All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 313: The establishment of the new dynasty, the current situation of the people

With the cross-border support of Emperor Xin and Hong Yi, the construction of the Yitian world is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Since a new political system is to be established, one thing is very important, that is, the name of the new political system.

After establishing a new political system, it is impossible to use Song as the country's name.

Then this change of dynasty is not a change of loneliness.

They need to come up with a name that can represent the new dynasty.

After a long discussion, many different suggestions were put forward, such as Qian, Kun, Yue, Dao, Yuan, Xian, Wu, etc.

Among them, Wu Dynasty is the most popular. After all, Zhang Junbao is the founder of Jindan martial arts, and this country will also promote Jindan martial arts in the future. It is natural that Wu is the most appropriate name.

But in the end, Zhang Junbao still rejected this name, and he finally decided to name the country Xin.

The so-called farewell to the old and ushering in the new, his purpose of changing dynasties is to sweep away the old customs of the past and bring a new atmosphere to the world.

Today is new, every day is new, and from then on, all the world will be new.

All things are renewed, and seeking innovation and change is the future that Zhang Junbao wants to see.

After the name of the country was determined, everything that followed began to proceed in an orderly manner.

Wen Zhong, Bigan and Li Shenguang are all rare administrative talents. With their help, the establishment of the new dynasty progressed very smoothly.

With these available people as the skeleton, Zhang Junbao constantly absorbed the political assets left over from the Song Dynasty. Many grassroots officials were discovered under Zhang Junbao's wisdom and filled in the framework of the new dynasty.

Of course, in this process, the world of Yitian was quite unpeaceful. Forces with ulterior motives in various places continued to fan the flames and constantly stir up unrest for their own ambitions.

How could Zhang Junbao, who had freed up his hands, condone the behavior of these people? He is not alone now.

Under his command, the top warriors in Xiangyang City came out in full force. They took the warrior teams who were willing to obey the orders of Master Zhang to suppress the rebellion.

These top warriors who have learned the Golden Elixir Martial Arts can defeat thousands of troops alone, and almost every warrior under their command can rival the top masters in the past.

Such a small team is enough to break through thousands of troops and sweep away those rebellious forces with ease.

Like the White Lotus Sect and the Ming Sect, they are simply vulnerable in front of them.

With the help of these warrior teams, the whole world quickly completed the transition from turmoil to stability.

Mainly, those who dared to jump around almost died, and the remaining people naturally stabilized.

On the other hand, Zhang Junbao also began to guide the visitors from the Yangshen World and the Wu Geng World to practice the Golden Elixir Martial Arts.

After receiving Zhang Junbao's guidance, Wen Zhong and Huang Feihu immediately showed extraordinary cultivation talents.

Zhang Junbao's Golden Elixir Martial Arts is more like a cultivation program, which tells a method of accepting martial arts into the body, resonating with the material world from the spiritual world, and thus transforming physical matter into energy.

He is only responsible for preaching and never involves specific methods.

There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people, and a thousand martial artists who practice the Golden Elixir Martial Arts can also comprehend a thousand different paths of cultivation.

The Tao that Zhang Junbao talked about is like a trunk, and these different paths of cultivation are branches growing from this trunk, each different but with the same roots and origins.

The path of cultivation that each person comprehends is closely related to his own experience and knowledge.

The biggest difference between Huang Feihu and Wen Zhong and the martial artists in the Yitian world is that they have no foundation for practicing martial arts and have no understanding of martial arts.

In the process of preaching, Zhang Junbao deliberately did not let them come into contact with too much knowledge about the martial arts in the Yitian world, but only let them combine their past experiences to understand their own path of cultivation.

The purpose of Zhang Junbao doing this is to see what differences can be found in the branches that can be spawned by the foundation and civilization veins of Wu Geng's world.

As a result, the performance of these two people surprised Zhang Junbao.

Huang Feihu regarded the military soul as his own martial arts will, and resonated the endless earth with the bloody and evil spirit of the army, and actually comprehended a military formation killing method, the Thousand Troops Shattering Mountains and Stepping on the God Technique.

This military formation killing method is based on the military soul, which can condense the true qi of the soldiers under his command, and then resonate with the earth's qi and veins, mobilize the power of the earth, and achieve the terrifying effect of thousands of troops, standing still like a mountain.

However, at this time, Huang Feihu's soul and true qi only allowed him to command fifty elite soldiers. If the number was more, it would cause a huge burden on his body and soul.

Zhang Junbao tried it. If Huang Feihu was given fifty elite soldiers to form a military formation, the true qi condensed could actually resist Huang Yaoshi's finger-flicking magic.

You must know that Huang Feihu has just practiced the golden elixir martial arts. If the two were one-on-one, Huang Yaoshi could kill Huang Feihu with just a sneeze.

The current cultivation gap between the two is just like the bright moon and fireflies. With only fifty elite soldiers, Huang Feihu could actually block Huang Yaoshi's attack.

Zhang Junbao couldn't even imagine how terrifying the image of thousands of troops Huang Feihu would condense if he could command thousands of troops in the future.

Wen Zhong realized a kind of martial arts will called the Nine Heavens Punishing Evil Divine Thunder, which came from the myths and legends of Wu Geng's world.

Legend has it that there was a thunder god in the ancient gods who knew yin and yang, good and evil, and often used this thunder to punish the evil people in the world. If the person struck by the thunder was extremely evil, his soul would be scattered after the thunder struck him. However, if the person struck by the thunder had good intentions, then even if he was struck by the thunder, he would only strengthen his muscles and bones.

Wen Zhong used this as a source to condense the Nine Heavens Punishing Evil God Thunder Qi, and used this Qi to temper his eyes, and trained a pair of Nine Heavens Punishing Evil God Eyes that could know good and evil, yin and yang.

This pair of divine eyes also made a huge contribution to the establishment of the new dynasty. With this pair of Nine Heavens Punishing Evil Gods, it became much easier to catch the termites in the bloated institutions left over from the Song Dynasty. Once Wen Taishi's divine eyes were bright, those people with dark hearts had nowhere to hide.

Whether it was the talents discovered later or the original officials of the Song Dynasty, almost all of them had to come before Wen Zhong.

Of course, the new dynasty pays attention to evidence in doing things, and the Nine Heavens Punishing Evil God Eye is just a screening mechanism. After screening out possible termites, the investigation procedure will be immediately initiated to investigate what he has done clearly and clearly.

The guilty will be punished according to law, and the innocent will naturally be fine.

In fact, Wen Zhong's divine eyes are not always accurate, because the basis for the Nine Heavens Punishing Evil God Eye to judge good and evil actually comes from Wen Zhong's heart.

After all, Wen Zhong is from the Great Shang Kingdom, and his cultural environment and laws are very different from those of the New Dynasty.

Even though Wen Zhong himself is one of the makers of the laws of the New Dynasty, some of his inner ideas still cannot be reversed so quickly.

Some things he thinks are evil, but in fact they do not violate the laws of the New Dynasty.

And some people he thinks are not bad may be bad people in the worldview of the New Dynasty.

But even so, this screening method is still very valuable. This screening mechanism is like a sieve, screening out most officials who do not meet the requirements of the New Dynasty. Even if there are still some bad apples among the people who stay, they cannot reverse the general trend.

When Zhang Junbao was building the New Dynasty in full swing, Hong Yi and Zishou had already returned to their respective worlds through the chat group channel.

In the worlds of other group members, time also passed slowly and orderly.

In the world of the Heaven-shaking World, Xiao Nannan traveled day and night and experienced hardships along the way.

Even with a starry sky map, it is still a very difficult thing to travel in the starry sky.

It is not easy to find the five-color altar on each planet.

If Xiao Nannan had not used various methods to cover up her original appearance and disguised herself as a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old, she would have experienced many more dangers along the way.

Finally, Beidou Star was in front of her, and Xiao Nannan arrived at the last stop to Beidou.

Through the five-color altar of this planet, Xiao Nannan can reach Beidou Star, the luck hub of the world of Zhatian, and the sleeping place of all the emperors.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killing God): "Finally, I'm going to Beidou Star, so excited!

This journey is really too hard. When I go to Beidou Star and find opportunities, I can give red envelopes to all the brothers and sisters."

Xiao Nannan has always been very grateful to the sisters in the chat group.

Especially Sister Yang Chan, who gave her the opportunity to change her fate. Without that Nine Yuan Xuanling Fruit, she didn't know how many detours she would have to take to embark on the road of cultivation.

She felt that she had been collecting various resources from her brothers and sisters since she joined the group chat, but she didn't give them much in return.

The only thing that can be considered as a reward is some cultivation methods in the world of Shading Heaven.

But in Xiao Nannan's heart, the things that can be copied by cultivation methods are not enough as a reward.

She also wants to provide cultivation resources to group members to help them improve together.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't be in a hurry to find opportunities, safety comes first.

You should know that Beidou Star is not like Nanli Star. You can be invincible on Nanli Star, but you still have to keep a low profile on Beidou Star.

This planet is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are more than a dozen emperors who died on Beidou Star, leaving behind many extreme imperial soldiers.

In addition to these dead emperors, there are countless old guys hiding in it.

There are 7 life forbidden areas on Beidou Star alone. If these old monsters really take action, even Emperor Yuhua will have to behave himself when he comes to Beidou Star.

Well, now it should be 6. After all, you haven't become a ruthless emperor yet, and the ancient life forbidden area should not exist yet.

In short, remember not to show too much, if you attract the attention of these people, it will be very troublesome.

Making a fortune in silence is the kingly way."

Xu Chenzhou admonished the little girl like an old father.

In the group chat, Xiao Nannan and Xiao Shihao are the well-deserved group pets. The age of these two little guys is very different from that of others, and everyone treats them as younger brothers and sisters.

Xu Chenzhou is the same, so he is so long-winded.

The original ruthless emperor is already cruel enough, and Xiao Nannan, who has been raised by the chat group, is even more like a killing god. With her current temper, it is easy for her to suffer a big loss on Beidouxing.

Xiao Nannan (the immortal killing god): "Yeah, group leader brother, I know (I am super good.jpg)!"

This emoticon package is a selfie of Xiao Nannan.

The group chat provides the function of shooting videos, so naturally you can edit the videos shot by group members into emoticons.

Xiao Nannan and Shihao are the group pets of the chat group, so naturally they can't do without their emoticons.

Xiao Nannan in the emoticon package has a sweet smile on her face and keeps nodding, so cute that people feel their hearts are about to melt when they see it.

But what Xu Chenzhou couldn't see was that in reality the little guy's expression was not so sweet. Instead, his face was full of excitement and excitement, and his face was full of eagerness.

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "Alas, speaking of this, the group chat is so quiet during this period. Apart from Junbao Jianguo's matter, it seems that everyone's life is not very turbulent. I haven't watched live broadcasts for a long time."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Isn't it better to be calmer? Mingfei, you are just living too comfortably.

Everyone basically faces various crises after joining the group chat, and it is only during this period that it is so peaceful.

Enjoy life and accumulate strength. Such days are so wonderful.

Thinking about watching live broadcasts every day, why don't you go on stage yourself.

Speaking of which, you are obviously a monster hunter, and we haven't seen you kill a dragon yet."

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "What do you mean I live too comfortably? Group leader, what you said is unreasonable.

I am different from you, I had just fought a life-and-death battle with the Black Dragon when I joined the group chat.

You don’t understand how terrifying the Black Dragon is.

Well, it may not be that terrifying to you, but it was still a very powerful opponent for me at that time.

If I hadn’t been so skilled and charged the Dragon Car several times, I would have been killed by that thing.

There is no such thing as a cat car in the Monster Hunter world I live in. If you get killed, you’re dead.

As for the live broadcast, let’s wait a little longer!

I’m about to graduate. In about a month, Kassel Academy should come to find me.

After fighting for so many years, I’d better enjoy myself for two days. (I’ve fought for so many years, and I can’t enjoy myself.jpg)”

Lu Mingfei propped his left elbow on the table, staring out the window boredly, looking bored.

Under the cover of the loose school uniform, his figure still looked a little thin, as if he was no different from the little loser before, but the arm under the sleeve broke other people’s perception.

Because of his posture, the strong muscles on his arms outlined a series of detailed muscle lines, which were particularly eye-catching.

Su Xiaoqiang, who was sitting in the next row, always pretended to look back at him inadvertently, and every time Chen Wenwen noticed Su Xiaoqiang's eyes, a hint of hidden murderous intent would flash in her eyes on the other side.

Ying Zheng (Qin hostage): "What a coincidence, I will also set off to return to Qin in about a month. I really look forward to the day when I go back."

Ying Zheng was wearing a black robe, lying quietly on the bed, holding a book of Yin Yang School's [Yin Yang Adjusting Spirit and Qi Circulation Theory] in his hand and flipping through it casually.

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