All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 316: The Hardest Thing to Accept the Favor of a Beauty

As long as the warriors who devour the world embark on the path of cultivation, they will inevitably spend less time with their families.

This is true for Hong, Lei Shen, and Luo Feng.

It is rare for Luo Feng to go home for dinner today, so Gong Xinlan specially prepared so many dishes.

The family sat together and had a lively dinner.

Luo Feng looked at the happy expressions on his brother and parents' faces, and couldn't help but smile.

When he was disabled, Luo Hua often looked gloomy and even had thoughts of suicide, which made Luo Feng feel very distressed.

Now that his legs can walk like a normal person, Luo Hua has become visibly cheerful.

Looking at his brother's smile, Luo Feng knew that this was the meaning of his cultivation.

For Luo Feng, protecting the people he cherishes is more important than becoming a supreme existence that transcends everything.

Luo Feng ate very slowly during this meal, chatting with his parents about family matters while eating, just like the past ten years.

Because they hadn't seen each other for many days, Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan were a little long-winded at the dinner table.

The two elders were a little overwhelmed when their son suddenly became such a powerful being.

But they were more worried about Luo Feng, because they knew that a warrior's strength was also accompanied by danger.

Listening to the two elders' nagging, Luo Feng not only did not feel bored, but his originally nervous heart slowly calmed down.

After eating, he took his brother out of the house and took out a small bag from his body and put it in Luo Hua's hand.

"Luo Hua, I'm going to do something now, and I may not come back for a long time.

But don't worry, I will be fine.

If I haven't come back in ten days, you can open this bag, there is something I left for you."

This bag is a storage bag, which contains something Luo Feng left for Luo Hua.

There are some dragon tooth rice, several bank cards, grass spirits, wood crystals and several talismans in the bag.

After Yang Chan's debugging, these talismans can be used even by ordinary people. As long as they are torn open, they can be activated. Their power is enough to kill masters at the level of parliamentarians.

Luo Feng put a sheet of paper with the origin and usage of these things written down. He believed that his brother could make good use of these resources with his intelligence.

In addition, Luo Feng also sent a message to Hong and Lei Shen to ask them to help take care of the family.

After this period of communication, the relationship between him, Hong and Lei Shen gradually became familiar. Luo Feng believed in the character of Hong and Lei Shen, so he could safely entrust his family to them.

In case he had a problem and fell into a deep sleep when taking over the body of the golden-horned beast, these preparations were enough to ensure the safety of his father, mother and brother.

After settling his parents and brother, Luo Feng turned around and left home.

He still did not set off directly, but came to the HR Alliance Mall in Jiangnan Base City.

This is a skyscraper with 88 floors, and there are thousands of soldiers patrolling around with real guns and live ammunition. Ordinary people can't get close at all, and only licensed warriors can enter.

Of course, with Luo Feng's strength at this time, it is naturally easy to avoid the eyes and ears of these soldiers and enter the Alliance Mall.

His wife Xu Xin in another timeline works here.

In another timeline, after Luo Feng joined the Fire Hammer Squad, he gradually became familiar with Xu Xin here and finally developed a romantic relationship.

Of course, in this timeline, the relationship between Luo Feng and Xu Xin has not yet begun to develop.

Because Luo Feng's cultivation in this timeline grew too fast, he directly skipped the stage of hunting monsters for money, and naturally did not need to go to the HR Alliance Mall.

Luo Feng strolled in the HR Alliance Mall. The people walking on the street here were all warriors, but no one could detect his breath.

Luo Feng walked slowly and walked to a bar in the reception hall of the underground alliance.

Xu Xin was the manager of this bar.

After entering the bar, Luo Feng saw Xu Xin talking to a guest at the bar.

Seeing this, Luo Feng no longer concealed his breath and broke away from the state of unity between man and nature.

This also made Xu Xin discover Luo Feng's existence.

The moment she looked up at Luo Feng, their eyes crossed.

"Luo Feng, why are you here!"

Seeing Luo Feng, Xu Xin showed a trace of surprise on her face. After hurriedly saying a few words to the guests around her, she came to Luo Feng's side.

Her sight shifted to look at the sword on Luo Feng's waist, and her face turned into a trace of joy.

"Could it be that you have become a warrior!"

Luo Feng looked at Xu Xin in front of him with a complicated look.

He naturally liked Xu Xin very much. In fact, he liked Xu Xin when he was in high school.

Whether he got the chat group or not, this would not change.

At that time, he was sitting at the back of the classroom, and Xu Xin's back was the most beautiful color for him in the classroom.

However, due to his family environment at that time, Luo Feng put all his energy into martial arts practice and never had the opportunity to express his feelings to Xu Xin.

After joining the chat group, Luo Feng had a better impression of Xu Xin.

Because he knew that the relationship between him and Xu Xin was a two-way run.

In another timeline, when he took over the body of the golden-horned beast, everyone thought he was sacrificed.

Xu Xin was heartbroken and decided to commit suicide after giving birth to her and Luo Feng's children, Luo Ping and Luo Hai.

Because for Xu Xin, the days without Luo Feng are no different from death.

Fortunately, he left the treasure Eternal Love left to him by the owner of Yunmo Star to Xu Xin.

In the Devouring World, the lifespan of the body and the soul are calculated separately. Only immortal gods can be immortal forever. The soul lifespan of people who have not achieved immortality is only 1,000 epochs at most.

Therefore, people who have not achieved immortality but have an eternal body can live for 1,000 epochs until their soul decays and then die.

The Devouring Universe is extremely vast. The strange races in the universe are like the sands of the Ganges, and there are all kinds of strange things. Some races are born with eternal bodies.

The strong in the universe extracted a strange genetic material from the eternal bodies of these races, and then stored it in cold silver to make Eternal Love.

This treasure can transform a person's body into an eternal body.

So Xu Xin's suicide not only failed, but also got the long-awaited immortality of the world.

It is the most difficult to disappoint a beautiful woman. Although this is just something that happened in another timeline, it still has a great impact on Luo Feng.

He doesn't want to miss the girl in front of him.

But he doesn't dare to contact Xu Xin too early.

Because he is really unsure about what will happen next.

He almost made Xu Xin commit suicide because of the matter of taking over the body of the golden-horned beast. Luo Feng doesn't want to repeat the same mistake.

God knows what the cultivation level of the golden-horned beast that came to the earth will be if Zuo Shanke takes action.

Originally, Luo Feng planned to wait until he successfully took over the body of the golden-horned beast before pursuing Xu Xin, but before taking action, Luo Feng came to the HR Alliance Mall for some reason.

Facing Xu Xin's question, Luo Feng smiled: "Yes, I became a warrior before I graduated."

Hearing this, Xu Xin's face showed an expression of sudden enlightenment: "No wonder, I didn't see you when I filled in the college entrance examination application, it turned out that you became a warrior.

Indeed, it is unnecessary to go to school after becoming a warrior. Even if ordinary people go to the top universities, they can only work for warriors after graduation."

Xu Xin smiled as he said: "You don't know the reaction of the classmates at that time.

You only missed 0.5 points to become the top scorer in the college entrance examination this time. You did so well that even the principal was shocked. Everyone is guessing whether you want to go to the top two universities in the country, or just go abroad to study.

Originally, the eyes of those classmates who were jealous of you were almost red with envy, but in the end, you didn't even come to fill in the application form.

This gave them the opportunity to say bad things about you behind your back, saying that you could go to the top prestigious schools but didn't even apply for the application form. You must have practiced martial arts and become stupid, and it's not that easy to become a martial artist.

They also said that there are so many people practicing martial arts, how many can become a martial artist, you are so arrogant, leaving the road to heaven, but insisting on fighting for such a small road like Yangchan, there will be times when you will regret it in the future.

Now it seems that they are indeed short-sighted and can't see how strong your potential is. "

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Luo Feng showed a smile on his face. Speaking of it, he hasn't paid attention to his college entrance examination results since the college entrance examination.

It was not until this time that he learned from Xu Xin that he knew that he almost became the top scorer.

He took the college entrance examination just to complete his regret in another timeline, and he really didn't care about how many points he got.

After the college entrance examination, he went directly to Wushima to deal with major forces around the world, and then obtained the inheritance of the master of Yunmo Star. How could he have time to check the college entrance examination scores?

In fact, the principal had visited Luo Feng's home, so Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan also knew Luo Feng's test scores, but the two elders knew what level their son had become, so they were too lazy to tell Luo Feng about such trivial matters.

It must be said that Luo Feng was still a little happy to know that he had done so well in the exam.

After all, after studying hard for more than ten years, he finally handed in a second-place answer sheet, which was worthy of this period of school time.

Luo Feng thought to himself that the help of Yangshen Taoism in improving his comprehension was really terrifying.

In fact, with his original strength, he was indeed enough to be admitted to a top-notch school, but if he wanted to be the second place, there was still a big gap. As a result, after practicing Yangshen Taoism, he didn't take the exam seriously, and he almost became the champion.

Luo Feng nodded: "It's not their fault. After all, it's really hard for ordinary people to become a warrior.

It's just that after becoming a warrior, going to school is a waste of time for me. If I didn't want to give an explanation for my hard study for more than ten years, I might not even take the college entrance examination."

Xu Xin also nodded with empathy. For rich and capable people, diplomas are really nothing. If you want, you can get it at any time. If you don't want it, it doesn't matter.

As a direct descendant of the Xu family, it doesn't make any difference to her whether she goes to college or not.

Those elites in universities come out to work for their Xu family.

Even if she wants, she only needs to spend some money, and all universities in the world will open their doors to her. She doesn't even have to go to school, and the diploma can be delivered to her.

She continues her studies not because she needs a diploma, but because she wants to go to school. It's that simple.

Xu Xin turned her head and looked at Luo Feng: "So Luo Feng, you came here, are you ready to go to the wilderness area?

You have just become a warrior. If you go to the wilderness area, you must find a reliable team. If you have no idea now, I can recommend one for you. "

Xu Xin has long known that Luo Feng likes her. When she was in school, she could see Luo Feng staring at her almost every time she looked back. This kind of thing has long been a tacit understanding.

As for Luo Feng, Xu Xin actually has some good feelings.

In addition, it is very important for new warriors to find a reliable teammate.

The wilderness area is full of dangers, and new recruits are the most likely to get into trouble.

When Xu Xin thought of Luo Feng going to the wilderness area, she felt a sense of panic, so she was so active in helping Luo Feng find a team.

As a direct descendant of the Xu family, she naturally had some privileges, so Xu Xin had already planned in her mind which more reliable team to recommend to Luo Feng.

But what Xu Xin didn't expect was that Luo Feng didn't play by the rules at all.

He shook his head and said, "No, I don't plan to go to the wilderness area. I came to the HR Alliance Mall this time to find you. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin's heartbeat slowed down.

Come to see me specially?

What does he want to do!

He comes to see me right after becoming a warrior, could it be that...

"Come to see me specially!" Xu Xin's voice became softer.

Luo Feng nodded again: "Yes, I came to see you specially. I have to do something and may not be back for a long time, so I want to see you first. "

Originally, Luo Feng planned to pursue Xu Xin after dealing with the matter of the golden-horned beast.

But at the moment of seeing Xu Xin, the rationality and various emotions in his mind were completely thrown out of his mind.

There was only one firm thought left, that is, he wanted to be with Xu Xin.

He knew how loyal the girl in front of him was to love. If someone took advantage of the time when he took over the body of the golden-horned beast, he would regret it.

Luo Feng stared at Xu Xin with his eyes firmly, full of burning love, and he did not intend to suppress his emotions.

Hearing this, Xu Xin felt her mind was in a mess, and even her face was a little red.

She did not expect that Luo Feng, who had always kept a distance from her in the past, would become so proactive and aggressive at this time.

"Well, okay!

It seems that we haven't seen each other for a long time.

If you want to see me after you finish your business, come here!

But after I start school, I will only come here during the day on Saturdays and Sundays. "

When Xu Xin said this, he lowered his head and his voice was as soft as a mosquito's buzz.

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