.

After seeing the blue sea tide singing, Di Xin was extremely excited.

He first looked up to the sky and roared: "Such magical powers are extremely, extremely good! The human race should be prosperous, the human race should be prosperous!"

But then he seemed to have thought of something, turned around and looked at Di Xin cautiously and asked: "Shou'er, can our great merchant family practice Master Zhang's Golden Pill Martial Arts?"

Di Xin nodded confidently: "Of course, I have already experimented with it, but my research on Jindan Martial Arts is not very deep.

It's okay to practice blindly on my own, but it would be too far to be your teacher, so I didn't rush to teach you the Golden Core Martial Arts.

Junbao is the founder of Jindan Martial Arts, and he is also the one with the deepest research on Jindan Martial Arts in the world. It is the best choice for him to teach you Jindan Martial Arts. "

After hearing this, Di Xin said excitedly: "Powerful, powerful! If everyone in our human race can possess the strength of Island Master Huang, so what if the gods all come out in force? Each person can use his magical power with a snap of his finger. I don’t think even Black Dragon Sky can withstand it!”

Huang Feihu on the side was also extremely excited: "I have long been unhappy with those gods, using my human race as cattle and horses, and riding on my human race's head to dominate. Hum, it's fine now, wait until I finish my studies. After returning to the Great Shang Kingdom, I must stuff the heads of these gods into their anus!"

Even Wen Zhong's eyes showed a murderous intent, but among all the big merchants who could understand the truth, there was no one who didn't harbor resentment against the Gods.

However, Wen Zhong was more interested in Zhang Junbao than the excited Di Xin and Huang Feihu.

Because he was keenly aware of the information revealed in Di Xin's words, the young Taoist in front of him was actually the founder of this powerful practice method.

Several adjectives flashed in Wen Zhong's mind: law creator, mountain monster, and even Taoist ancestor.

The ancestor of one dharma is also the master of one dharma, the source of all dharma.

There have been few such characters throughout the ages.

Zhang Junbao saw the excited expressions of everyone in Dashang Kingdom and nodded: "Don't worry, everyone, since you have traveled thousands of miles to help me, I will not neglect you.

Besides, I have already learned about the situation of the human race in your world from Zi Shou, and I deeply regret what happened to the great merchant race.

We are both from the human race, so naturally I will not sit idly by and do nothing. It is also my duty to contribute to the great merchant clan. "

In fact, everyone in the group chat is very angry about what happened to the human race in Wu Geng's world. So far, the race of the group friends in the chat group is all human race, so naturally they sit on the human race side.

Dare to treat the human race like cattle and horses, such a race should be killed, slaughtered, and exterminated.

If Emperor Xin had not spoken, the group members would have formed a group to kill Wu Geng's world and pull down those high-ranking gods from the throne, so that they could also experience what it means to be worse than death.

But there is no way, Zi Shou does not speak, no one can interfere with the affairs of Wu Geng's world.

And Zi Shou obviously has his own ideas, so the group members are not convenient to force.

Xu Chenzhou set a tone for the group chat at the beginning of the establishment of the group chat, and the members of the group must not interfere in the specific affairs of other group members' worlds without permission.

Once someone dares to violate this rule, even if Xu Chenzhou is reluctant, he will reluctantly kick the violator out of the group chat.

This rule was also written by Xu Chenzhou in the group announcement, and every new group member who joins the group can see it.

This sense of boundary is also the reason why the atmosphere of the group chat can be maintained so harmonious.

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Wen Zhong walked up solemnly and bowed deeply to Zhang Junbao.

Wen Zhong bowed very seriously, with his body completely parallel to the ground.

"Thank you, Master Zhang, for the Dharma. Wen Zhong is very grateful. From now on, if Master Zhang has any instructions, Wen Zhong is willing to go through fire and water, die and die!"

Wen Zhong was very determined when he spoke, and his tone was very serious. It can be heard that he was sincerely grateful and respectful to Zhang Junbao.

If it weren't for his identity representing the Great Shang Kingdom, I'm afraid Wen Zhong would have knelt down to Zhang Junbao at this time.

Di Yi Huang Feihu and Bigan, who were standing aside, and their subordinates came to Wen Zhong as if they had a blessing when they saw Wen Zhong's actions, and bowed deeply to Zhang Junbao like him.

They shouted in unison: "From now on, if Master Zhang has any instructions, we will go through fire and water, die and die!"

Zhang Junbao accepted the courtesy of everyone calmly.

Although these people in front of him looked ordinary, their names should be well-known to most people in the Yitian world.

Because these names represent the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Dadi, Wenquxingguan and other heavenly gods in most worlds.

Even if these people in front of him are just the same as these gods in different worlds, these names alone are enough to make ordinary people dare not look directly at them.

But for Zhang Junbao, let alone just the same as those gods in different worlds, even if those gods really stand in front of him, he can treat them equally.

What's more, the grace of preaching is greater than heaven, and he deserves this gift.

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