I forgot to write the title, and the title cannot be modified. It's uncomfortable, but it doesn't matter.

After they stood up, Zhang Junbao walked in front of everyone with a smile on his face, stretched out his sleeves and flicked them slightly.

A breeze blew, carrying everyone to a wilderness outside Xiangyang City like flying in the clouds.

The first time flying in the void, Emperor Yi was a little nervous. He turned his head to look at Zishou and asked, "Shou'er, where is Zhang Zhenren taking us?"

Zishou could sense his father's nervousness, and he couldn't help but smile.

"Father, don't be nervous. Didn't you just say that after seeing the martial arts of the island master Huang, you wanted to see Junbao's magical powers again?

The place in Guo's mansion is too small, and Junbao can't show it, so he took us to fly outside the city."

Hearing Emperor Xin's words, Emperor Yi's face instantly became excited and excited.

What kind of magical power display is it? It can't even accommodate the huge backyard of Guo's mansion.

Huang Yaoshi's magical power has already shocked him. As the Taoist master of Jindan martial arts, Zhang Junbao's methods are probably ten times stronger than Huang Yaoshi's. He even dared not imagine how earth-shattering Zhang Junbao's moves would be.

Emperor Yi speculated that the methods Huang Yaoshi had just shown were even stronger than Tian Kui, the great god of Doubu.

And if Zhang Junbao could be ten times stronger than Huang Yaoshi, then maybe Zhang Junbao's strength could already be on par with Heilongtian.

Thinking of this, Emperor Yi's body was shaking with excitement.

The human race should be prosperous, the human race should be prosperous!

Zhang Junbao's speed of controlling the wind was extremely fast, and the wind merged into the space, like driving thunder and lightning, and he arrived outside the city in an instant.

When everyone stood still, Zhang Junbao slowly spoke.

"Since the battle in Yujing City, I haven't used my full strength for several months.

My cultivation has improved in the past few months. Since all the distinguished guests today want to know the power of Jindan martial arts, then I will show my ugliness."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had a lot of thoughts in their minds.

Li Shenguang's eyes showed expectation. Zhang Junbao's performance in the battle in Yujing City was already earth-shattering. He suppressed the Seven Tribulations Creator of the Li family with a Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram. At this time, Zhang Junbao's cultivation has improved. I really don't know what realm he has reached.

The people in Xiangyang City were also very curious. Although they lived with Zhang Junbao day and night, they had never seen Zhang Junbao use his full strength. So everyone stared with their eyes wide open, not even daring to blink, for fear of missing a little detail.

On the contrary, the people in Wu Geng's world were relatively calm because they didn't know Zhang Junbao well.

Zhang Junbao wore a green Taoist robe, which was embroidered with the patterns of the Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams of Tai Chi with silver-white silk thread. As the breeze blew, the sleeves of the Taoist robe fluttered in the wind.

He put one hand behind his back and stretched out the other hand.

A huge Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram appeared out of thin air, covering an area of ​​dozens of kilometers.

As his palm turned, the Yin-Yang Qi of the Tai Chi diagram was withdrawn, forming a black and white interlaced big hand in the void.

As soon as the big hand came out, it covered the sky and the sun, and even the sunlight was completely covered by the black and white big hand.

Fortunately, the black and white big hand was flashing with a glimmer of light, which prevented the whole world from falling into darkness.

Everyone looked up and saw that each palm print on the black and white big hand was tens of meters wide, and the fingertips were slightly drooping, like five pillars connecting heaven and earth.

Zhang Junbao slowly lowered the black and white big hand, and all the dead things under the big hand were instantly transformed into a chaotic breath by the Yin-Yang Qi in the big hand.

However, the animals, trees, and even insects living in the mountains and forests were not harmed at all.

The chaotic air generated by the dead things slowly fell to the ground like a piece of cotton, carrying these creatures.

In just a moment.

The area within a radius of dozens of kilometers turned into a white land.

A tiger was sleeping soundly in the forest, and was also awakened by the terrifying movement. The originally majestic tiger's face was now only confused.

It looked puzzled as if my home was gone.

The other animals were almost the same as it. After falling to the ground, they began to run around, their faces full of panic.

This scene stunned everyone. Compared with such a method of playing with yin and yang and erasing matter, the originally amazing finger-snapping magic was instantly eclipsed, and the song of the rising tide of the sea, which destroyed both the body and soul, became as boring as a child's play.

Zhang Junbao spoke slowly: "The Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things.

The world started with Tao, transformed into chaos, and then there was yin and yang.

No matter the four images or five elements, their roots are all yin and yang.

So in my opinion, all things in the world are essentially the generation and change of yin and yang. Yin gives birth to yang, and yang gives birth to yin. The two energies rotate, and all things never stop.

This palm is a magical power that I have been contemplating for the past few months, the Chaos Yin and Yang Creation Seal.

When the handprint is pressed, yin and yang are reversed, and all things in the world can be beaten back to yin and yang from their current state. Whether it is the gold of the five elements or the wind and thunder of different species, they can all be worn away and decomposed, melted into Tao one, and turned into chaos."

Speaking, Zhang Junbao glanced at everyone and then continued: "The Tao can give birth to two, and two can give birth to three.

The Chaos Yin and Yang Creation Seal can transform all things in the world into yin and yang, and naturally it can also reverse the creation and re-enact the process of Tao giving birth to all things."

As he spoke, Zhang Junbao turned his palm over again, and the black and white handprint in the air instantly collapsed, turning into countless yin and yang qi and falling into the countless chaotic qi on the ground.

In an instant, like cold water poured into boiling oil, the countless chaotic qi on the ground exploded instantly, first evolving into yin and yang qi, and then entangled with each other, and the rocks and land that had originally turned into nothingness slowly appeared as if time was reversed.

The fallen plants, flowers and trees on the ground also returned to their original positions, and even the confused tiger returned to the place where it had slept soundly before under the push of yin and yang qi, and its movements were the same as before.

This made the already confused even more confused. Isn't my home gone? How come it's back suddenly?

Countless question marks seemed to appear on his big tiger face, who am I, where am I, what am I doing.

Other animals besides it were also restored to their original positions by Zhang Junbao.

Of course, the specific location is still somewhat different from before. After all, with Zhang Junbao's current spiritual cultivation, he is not able to record all the information within a radius of dozens of kilometers in an instant.

After demonstrating the Chaos Yin-Yang Creation Handprint, Zhang Junbao sighed deeply.

"What a pity, my Chaos Yin-Yang Handprint is still not perfect. The means of reversing Yin-Yang can only be used on dead things in the mortal world. Once a living being or an extraordinary object is transformed into Yin-Yang by the Chaos Yin-Yang Handprint, I can't reverse it now.

So although this magical power is my strongest magical power now, it is actually a defective product.

The changes in the way of Yin-Yang are really profound and endless. I have studied it for a long time, but I haven't even understood one billionth of the mystery."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions on everyone's faces were surprisingly consistent.

Don't show off, don't show off, the children are going to be stupid by you.

You call this level of magical power a defective product?

Then what are we practicing?

This is simply too Versailles. Even if the person who said this is Zhang Junbao, it makes people feel that he deserves a beating.

If they were not Zhang Junbao's opponent, I'm afraid someone would have wanted to beat Zhang Junbao at this time.

If seeing Huang Yaoshi's performance, the expressions of the people in Wu Geng's world are excited and excited.

Then seeing Zhang Junbao's performance, the expressions of the people in Wu Geng's world are confused and shocked, and they have completely lost the ability to think.

Emperor Yi couldn't help but want to slap himself.

Just now, he was secretly speculating in his heart that Zhang Zhenren is probably a powerful person at the same level as Hei Longtian.

Damn it.

Even Hei Longtian is worthy of being compared with Zhang Zhenren.

The Great Shang Kingdom has been in contact with the sky for generations, and naturally there is a lot of information about Hei Longtian in the classics. Emperor Yi has a rough estimate of Hei Longtian's strength in his mind, which is why he has such a feeling.

In fact, Emperor Yi's understanding of Hei Longtian's strength is not comprehensive.

Tian is indeed a very terrible opponent. Not only did he slaughter the entire ancient gods by himself, he even set off three mass extinctions of civilization, which can be called a world-destroying disaster.

According to the setting in the comics, Tian even has the ability to destroy the world and recreate yin and yang with a thought.

During those mass extinctions of civilization, he directly destroyed the world and then created it again.

If it is the comic version of Tian, ​​then he is almost an invincible existence. It is basically impossible for the human race to resist Tian's rule.

Even if Emperor Xin has a chat group as a backer, it is difficult to accomplish such a feat.

How can such a monster resist when it can destroy the world with one-tenth of its power?

I'm afraid it's not too much to call him a saint.

However, Emperor Xin has always been very skeptical about the information in Xu Chenzhou's memory. After all, if Hei Longtian can really destroy the world with a thought, why would he need human slaves to mine blood ore? He can easily split the world with a wave of his hand. How much blood ore is there? Why does he need to rely on the meager power of the human race to mine it?

Besides, the existence that can destroy the world and recreate it has the power of creation. Blood ore is also his creation. How can he not have as much as he wants? How could he not be able to revive the white dragon because of the lack of blood ore?

So Emperor Xin reasonably suspected that even if Hei Longtian could destroy the world and create the world, he should have special means.

According to the performance of the ancient dragon gods in Xu Chenzhou's information, they can't even explode stars, which is only the level of ground-level natural disasters.

Even if Hei Longtian is ten times stronger than them, he can't jump to the level of being able to create and destroy the world at will.

It is more likely that the so-called destruction of the world is just a cleansing of the ground. Killing all living beings can actually be regarded as a kind of destruction of the world.

In addition, Emperor Xin carefully studied the classics left by the ancestors of the Great Shang Kingdom and confirmed that his world should be the version of the anime.

The anime version of Tian is not so powerful. With the current chat group's combined strength, they may not even need the Green Lotus Sword to kill Tian.

Wen Zhong sighed deeply: "Zhang Zhenren's magical power really opened my eyes. No wonder the king just told me not to use Zhang Zhenren's performance to measure the strength of Jindan martial arts.

Such magical power is beyond human ability, it is simply the means of God.

Indeed, if we see such performance at the beginning, I am afraid there will be a huge gap when we really learn Jindan martial arts later.

If I can practice to the level of Huang Daozhu in my lifetime, I, Wen Zhong, will die without regrets.

I dare not even think about Zhang Zhenren's level."

Hearing this, Zhang Junbao shook his head: "Mr. Wen Zhong, don't underestimate yourself. In fact, I am optimistic about your cultivation talent. With your talent, it will not take long for you to cultivate to the level of the current Huang Daozhu. By the way, there is also General Huang Feihu, whose cultivation talent is not inferior to yours.

Mr. Bigan's cultivation talent may be slightly worse, but it can also be regarded as a genius level.

Just follow me to practice, no need to think so much."

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Huang Feihu's eyes lit up: "Master Zhang, am I really a cultivation genius! You can't lie to me."

Zhang Junbao nodded: "Of course I won't lie to you."

In fact, when he met the people in Wu Geng's world last night, Zhang Junbao already felt that Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu's talents were quite extraordinary.

Just talking about the Jindan martial arts, these two people definitely have the talent of the Five Wonders of the Central Plains.

In addition to the Jindan martial arts, Zhang Junbao also referred to other cultivation systems to feel the talents of the two people, and they were almost all at the genius level.

Especially the cultivation talents of these two people, which are even more outstanding, reaching the level of once in a thousand years.

Zhang Junbao could feel that Wen Zhong had a strong affinity for thunder energy, and Huang Feihu also had a strong affinity for earth energy.

Unfortunately, the environment of Wu Geng's world was not suitable for cultivating immortals. Although there were some five elements of energy, the nature of those energies was quite conflicting with the cultivation techniques. If one practiced forcibly, it would be very easy to go astray.

But this was no wonder. If the environment of Wu Geng's world was suitable for cultivating immortals, there would be no need for Zhang Junbao to teach the Golden Elixir Martial Arts. The endless fierce men in the Shang Dynasty would have beaten the gods into fleeing in panic.

But even so, Zhang Junbao was very much looking forward to the performance of Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu after they practiced the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

Although they could not cultivate immortals, they could practice martial arts as well.

After all, he was the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun, and practicing the thunder-attributed techniques would definitely be like adding wings to a tiger.

After Zhang Junbao's affirmation, Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu both showed satisfied smiles on their faces.

Even Bigan was very excited. Although his cultivation talent was inferior to Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu, he was not particularly obsessed with strength. Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu were evaluated as geniuses by Zhang Junbao, which meant that the human race would have the power to fight against the gods.

Bigan was already satisfied with this.

Only Emperor Yi looked a little disappointed. He looked at Zhang Junbao with grievance and pointed at himself: "Master Zhang, you haven't evaluated my talent yet."

Wen Zhong, Huang Feihu and Bigan were all his subjects. As a result, the talents of the three subordinates were all affirmed by Zhang Junbao, which made Emperor Yi a little unbalanced.

Zhang Junbao replied: "Mr. Zixian, your talent is enough to practice the Golden Elixir Martial Arts."

"Then is my talent much worse than Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu? Do I have the hope of practicing to the level of Huang Daozhu?"

Hearing Emperor Yi's question, Zhang Junbao's eyes were a little weak, and he laughed: "Well, the Golden Elixir Martial Arts is open to all. As long as you have wisdom and understand human nature, all living things can practice it. Mr. Zixian, you don't need to be too obsessed with talent. It's good enough, it's good enough."

Zishou also hurriedly held his father's hand: "It's okay, father, don't be sad. It's okay if your talent is a little worse. If it's really not okay, I'll give you a special treatment. If we don't have good talent, we should take more elixirs. Sooner or later, our cultivation will be improved."

Hearing what the two said, how could Emperor Yi not understand that his talent for cultivation was completely inferior to Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu.

This made him a little desperate.

It would be fine if he couldn't beat his son. After all, the child he gave birth to was too evil. It's not shameful to be defeated at all.

But now, let alone his own children, if he relies on his own cultivation, I am afraid that in the future, everyone in the Shang Kingdom will be able to ride on his head.

Fortunately, he still has a son. Others rely on their fathers, but he can rely on his son.

Otherwise, he will really become the man at the bottom of the food chain.

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