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Chapter 317: The Golden Horn Arrives, Preparing to Take Over the Body

Luo Feng looked at the shy expression on Xu Xin's face, and was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions. He nodded and said, "I will, I will definitely come."

Xu Xin lowered her head, not daring to look up at Luo Feng's face: "Then remember to come."

Luo Feng nodded, and then took out a small silver plate from his waist, which had a strange secret pattern on it.

This small plate is naturally the Eternal Love, which has the special effect of transforming people into eternal bodies.

Then Luo Feng handed the small silver plate to Xu Xin.

Looking at the small silver plate in his hand, Xu Xin was a little confused.

"What is this, such a beautiful small plate, it feels cold to the touch, and just holding it makes people feel much more awake."

Luo Feng laughed, and he naturally wouldn't tell Xu Xin the true effect of the Eternal Love.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, so before coming, I specially picked a gift for you.

How about it, do you like it?"

If it was another boy who gave a gift, Xu Xin would definitely not accept it.

But for some reason, Xu Xin not only did not refuse the gift Luo Feng gave him, but also felt her heart fluttering.

She quickly turned the small sign upside down in her hand, and then nodded: "I like it, this small sign is so exquisite, of course I like it."

After handing the Eternal Love to Xu Xin, Luo Feng did not stay any longer.

With the Eternal Love beside Xu Xin, Luo Feng felt much more relieved.

In this way, even if Xu Xin had any problems, the Eternal Love could transform it into an Eternal Body and save Xu Xin's life.

He returned home and prepared to set off for the No. 12 ruins.

This time, Luo Feng did not need to borrow transportation from Xu Chenzhou, because he had traded a prehistoric-level intelligent fighter from Hong, which was enough for use on Earth.

In Luo Feng's ear, Babata looked curious.

"Luo Feng, you said that the spacecraft represented by the No. 12 ruins still has the ability to navigate in space, how did you know that?"

Luo Feng did not hide his specialness in front of Babata.

As intelligent life, loyalty to the master is their instinct.

With the order left by Hu Yanbo, he has become the only heir of Yunmo Star.

Before the master of Yunmo Star is resurrected, Babata will never betray him.

Even after he becomes the domain master, Babata will formally recognize him as the master. At that time, even Hu Yanbo's resurrection will be useless.

Babata is now inseparable from Luo Feng. In a short period of time, Babata is also Luo Feng's best assistant. If even Babata has to be guarded, things will undoubtedly become much more troublesome.

Luo Feng nodded: "I naturally have my channels. You will understand when you get there, and this spaceship has some origins with you."

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Babata shook his little head and was a little confused.

Earlier, he had suggested that Luo Feng collect materials from various ruins and wanted to build a spaceship that could go to the universe by himself, but was rejected by Luo Feng.

According to Luo Feng, he knew that there was a spaceship that could still operate in one of the ruins, so there was no need to toss like this.

Babata was very excited to know that there was another operational spaceship. He urged Luo Feng to go to the ruins several times, but Luo Feng said that the time had not come yet, which made Babata very confused.

At this time, Luo Feng actually told him that this spaceship had some origins with him, which made Babata even more confused.

Then Babata followed Luo Feng to the No. 12 ruins.

The No. 12 ruins are underground. There is a huge empty space here, where a black flying saucer-shaped spaceship with a diameter of about 100 meters is parked.

The material of the spaceship is very mysterious. It has been parked underground for many years but has not been corroded. The preservation state is quite good.

And on the black spaceship hull, there is also a double-winged dragon pattern.

The moment he saw the spaceship, Babata shouted: "How could it be him! It's actually an X81 model spaceship.

It seems that this spaceship should be in the interstellar fleet that the master destroyed with one move.

Apart from them, no one would be willing to leave the Black Dragon Mountain - X81 model spaceship on Earth."

After exclaiming, Babata looked up at the master standing beside him, his eyes full of doubts.

Since choosing Luo Feng as the successor of the master of Yunmo Star, Luo Feng has repeatedly shocked him.

Whether it is the breadth of his brain that can be called a genius, or the terrifying speed of cultivation, Babata has repeatedly doubted his life.

What's more terrifying is that Luo Feng has an amazing understanding of many secrets in this universe. Sometimes he can casually tell secrets that Babata doesn't know. He even knows how to cultivate immortal gods. This is simply too incredible for him.

"Luo Feng, did you know that this spaceship is an X81 model spaceship?"

Luo Feng nodded calmly: "Of course, not only that, I also know that this spaceship is well preserved and can be used for interstellar flight at any time."

"Really? That's great!

If so, then we can go to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

I told you that the old master left you a lot of inheritance, enough to make your cultivation speed leap again.

If you ask me, you should have brought me here a long time ago. Having a complete spaceship is of great help to you.

The earth is still too barren and has too few resources. It is a waste of time for you to practice on the earth"

Luo Feng ignored Babata and continued, "But there is still a difficulty in controlling this spaceship. The owner of this spaceship has left a self-destruction setting in the intelligent system. As long as someone tries to capture the intelligent system of this spaceship, this x81 model spaceship will explode within 30 seconds."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Babata's face immediately showed a look of fear: "This old bastard is so cunning that he only left 30 seconds. Fortunately, you know his arrangement, otherwise even I can only use the data torrent method to directly conquer this intelligent system , which may cause damage to the control system of the spacecraft, or even make it unusable. "

Luo Feng squinted at Babata: "Don't talk so much nonsense. After you know this arrangement in advance, can you find a way to bypass the trap he left behind?"

Babata showed a proud expression on his face: "That's for sure. I am a noble intelligent life. As long as I prepare in advance, it will be a piece of cake for me to conquer the intelligent system of this backward spacecraft."

After completing the communication with Babata, Luo Feng no longer hesitated and walked directly into the spacecraft.

There are many traps in the spacecraft, such as a laser trigger arranged in the entrance channel. Once the intruder has no identity recognition, the spacecraft channel will try to launch a laser to cut the intruder.

But Luo Feng had already known these arrangements from Xu Chenzhou's information, so the traps in the spacecraft did not pose any threat to Luo Feng.

Even the three-headed robot was directly controlled by Babata who had prepared in advance.

Soon Luo Feng brought Babata to the command room of the spacecraft.

Babata, who had been prepared, did not rush to control the intelligent system. Instead, he stood beside the console and carefully looked at it, deducing the invasion plan later.

After a while, Babata made the virus and injected it into the receiver.

"Hahaha, with this special killing virus I made, no matter what self-destruction program it has, it's all bullshit.

Quick, quick, plug in the controller and see how I will ravage it, haha."

Luo Feng looked at Babatana's confident expression and directly inserted the controller in his hand into the intelligent signal.

"Warning, the system is under attack." A cold mechanical voice sounded.

The system is about to start self-destruction, please enter the password within 30 seconds.

30, 29

This cold mechanical voice counted to 25, and suddenly another ding sounded in the spacecraft.

"Alarm is lifted, dear master, the X81 spaceship is at your service."

Babata showed a proud smile on his face: "It's done! I took action, and a mere outdated intelligent system was easily captured."

Luo Feng ignored the conceited Babata on the side. This kid suffered a great loss in the original timeline.

This time the spaceship was perfectly captured by Babata. In fact, he could have directly driven the spaceship to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

But Luo Feng was not in a hurry to leave the earth. If the golden-horned beast was really released by the mountain dweller, then he would not have seen Luo Feng leave the earth so easily.

After all, as long as he arrived at the Black Dragon Mountain, the legacy left by Hu Yanbo could be instantly transformed into a powerful combat power.

He only needed to buy a universe-level slave to easily control the young golden-horned beast.

After taking down the X81 spaceship, Luo Feng did not leave. He first ordered Babata to inspect the various equipment and weapons of the spaceship, and then directly sat cross-legged in the spaceship and began to practice.

Babata was somewhat puzzled by Luo Feng's decision. He couldn't wait to go to Qilong Star.

However, since Luo Feng's performance had always exceeded his expectations, Babata didn't say anything.

Luo Feng's practice lasted for three days in a blink of an eye.

Just when Luo Feng was practicing quietly, a shocking change happened in human society.

Devouring beast, here it comes!

The golden-horned beast first appeared on the other side of the ocean.

This is a monster with a body length of more than 280 meters and a body shape similar to that of a lion. It has a wingspan of more than 300 meters and a horn that seems to be able to pierce the sky.

The horn is wrapped with circles of golden secret patterns, which looks weird and terrifying.

As soon as the golden-horned beast appeared, it set off a wave of terror on the earth.

The strength of this beast is so terrifying that even the human's trump card laser cannon can't cause any damage to it.

The terrifying laser cannon can easily dissolve the defense of the stubborn beast, but it can't pose any threat to the golden-horned beast.

The golden-horned beast opened its mouth, like a dog eating the sun, and actually swallowed the entire war base into its belly.

The soldiers and weapons in the war base also sank into the golden-horned beast's stomach.

Horror, extremely terrifying.

This terrifying existence with combat power far exceeding that of the king-level beasts completely triggered fear in the entire human society as soon as it appeared.

Luo Feng, who was practicing in the spaceship, naturally received the news.

He opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Not long after he entered the spaceship, the golden-horned beast actually appeared on the earth.

It seems that this matter is indeed related to Zuo Shanke.

However, this matter was originally expected by Luo Feng. The perfect fit between the golden-horned beast's innate clone secret method and the Nine Tribulations Secret Book was extremely suspicious.

In this way, the truth behind Hu Yanbo's death may not be that simple.

Letting the Earthlings who captured the body-stealing golden-horned giant beast practice the Nine Tribulations Secret Code should also be a path that the mountaineer explores.

After all, the physical talents of the people on earth are too average. Without some plug-ins and only relying on the talents of the people on earth, it would be very difficult to cultivate a powerful person in the universe, let alone a person who can change the will. The peerless genius of Lie Yuan Shu left behind by Saint Xiu Yuan.

But this has little to do with the current Luo Feng. Regarding the appearance of the golden-horned beast, Luo Feng has no fear in his heart, only joy.

For him on earth, seizing the body of the golden-horned giant beast is definitely a great opportunity.

Otherwise, relying on the physical talents of earthlings, he would never be able to move as smoothly as in the original timeline.

Without any hesitation, Luo Feng directed Babata to launch the X 81 spacecraft.

At this time, Babata has been connected to the earth's network, and the entire Internet is full of videos about the golden-horned beast.

An entire war base couldn't hold on for even a second in front of this terrifying behemoth, and was swallowed up in an instant.

This made everyone smell the coming doomsday.

The Internet was in chaos, with many netizens crying and howling.

"It's over, it's over, it's really over this time. Such a terrifying beast was born on the earth. Even the God of War and Councilor-level experts are like children in front of him. Now the end has come."

“The end is here and I haven’t spent all my money yet!!!!

Damn it, I’m going to find 10 sisters tonight, and I’ll have some fun before I die. "

"Are you stupid upstairs? The end has come and you still want to spend money to find your sister. See if anyone is willing to pay attention to you."

Of course, some people were not so alarmed.

Because they believe that the gods of martial arts, Hong and Lei Shen, who belong to the people on earth, will step forward.

"Why panic? We people on earth can live such a stable life because of Master Hong and Master Lei Shen.

If they hadn't suppressed the two beast kings, humanity would have been destroyed long ago with the help of other war-god-level warriors and council-level warriors.

Now that Hall Master Hong and Master Lei Shen haven’t taken action, you’re crying too early! "

Seeing these messages on the Internet, Babata was so frightened that he almost burst into tears.

"How is it possible, the Golden-Horned Behemoth? How is it possible that a Golden-Horned Behemoth appears in this remote place on earth, and it is a pure-blooded Golden-Horned Behemoth.

Even in the master's life span of more than 60 million years, he has only seen three golden-horned giant beasts, and the bloodline is not as high as this golden-horned giant beast. This is too outrageous! "

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