All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 319 The spaceship belongs to all mankind?

Hong and Lei Shen naturally don't know what other people on earth think about them, and even if they know, they won't care.

The two people's attention at this time was entirely focused on the golden-horned giant beast that was ravaging the base city of the White Elephant Kingdom.

The performance of the golden-horned giant beast was extremely terrifying. It used its own secret method of heaven and earth to devour the sky and the earth.

One-third of the buildings in the entire base city have entered its belly. The base city of the White Elephant Kingdom is made of ordinary metals. To it, it is just a small dessert after a meal. It cannot fill up the food that the golden-horned giant beast is about to eat. Advanced belly.

Many troops from the White Elephant Kingdom fled when they saw this scene, without any will to fight at all.

But in front of the golden-horned giant beast, they couldn't even escape.

Of course, there are also people in the Baixiang Kingdom base city who stand up and want to resist.

When faced with life and death, there will naturally be heroes among cowards.

But their resistance had no effect at all. Whether it was a high-power laser cannon or a desperate blow from the warrior before his death, it landed on the hard scales of the golden-horned beast without leaving even a scratch. Down.

The God of Thunder turned to look at Hong with a solemn face: "Brother, are you sure?"

Hong shook his head: "According to Luo Feng's information, the cultivation level of this golden-horned giant beast has reached the peak of the star level. The combat power gap between the planet level and the star level is huge. Even if I Having understood the realm, I am afraid that I am no match for this golden-horned beast.”

Thor showed a wry smile: "Brother, you are okay, at least you understand the domain and can fight back against the golden-horned giant beast.

And I haven't touched the threshold of the field yet, so I can only help you to contain the golden-horned giant beast.

But there is no way. At this time of life and death, if you and I can't do it, who else can.

Of course there is that boy Luo Feng.

I really don’t know how this kid practices.

He is obviously young and his martial arts skills are still so raw, but even I am no match for him in a fight. "

After Luo Feng ended the battle with Hong, he successfully gained the friendship of the number one man on earth. During this time, Luo Feng had completely drained Hong's family fortune by relying on Mu Yaojing.

During this process, Thor also met Luo Feng several times.

The God of Thunder was naturally curious about Luo Feng, a man who could equalize with Hong, so he invited Luo Feng to fight once.

But after that battle, Thor regretted it.

Luo Feng is simply a monster.

It was obvious that his martial arts skills were still very young, and he was only at the sixth level of the Nine-Level Thunder Sword.

However, Luo Feng's cultivation level was too high. With his ninth-level planetary power, he directly used force to overcome skill and knocked him unconscious.

It doesn’t matter what martial arts skills you have, I’ll hit you with one punch, and I’ll hit you hundreds of times.

One sword after another, the sword was like fire, directly breaking through his nine-fold thunder sword and defeating him.

In the past, he relied on his superior cultivation to fight Hong, but now it was his turn to feel the feeling of inferior cultivation.

The two chatted for a few words before Luo Feng arrived.

Riding on the X81 spacecraft, no matter how far the distance on earth is, it is only a short distance to Luo Feng.

Hong's eyes changed when he saw Luo Feng's spaceship.

As the most powerful man on earth, Hong has a lot of information left over from the ancient civilization on earth, so he can tell the origin of this spaceship at a glance.

Even though the situation was extremely urgent at this time, Hong still couldn't help but exclaimed: "Isn't this the spaceship in Ruin No. 12? Luo Feng, you were able to hack into and crack its intelligent system."

Naturally, he also explored Ruin No. 12.

The various mechanisms and robots in the ruins pose no threat to Hong, but the intelligent system of this spacecraft is extremely technological, and he has no way of cracking it.

"How about it? Can the weapons on this spaceship still work? Can it be used to attack the golden-horned giant beast?"

Thor also asked in an urgent voice. This spacecraft is very high-tech at first glance. If the weapons on it are powerful enough, the disaster of the Devouring Beast can be solved in an instant.

Hearing Thor's question, Luo Feng shook his head: "The weapon system on this spacecraft can still be used, but it is a pity that this spacecraft is not a threat to the golden-horned behemoth at the peak of the star level."

Upon hearing the news, Hong and Lei Shen's expressions darkened slightly, but they were not too disappointed.

They were already prepared for a desperate fight.

This spaceship was beyond their expectations. It was good if it worked, but there was no need to worry about it if it didn't.

Hong and Lei Shen were so calm, but those high-level human beings who were watching the live broadcast via satellite were not so calm.

The moment spacecraft X81 appeared, the entire Human Alliance exploded.

As the five major countries, they naturally have information about Ruin No. 12 and know the origin of this spaceship.

There was a look of ecstasy on the face of the top management of Baixiang Kingdom: "No wonder Hall Master Hong and Hall Master Lei Shen didn't take action just now. It turns out that they were waiting for reinforcements. With the addition of this spaceship, our Baixiang Kingdom can be saved!"

The middle-aged man wearing a Chinese tunic suit was not so optimistic: "This spacecraft has stayed underground for who knows how many thousands of years. It is still unknown whether its weapon system can operate. Even if its weapon system can still operate, it may not be that one." We still have to be prepared for the worst against the terrifying Devouring Beast.

With the ability of Devouring Beast to devour metal, this spaceship might be swallowed directly by it. "

A blond and blue-eyed senior officer showed an anxious look on his face: "You should contact Master Hong and Master Lei Shen quickly. If they can't defeat the Devouring Beast, you must keep this spaceship. This is the last hope for us humans."

The middle-aged man in a Mao suit also agreed with this view: "I will contact the first and second speakers immediately. From the performance just now, this spaceship still retains the ability to navigate in space.

If it really doesn't work, we can only activate the final plan to implement the human interstellar exile plan.

With this spaceship, we humans have the last hope."

A general with gray hair on the other side of the ocean also nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, you must protect this spaceship."

As he said, he swept his eyes around the virtual projection screen and continued: "This spaceship is located in the twelfth ruins on the earth. It is the property of all mankind. No matter who started this spaceship, this spaceship belongs to all mankind. You should agree with this."

Hearing this, representatives of various countries and many members of the War God Palace, except for the middle-aged man in the Mao suit, nodded repeatedly.

Only the middle-aged man in a Zhongshan suit showed a disdainful smile on his face. He naturally understood the implication of General Ying, which was to declare sovereignty.

If this spaceship is privately owned, then the owner of the spaceship can take whoever he wants to leave the earth with. This is his right.

But if the ownership of the spaceship is defined as all mankind, then the right to dispose of the spaceship naturally belongs to all mankind. In this way, as the highest level of mankind, they naturally have the right to decide who can take this spaceship to leave the earth.

In fact, the No. 12 ruins are isolated overseas and do not belong to the territory of any country. The items in such ruins naturally belong to whoever gets them. For a ticket quota, these people really don't even want to be shameless.

In the face of a powerful enemy, they are thinking about escaping and fighting inward before they start to resist. It's really funny.

Besides, if you want to rob something, don't consider your own strength first.

Although he doesn't know who the owner of the spaceship is, he obviously has a close relationship with Hong, so he is naturally not a simple owner.

At this time, Luo Feng flew out of the x81 spaceship and came to Hong and Lei Shen.

With Babata controlling the x81 spaceship, it made no difference whether he was on the spaceship or not.

Everyone only saw the three people on the screen talking about something, and they actually left the x81 spaceship and flew straight towards the golden-horned beast.

Seeing this scene, everyone who was already planning how to distribute the tickets was shocked and stopped discussing.

"What do they want to do? Why don't they drive the spaceship to attack the Devouring Beast together? Is the weapon system of the spaceship really broken?"

"What a mess, call back the First and Second Speakers quickly.

This Devouring Beast is so terrifying that even the First and Second Speakers can't be their opponents.

After starting the space wandering plan, we humans still need their protection!"

Some people also showed a look of relief. The moment they saw the spaceship, they no longer cared about the victory or defeat of this battle.

As long as the spaceship is fine, everything else is a small matter.

Now the spaceship and the golden-horned beast are far apart, which is the best situation.

They even secretly arranged for people to rush to the base city of the White Elephant Country. Once the three people died in the hands of the golden-horned beast, the people they arranged would immediately try to control the spaceship parked in the air.

However, some people were curious about Luo Feng's identity.

"What is the identity of the man next to the two speakers? Why does he look so unfamiliar and so young to me?"

"I don't know. I don't have his information here, but the two speakers are willing to take him to fight the golden-horned beast. He must be an incredible strong man!"

The senior executive in the Zhongshan suit said: "That is Luo Feng, the ghost-faced man who traded with you some time ago."

Luo Feng always wore the ghost mask when trading with various countries.

Except for the forces in Jiangnan Base City, other countries did not know Luo Feng's specific appearance or his age.

After the middle-aged man in the Zhongshan suit knew that Luo Feng was the ghost-faced man, Luo Feng's information was listed as SSS-level confidential.

As for why they knew Luo Feng's name, it was also very simple, because Luo Feng had traded with them, and it involved money transactions.

And Luo Feng was too lazy to apply for an anonymous card, so they naturally knew Luo Feng's name when they transferred money.

"Luo Feng!! He is actually Luo Feng, the legendary peerless strongman who can tie with Hong.

How is it possible that Luo Feng is so young!"

"Good, good! With Luo Feng accompanying the two speakers, the hope of winning this battle is even greater."

Some people looked at the young man in Zhongshan suit with a strange look.

What happened to this earth? Why are all the top strongmen rabbits?

Hong and Luo Feng are both of pure oriental descent, and although Thor is a mixed blood, he also has half oriental descent.

I hope that this new Luo Feng can be as broad-minded as Hong and treat all human beings equally, otherwise their days will be difficult.

In the base city of the White Elephant Country, the golden-horned giant beast that was feasting suddenly stopped, and its pair of golden eyes suddenly narrowed into a slit because it felt the breath of danger.

The golden-horned beast shook his head, suspecting that he was having an illusion.

How could there be a being that could threaten it on such a remote little planet?

A few days ago, it encountered a space-time turbulence and was somehow teleported to this planet.

Through the perception of breath, it knew that the planet in front of it was quite primitive, and the realm of the strongest was also at the planetary level.

It just so happened that he was about to break through to the cosmic level and needed to devour a large amount of metal.

The human cultivation on this planet was not high, but the resources were very rich. As long as all the city metals on this planet were devoured, it would be enough to meet its needs to advance to the cosmic level.

This was the canteen given to him by God.

The spiritual power of the golden-horned beast explored the surroundings, but could not find the source of the sense of crisis.

There were indeed some strong people among the nearby humans, and even one of them had reached the ninth level of the planetary level, but in front of the star-level golden-horned beast, these planetary-level human warriors were nothing, and they could not even break its defense. They were just snacks with a more crispy taste.

Without finding the source of the crisis, the golden-horned beast flapped its wings and began to eat again.

At this moment, a sword with terrifying lightning fell from the sky.

The sword was like nine-fold waves, and the waves were overwhelming.

Layer after layer of sword power came, and the nine-fold power in one sword had reached the peak of the skills of ordinary human warriors.

It was the nine-fold thunder sword of the Thunder God.

At the moment when the Thunder God made a move, a long spear also stabbed out from the back of the golden-horned beast, fiercely stabbing into the gap between its scales, trying to break through the body of the golden-horned beast.

The spear came out like a dragon, and the momentum was like a raging fire. The long spear was wrapped in a mysterious energy field, as if it gathered and deflected all the energy in the universe, which was Hong's domain.

Hong and the Thunder God made a move!

Seeing this scene, the spirits of the human high-level were greatly boosted, and everyone stared at this scene intently.

Even those who had already planned to plan for the boat tickets held their breath at this time. After all, who would want to wander in the universe when they can enjoy wealth and glory on Earth?

Thor's long sword drew a brilliant spark on the scales of the golden-horned beast.

The entire White Elephant Base City tried every means to leave no scratch on the scales of the golden-horned beast, but Thor successfully cut through the scales of the golden-horned beast with just a long sword.

Hong, who attacked from behind the golden-horned beast, was even more fierce, and his long spear directly pierced the scales.

After the long spear broke into the scales of the golden-horned beast, the Yuanli on the long spear burst out, and it exploded violently, stabbing a bloody hole in the back of the golden-horned beast.

Seeing this scene, all the people watching the scene were extremely excited.

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