All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 320 Four Swords Open Chaos, the Universe Shatters the Blue Underworld

This is the first time that someone has been able to break through the defense of the golden-horned giant beast.

The golden-horned giant beast felt waves of pain coming from its body and immediately launched a counterattack.

With a flick of his tail, it was like a pillar of heaven falling down, stabbing Hong with a golden light of lightning.

Hong's spear turned, and the field on the spear burst out, directly flicking the tail of the golden-horned beast away, and his body turned to the other side of the golden-horned beast's body like a swimming fish.

The gun shot out like a dragon, and instantly another blood hole appeared on the body of the golden-horned beast.

The God of Thunder took advantage of the gap between the golden-horned beast's attack on Hong, and the long knife in his hand with a terrifying electric light, also struck the scales of the golden-horned beast one after another, leaving terrifying wounds half a meter deep on it. .

The cooperation between Hong and Lei Shen was quite tacit. They made dozens of moves in succession, playing with the golden-horned giant beast like a monkey.

There was a light of hope in everyone's eyes.

"Okay, great! It turns out that this Devouring Beast is not invincible."

"As expected of the Emperor's First Speaker and Second Speaker, they are no longer on the same level as other warriors."

There were also people who frowned and stared at Luo Feng, who was skimming the formation, with a hint of displeasure in their eyes.

"Didn't Luo Feng say he could be evenly matched with the First Speaker, but he just kept watching the show?

The current situation is great. If Luo Feng takes action together, he will definitely be able to capture the Devouring Beast today. "

These people were rejoicing, but no one saw the eyes of Hong and Lei Shen becoming more and more solemn.

During the battle with the golden-horned giant beast, Thor seemed free and easy, but in fact every move was like walking on thin ice.

This time the golden-horned giant beast arrived too early, and Thor did not have a field of comprehension, so at this time he simply did not have the capital to compete head-on with the golden-horned giant beast.

He must ensure that he avoids all attacks from the golden-horned giant beast.

The cultivation gap between him and the golden-horned giant beast is really too big. As long as he is penetrated and touched, he will be seriously injured in an instant.

The power of the golden-horned giant beast is hundreds of times that of his. If Youhong hadn't attracted the firepower from the front, he wouldn't have been able to withstand five moves in front of the golden-horned giant beast.

And Hong's current condition is not much better.

This golden-horned giant beast is a complete body. Not only is its cultivation higher than that of the golden-horned giant beast in the original timeline, but it has not been seriously injured by the laser cannon on the X81 spacecraft, so it can completely Exhibiting peak star-level strength.

Even with his burning soul and the help of his domain, it was still very difficult to face the attack of the golden-horned giant beast. At this time, his hands even began to tremble slightly, and he could not hold the spear in his hand.

And Hong knew that the wounds caused by the golden-horned giant beast looked scary, but in fact they were just superficial wounds to the golden-horned giant beast with a body length of more than 200 meters. Even Hong had already seen several wounds. It is constantly squirming and will heal soon.

The golden-horned beast glanced at the two people in front of it with its cold eyes, and suddenly roared, then the scales on its body opened, and its standing claws reached forward, and a strange stance appeared on the claws.

Seeing this scene, Hong exclaimed.

"Field, this golden-horned giant beast actually understands the realm."

Luo Feng has been watching this battle.

He originally wanted to face the golden-horned behemoth alone. After all, Luo Feng knew that the reason why the golden-horned behemoth appeared on the earth was traced back to him.

But Hong and Lei Shen were determined to take action.

Luo Feng also understood that the two of them, as the strongest people on Earth, had been protecting humans on Earth for decades.

Faced with such a crisis, Hong and Lei Shen had long regarded it as their responsibility to kill the golden-horned beast.

Anyway, with his skimming formation and the two Liquid Silver Guards, Hong and Lei Shen's safety is still guaranteed.

So Luo Feng didn't stop them from taking action.

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng let out a long sigh: "As expected of Mountain Guest, this golden-horned giant beast has a star-level peak cultivation level. It's not enough that it has also comprehended the realm.

You really want me to have no other choice but to seize the body. "

At this time, Luo Feng naturally started a group live broadcast.

The group of friends also watched this battle with interest and expressed their own comments about it.

Among them, Lu Mingfei was the most excited, probably because his experience in the world of monster hunting made him particularly interested in this huge beast.

Watching Hong and Lei Shen fight with the golden-horned giant beast, Lu Mingfei kept rehearsing in his mind how he would fight if he faced the golden-horned giant beast.

Lu Mingfei could see that the golden-horned giant beast at the peak of the star level was very powerful, thousands of times stronger than the black dragon he had hunted before.

But at this time, Lu Mingfei was no longer what he used to be. Not only did he have the seven skills to speak the spirit and hunt the dragon, but he also became an immortal by the way.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "This battle is really exciting and domineering. I can't wait to travel to Luo Feng's world and have a hearty battle with the golden-horned giant beast.

Hong and Lei Shen's martial arts training is indeed great, but in terms of experience in hunting giant beasts, even Pat Ma can't keep up with me.

Take a small fire stick and poke it. How long will it take to kill the giant golden-horned beast?

If you ask me, you have to use a big sword to kill such a giant beast. Charged slashing is the romance of a hunter. "

After Lu Mingfei traveled to the world of monster hunting, he tried many weapons, such as double swords, insect sticks, tachi, etc., but in the end he chose the big sword as his main weapon.

After all, which man can resist a thick and hard sword ruthlessly ravaging a shy little dinosaur.

Shi Hao (the overlord of the virtual world): "Ah, Uncle Hong and Uncle Lei Shen are in danger.

The golden-horned beast had been fighting with them in a playful manner before, but now it may be a little tired of playing, so it is serious now."

Little Shi Hao, who lives in the wilderness, knows the beasts very well. He can see at a glance that the golden-horned beast was in a cat-and-mouse state when fighting with Hong and Lei Shen before.

The golden-horned beast is covered with weapons, and its horns, claws, and tail can all be used to attack.

If he really wants to kill Lei Shen, how can Hong's spear stop it?

For the golden-horned beast, humans like Hong and Lei Shen who have certain combat power are just fun toys, and now that they are tired of playing, they will naturally go all out.

Although he was shocked, Hong did not have the slightest intention of retreating. He shook the spear in his hand and rushed towards the golden-horned beast.

This golden-horned beast is a natural disaster. When a natural disaster comes, humans have only one choice, which is to fight to the death.

If the golden-horned beast cannot be killed, the fire of human civilization will be extinguished.

Facing this battle, Hong had already put life and death aside. Not to mention that the golden-horned beast only comprehended the domain, even if the golden-horned beast broke through to the universe level before the battle, Hong would not escape.

And the Thunder God had no intention of retreating. He raised the long sword in his hand, and the electric light flashed all over his body, gathering on the long sword and slashing down fiercely.

Like a thunder in the eternal night, accompanied by infinite lightning, it cut through the darkness and slashed on the claws of the golden-horned beast.

Between life and death, carrying the last hope of the survival of the race, the Thunder God actually comprehended the domain in the battle.

With a bang, Hong's spear collided with the Thunder God's sword and the claws of the golden-horned beast, like the thunder of the nine heavens, and the rumbling sound came, making people feel pain in their eardrums just by listening.

A huge shock wave spread, smoke and dust filled the air, and skyscrapers collapsed one after another in the shock. It was like the end of the world.

When the smoke and dust cleared, everyone saw that the spear in Hong's hand and the sword in Lei Shen's hand had been broken, and blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths. It was obvious that they had lost their ability to fight.

However, their move was not without results. The entire claw of the golden-horned beast had been completely broken, and pieces of scales were thrown away. Even the flesh and blood were completely worn away by the terrifying original energy, leaving only bare golden claw bones.

Seeing this scene, all the people who watched the live broadcast through satellite fell into aphasia.

Everyone knew that Hong was defeated and Lei Shen was defeated.

Although they also injured the golden-horned beast, the failure to kill the golden-horned beast meant that the fire of human civilization had entered the countdown to extinction.

"What should we do? What should we do? The two speakers have lost. Humanity is finished!"

"It's all Luo Feng's fault. He just watched without taking action. If he had joined the battle just now, the result might have been different."

The general on the other side of the ocean immediately shouted angrily after hearing this: "What bullshit are you talking about? Shut up. Lord Luo Feng's decision is extremely correct. The golden-horned beast is beyond human power. Keeping the living force is the most correct choice."

The general was extremely realistic. Since humans have lost, the most important thing now is the ticket quota.

Before he knew Luo Feng's identity, he wanted to rely on the reputation of all mankind to force Luo Feng to hand over the spaceship, but he gave up this idea after knowing who Luo Feng was.

In his opinion, the spaceship was in Luo Feng's hands, and this Luo Feng was extremely cunning. He didn't even participate in the battle with the golden-horned beast and was still in his prime.

Luo Feng was able to fight Hong Shi equally. Now Hong and Lei Shen were both seriously injured. No one on Earth could be Luo Feng's opponent.

So what needs to be done now is to please Luo Feng, only in this way can more tickets be obtained for the other side of the ocean.

Following the general's speech, representatives of various countries seemed to have figured out the joints and began to praise Luo Feng's decision as being extremely correct.

Some people even began to criticize Hong and Lei Shen for overestimating their own strength and not understanding the importance of preserving living forces.

If they had known earlier, they should have given up resistance and directly implemented the wandering human plan.

Suffering such a heavy blow, the golden-horned beast really felt angry this time. He stared coldly at the two humans in front of him who brought him endless pain, and suddenly opened his huge mouth to activate the secret method of the original world.

Only by completely devouring these two humans can he eliminate the resentment in his heart.

At this moment, two mercury-like human figures turned into lightning and rushed into the battlefield, and then turned into two mercury-like giant balls, taking Hong and Lei Shen away.

This is the liquid silver guard that Luo Feng arranged at the beginning.

The two robots that Luo Feng found on the spaceship x81 were made of a metal called flowing silver.

Flowing silver is not only highly fluid but also very tough. Even the peak attack of the star level cannot break their defense.

This kind of robot is extremely valuable and is the best choice for bodyguards.

Seeing this scene, the golden-horned beast was extremely angry. It spread its wings and turned into a terrifying lightning, chasing the direction where the flowing silver guard fled.

At this moment, a young man in black suddenly flashed in front of the golden-horned beast, and the sword in his hand shook, slashing the chest of the golden-horned beast.

This man was Luo Feng, and he would naturally not watch the golden-horned beast catch up with the flowing silver guard.

Although the protective ability of the Liquid Silver Guard is unparalleled in the world, it is still a kind of metal.

The golden-horned behemoth feeds on metal. Once the silver is swallowed into the body by the golden-horned behemoth using its own secret method of heaven and earth, no matter how strong the defense is, it cannot withstand this natural restraint.

Facing Luo Feng's attack, the golden-horned beast stood ready.

Originally, he looked down on Hong and Lei Shen very much, and even regarded these two humans as his playthings, but the result taught him a profound lesson.

Its right paw was shattered to pieces by the combined blow of Hong and Lei Shen.

To restore the injury to its right claw, it would have to consume at least two thousand tons of metal, which was already a very huge price for the golden-horned behemoth at the peak of the star level.

And Luo Feng's aura is the strongest among all humans on earth. Naturally, the golden-horned giant beast who suffered a huge loss will not take it lightly.

His huge mental power swept out, conveying a message in the air.

"Human, I'm going to eat you!"

He opened his big mouth and used his secret method of heaven and earth, trying to swallow Luo Feng into his belly.

But Luo Feng already knew its moves, so how could he fall for it.

Although the suction force of this deity's world is terrifying, it can be easily resisted by Luo Feng's strength as long as he keeps a distance.

Seeing Luo Feng being so cautious, the golden-horned beast spread its wings and rushed towards Luo Feng like a shooting star.

This time, the golden-horned giant beast attacked with all its strength. The domain enveloped the whole body of the golden-horned giant beast. Its tail carried a red-golden light and pierced Luo Feng's chest.

Luo Feng clenched the long knife, gathered all his strength together, and slashed hard at the tail of the golden-horned giant beast.

Although he did not comprehend the field, but with the blessing of the genetic energy of the ninth level of the planet and the power of the sky-shielding method at the peak of the Tao Palace, his sword was evenly matched with the golden-horned giant beast and did not fall into a disadvantage.

But the golden-horned behemoth is a golden-horned behemoth. For beasts, their bodies are their weapons. The mouth is blocked, and the golden-horned behemoth still has claws.

Its remaining claw struck out fiercely and stabbed off Luo Feng's head.

But the golden-horned giant beast didn't know that Luo Feng was not only a warrior but also a spiritual master.

The blade of the escape knife changed in the air, forming a long knife that fiercely collided with the claws of the golden-horned beast.

Since there was no blessing from the Heaven-Shielding Technique, and Luo Feng's Yangshen Taoism had not been cultivated to the realm of ghosts and immortals, he was knocked upside down after the knife disc blocked the claw.

But that's enough. The Escape Blade has given Luo Feng room to change his moves.

But before Luo Feng could draw his sword again, a bloody mouth came out of the air and bit Luo Feng's body fiercely.

It turns out that this is the killing move of the golden-horned giant beast. The tail and claws are just feints, and the fangs and sharp teeth are the decisive blow.

A glint of pride flashed through the cold eyes of the golden-horned giant beast. This human being was indeed good, stronger than the previous two.

But how could a mere human being be his opponent as long as he was a little more serious?

His teeth clenched together, and he had already imagined biting Luo Feng into two pieces in his mind.

But at this moment, Luo Feng's body suddenly emitted a burst of terrifying golden light, and the sound of rough waves sounded.

A golden sea of ​​bitterness emerged from Luo Feng's body.

The sea of ​​bitterness surged, the waves surged, and with terrifying energy, they violently spread the teeth of the golden-horned giant beast.

One after another, horrific visions slowly emerged from Luo Feng's sea of ​​suffering.

The four swords opened up the chaos, the universe shattered into pieces, and the long river ran through the nine heavens.

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