All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 315: Perfection-level Secret Method of Possession

The book [Yin Yang Regulating Spirit and Qi Movement Theory] in his hand is exactly the handwritten book of the sage borrowed from the Xuanyong Pavilion Library.

Yin Yang mixed with copper, the hook fell south and hundreds of rivers were born.

The copper furnace shook and the heaven and earth were born, regulating qi and moving the spirit to catch the jade rabbit.

Looking north to the Changchuan and south to Li, the five sounds are mixed and know the bitter kiln.

The content of [Yin Yang Regulating Spirit and Qi Movement Theory] is quite obscure, and it is even written in the style of Chu Ge, which makes it more difficult to understand.

Although it is a handwritten book of the sage, if you don’t understand the meaning of the terms in it, you will only be confused.

For example, soul copper actually refers to a little spirituality in the human mind, and the hook is the lower dantian, like the copper furnace, Changchuan, and bitter kiln all have their own meanings.

Only by knowing the specific meanings of these terms can we interpret the thoughts recorded in the sage’s handwritten book. If you don’t understand the meaning of these terms, it may be difficult to comprehend even if you rack your brains.

This handwritten book of the sage is one of the most precious books in the first three floors of the Xuanyong Pavilion Sutra Library.

Those who don't understand the mystery will only regard it as a bunch of nonsense poetry, but if you can understand it, you will know that this [Yin Yang Regulating Spirit and Qi Circulation Theory] contains a magical spell of Yin Yang Regulating Spirit and Qi Circulation of Yin Yang School.

Logically speaking, this skill should be hidden above the sixth floor of the library, but for some reason it was placed on the third floor.

The effect of this spell is very simple, that is, regulating Yin and Yang, absorbing Qi and strengthening the spirit.

But these are only the most superficial effects. The real mystery of this spell is that if it can be cultivated to perfection, the power of the soul can be transformed into true Qi through the Yin Yang transformation, and the true Qi can also be transformed into the power of the soul, and the two Qis will rotate endlessly.

In the view of Yin Yang School, true Qi belongs to Yang and the soul belongs to Yin. It is precisely because these two forces circulate in the human body and Yin and Yang meet that the human body can have life.

Since they belong to Yin and Yang, they can naturally be transformed through the Yin and Yang.

The deeper you practice this skill, the less loss there will be in the transformation between the soul and the true Qi.

This means that the person who has mastered this spell can have double the capacity regardless of whether he uses the power of the soul or the true qi.

Moreover, the recovery of the soul power and the recovery of the true qi power are separate. If they can be switched at will, it is equivalent to having double the speed of recovery.

However, this increase in recovery is actually not very effective for Ying Zheng, who has the basic body-building skills of the Star Alliance. If he wants to recover his qi, he can use a simpler and more crude way of taking drugs to recover. As long as there are enough high-energy foods, the energy in his body can be recovered quickly by digesting the food.

Ying Zheng pays more attention to the transformation method in this skill.

He has a feeling that this conversion between the soul and the true qi contains a very deep mystery. If he can understand it thoroughly, he may be able to directly achieve the stage of transformation.

While reading this book [Theory of Yin-Yang Adjusting the Soul and Moving the Qi], Ying Zheng is thinking about his next actions in his mind.

He is about to leave Zhao State, which means that he will return to Qin State and face the turbulent situation in Qin State.

After his great-grandfather Qin Zhaoxiang died, his grandfather Qin Xiaowen would not live long.

In the history of the Dragon Clan World, Qin Xiaowen died after only three days in office.

But in the Hundred Schools World, Qin Zhaoxiang lived for three more years, so Ying Zheng was not sure when Qin Xiaowen would die.

But in any case, Ying Zheng knew that Qin Xiaowen would not live long.

Because the information in the group chat of Hundred Schools Zhudao showed that his life trajectory was very similar to that of Qin Shihuang in the history of the Dragon Clan.

However, since he was not the protagonist in Hundred Schools Zhudao, the things he encountered in his childhood were not recorded there.

In fact, even his father Qin Yiren did not live long, and only reigned for three years.

Three consecutive kings died in just three years, and the breath of conspiracy emerged in Ying Zheng's mind.

He didn't know what happened in the history of the Dragon Clan World.

But he felt that everything that happened in the Hundred Schools World was inseparable from the alchemist who gave Qin Zhaoxiang King the golden elixir.

Even he later fell into the devil's way under the influence of the alchemist Xu Fu.

Ying Zheng knew that there was a huge conspiracy behind the scenes, like a dark cloud covering the sky and the sun, covering the Qin State, or the entire Central Plains.

Of course, these things are not urgent for the time being, and what he has to do now is to restrain his edge.

Leaving Zhao State safely is the most important thing at the moment.

As for those people in Zhao State who had bullied him, Ying Zheng did not take it to heart.

He naturally wanted to kill these people, but he was not in a hurry.

When he swept across the six countries one day, he would naturally be able to offer their heads.

While Ying Zheng was still thinking, news came from the group chat again.

Shi Hao (the Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "I'm looking forward to it. I want to go out and play, too.

I wanted to go out and explore a few months ago. In the information of the group leader brother, there are many things in the lower world that interest me.

But the Goddess of Willow won't let me leave the village. She said that I'm too young now. It's okay to explore the Virtual God Realm, but it's too easy to encounter danger if I go out with my real body.

Unless I can cultivate to the level of the Venerable, and then practice the Grass Sword Art and the Six Paths of Reincarnation to the level of minor success, they will let me go out and explore."

Seeing Shi Hao's news, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but nodded, and he also agreed with the decision of the Goddess of Willow.

Liu Shen is not the type to tie the little guy to her side, but the problem is that the little guy is too young now and does not have the ability to deal with various problems maturely.

The little guy is too unreliable. If Shi Hao is really allowed to go out and explore, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble.

Liu Shen has the strength to not fear anyone, but she is not Shi Hao's nanny. She can be the little guy's protector, but Shi Hao still needs to go through the crises he encounters on his own.

Unlike the original timeline, Shi Hao revealed too many secrets in the battle with Shi Yi, including the Grass Sword Technique.

This kind of powerful treasure technique is too eye-catching. With this treasure technique, it is enough to establish a great power that has been passed down for tens of millions of years.

Once someone who knows the goods recognizes it, he will definitely seize the Grass Sword Technique at all costs, which adds to the danger of Shi Hao going out and exploring.

His strength is indeed invincible among the younger generation, but there will definitely be many old things who will not follow the martial ethics and fight against the little guy under the temptation of the Grass Sword Technique.

In this situation, if you don't have strong strength, you can't go out and explore.

God Liu believes that Shi Hao's current strength is not enough to go out and explore alone, so he temporarily restricts the little guy from traveling.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I also agree with God Liu's decision. It's too early for you to go out and explore now.

Who told you to make such a big fuss in the virtual world? Now the eyes of the entire lower world are almost focused on you.

In addition, your age is too recognizable. Once you go out and explore, it's too easy to be recognized.

But it's not a big problem. If you practice well, it's not difficult for you to practice to the Venerable Realm.

After you practice to the Venerable Realm, there should be few people in the lower world who can threaten you."

The little guy lowered his head listlessly.

Well, even the group leader brother said so, so it seems that if you want to go out and play, you can only practice hard.

But that's how kids are, emotions come and go quickly, he was only depressed for a while before he immediately cheered up, as long as he cultivated to the Venerable Realm, he could go out and explore, it seemed that it was not unacceptable!

The underworld recorded in Xu Chenzhou's information was so exciting, the little guy couldn't wait.

Thinking of this, the little guy drank the beast milk in his hand, and then began to cultivate with full energy.

After a while, Luo Feng, who had been lurking in the group chat for more than ten days, also emerged.

Luo Feng (disciple of Yunmo Star): "I am going to Ruins No. 22. Then I can verify whether the arrival of the golden-horned beast is related to the hermit."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "So Luo Feng, your secret method of taking over the body has been improved. This is really great.

Mingfei just said that he was too bored recently. Now there is finally something exciting to watch."

Lu Mingfei (campus beauty killer): "Hehe, Luo Feng, you are still good to me. I was just bored and you came out to make trouble."

Lu Mingfei was no longer listless. He sat up straight. He rubbed his hands and looked like he couldn't wait to watch the show.

Luo Feng's message almost blew up all the lurking group members.

For example, Han Li, Misaka Mikoto and others have not chatted in the group chat for several days because they have been too busy recently.

At this time, when they heard that there was a live broadcast to watch, they all came out to the group in high spirits.

Seeing the group members' behavior, Luo Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

These guys really enjoy watching the fun.

He was about to face the golden-horned beast. In fact, he still had some psychological pressure for this crisis.

After all, this was a beast from the starry sky, and its hard power could definitely crush him. It was an extremely terrifying opponent.

In the original timeline, Luo Feng could definitely be said to have survived a narrow escape when facing the golden-horned beast. This was the most terrifying crisis Luo Feng had encountered in his long life.

Even if he had the help of the chat group, it was not easy to seize the body of the golden-horned beast.

During this period, Luo Feng had almost no time to chat in the group. All his thoughts were focused on deducing the secret art of seizing the body from the master of the meteorite star.

Only when he practiced this secret art of seizing the body to perfection, he would have the confidence to face the golden-horned beast that was about to come to the earth.

After such a long period of hard practice, he finally did it.

During this time, he not only engraved every detail of the body possession secret technique into his bones, but also used the knowledge in the chat group to make many improvements to the body possession secret technique.

For these improvements, Luo Feng used the time imprint function more than a dozen times, lost his soul countless times, and paid a lot of group points.

Now Luo Feng can confidently say that his new version of the body possession secret technique is ten times stronger than the original body possession secret technique of the Yunmo Star master.

In the original timeline, Luo Feng was able to possess the golden-horned beast, which was definitely a combination of time, place and people.

The most important thing was that several top masters sacrificed their lives and operated the life sacrifice secret technique together, which helped him successfully break through the spiritual defense of the golden-horned beast, and with the soul imprint left by the Yunmo Star master, he was able to complete the body possession.

But even so, it took him a full year.

A year is nothing to Luo Feng in the original timeline, but for Luo Feng who joined the chat group, wasting a year is unacceptable.

After all, during this year, he could not practice, nor could he enter the chat group practice space.

He even didn't know whether he could connect to the chat group in the state of possession.

If he could not sign in to the group during this year, the group points lost would be astronomical.

For this possibility, Luo Feng could not accept even a slight possibility.

And the most important thing is that the current Luo Feng is much stronger than the Luo Feng in another timeline.

If the golden-horned beast was really released by Zuo Shan Ke, then the strength of this golden-horned beast might be stronger than the one in the original timeline.

In other words, if the original possession secret method is still used, it may take longer to possess the golden-horned beast this time.

That's why he invested so many resources to modify the possession secret method to the most perfect degree, only in this way can he minimize the time used to possess the golden-horned beast.

Luo Feng sat cross-legged on a barren mountain outside Yangzhou.

After deciding to go to Ruins No. 22, Luo Feng stood up, stretched his body which was a little stiff due to long-term sitting, and then waved his hand, and the escape knife disk turned into a golden light and flew back home.

It is possible that nothing happened when he went there, or it is possible that Pandora's box was opened and the golden-horned beast was released.

No one knows how everything will develop next.

Luo Feng was even prepared. If he was not a match for the golden-horned beast, he would immediately summon his group members to help fight the golden-horned beast.

In any case, he could not allow the golden-horned beast to destroy the earth.

But this is a very dangerous thing.

If the golden-horned beast was really released by Zuoshanke, then Zuoshanke must be watching the earth in secret.

Whether he took out the Qinglian Sword on the spot or the group members came in person, the existence of the chat group would definitely be exposed.

He didn't know how Zuoshanke would react after exposing the chat group, so before going to Ruins No. 22, he planned to accompany his family first.

Gong Xinlan had already prepared the family dinner tonight.

This family dinner was particularly sumptuous, with more than ten dishes filling the entire table.

If Luo Feng's family had not moved into the villa provided by Huaguo, the table in their original small home would definitely not be able to accommodate so many dishes.

Since Luo Feng showed his war god-level strength, he and his family rarely get together for dinner.

The path of a cultivator is lonely. Even if he has the chat group plug-in, if he wants to become a strong man, he still has to spend time practicing.

After all, his plug-in is a chat group, not a deep blue, which can directly add points.

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