All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 321 Why does his fist hurt more than a knife?

The bite force of the golden-horned beast is so terrifying, with sharp teeth, swallowing gold and iron. Even if a cosmic-level strongman is bitten by it, he cannot withstand such terrifying piercing force and will be bitten in two.

However, in front of that bitter sea, the ferocious mouth of the golden-horned beast could not bite down no matter what.

The bitter sea was surging, the waves were surging, and one after another strange visions were floating up and down.

Four swords opened the chaos, the long river penetrated the nine heavens, the universe shattered the blue sky, the yin and yang Taiji Bridge, the Great Wilderness Beast Picture, the Phoenix Bathing in Fire, and the Nine Suns Patrolling the Sky.

A total of seven strange visions appeared and disappeared above Luo Feng's bitter sea, as if they could descend into the mortal world in the next second.

Each scene of the strange vision was extremely terrifying and daunting. Even in the inherited memory of the golden-horned beast, there was no picture that could compare with it.

This is why Luo Feng chose the Heaven Covering Method.

After joining the group chat, he tried all the cultivation methods in the group chat, and finally found that he had the highest affinity with the Heaven Covering Method.

After opening the wheel sea, he found that there were seven terrifying images hidden in his sea of ​​suffering.

Chaos is endless, the universe is dark, and four ancient long swords with infinite sharpness, infinite killing, infinite ferocity, and infinite destruction stir up the earth, water, wind, and fire, breaking the chaos and creating a new sky.

A long river runs through the sky, and the brilliant galaxy surrounds it and goes straight into the nine heavens.

The universe is shattered, the sky and the dark are divided, the heaven and the earth are destroyed, and all living things are silent.

The human leaders who were observing the situation on the scene through satellites were completely dumbfounded at this time.

When they saw Luo Feng go forward to fight the golden-horned beast at the beginning, many of them cursed Luo Feng in their hearts as a fool.

Obviously, Lei Shen and Hong had paid a huge price to detect that the strength of the golden-horned beast could not be matched by humans, but Luo Feng actually went up to die.

For humans who are about to wander in the universe, top strong men like Luo Feng are the greatest guarantee.

In their opinion, keeping a useful body to escort humans wandering in the starry sky is what Luo Feng should do.

But before anyone could say anything to complain about Luo Feng, the situation changed dramatically.

The golden-horned beast used the moves that severely injured Hong and Lei Shen again, but Luo Feng easily resisted it.

The look of lifting a heavy weight with ease made everyone unable to believe their eyes.

Isn't it said that Luo Feng and Hong are equally powerful? Then what is going on with this scene in front of them?

Why can the golden-horned beast's full-strength claw severely injure Hong and Lei Shen, but hitting Luo Feng is like tickling, and he easily blocked it.

Not only that, the vision that Luo Feng showed next made everyone almost lose the ability to think.

Especially those members of the War God Palace fell into deep self-doubt.

After practicing to the planetary level, warriors will awaken various superpowers, which can control fire, wind and thunder, or strengthen their bodies.

For example, Luo Feng's awakened superpower is the Vajra Body, which can enhance his physical fitness and muscle strength.

Therefore, many members of parliament regard themselves as extraordinary humans, and believe that they are no longer of the same species as ordinary humans.

However, their ability to control fire, wind and thunder seems so ridiculous in front of Luo Feng's vision.

Who can tell them what Luo Feng's vision is!

Is Luo Feng really a genetic warrior like them? Why can Luo Feng, who is also at the planetary level, perform such a terrifying move?

Apart from other things, the four giant swords that broke through the chaos completely broke the cognition of these members of parliament.

They can feel that the four giant swords in the four swords that opened the chaos vision can really come to the world, and I am afraid that any sword can annihilate the earth into nothingness.

The situation of the golden-horned beast at this time is not much better than that of these members of parliament.

It was also stunned.

Even in his inherited memory, the golden-horned beast has never seen such a terrifying human.

Each of Luo Feng's visions contains terrifying energy, which can evolve into terrifying magical powers.

Although Luo Feng's cultivation at this time was limited to the Dao Palace Secret Realm and he could not fully display the terrifying divine power contained in these visions, it was definitely more than enough to deal with a golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level.

The four giant swords broke through the chaos. With the energy supplied by Luo Feng's body, the blade of one of the long swords became slightly condensed, and the sword energy that burst out directly cut the ferocious mouth of the golden-horned beast, leaving deep blood marks that could be seen to the bone.

Feeling a stinging pain, the golden-horned beast had no choice but to distance itself from Luo Feng.

It looked at the little man in front of it with strange eyes.

Looking at the thousands of scenes that evolved from these visions, the golden-horned beast felt an extremely dangerous breath in the dark.

Under the influence of this feeling, the golden-horned beast even wanted to turn around and run away.

But it forcibly suppressed its impulse.

Because no matter how it sensed, Luo Feng's breath in front of it always remained at the ninth level of the planetary level.

How could he, a star-level ninth-order star beast, be frightened and flee by a small planet-level human?

The golden-horned beast regrouped and pounced on Luo Feng again.

This golden-horned beast was much stronger than the one in the original timeline. He had reached the peak of the star level and not only mastered the three innate secrets, but also cultivated the original world, one of the eighteen special secrets.

The three innate secrets of the golden-horned beast were devouring, strengthening, and clone.

Among them, devouring was a cultivation secret, and the clone secret was not used by this golden-horned beast for the time being.

Only the strengthening is the combat secret method that can make the combat power and speed of the golden-horned beast soar.

As for the original world, it is a secret method that only the golden-horned beast can practice and is engraved in the inheritance memory of the golden-horned beast. It can make the golden-horned beast enlarge or shrink its body at will.

This golden-horned beast is extremely talented. It has just been born not long ago, but it has already practiced the original world to the entry level. It can enlarge or shrink its body three times, and at the same time strengthen its strength three times.

In this attack, the golden-horned beast has obviously gone all out. Not only did it use the innate secret method to strengthen his body strength, combat power, and speed, but it also used the original world at the same time, making his body expand to a thousand meters in length in an instant.

What is the concept of a thousand-meter-long beast? It directly broke through the clouds and covered the sky. Even the picture detected by the satellite can only see a huge shadow.

Even the hurricane generated by its wings was extremely fierce. The ruins of the buildings on the ground were constantly pushed outward in the strong wind. The huge stone pillars tens of meters thick seemed to be made of foam, and were blown up by the strong wind and kept spinning in the air.

This scene made the human leaders who were watching the battle, who had already put down their hearts, pick up again.

This battle was really full of twists and turns.

Originally, after Luo Feng showed his terrifying strength, the human leaders began to think that this battle was stable.

Unexpectedly, the golden-horned beast actually had a trump card. It suddenly increased its body by three times, and the terrifying energy waves emerging from its body soared into the sky, which was not inferior to Luo Feng who held up the sea of ​​suffering.

The man and the beast fought together in an instant.

The strength of the golden-horned beast, which was superimposed with the secret method of strengthening and the original world, became even more terrifying. Under the slap of its giant claws, a strong wind whistled in the air.

Luo Feng also fought back with the long sword in his hand, but his swordsmanship was very ordinary.

After all, his strength progressed too fast in this timeline, so he didn't have much time to practice swordsmanship, and he almost only reached the sixth level of the Nine-Layer Thunder Sword.

However, with the blessing of his terrifying physical strength, even Luo Feng's swordsmanship can be on par with the golden-horned beast.

Luo Feng, who was holding up the sea of ​​suffering, seemed to be glowing all over. The human body's divine treasures in his body were opened by him, and the terrifying power poured out, giving him the power to fight the golden-horned beast head-on.

Every time the two collided, they could bring a thunderous and terrifying roar that resounded through the sky.

Boom, boom, boom.

Countless survivors had their eardrums ruptured under this terrifying sound wave, and blood flowed out of their ears. Even some people with weak physical fitness were directly blinded by this terrifying shock force.

Luo Feng became more and more courageous, and the long sword in his hand left countless blood marks on the claws of the golden-horned beast.

The golden-horned beast was also extremely bloodthirsty. It didn't care about the damage it suffered at all. It kept attacking like a madman.

As the two were fighting, there was a sudden bang. The long sword in Luo Feng's hand suddenly exploded and shattered into iron stars on the ground.

In fact, Luo Feng's sword was already the strongest weapon that humans could forge. Among warriors, it was rated as SSS level. However, in the face of such a fierce battle between the golden-horned beast and Luo Feng, this sword, which could be called the strongest creation of humans, could not withstand the terrifying power of these two strong men.

Seeing this scene, the golden-horned beast showed a hideous smile on his face. Very good, the long sword of this human has been broken, so it's its home court next.

From the inherited memory, the golden-horned beast knew that humans were a fragile species. The physical strength of humans at the same level was far inferior to that of the starry sky beast.

In comparison, if the body of the golden-horned beast was a piece of hard metal, then the human body was like a piece of tofu.

Whether or not there are weapons has a huge impact on humans. In the inherited memory of the golden-horned beast, most of the human warriors will lose 30% to 40% of their strength after losing their weapons.

Every part of the golden-horned beast's body can be used as a weapon. They can use weapons, but the lack of weapons has little impact on their strength.

The information in the inherited memory of the golden-horned beast is of course correct. The strength of the strong people who devour the world is indeed extremely dependent on equipment. For example, the founder of the giant axe, the strongest of mankind, has always been low-key before he had the strongest treasure. Later, after obtaining an axe-shaped strongest treasure, the founder of the giant axe was able to immediately fight against several of the strongest people in the universe.

Sensing the opportunity, the golden-horned beast attacked fiercely, trying to tear Luo Feng into pieces.

But when the long sword was broken, Luo Feng's face did not show the slightest panic, but a calm and composed look.

He threw the handle of the knife in his hand, then clenched his fists and hit the golden-horned beast fiercely.

He is not a pure genetic warrior.

The strong who practice the Heaven Covering Method are not so dependent on weapons.

There are also various terrifying magic weapons in the Heaven Covering Method system, and the power of each Extreme Emperor Weapon is not inferior to that of the Great Emperor.

But the reason why the Extreme Emperor Weapon can become the Extreme Emperor Weapon is because their master is the Great Emperor.

Ye Fan lost the Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things, but he is still the unparalleled Emperor Ye Tian. The ruthless Emperor lost the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot, but he can still suppress the world with one hand. Without the Extreme Emperor Weapon, the Emperor is still the Emperor.

Without the long sword in his hand, Luo Feng felt that he had taken off a layer of restraint.

His fists rotated, and he displayed the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art, and fought fiercely with the golden-horned beast.

His attainments in the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Art were not deep, but the level of this treasure art was too high. Even if Luo Feng only mastered the surface, the power displayed was several points stronger than his full-strength sword technique.

The golden-horned beast immediately sensed something was wrong.

Originally, he thought that this human being could be easily controlled without a weapon.

What he didn't expect was that Luo Feng's punch hurt more than his sword.

The golden-horned beast couldn't figure it out. The golden-horned beast was very confused. The golden-horned beast even began to think that the inherited memory was a lie.

Wasn't it agreed that the human body was as weak as tofu? Why couldn't we only fight it head-on and beat it to a scream?

If Luo Feng hit it casually with a punch, the scales on its body would be broken into pieces, and even a large piece of meat under the scales would be beaten into a ball of meat paste.

The range of this attack is much larger than Luo Feng's sword energy.

Even if his body was a thousand meters long, he couldn't withstand such a terrifying fist.

Of course, Luo Feng's condition at this time was not good. He was covered in blood and had several deep scars that could be seen through his body.

The golden-horned beast was not a vegetarian. With its huge size, Luo Feng could not avoid its attack.

After all, the golden-horned beast was a thousand meters long, and its claws had an attack range of three or four hundred meters, plus its attack was as fast as lightning.

The large range plus the high speed was simply a covering attack, so Luo Feng could only take all the attacks of the golden-horned beast.

But Luo Feng was not panicked at all. The reason why humans were stronger than animals was that they were better at using tools.

He did not join the chat group for nothing. He would naturally use all the good things in his hands.

He reached out and took out a jade jar, and drank two gulps from it.

This jar was naturally the Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew that Yang Chan had given him before.

Although Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew could not bring back the dead or turn bones into flesh, it was first-class in recovering injuries.

After drinking two sips of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew, the deep wounds on Luo Feng's body that could be seen through the bones began to heal rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the already dumbfounded Golden Horned Beast's eyes became even more dull.

Is this human cheating?

Originally, he thought that he could kill this human if he persisted a little longer, but after drinking the two sips of medicine that this human brought, such a serious injury was almost healed in an instant.

The Golden Horned Beast shrank its head, knowing that if it continued to fight, it would only end up being beaten to death by the terrifying upright ape in front of it.

After figuring this out, the Golden Horned Beast no longer hesitated, turned around and fled into the distance.

But it did not notice that Luo Feng also showed a satisfied smile on his face at the moment it fled.

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