All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 322 Our Xu family is about to take off

Chapter 322 Our Xu family is about to take off!

The golden-horned beast fled very fast, and in the blink of an eye it left the base city of the White Elephant Country and rushed into the wilderness in the distance.

And this was exactly what Luo Feng wanted.

He actually didn't use his full strength when he activated the Six Paths of Samsara Fist just now.

The Six Paths of Samsara Fist can control six kinds of magic at the same time, but Luo Feng only chose to use the magic of the Roaring Clan, the Luan Clan, the Green Scaled Eagle and other secondary magic.

He didn't use the Grass Sword Art, which was really lethal.

After all, he was going to take over the body of the golden-horned beast later. If he really beat the golden-horned beast to a pulp, he would be the one who would suffer.

And in fact, he could have tried to take over the body a long time ago, but taking over the body in the base city of the White Elephant Country was not a suitable choice.

The matter of taking over the body of the golden-horned beast in broad daylight could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of others.

Even if the humans on Earth couldn't guess what he had done, the cosmic masters who came to Earth to investigate his background could definitely infer that he had taken over the body of the golden-horned beast.

So the battle he had just fought with the golden-horned beast had only one purpose, which was to beat the golden-horned beast into fleeing and fleeing to a place where he could take over the body with peace of mind.

Luo Feng collected the bitter sea, and two pairs of light wings grew behind him. The light wings flapped violently in the air, and countless feathers fluttered, allowing Luo Feng to chase the golden-horned beast in the direction of its escape like an arrow from a string.

Luo Feng learned the Heaven Covering Method from Xiao Nannan, and naturally practiced the Feathering Body Refining Chapter that Xiao Nannan had snatched from the Feathering Camp.

He was performing a dodge technique recorded in the Feathering Body Refining Chapter at this time, a feather crossing the sky.

According to the Feathering Body Refining Chapter, when this dodge technique is practiced to the extreme, the light wings behind him will shake, and in an instant, it can cross 180,000 light years, which can be called the ultimate speed of the Heaven Covering Universe.

Of course, the Yuhua Body Refining Chapter that Xiao Nannan got was just a technique used by the Yuhua Dynasty to select geniuses, so it only recorded the basics of this escape technique. The real Yiyudu Lingxiao secret technique was recorded in the Yuhua Heavenly Scripture, which Xiao Nannan did not get.

However, even if it was only the basics, this escape technique was definitely more than enough to chase a golden-horned beast that was only at the peak of the star level.

The golden-horned beast and Luo Feng were extremely fast, and they swept across the continental shelf in an instant and rushed straight to the ocean.

The golden-armored beast flying in front secretly hated it.

If it could break through to the universe level, it could rely on the golden-armored beast's strong body to travel directly in the universe, so that it would be 100% able to get rid of Luo Feng's pursuit.

But now it is still one step away from the universe level, but it is this one step away that trapped it on the earth.

Luo Feng was chasing closely behind it, and even if the golden-horned beast was unwilling in his heart, he didn't want to be caught by this pervert.

The knowledge in the inherited memory of the Golden Horned Beast told it that human beings' ability to move under the sea would be greatly limited, so the Golden Armored Beast rushed into the ocean without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Luo Feng rushed into the ocean without hesitation.

Under the sea is a blind spot for human satellite detection, which is the best opportunity to seize the body of the Golden Horned Beast.

It turned out that in the timeline, he also fell into the sea with the Golden Horned Beast, which kept the secret of seizing the body of the Golden Horned Beast.

As Luo Feng's figure disappeared from the satellite's surveillance, the human high-level people who were watching the live broadcast also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

They knew that humans had successfully survived this life-and-death catastrophe.

It was not until this time that someone came to their senses: "Where did this Luo Feng come from? He is so strong, this is unreasonable!

Is there a big secret hidden in the ruins of the No. 12 civilization? Luo Feng got this secret to become so strong."

The man's eyes flickered, and there was a sense of exploration in his eyes.

Luo Feng looked very young. Who wouldn't be moved by the secret that could make a 17 or 18-year-old kid so strong?

But what he didn't expect was that his colleagues and friends who were usually as greedy as jackals were now watching his words with their eyes and noses, and were completely uninterested in his words, and no one was even willing to respond to him.

A member of the HR Alliance snorted coldly: "Why do you care about why Lord Luo Feng has become so strong? It's none of your business.

Judging from the combat power shown by Lord Luo Feng, I'm afraid that the first and second speakers combined are not his opponents.

The martial arts world on Earth has changed!"

The bright screens gradually dimmed, and the high-level leaders of these forces disconnected the video connection one after another.

The appearance of Luo Feng changed the entire pattern of the earth.

A strong man of this level can destroy a major force on Earth with just one word.

Now that the golden-horned beast has been defeated by Luo Feng, the crisis on Earth has been resolved, and they must prepare for the next change.

The subordinates of the major forces have been mobilized, and the top priority is to investigate Luo Feng's information.

However, since China and the Extreme Martial Arts School treated Luo Feng's information as top secret, it was not easy to investigate Luo Feng's information.

Fortunately, they still had Luo Feng's bank number, through which they could infer that the bank where Luo Feng's card was opened was in Jiangnan Base City.

All major forces sent people to Jiangnan Base City to investigate the details about Luo Feng.

Once the destination was locked in Jiangnan Base City, it became less difficult to investigate Luo Feng's information.

Mainly because Luo Feng was quite famous in Jiangnan Base City.

After all, he had just won the second place in the college entrance examination in Jiangnan Base City some time ago.

Although generally speaking, only the first place will be remembered, but the college entrance examination has only been over for more than ten days, so many students have some impression of this second place in the college entrance examination.

Soon, the intelligence personnel of various forces locked their eyes on Luo Feng in Yangzhou City.

With a detailed target, it became very simple to confirm Luo Feng's identity.

Just take the facial image from the satellite to the person who knows Luo Feng in Yangzhou City for identification.

This simple thing is as easy for the intelligence personnel of various forces to do as eating and drinking water.

After confirming Luo Feng's identity, other forces let it go, but the HR Alliance seemed to be an earthquake.

Because someone investigated that a direct descendant of the Xu family in the HR Alliance was actually a classmate of Luo Feng.

This news even shocked the speaker of the HR Alliance, and the entire HR Alliance was mobilized instantly.

At this time, Xu Xin was in the bar of the HR Alliance Mall.

Because the golden-horned beast crisis happened so recently, and Hong and Lei Shen responded so quickly, most humans didn't know that the Earth had just encountered a life-and-death crisis.

The bar was still peaceful.

Only some well-informed warriors had heard some news at this time and were gathering together to discuss it.

A bald man with a lightning-shaped scar on his head drank a glass of red-gold wine, and then boasted to his companions: "Have you heard that a terrible beast king appeared in the White Elephant Kingdom, and even Master Hong and Master Lei Shen were no match for him.

My friend said that Master Hong and Master Lei Shen were seriously injured by the beast king, and the entire base city of the White Elephant Kingdom was almost demolished by the beast king."

A tall and thin man on the side sneered: "What the hell are you talking about? How could there be a beast king who is a match for Lord Hong!

Use your brain and think about it carefully. If there was a beast king who could beat Hong and Lei Shen, humans would have been extinct long ago, and you would not have lived a peaceful life!

You can see that there is no news about this in the news!

If such a terrifying beast king really existed, humans would have been in full war readiness long ago."

The bald man scratched his head: "I thought so at first, but my friend said swore solemnly, and was even willing to guarantee it with his life.

And he worked in the hospital of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall headquarters, and had first-hand information.

By the way, my friend also said that after Master Hong and Master Lei Shen were injured, a young master took action to suppress the Beast King, which turned the tide and saved mankind from danger.

If you don't believe it, I'll show you the chat records. "

"It's actually a chat record, so it seems that I have to believe it." The sneer on the face of the thin tall man became stronger: "I tell you, you are too cunning, so you are so easy to be deceived. If such a big thing really happened, how could there be no news in the news. Master Hong and Master Lei Shen are fine, and there is no relevant report even about the news of Bai Xiangguo. "

Just when the thin tall man refuted, the holographic projection hanging on the wall of the tavern began to play news about the base city of Baixiangguo.

Hearing this news, the thin tall man's face showed a ghost-like expression.

However, the news about Thor, Hong and Luo Feng did not appear in the news, and only a simple report on the attack on the base city of the White Elephant Country was reported.

This was not because the human high-level officials deliberately concealed it, but mainly because no force dared to spread the news about Luo Feng without Luo Feng's permission.

Xu Xin did not take the martial artists' lofty talk to heart.

During her time as a bar manager, she had heard countless explosive remarks. Some people said that they were hidden masters, and even if they met Hong, they could still win 50-50. Some people said that they were aliens who came to Earth to conquer the world. Some people even said that they were Qin Shihuang and asked others to give him money.

The content of the conversation between the bald man and the tall and thin man was only average in front of these explosive remarks.

Xu Xin sat on the bar, staring blankly at the silver-white Eternal Love in her hand.

After Luo Feng gave her this gift, Xu Xin couldn't help but take out the necklace and play with it carefully.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. As long as she thought of Luo Feng's face, she felt her heartbeat slightly accelerated.

At this time, her smart bracelet began to vibrate wildly.

Xu Xin came back to her senses.

She picked up the bracelet and called out the screen. She saw that it was a call from her grandfather, and there were many messages on the screen.

Xu Xin glanced at it and found that in the past ten minutes, his father and grandfather had sent him about forty or fifty messages.

It was just that Xu Xin had always been used to muting her smart bracelet at work, so she had never noticed it.

Grandpa must have been impatient, so he called directly, which made Xu Xin's face change.

His grandfather was very good at cultivating qi, and he taught her to stay calm when encountering things since she was a child.

At this time, he actually sent her so many messages in such a short time. Could it be that something big happened at home?

Xu Xin immediately walked to a deserted place and answered the phone.

"Xin'er, let me ask you, when you were studying in Yangzhou City before, did you have a classmate named Luo Feng?"

Hearing his grandfather's words, Xu Xin's whole face turned red.

Her voice was a little nervous: "Ah, yes, Grandpa, I do have a classmate named Luo Feng. He is the runner-up in Jiangnan Base City in this year's college entrance examination. What's wrong?"

Then she heard Grandpa's voice also became a little nervous: "So Xin'er, how is your relationship with Luo Feng? Are you familiar with him?"

Xu Xin's mood was chaotic, her mind was blank, and she could hardly think.

Is the news at home so well-informed? How could she be discovered by her family after she and Luo Feng just met once?

Then Xu Xin came back to her senses.

No, the relationship between her and Luo Feng is innocent. Even if her family knew about it, what would happen?

Thinking of this, Xu Xin's tone became calmer. She guessed that her family should know that Luo Feng came to the bar to see her, so she did not give a clear relationship with Luo Feng, but just said ambiguously.

"The relationship between Luo Feng and I should be considered okay! I can talk to him for a few words."

Hearing Xu Xin's answer, the tone of the old man of the Xu family on the other end of the phone became obviously excited.

"Okay, okay, that's great.

Xin'er, you are really the lucky star of my Xu family!

When you said you wanted to go to Yangzhou to experience the feeling of ordinary people going to school, I still didn't understand it. In the end, it was you who acted like a spoiled child that made me agree.

Now it seems that this is really the most correct decision I have ever made in my life."

Hearing her grandfather's words, Xu Xin gradually felt something was wrong. Why did her grandfather get so excited after knowing the relationship between her and Luo Feng?

This doesn't seem like the old man's character.

The old man of the Xu family on the phone was still excitedly saying: "Xin'er, see if there is a chance to ask Luo Feng out for dinner next time. You must maintain a good relationship with Luo Feng. I tell you that your classmate is not bad!

Alas, some things can't be explained clearly on the phone. I will send you a video using the chat software."

The old man of the Xu family hung up the phone, and then many videos were sent to Xu Xin's WeChat.

The words of the old man of the Xu family made Xu Xin feel even more confused.

In fact, Xu Xin has always known that Luo Feng is a remarkable person. He spends so much time practicing martial arts every day, but he can still maintain his academic performance at the forefront of the school. He even got a good score of second place in the whole city in the college entrance examination.

Especially when they met last time, Xu Xin knew that Luo Feng had successfully become a warrior.

Being able to become a warrior at this age can be considered a good achievement among the children of the noble families that Xu Xin knows.

But these achievements are nothing in front of the old man of the Xu family.

With his grandfather's power and status, even if he was a war god-level strongman in front of him, his grandfather could treat him equally. How could he be so excited because of the good relationship between him and Luo Feng.

With such doubts, Xu Xin clicked on the video sent to him by Old Master Xu.

Before a long list of videos, Old Master Xu also sent a message.

"Xin'er, please identify carefully whether the people in these videos are your classmates. Remember, remember, you must identify them carefully and don't make mistakes."

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