All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 318 Then wouldn’t my practice of the Heaven Covering Technique have been in vain?

Looking at Babata's surprised expression, Luo Feng only had a faint smile on his face.

Hu Yanbo has lived for tens of millions of years, and with the strength of his immortal god, he has been to countless strange places that are beyond the reach of ordinary people. As a result, he has only encountered the giant beasts in the starry sky three times in his life.

The starry sky beast that is so cherished now actually appears on the earth. Doesn't this just illustrate the problem?

If Luo Feng had not joined the chat group, he might have thought this was just a coincidence.

But after joining the chat group, Luo Feng knew that the golden-horned beast should never have appeared on the earth so early in the original timeline.

Sure enough, all the guesses were confirmed.

But it didn't matter. He was fully prepared. Even if the time was advanced so much, the golden-horned giant beast still couldn't escape from his grasp.

"Babata, please help me detect what level of cultivation this golden-horned giant beast is now."

Babata nodded, his face full of grimness.

"This golden-horned giant beast has a body length of 280 meters and a wingspan of more than 300 meters. According to the data stored in my intelligent core, the cultivation level of this golden-horned giant beast should have reached the peak of the ninth level of the star level. As long as it swallows A sufficient amount of metal may break through to the cosmic level at any time.”

After detecting the strength of the golden-horned beast, Babata's face became extremely anxious, and the virtual projected body began to circle around Luo Feng.

"It's over now, it's over now, why is the earth so unlucky, even if it encounters the golden-horned giant beast, it is actually a golden-horned giant beast at the peak of the star level.

Luo Feng, let’s run away quickly, no one on earth can stop him.

If the cultivation level of this golden-horned giant beast is slightly weaker, we can still try to control the x81 spacecraft to compete with it.

But now that his cultivation has reached the peak of stellar level, I am sure that even if we control the x81 spacecraft, we will not be his opponent. "

Luo Feng shook his head: "Escape, how can you escape? Can't you escape with the entire earth?

All my family and friends are on the earth. This is my hometown. I can't just leave the earth alone. "

Luo Feng had long expected that the cultivation level of the golden-horned giant beast that appeared this time would exceed that of the golden-horned giant beast in the original timeline.

After all, he had already demonstrated a ninth-level planetary level cultivation in his battle with Hong.

If, like the original timeline, it was just a golden-horned behemoth of the sixth or seventh stellar level, as long as he also broke through to the stellar level, it would be entirely possible for him to kill the golden-horned behemoth directly with the combat power he showed.

The purpose of Mountain Rider's release of the Golden-Horned Behemoth on the earth was to allow Luo Feng to seize the Golden-Horned Behemoth. Naturally, it was impossible for him to make such a stupid mistake.

He wanted to force Luo Feng to the point where he had to use the Body Seizing Technique. Anyway, there was not much difference in the Body Seizing Technique whether it was the sixth or seventh star level or the peak star level.

Luo Feng had a feeling when he just watched the video. According to Xu Chenzhou's information, the golden-horned giant beast that appeared in the original timeline was 180 meters long and had a wingspan of about 200 meters. The golden horn he saw in the video was The horned giant beast was obviously larger than what Xu Chenzhou recorded.

Sure enough, the cultivation level of this golden-armored giant beast has actually reached the peak of stellar level, and may even break through to cosmic level at any time.

Babata's little face began to twist: "But if you don't escape, you will stay and wait to die with the earth.

The combat power of the starry sky beast far exceeds that of human warriors of the same realm, not to mention that this is the legendary pure-blooded golden-horned beast.

Not to mention that there are no star-level warriors on the earth, even if there are, they cannot be the opponent of the golden-horned giant beast.

Escape is the best solution. This is not abandoning the earth. This is the only solution to save the earth.

We now have spaceship x81, and we can take this spaceship to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire to seek support.

With the legacy left by your teacher, you can buy a universe-level slave, and then we can easily suppress this golden-horned beast.

Luo Feng, you may not know how terrifyingly valuable a pure-blooded golden-horned behemoth is. If you can capture him, even if there is no inheritance left by your teacher, the resources in exchange will be enough for you to cultivate to the realm of the world master. At its peak, it even broke through to the realm of immortal gods. "

Luo Feng turned to look at Babata: "I know all what you said, but the time it takes to ride the X81 spaceship back and forth is enough for the golden-horned giant beast to kill more than half of the creatures on the earth.

And the cause and effect behind the appearance of this golden-horned giant beast on the earth is far beyond your imagination. Even if I wanted to leave the earth, I probably wouldn't be able to do it. This is a test for me. "

Babata was a little surprised when he heard Luo Feng's words.

A test, what does this mean?

What kind of force can actually use a pure-blooded golden-horned giant beast as a test? This has exceeded the upper limit of Babata's knowledge.

"Okay, since you have made your decision, I will not stop you. If it doesn't work, we will hide on the Fallen Ink Star. No matter how strong the golden-horned beast is, it will not be able to break through the Fallen Ink Star's defense.

But Luo Feng, have you ever thought about how to deal with this golden-horned giant beast?

If you don't even have a plan, then not only will our stay have no effect, but we will only die in vain. "

Luo Feng smiled: "Plan, wherever you need a plan, just go for it. You can defeat all methods with one effort."

Luo Feng clenched his fists and was a little ready to move.

It is true that he is at the peak of the ninth level of the planetary level, but he has never been a pure genetic warrior.

Is his chat group added in vain? Is his Heaven Covering Method cultivated in vain?

Luo Feng made so many preparations because he had originally considered his opponent to be a cosmic-level golden-horned beast.

He originally thought that after he showed the peak cultivation of the planetary level, the mountain guest would deploy a cosmic-level golden-horned beast for the sake of safety, but he did not expect that he would only raise the cultivation of the golden-horned beast by a few small levels to the peak of the star level.

Facing the cosmic-level golden-horned beast, even with the power of other cultivation systems, Luo Feng still had no confidence that he could solve it perfectly, but if it was just a golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level.

Luo Feng showed a sneer on his face.

Babata wanted to stop Luo Feng, but when he saw Luo Feng's confident look, he shut up again.

After all, he really couldn't see through this master and couldn't understand him.

In this case, just do your duty as an intelligent life.

If it doesn't work, there is still the Meteorite as a fallback.

The attack of the golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level is obviously much stronger than that of the golden-horned beast in the original timeline.

It may be because he is about to break through to the universe level, so the demand for metal is extremely terrifying.

After attacking the war base on the other side of the ocean, less than ten minutes later, the golden-horned beast appeared in a base city of the White Elephant Country.

The defense of the base city of the White Elephant Country is like a piece of paper in front of the golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level.

Whether it is the councilor-level warriors who rushed to hear the news or the laser cannons that were urgently dispatched to support, they have no effect on this golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level.

Even Tripathi Singh, who is known as the strongest man in the White Elephant Country, the first-tier master under Hong and Thunder God, and the man known as the Lion King, is not the opponent of the Devourer Beast. He was torn apart by the Devourer Beast with just one move.

The terrifying golden-horned beast broke into the surroundings of the White Elephant Country base, opened its big mouth and performed its own secret method of heaven and earth.

The terrifying suction came, and the golden-horned beast was like a vacuum cleaner. Wherever it passed, all the areas were sucked into white.

In fact, the only useful resource for the golden-horned beast was metal, but this golden-horned beast was not picky at all. Whether it was people, metal or stone, he would not let go of them all and swallowed them directly.

Anyway, the world of the original body can automatically classify, and then just spit out the debris.

This is simply a doomsday scene.

The White Elephant Country is a country with a strong religious custom. When the doomsday comes, many believers kneel on the ground and pray to the three-phase god they believe in for shelter and salvation.

Some people even regard the golden-horned beast as the incarnation of Shiva, the god of destruction, and willingly sink into its mouth and let it swallow and digest.

The top leaders of China gathered together, and everyone knew that this time was a disaster comparable to the level of world destruction.

The person in charge of China asked anxiously: "How is it? Have you contacted Master Hong and Master Lei Shen? What did they say!

Although this monster is still in the White Elephant Country, it may fly to our Chinese territory at any time at its speed.

If we don't find a way to stop this devouring beast quickly, I'm afraid it won't be long before humans will perish.

In the current situation, even Tripathi Singh has lost. Only Hong and Lei Shen can stop him."

A female secretary wearing glasses walked in: "I received news from the Extreme Martial Arts Hall. Master Hong has set out with Master Lei Shen to stop the devouring beast."

Hearing this, the eyes of the Chinese senior officials were filled with hope: "Great, Master Hong and Master Lei Shen have taken action, and humans are saved!"

The same scene was staged in various places one after another, and all the human senior officials who knew that Hong and Lei Shen had taken action had hope in their eyes.

Because in their hearts, Hong and Lei Shen are invincible, and they are the pinnacle of human martial arts.

But even so, all those who were paying attention to this sudden disaster of Devouring Beasts were very nervous at this time.

Because if Hong and Lei Shen also failed, it would mean one thing, that the human civilization that had been passed down for thousands of years had come to an end.

Hong and Lei Shen were very decisive. This time, the Devouring Beast was much more ferocious than in another timeline.

In the original timeline, every time the Devouring Beast devoured a war base, it would temporarily lurk to digest the metal it devoured.

But this Devouring Beast was on the verge of advancement, and the demand for metals increased greatly. Moreover, since these metals were used for advancement, the digestion speed was much faster than in the original timeline, and almost no rest time was needed.

This also left Hong and Lei Shen with little time to think about how to deal with the Devouring Beast.

After all, no one knew the human trump card better than the two of them. If they couldn't do it, other means of human beings would naturally have no effect.

Hong and Lei Shen didn't even have time to meet their children. They just sent them a message as a farewell before leaving.

After all, the Devouring Beasts were wreaking havoc in the human world at this time. If they attacked for one second every night, at least thousands of humans would die in the mouths of the Devouring Beasts.

The Honghuang-class fighter plane that Hong and Lei Shen were riding on flew at a very fast speed and soon arrived at the base city of the White Elephant Country.

Just when the two were about to attack, a communication suddenly came.

If it was someone else's communication, Hong would not even answer it at this critical juncture.

But the person who sent the communication was Luo Feng.

In fact, Hong had already tried to contact Luo Feng when the Devouring Beast appeared.

Hong knew that Luo Feng's strength could match his, and he was an excellent opponent and also an excellent helper.

Hong had no confidence in defeating the Devouring Beast. If Luo Feng could join them, their confidence would be greatly increased.

But at that time, Luo Feng was in the spaceship x81, which could shield the signal, so only Luo Feng could contact others, and Hong could not contact Luo Feng at all.

After Hong connected the communication, he said directly: "Luo Feng, where are you? Lei Shen and I are going to hunt this Devouring Beast. Do you want to come with us?"

Luo Feng's voice came from the smart bracelet: "Master Hong, I will be there soon, don't be impulsive.

This Devouring Beast is called the Golden Horned Beast. It is a powerful race in the universe, and its cultivation has reached the ninth level of the star level. You and Lei Shen are definitely not his opponents."

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come."

Listening to what Luo Feng said, Hong suppressed the urge to attack.

During the waiting process, Hong was extremely anxious.

Because every second he waited, countless people were swallowed by the Devouring Beast.

But Hong also understood that a little impatience would ruin a big plan. He and Lei Shen Luo Feng were the last hope of the earth.

There was only one chance, and taking action in advance seemed to be able to save those who were swallowed.

But the tactic of adding fuel was not advisable. Once he and Lei Shen were injured, it was equivalent to destroying the life of the human beings on earth.

Seeing Hong and Lei Shen's fighter planes hovering outside the White Elephant Country base, the leaders of various countries were extremely anxious.

At this moment of life and death, the major forces had already opened the communication channel for video conferences.

The blond general looked desperate: "What are Master Hong and Master Lei Shen doing? Why did they stop? Don't even Master Hong and Master Lei Shen have the confidence to defeat the Devouring Beast?"

A middle-aged man with a white cloth wrapped around his head looked angry: "Damn it, Hong and Lei Shen are known as the guardians of mankind, but this is how they protect mankind.

Watching my White Elephant Country's base being destroyed by the Devouring Beast, they didn't do anything! It's really a false reputation."

A high-ranking Eagle Sauce scolded the middle-aged man: "What do you know? This is called planning before acting. Master Hong and Master Lei Shen are observing the weaknesses of the Devouring Beast."

A Chinese high-ranking official in a Zhongshan suit also nodded: "We humans don't know anything about the Devouring Beast. Master Hong and Master Lei Shen are already our last trump card.

It would be a bad idea to act rashly before finding out the information about the Devouring Beast."

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