All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 314 Saint's Surgery, Xuanyong Library

During the days since joining the chat group, Ying Zheng has been keeping a low profile.

There is spiritual energy in the world of Baijia Zhudao, and one can practice immortality.

After this period of practice, his cultivation has reached the peak of the Golden Core Stage, and he is only one step away from breaking the elixir and becoming an infant to achieve the Nascent Soul Stage.

But Ying Zheng still did not show his edge, because the practitioners in the world of Baijia Zhudao are also very powerful and are not soft persimmons.

The practitioners of strange arts in this world are divided into nine grades, and those above the ninth grade can become saints.

Moreover, the combat power gap between practitioners of different realms in the world of Baijia is very different. The practitioners of the lower three grades only master some superficial spells, and can even defeat some ordinary warriors.

The combat power of the practitioners of the middle three grades has a huge leap, and they can call the wind and rain, split mountains and rocks, and even understand the mysterious netherworld.

When they practice to the highest three grades, the strength of these practitioners will have a cliff-like improvement. The novelist practitioners can summon tens of millions of heavenly troops with a book, and the farmers' practitioners can protect the whole country with a spell.

Once they break through the ninth level and become saints, the gap in strength between these saints of the hundred schools and the practitioners who have not become saints is no longer the same species.

The State of Jin once mobilized thousands of first-level practitioners and millions of troops to besiege a saint of the Mohist School. The battle was earth-shaking, the sky and the earth changed color, and the sun and the moon lost their light.

This battle was a battle that the State of Jin gambled on its national destiny. No one in the entire State of Jin had become a saint for a hundred years.

Without a saint to suppress the national destiny, the surrounding countries were eager to move in the absence of successors, so the State of Jin set its sights on the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map, the treasure left by Mozi to suppress the pulse.

In this map, there are often one hundred Moqiong mechanical beasts left by Mozi in the past. Each Moqiong mechanical beast requires a first-level practitioner to enter before it can be controlled.

These one hundred Moqiong mechanical beasts can be transformed and combined at will. Once all the one hundred mechanical beasts are combined, they can be transformed into the giant god Mo Zun, with extremely powerful combat power.

The Mohist School once relied on the power of the giant god Mo Zun to fight against the three saints and won the battle.

Once the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map is obtained, with the foundation of Jin, it can easily produce a hundred first-grade practitioners. In this way, Jin will always have a powerful saint-level combat force to suppress the national destiny. From then on, as long as the map is not lost, the national destiny of Jin will be as stable as Mount Tai.

No one dares to take the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map in normal times, because this treasure of the pulse itself represents a powerful combat power. In addition, as one of the two major schools among the hundred schools, the Mohist School is full of masters. Any force that dares to take the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map is simply looking for death.

But this time is different. Jin's spies in the Mohist School sent back a message that the contemporary leader of the Mohist School left the Mohist Station alone with the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map.

This is a rare opportunity, because no one can control the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map by himself. If there is no helper, even the Mohist leader can only control three Moqiong mechanical beasts at most.

In other words, if they take this opportunity to snatch the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map, they only need to deal with the Mohist leader.

Faced with this golden opportunity, the King of Jin decided to take action without hesitation.

Faced with the ambush, the Mohist master did not take out the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map.

Because there was no helper, the power of the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map was not as good as his own action.

Jin was well prepared for this battle. Novelists used pen and ink to change the rules of heaven and earth and draw the ground as a prison. Military practitioners led millions of troops to form a military soul. Farmers planted various plants and exotic animals in advance. Yin-Yangists set up battle formations in advance. After making all the preparations that could be made, the Jin practitioners ambushed the Mohist master.

However, the Mohist master was not afraid at all. Instead, he used the Mohist mechanical art to refine the mountains and rivers of heaven and earth. The famous mountains and rivers in the territory of Jin State rose from the ground and were refined into mechanical giants of various shapes. Moreover, under the great power of the Mohist master, the earth was also used as material by him, and mechanical equipment continued to rise, such as giant siege crossbows that were hundreds of miles long, catapults as high as mountains, and car crashes that burned like the sun.

What novelists and practitioners drew lines on the ground as prisons, what farmers and practitioners planted various extraordinary plants, all lost their effect in the face of such great power.

Only the formations set up by the Yin-Yang School practitioners and the Diplomatic School practitioners worked, trapping the Mohist master in the territory of Jin State.

The Mohist master had no way to avoid it. After three days of bloody battle, he actually slaughtered all the thousands of first-grade practitioners.

Although the Mohist master died later because he had exhausted his energy, this battle also made everyone understand the huge gap between saints and ordinary practitioners.

Both sides paid a huge price in this battle. The already declining national fortune of Jin was completely dragged down by this battle. In addition to the thousands of first-grade practitioners killed by the Mohist masters, the sniping of Mohist practitioners who came to support also made Jin pay a huge price.

The direct forces of the King of Jin were completely lost in this battle, which also laid the groundwork for the subsequent division of Jin by the three families.

The Mohist family lost a master, and even the treasure of the pulse, the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map, was lost in this battle.

Even though the Mohist family had come out in full force, they only snatched back 49 Moqiong mechanical beasts, and the remaining 51 Moqiong mechanical beasts and the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map itself disappeared.

Without the Moqiong Hundred Beasts Map as a backup, the strength of the Mohist family declined significantly. From this day on, the Mohist family gradually declined. Although they were both two prominent schools, they could no longer compare with the Confucian school, and even fell to the top ten among the hundred schools.

Ying Zheng had also seen the power of saints in the world.

He once had the honor to see the Yin-Yang family saint take action in Xuanyong Pavilion, and recorded the scene of the Yin-Yang family saint taking action to show to his friends in the chat group.

According to Xu Chenzhou's judgment, the power of the Yin Yang family saint has reached the level of an immortal, and is not weaker than the ordinary true immortals in the prehistoric world.

Ying Zheng's cultivation at the peak of the Golden Core Stage was completely inadequate in front of the saints of the Yin Yang Family.

So Ying Zheng was still quite low-key when he was living under someone else's roof.

After all, he is now in Zhao State as a proton, surrounded by dangers.

Although he is very safe now, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he has no talent for cultivation.

A Qin proton who cannot practice magic is not a threat, and no one will take him seriously.

But once he shows his strength, it will be different. Some people who are hostile to Qin want to kill him.

Of course, there is a reason why Ying Zheng can be so forbearing, because he knows that he is going back soon.

Ying Zheng read the history book Lu Mingfei sent him and knew that in the history of the dragon world, Qin Shihuang escaped from the life of a proton when he was nine years old.

In that history, Qin Shihuang's great-grandfather King Qin Zhaoxiang died in 251 BC, his grandfather King Qin Xiaowen succeeded to the throne, and his father Qin Yiren was also established as the prince.

Therefore, in order to ease the relationship between Zhao and Qin, the State of Zhao sent Ying Zheng's mother and son back to the State of Qin.

However, the history of the Dragon Clan World cannot be completely applied to the Baijia World.

Ying Zheng in Baijia World is already twelve years old at this time, but his great-grandfather King Qin Zhaoxiang has not passed away yet, so he has not yet had the opportunity to leave the Kingdom of Zhao.

Without the permission of the State of Zhao, it is very dangerous for him as a hostage to leave the State of Zhao.

As a hostage, he was under surveillance all year round, and almost all the guards and maids around him were arranged by Zhao Guo.

Once he escapes control, Zhao Guo will immediately send out practitioners to track him down.

The prehistoric immortal way he practiced is not the same system as the strange arts in hundreds of worlds.

Therefore, there was no way for him to guarantee that he could completely hide it from the eyes and ears of the practitioners of Zhao State.

He is a man of ten thousand gold. As long as he goes step by step, he can leave Zhao country, so there is no need to take risks.

Moreover, Ying Zheng had already received news that his great-grandfather, King Qin Zhaoxiang, was dying. In the past two years, King Qin Zhaoxiang had almost stayed in the palace and had not been to court several times.

The informant who delivered the news to him was originally a spy of the State of Zhao who was responsible for monitoring him, and was enslaved by him using the methods of ancient immortality.

According to this spy, King Qin Zhaoxiang suffered from a serious illness three years ago. If he had not met an alchemist who made a golden elixir for King Qin Zhaoxiang to extend his life, King Qin Zhaoxiang would have died long ago.

However, no matter how powerful the life-extending golden elixir is, it will eventually expire.

Judging from the news obtained by the State of Zhao, King Qin Zhaoxiang has been coughing up blood from time to time in the past few days, and it is obvious that he is dying.

According to the judgment of the great practitioners in Zhao Guoli, King Qin Zhaoxiang's life span should only be about one month.

After knowing the news, Ying Zheng naturally became more calm. Anyway, it was only a month. After twelve years of proton career, he still had one month left.

However, Ying Zheng was very interested in this alchemist who refined the golden elixir.

He always felt that this alchemist was very extraordinary. If it were not for this alchemist, he might have successfully returned to Qin three years ago.

While waiting, Ying Zheng didn't do anything.

According to the agreement, the protons from all countries will uniformly worship at Xuanyong Pavilion, the largest training palace in the Zhao Kingdom.

This is a common rule between countries. Although protons are almost always abandoned, their status is very noble, so in order to look good, these protons sent to other countries can generally be worshiped in their own country. Among the largest training schools.

And Ying Zheng is also very special in Proton, because he was born in the State of Zhao.

Since he has no qualifications for practicing foreign arts and has been living in the State of Zhao since he was a child, the State of Zhao is very confident about him.

In order to look good, Zhao Guo specially gave him access rights to the first three floors of the Xuanyong Pavilion Library.

The library of Xuanyong Pavilion is one of the largest libraries in the Zhao Kingdom, and the collection of various precious exercises is even more than the ones in the private treasury of the Zhao Kingdom's royal family.

It's just that these precious skills are usually placed on the back floor.

The first three floors contain more cultivation theories and precious books that do not involve exercises.

Of course, there are some skills, but these skills are either extremely mediocre or incomplete, and some skills are extremely obscure and difficult, and no one can understand them.

But even so, the first three floors are not accessible to ordinary people at will.

Taking out any one of the three-story books is enough for ordinary practitioners to break their heads and fight over it.

However, Ying Zheng's identity represents the face of Qin after all, and Ying Zheng has no cultivation qualifications, and no one teaches him the way of cultivation. Even if he is given access to the first three levels, he will not learn much.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The practice of foreign arts has extremely high knowledge barriers.

Each of the various schools of thought has a lot of terms, and it would be impossible to understand them without the guidance of a teacher.

Yuyi, Longchi, Jinsuo, Tianshu and other professional terms are mixed together, which can make people look confused.

Even if the book is placed in front of you, it is impossible to understand it if you don't understand these professional terms.

Even if Ying Zheng had access to the first three floors, it would be the same as not having them, because he simply couldn't understand the contents of the books there.

But now it's different. No one in Zhao State taught him professional terms, but he could learn from the chat group.

Although the worlds in the chat group are very different, to put it bluntly, they all come from the same cultural system, and many professional terms are basically universal.

Of course, some terms have different meanings, and if they are completely applied, it will be even more confusing.

With the knowledge gained from the chat group, Ying Zheng can basically understand more than 60% of each book, and then he can understand two or three layers by half guessing.

And in this process, Ying Zheng discovered that there are indeed many good things hidden in the first three floors of Xuanyong Pavilion.

Among those incomplete copies of the skills, there are actually several incomplete copies of the magic skills that appear in the later plots, such as the farmer's Heart of All Things, the military's Thousands of Troops Breaking the Formation Spear, the Confucian's Day and Night Skill, etc. Of course, these skills are missing the main part, leaving only about 30%, and it is almost impossible to practice.

But this is only true for people in this world.

For Ying Zheng, these three percents have almost shown the most important cultivation ideas of these magic skills. In addition, he can try and error infinitely in the cultivation space, so as long as he has patience, he can completely replicate them with the help of the cultivation space.

In addition, the various saints' handwritings in the first three layers are the most helpful to Ying Zheng.

The saints' handwritings have terrifying power and entrust the saints' Tao and law, so the saints' handwritings in the first three layers are not authentic.

These saints' handwritings are all copies, but the copies are enough. For Ying Zheng, he values ​​the saints' principles recorded in these handwritings more than the terrifying power on the saints' handwritings.

The Hundred Schools of Thought in the World contend and collide with each other to produce many sparks of wisdom, and the saints' handwritings are the most fertile fruits of these sparks of wisdom.

The Tao and law in these saints' handwritings constantly collide with the prehistoric immortal way, just like a bay of clear springs, pouring Ying Zheng's cognition, allowing the Tao in his heart to slowly take root and sprout.

During this period, Ying Zheng borrowed the handwritten books of the saints. Every time he read them, he could feel that he had gained something. His state of mind and his understanding of Tao and Fa continued to improve rapidly.

Although his current cultivation level is only at the peak of Jindan, Ying Zheng actually feels that his Taoism has reached the peak of Yuanying and even touched a trace of Huashen realm.

The most important reason why his cultivation level is still stagnant at the peak of Jindan is still the spiritual energy.

Although the Hundred Schools World is suitable for cultivation, the spiritual energy is not particularly abundant. It is much better than the mortal world, but it is roughly at the level of the spiritual world, far less than the prehistoric world.

So as long as there is sufficient spiritual energy supply, Ying Zheng is confident that he can directly break through to the peak of Yuanying.

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